void btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Button tbtn = (Button)sender; string name = tbtn.Name.ToString(); if (name == "save") { if (validate() == true) { //save(); //create UsersFeature ob = permission.Where(w => w.FeatureName == "Create").FirstOrDefault(); if (ob != null && gStr == "0" && ob.SelectedValue == "Allowed") { save(); } //alter ob = permission.Where(w => w.FeatureName == "Alter").FirstOrDefault(); if (ob != null && gStr != "0" && ob.SelectedValue == "Allowed") { save(); } } } else if (name == "quit") { this.Close(); this.Dispose(); } }
void tb_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { TextBox tb = (TextBox)sender; string pageid = tb.Tag.ToString().Split(';')[0]; string feature = tb.Tag.ToString().Split(';')[1]; DataRow dtr = dtpagesroleTobeSaved.Select("Page_Id=" + pageid).FirstOrDefault(); if (dtr == null) { return; } string str = dtr["Feature"].ToString(); List <UsersFeature> objlist = new List <UsersFeature>(); JavaScriptSerializer obj = new JavaScriptSerializer(); objlist = obj.Deserialize <List <UsersFeature> >(str); UsersFeature ob = objlist.Where(w => w.FeatureName == feature).FirstOrDefault(); if (ob != null) { ob.SelectedValue = tb.Text; } dtr["Feature"] = obj.Serialize(objlist); }
private void frm_container_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Escape) { this.Close(); this.Dispose(); } else if (e.Control && e.KeyCode == Keys.S) { if (validate() == true) { //create UsersFeature ob = permission.Where(w => w.FeatureName == "Create").FirstOrDefault(); if (ob != null && gstr == "0" && ob.SelectedValue == "Allowed") { save(); } //alter ob = permission.Where(w => w.FeatureName == "Alter").FirstOrDefault(); if (ob != null && gstr != "0" && ob.SelectedValue == "Allowed") { save(); } //if (Database.utype.ToUpper() == "SUPERADMIN" || Database.utype.ToUpper() == "ADMIN") //{ // save(); //} //else if (gstr == "0") //{ // save(); //} } } }
private void frmnewgroup_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.Control && e.KeyCode == Keys.S) { if (validate() == true) { //create UsersFeature ob = permission.Where(w => w.FeatureName == "Create").FirstOrDefault(); if (ob != null && gStr == "0" && ob.SelectedValue == "Allowed") { save(); } //alter ob = permission.Where(w => w.FeatureName == "Alter").FirstOrDefault(); if (ob != null && gStr != "0" && ob.SelectedValue == "Allowed") { save(); } if (gStr == "0") { LoadData("0", this.Text); } else { this.Close(); this.Dispose(); } if (calledIndirect == true) { this.Close(); this.Dispose(); } } } else { textBox1.BackColor = Color.White; } if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Escape) { if (textBox1.Text != "") { DialogResult chk = MessageBox.Show("Are u sure?", "Confirm", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2); if (chk == DialogResult.No) { e.Handled = false; } else { this.Dispose(); } } else { this.Dispose(); } } }
private void frm_packcat_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.Control && e.KeyCode == Keys.S) { if (validate() == true) { //create UsersFeature ob = permission.Where(w => w.FeatureName == "Create").FirstOrDefault(); if (ob != null && gStr == "0" && ob.SelectedValue == "Allowed") { save(); } //alter ob = permission.Where(w => w.FeatureName == "Alter").FirstOrDefault(); if (ob != null && gStr != "0" && ob.SelectedValue == "Allowed") { save(); } } } else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Escape) { this.Close(); this.Dispose(); } }
private void Frm_ProductFormula_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.Control && e.KeyCode == Keys.S) { if (validate() == true) { //create UsersFeature ob = permission.Where(w => w.FeatureName == "Create").FirstOrDefault(); if (ob != null && gStr == "0" && ob.SelectedValue == "Allowed") { Save(); } //alter ob = permission.Where(w => w.FeatureName == "Alter").FirstOrDefault(); if (ob != null && gStr != "0" && ob.SelectedValue == "Allowed") { Save(); } //if (Database.utype.ToUpper() == "SUPERADMIN" || Database.utype.ToUpper() == "ADMIN") //{ // Save(); //} //else if (gStr == "0") //{ // Save(); //} } } else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Escape) { if (textBox1.Text != "") { DialogResult chk = MessageBox.Show("Are u sure?", "Confirm", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2); if (chk == DialogResult.No) { e.Handled = false; } else { this.Close(); this.Dispose(); } } else { this.Close(); this.Dispose(); } } }
private void SideFill() { flowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Clear(); DataTable dtsidefill = new DataTable(); dtsidefill.Columns.Add("Name", typeof(string)); dtsidefill.Columns.Add("DisplayName", typeof(string)); dtsidefill.Columns.Add("ShortcutKey", typeof(string)); dtsidefill.Columns.Add("Visible", typeof(bool)); //save dtsidefill.Rows.Add(); dtsidefill.Rows[0]["Name"] = "save"; dtsidefill.Rows[0]["DisplayName"] = "Save"; dtsidefill.Rows[0]["ShortcutKey"] = "^S"; permission = funs.GetPermissionKey("User"); //create UsersFeature ob = permission.Where(w => w.FeatureName == "Create").FirstOrDefault(); if (ob != null && gStr == "0" && ob.SelectedValue == "Allowed") { dtsidefill.Rows[0]["Visible"] = true; } else if (gStr == "0") { dtsidefill.Rows[0]["Visible"] = false; } //alter ob = permission.Where(w => w.FeatureName == "Alter").FirstOrDefault(); if (ob != null && gStr != "0" && ob.SelectedValue == "Allowed") { dtsidefill.Rows[0]["Visible"] = true; } else if (gStr != "0") { dtsidefill.Rows[0]["Visible"] = false; } //close dtsidefill.Rows.Add(); dtsidefill.Rows[1]["Name"] = "quit"; dtsidefill.Rows[1]["DisplayName"] = "Quit"; dtsidefill.Rows[1]["ShortcutKey"] = "Esc"; dtsidefill.Rows[1]["Visible"] = true; for (int i = 0; i < dtsidefill.Rows.Count; i++) { if (bool.Parse(dtsidefill.Rows[i]["Visible"].ToString()) == true) { Button btn = new Button(); btn.Size = new Size(150, 30); btn.Name = dtsidefill.Rows[i]["Name"].ToString(); btn.Text = ""; Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(btn.ClientRectangle.Width, btn.ClientRectangle.Height); Graphics G = Graphics.FromImage(bmp); G.Clear(btn.BackColor); string line1 = dtsidefill.Rows[i]["ShortcutKey"].ToString(); string line2 = dtsidefill.Rows[i]["DisplayName"].ToString(); StringFormat SF = new StringFormat(); SF.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near; SF.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center; Rectangle RC = btn.ClientRectangle; Font font = new Font("Arial", 12); G.DrawString(line1, font, Brushes.Red, RC, SF); G.DrawString("".PadLeft(line1.Length * 2 + 1) + line2, font, Brushes.Black, RC, SF); btn.Image = bmp; btn.Click += new EventHandler(btn_Click); flowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(btn); } } }
private void Sendsms(string vid) { permission = funs.GetPermissionKey("SMS Setup"); UsersFeature ob = permission.Where(w => w.FeatureName == "Send SMS").FirstOrDefault(); if (ob != null && ob.SelectedValue == "No") { return; } else if (ob != null && ob.SelectedValue == "Ask") { if (MessageBox.Show("Are you want to send SMS?", "SMS", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2) == DialogResult.No) { return; } } string vt_id = Database.GetScalarText("Select vt_id from Voucherinfo where vi_id='" + vid + "'"); string gtype = Database.GetScalarText("Select type from Vouchertype where vt_id='" + vt_id + "'"); DataTable dtcompany = new DataTable(); Database.GetSqlData("Select name , Address1,address2 from Company", dtcompany); if (gtype == "Sale" || gtype == "Return") { string ac_id = Database.GetScalarText("Select Ac_id from Voucherinfo where Vi_id='" + vid + "'"); if (funs.Select_AccTypeids(ac_id) != "SER3") { if (funs.Select_Mobile(funs.Select_ac_nm(ac_id)) != "0") { DataTable dtcontent = new DataTable(); Database.GetSqlData("SELECT VOUCHERTYPE.Name, VOUCHERINFO.Invoiceno, VOUCHERINFO.Vdate, VOUCHERINFO.Totalamount as amount FROM VOUCHERINFO LEFT OUTER JOIN VOUCHERTYPE ON VOUCHERINFO.Vt_id = VOUCHERTYPE.Vt_id WHERE ( VOUCHERINFO.Vi_id = '" + vid + "')", dtcontent); if (dtcontent.Rows.Count > 0) { double bal = Database.GetScalarDecimal("SELECT SUM(Balance) AS Balance FROM (SELECT Balance+Balance2 as Balance FROM dbo.ACCOUNT WHERE (Ac_id = '" + ac_id + "') UNION ALL SELECT SUM(dbo.Journal.Amount) AS SumOfAmount FROM dbo.VOUCHERINFO LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Journal ON dbo.VOUCHERINFO.Vi_id = dbo.Journal.Vi_id WHERE (dbo.Journal.Ac_id = '" + ac_id + "') AND (dbo.Journal.Vdate <= " + access_sql.Hash + DateTime.Parse(dtcontent.Rows[0]["vdate"].ToString()).ToString(Database.dformat) + access_sql.Hash + ") AND (dbo.Journal.AB = 'true')) AS res"); string balan = ""; if (bal == 0) { balan = "0"; } else if (bal > 0) { balan = bal.ToString() + " Dr."; } else { balan = (-1 * bal).ToString() + " Cr."; } string msg = "Dear Sir, " + dtcontent.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString() + " No: " + dtcontent.Rows[0]["Invoiceno"].ToString() + " Dated: " + DateTime.Parse(dtcontent.Rows[0]["Vdate"].ToString()).ToString(Database.dformat) + ", Amt: " + funs.IndianCurr(double.Parse(dtcontent.Rows[0]["Amount"].ToString())) + ", Current Bal is: " + balan + ", from " + dtcompany.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString() + " " + dtcompany.Rows[0]["Address2"].ToString(); msg = msg.Replace("\r", ""); if (funs.isDouble(funs.Select_Mobile(funs.Select_ac_nm(ac_id))) == true) { sms objsms = new sms(); //MessageBox.Show(msg); objsms.send(msg, funs.Select_Mobile(funs.Select_ac_nm(ac_id)), funs.Select_ac_nm(ac_id)); } } } } } else if (gtype == "Receipt" || gtype == "Cnote") { DataTable dtcontent = new DataTable(); Database.GetSqlData("SELECT VOUCHERTYPE.Name, VOUCHERINFO.Invoiceno, VOUCHERINFO.Vdate, VOUCHERACTOTAL.Accid, VOUCHERACTOTAL.Amount FROM VOUCHERINFO LEFT OUTER JOIN VOUCHERTYPE ON VOUCHERINFO.Vt_id = VOUCHERTYPE.Vt_id LEFT OUTER JOIN VOUCHERACTOTAL ON VOUCHERINFO.Vi_id = VOUCHERACTOTAL.Vi_id WHERE VOUCHERINFO.Vi_id = '" + vid + "'", dtcontent); for (int k = 0; k < dtcontent.Rows.Count; k++) { string ac_id = dtcontent.Rows[k]["Accid"].ToString(); if (funs.Select_AccTypeids(ac_id) != "SER3") { if (funs.Select_Mobile(funs.Select_ac_nm(ac_id)) != "0") { double bal = Database.GetScalarDecimal("SELECT SUM(Balance) AS Balance FROM (SELECT Balance+Balance2 as Balance FROM dbo.ACCOUNT WHERE (Ac_id = '" + ac_id + "') UNION ALL SELECT SUM(dbo.Journal.Amount) AS SumOfAmount FROM dbo.VOUCHERINFO LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Journal ON dbo.VOUCHERINFO.Vi_id = dbo.Journal.Vi_id WHERE (dbo.Journal.Ac_id = '" + ac_id + "') AND (dbo.Journal.Vdate <= " + access_sql.Hash + DateTime.Parse(dtcontent.Rows[0]["vdate"].ToString()).ToString(Database.dformat) + access_sql.Hash + ") AND (dbo.Journal.AB = 'true')) AS res"); string balan = ""; if (bal == 0) { balan = "0"; } else if (bal > 0) { balan = bal.ToString() + " Dr."; } else { balan = (-1 * bal).ToString() + " Cr."; } // string msg = "Dear Sir, " + dtcontent.Rows[0]["Type"].ToString() + ",Invoice No:" + dtcontent.Rows[0]["Invoiceno"].ToString() + ",Invoice Date:" + DateTime.Parse(dtcontent.Rows[0]["Vdate"].ToString()).ToString(Database.dformat) + ",Invoice Amt: " + funs.IndianCurr(double.Parse(dtcontent.Rows[0]["Amount"].ToString())) + ",Now Current Bal is: " + balan + ", from " + dtcompany.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString() + " " + dtcompany.Rows[0]["Address1"].ToString() + " " + dtcompany.Rows[0]["Address2"].ToString(); string msg = "Dear Sir, " + dtcontent.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString() + " No: " + dtcontent.Rows[0]["Invoiceno"].ToString() + " Dated: " + DateTime.Parse(dtcontent.Rows[0]["Vdate"].ToString()).ToString(Database.dformat) + ", Amt: " + funs.IndianCurr(double.Parse(dtcontent.Rows[0]["Amount"].ToString())) + ", Current Bal is: " + balan + ", from " + dtcompany.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString() + " " + dtcompany.Rows[0]["Address2"].ToString(); msg = msg.Replace("\r", ""); if (funs.isDouble(funs.Select_Mobile(funs.Select_ac_nm(ac_id))) == true) { sms objsms = new sms(); // MessageBox.Show(msg); objsms.send(msg, funs.Select_Mobile(funs.Select_ac_nm(ac_id)), funs.Select_ac_nm(ac_id)); } } } } } }
void btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Button tbtn = (Button)sender; string name = tbtn.Name.ToString(); if (name == "send") { permission = funs.GetPermissionKey("SMS Setup"); UsersFeature ob = permission.Where(w => w.FeatureName == "Send SMS").FirstOrDefault(); if (ob != null && ob.SelectedValue == "No") { return; } else if (ob != null && ob.SelectedValue == "Ask") { if (MessageBox.Show("Are you want to send SMS?", "SMS", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2) == DialogResult.No) { return; } } for (int i = 0; i < dataGridView1.Rows.Count; i++) { if (bool.Parse(dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells["check"].Value.ToString()) == true && (dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells["phone"].Value.ToString() != "0" && dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells["phone"].Value.ToString() != "")) { DataTable dtSmsInfo = new DataTable(); Database.GetSqlData("select * from smssetup", dtSmsInfo); string AuthKey = ""; string SenderID = ""; string Footer = ""; if (dtSmsInfo.Rows.Count > 0) { AuthKey = dtSmsInfo.Rows[0]["uid"].ToString(); SenderID = dtSmsInfo.Rows[0]["sender"].ToString(); Footer = dtSmsInfo.Rows[0]["pin"].ToString(); Footer = Footer.Replace(" ", "%20"); Footer = Footer.Replace("(", "%28"); Footer = Footer.Replace("(", "%29"); Footer = Footer.Replace(",", "%2C"); Footer = Footer.Replace(":", "%3a"); } else { return; } string gmatter = textBox1.Text; gmatter = gmatter.Replace("{Amount}", funs.IndianCurr(double.Parse(dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells["balance"].Value.ToString()))); gmatter = gmatter.Replace("\r", ""); gmatter = gmatter.Replace(" ", "%20"); gmatter = gmatter.Replace("(", "%28"); gmatter = gmatter.Replace("(", "%29"); gmatter = gmatter.Replace(",", "%2C"); gmatter = gmatter.Replace("\n", "%0A"); gmatter = gmatter.Replace(":", "%3a"); if (funs.isDouble(dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells["phone"].Value.ToString()) == true) { if (dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells["phone"].Value.ToString() != "0") { sms objsms = new sms(); objsms.send(gmatter, dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells["phone"].Value.ToString(), dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells["Cname"].Value.ToString()); } } } } } else if (name == "quit") { this.Close(); this.Dispose(); } }