public FeedData( Block _textType, Vector3I _pos, Bitmap Image, World world, Direction direction_, Player player_ ) { direction = direction_; Blocks = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, Vector3I>(); Init( Image, world ); Pos = _pos; textType = ( byte )_textType; bgType = ( byte )Block.Air; FeedData.AddMessages(); MessageCount = 0; Sentence = FeedData.Messages[MessageCount]; Id = System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment( ref feedCounter ); player = player_; NormalBrush brush = new NormalBrush( Block.Wood ); DrawOperation Operation = new CuboidWireframeDrawOperation( player ); Operation.AnnounceCompletion = false; Operation.Brush = brush; Operation.Context = BlockChangeContext.Drawn; if ( !Operation.Prepare( new Vector3I[] { StartPos, FinishPos } ) ) { throw new Exception( "Unable to cubw frame." ); } Operation.Begin(); AddFeedToList( this, world ); Start(); }
public static void MakeNormalFoliage( World w, Vector3I Pos, int Height ) { int topy = Pos.Z + Height - 1; int start = topy - 2; int end = topy + 2; for ( int y = start; y < end; y++ ) { int rad; if ( y > start + 1 ) { rad = 1; } else { rad = 2; } for ( int xoff = -rad; xoff < rad + 1; xoff++ ) { for ( int zoff = -rad; zoff < rad + 1; zoff++ ) { if ( w.Map != null && w.IsLoaded ) { if ( Rand.NextDouble() > .618 && Math.Abs( xoff ) == Math.Abs( zoff ) && Math.Abs( xoff ) == rad ) { continue; } w.Map.QueueUpdate( new BlockUpdate( null, ( short )( Pos.X + xoff ), ( short )( Pos.Y + zoff ), ( short )y, Block.Leaves ) ); } } } } }
public SandTask(World world, Vector3I position, Block Type) : base(world) { _pos = position; _nextPos = position.Z - 1; _type = Type; }
// This constructor is used to create dummy players (such as Console and /dummy) // It will soon be replaced by a generic Entity class internal Player( World _world, string _name ) { world = _world; name = _name; nick = name; info = new PlayerInfo( _name, ClassList.highestClass ); }
public BlockFloat(World world, Vector3I position, Block Type) : base(world) { _pos = position; _nextPos = position.Z + 1; type = Type; }
public FireworkParticle(World world, Vector3I pos, Block block) : base(world) { _startingPos = pos; _nextZ = pos.Z - 1; _block = block; }
// This constructor is used to create dummy players (such as Console and /dummy) // It will soon be replaced by a generic Entity class internal Player( World world, string name ) { if( name == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException( "name" ); World = world; Info = new PlayerInfo( name, RankManager.HighestRank, true, RankChangeType.AutoPromoted ); spamBlockLog = new Queue<DateTime>( Info.Rank.AntiGriefBlocks ); ResetAllBinds(); }
private World _world = null; //to be able to remove players left the game #endregion Fields #region Constructors public PlayerProximityTracker( int xSize, int ySize, World world ) { _players = new List<Player>[xSize, ySize]; foreach ( Player p in world.Players ) { AddPlayer( p, p.Position.ToBlockCoords() ); } }
// generate info for a new player public PlayerInfo( World world, Player player ) { name =; lastIP = player.session.GetIP(); playerClass = world.classes.defaultClass; classChangeDate = DateTime.MinValue; classChangedBy = "-"; banned = false; banDate = DateTime.MinValue; bannedBy = "-"; unbanDate = DateTime.MinValue; unbannedBy = "-"; banReason = "-"; unbanReason = "-"; lastFailedLoginDate = DateTime.MinValue; lastFailedLoginIP = IPAddress.None; failedLoginCount = 0; firstLoginDate = DateTime.Now; lastLoginDate = firstLoginDate; totalTimeOnServer = new TimeSpan( 0 ); blocksBuilt = 0; blocksDeleted = 0; timesVisited = 1; linesWritten = 0; thanksReceived = 0; warningsReceived = 0; }
public Session( World _world, TcpClient _client ) { world = _world; loginTime = DateTime.Now; canReceive = true; canQueue = true; canSend = false; canDispose = false; outputQueue = new Queue<Packet>(); priorityOutputQueue = new Queue<Packet>(); queueLock = new object(); priorityQueueLock = new object(); client = _client; client.SendTimeout = 10000; client.ReceiveTimeout = 10000; reader = new BinaryReader( client.GetStream() ); writer = new PacketWriter( new BinaryWriter( client.GetStream() ) ); world.log.Log( "Session: {0}", LogType.Debug, ToString() ); ioThread = new Thread( IoLoop ); ioThread.IsBackground = true; ioThread.Start(); }
void StartUp( object sender, EventArgs a ) { world = new World( "" ); world.OnLog += Log; world.OnURLChange += SetURL; world.OnPlayerListChange += UpdatePlayerList; if( world.Init() ) { Text = "fCraft " + Updater.GetVersionString() + " - " + world.config.GetString( "ServerName" ); UpdaterResult update = Updater.CheckForUpdates( world ); if( update.UpdateAvailable ) { if( world.config.GetString( "AutomaticUpdates" ) == "Notify" ) { Log( String.Format( Environment.NewLine + "*** A new version of fCraft is available: v{0:0.000}, released {1:0} day(s) ago. ***"+ Environment.NewLine, Decimal.Divide( update.NewVersionNumber, 1000 ), DateTime.Now.Subtract( update.ReleaseDate ).TotalDays ), LogType.ConsoleOutput ); StartServer(); } else { UpdateWindow updateWindow = new UpdateWindow( update, this, world.config.GetString( "AutomaticUpdates" ) == "Auto" ); updateWindow.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent; updateWindow.ShowDialog(); } } else { StartServer(); } } else { world.log.Log( "---- Could Not Initialize World ----", LogType.FatalError ); world = null; } }
internal Commands( World _world ) { world = _world; mapCommands = new MapCommands( world, this ); blockCommands = new BlockCommands( world, this ); infoCommands = new InfoCommands( world, this ); standardCommands = new StandardCommands( world, this ); drawCommands = new DrawCommands( world, this ); }
public static void GameAdder(World world) { world.Games.Add(pinkPlatform); world.Games.Add(shootBlack); world.Games.Add(math1); world.Games.Add(math2); world.Games.Add(getOffGrass); }
// Normal constructor internal Player( World _world, string _name, Session _session, Position _pos ) { world = _world; name = _name; nick = name; session = _session; pos = _pos; info = world.db.FindPlayerInfo( this ); }
// Normal constructor internal Player( World world, string name, Session session, Position position ) { if( name == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException( "name" ); if( session == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException( "session" ); World = world; Session = session; Position = position; Info = PlayerDB.FindOrCreateInfoForPlayer( name, session.IP ); spamBlockLog = new Queue<DateTime>( Info.Rank.AntiGriefBlocks ); ResetAllBinds(); }
public ZombieGame( World world ) { _world = world; startTime = DateTime.Now; _humanCount = _world.Players.Length; _task = new SchedulerTask( Interval, false ).RunForever( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 1 ) ); _world.gameMode = GameMode.ZombieSurvival; Player.Moved += OnPlayerMoved; Player.JoinedWorld += OnChangedWorld; }
// Register help commands internal BlockCommands( World _world, Commands commands ) { world = _world; commands.AddCommand( "grass", Grass, false ); commands.AddCommand( "water", Water, false ); commands.AddCommand( "lava", Lava, false ); commands.AddCommand( "solid", Solid, false ); commands.AddCommand( "s", Solid, false ); commands.AddCommand( "paint", Paint, false ); //CommandUtils.AddCommand( "sand", Sand ); // TODO: after sand sim is done }
internal DrawCommands( World _world, Commands commands ) { world = _world; commands.AddCommand( "cuboid", Cuboid, true ); commands.AddCommand( "cub", Cuboid, true ); commands.AddCommand( "ellipsoid", Ellipsoid, true ); commands.AddCommand( "ell", Ellipsoid, true ); commands.AddCommand( "mark", Mark, true ); commands.AddCommand( "undo", UndoDraw, true ); commands.AddCommand( "cancel", CancelDraw, true ); }
/// <summary> /// Sets a bot, as well as the bot values. Must be called before any other bot classes. /// </summary> public void setBot(String botName, String skinName, String modelName, World botWorld, Position pos, sbyte entityID) { Name = botName; SkinName = (skinName ?? SkinName); Model = (modelName ?? Model); World = botWorld; Position = pos; ID = entityID; World.Bots.Add(this); Server.SaveEntity(this); }
public static TeamDeathMatch GetInstance(World world) { if (instance == null) { TDMworld_ = world; instance = new TeamDeathMatch(); startTime = DateTime.UtcNow; task_ = new SchedulerTask(Interval, true).RunForever(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); } return instance; }
private bool _isMoving; //if the bot can move, can be changed if it is not boxed in ect #endregion Fields #region Constructors public Bot(string name, Position pos, int iD, World world_) { Name = name; //bots should be gray :P Pos = pos; ID = iD; world = world_; _isMoving = false; _direction = Direction.South; //start off at south StartNewAIMovement(); //start the while loop in a new thread. I want to change the way the thread works //its only like this for testing purposes }
// Register help commands internal InfoCommands( World _world, Commands commands ){ world = _world; commands.AddCommand( "help", Help, true ); commands.AddCommand( "info", Info, true ); commands.AddCommand( "baninfo", BanInfo, true ); commands.AddCommand( "class", ClassInfo, true ); commands.AddCommand( "rules", Rules, true ); commands.AddCommand( "where", Compass, false ); commands.AddCommand( "compass", Compass, false ); }
public FontHandler(Block textColor, Vector3I[] Marks, World world_, Player p) { blockCount = 0; world = world_; marks = Marks; player = p; PixelPos.X = marks[0].X; PixelPos.Y = marks[0].Y; PixelPos.Z = marks[0].Z; PixelPos.pixel = textColor; = Block.Air; }
public void Interval( SchedulerTask task ) { //check to stop Interval if ( _world.gameMode != GameMode.ZombieSurvival || _world == null ) { _world = null; task.Stop(); return; } if ( !_started ) { if ( startTime != null && ( DateTime.Now - startTime ).TotalMinutes > 1 ) { /*if (_world.Players.Length < 3){ _world.Players.Message("&WThe game failed to start: 2 or more players need to be in the world"); Stop(null); return; }*/ ShufflePlayerPositions(); _started = true; RandomPick(); lastChecked = DateTime.Now; return; } } //calculate humans _humanCount = _world.Players.Where( p => p.iName != _zomb ).Count(); //check if zombies have won already if ( _started ) { if ( _humanCount == 1 && _world.Players.Count() == 1 ) { _world.Players.Message( "&WThe Zombies have failed to infect everyone... &9HUMANS WIN!" ); Stop( null ); return; } if ( _humanCount == 0 ) { _world.Players.Message( "&WThe Humans have failed to survive... &9ZOMBIES WIN!" ); Stop( null ); return; } } //check if 5mins is up and all zombies have failed if ( _started && startTime != null && ( DateTime.Now - startTime ).TotalMinutes > 6 ) { _world.Players.Message( "&WThe Zombies have failed to infect everyone... &9HUMANS WIN!" ); Stop( null ); return; } //if no one has won, notify players of their status every 31s if ( lastChecked != null && ( DateTime.Now - lastChecked ).TotalSeconds > 30 ) { _world.Players.Message( "&WThere are {0} humans", _humanCount.ToString() ); foreach ( Player p in _world.Players ) { if ( p.iName == _zomb ) p.Message( "&8You are " + _zomb ); else p.Message( "&8You are a Human" ); } lastChecked = DateTime.Now; } }
public ExplodingBug( Player p ) { player = p; world = player.World; guild = GuildManager.PlayersGuild( player.Info ); end = player.Position.ToBlockCoords(); block = new Vector3I( end.X, end.Y, end.Z - 1 ); Started = true; task = Scheduler.NewBackgroundTask( t => StartAI() ).RunForever( TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds( 230 ) ); endTask = Scheduler.NewTask( t => Stop() ).RunOnce( TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 25 ) ); player.PublicAuxStateObjects.Add( "bug", this ); }
public static void CreateMessageBlock( MessageBlock MessageBlock, World source ) { World world = WorldManager.FindWorldExact( MessageBlock.World ); if ( source.Map.MessageBlocks == null ) { source.Map.MessageBlocks = new ArrayList(); } lock ( source.Map.MessageBlocks.SyncRoot ) { source.Map.MessageBlocks.Add( MessageBlock ); } }
public static bool SetMainWorld( this World newWorld ) { if( newWorld == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException( "newWorld" ); if( RaiseMainWorldChangingEvent( MainWorld, newWorld ) ) return false; World oldWorld; lock( WorldListLock ) { newWorld.ToggleNeverUnloadFlag( true ); oldWorld = MainWorld; oldWorld.ToggleNeverUnloadFlag( false ); MainWorld = newWorld; } RaiseMainWorldChangedEvent( oldWorld, newWorld ); return true; }
public void StartServer() { if( args.Length == 1 ) { world.LoadMap( args[0] ); } else { world.LoadMap( Map.DefaultFileName ); } System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().PriorityClass = world.config.GetBasePriority(); if( !world.Start() ) { world = null; } }
public Zone( string raw, World world ) { string[] parts = raw.Split( ',' ); string[] header = parts[0].Split( ' ' ); Name = header[0]; Bounds = new BoundingBox( Int32.Parse( header[1] ), Int32.Parse( header[2] ), Int32.Parse( header[3] ), Int32.Parse( header[4] ), Int32.Parse( header[5] ), Int32.Parse( header[6] ) ); Rank buildRank = RankManager.ParseRank( header[7] ); // if all else fails, fall back to lowest class if( buildRank == null ) { if( world != null ) { Controller.MinRank = world.BuildSecurity.MinRank; } else { Controller.MinRank = null; } Logger.Log( "Zone: Error parsing zone definition: unknown rank \"{0}\". Permission reset to default ({1}).", LogType.Error, header[7], Controller.MinRank.Name ); } else { Controller.MinRank = buildRank; } // Part 2: foreach( string player in parts[1].Split( ' ' ) ) { if( !Player.IsValidName( player ) ) continue; PlayerInfo info = PlayerDB.FindPlayerInfoExact( player ); if( info == null ) continue; // player name not found in the DB (discarded) Controller.Include( info ); } // Part 3: excluded list foreach( string player in parts[2].Split( ' ' ) ) { if( !Player.IsValidName( player ) ) continue; PlayerInfo info = PlayerDB.FindPlayerInfoExact( player ); if( info == null ) continue; // player name not found in the DB (discarded) Controller.Exclude( info ); } Controller.UpdatePlayerListCache(); // Part 4: extended header if( parts.Length > 3 ) { string[] xheader = parts[3].Split( ' ' ); CreatedBy = PlayerDB.FindPlayerInfoExact( xheader[0] ); if( CreatedBy != null ) CreatedDate = DateTime.Parse( xheader[1] ); EditedBy = PlayerDB.FindPlayerInfoExact( xheader[2] ); if( EditedBy != null ) EditedDate = DateTime.Parse( xheader[3] ); } }
public GrassTask( World world ) : base(world) { int w, l; lock ( world.SyncRoot ) { w = _map.Width; l = _map.Length; } _rndCoords = new Coords[w * l]; //up to 250K per world with grass physics for ( short i = 0; i < w; ++i ) for ( short j = 0; j < l; ++j ) _rndCoords[i * l + j] = new Coords() { X = i, Y = j }; Util.RndPermutate( _rndCoords ); }
public void HitPlayer(World world, Vector3I pos, Player hitted, Player by, ref int restDistance, IList <BlockUpdate> updates) { hitted.Kill(world, String.Format("{0}&S was blown up by {1}", hitted.ClassyName, hitted.ClassyName == by.ClassyName ? "theirself" : by.ClassyName)); }
public void HitPlayer(World world, Vector3I pos, Player hitted, Player by, ref int restDistance, IList <BlockUpdate> updates) { hitted.Kill(world, String.Format("{0}&S was shot by {1}", hitted.ClassyName, hitted.ClassyName == by.ClassyName ? "theirself" : by.ClassyName)); updates.Add(new BlockUpdate(null, pos, Block.Air)); restDistance = 0; }
public bool VisitBlock(World world, Vector3I pos, Block block, Player owner, ref int restDistance, IList <BlockUpdate> updates, Block sending) { if (Block.Air != block) //hit a building { if (owner.bluePortal.Count > 0) { if (pos == owner.bluePortal[0] || pos == owner.bluePortal[1]) { return(false); } } if (owner.orangePortal.Count > 0) { if (pos == owner.orangePortal[0] || pos == owner.orangePortal[1]) { return(false); } } //blue portal if (sending == Block.Water) { if (CanPlacePortal(pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z, world.Map)) { if (owner.bluePortal.Count > 0) { int i = 0; foreach (Vector3I b in owner.bluePortal) { world.Map.QueueUpdate(new BlockUpdate(null, b, owner.blueOld[i])); i++; } owner.blueOld.Clear(); owner.bluePortal.Clear(); } owner.blueOld.Add(world.Map.GetBlock(pos)); owner.blueOld.Add(world.Map.GetBlock(pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z + 1)); owner.orangeOut = owner.Position.R; for (double z = pos.Z; z < pos.Z + 2; z++) { world.Map.QueueUpdate(new BlockUpdate(null, (short)(pos.X), (short)(pos.Y), (short)z, Block.Water)); owner.bluePortal.Add(new Vector3I((int)pos.X, (int)pos.Y, (int)z)); } return(false); } else { return(false); } } //orange portal else if (sending == Block.Lava) { if (CanPlacePortal(pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z, world.Map)) { if (owner.orangePortal.Count > 0) { int i = 0; foreach (Vector3I b in owner.orangePortal) { world.Map.QueueUpdate(new BlockUpdate(null, b, owner.orangeOld[i])); i++; } owner.orangeOld.Clear(); owner.orangePortal.Clear(); } owner.orangeOld.Add(world.Map.GetBlock(pos)); owner.orangeOld.Add(world.Map.GetBlock(pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z + 1)); owner.blueOut = owner.Position.R; for (double z = pos.Z; z < pos.Z + 2; z++) { world.Map.QueueUpdate(new BlockUpdate(null, (short)(pos.X), (short)(pos.Y), (short)z, Block.Lava)); owner.orangePortal.Add(new Vector3I((int)pos.X, (int)pos.Y, (int)z)); } return(false); } else { return(false); } } updates.Add(new BlockUpdate(null, pos, world.Map.GetBlock(pos))); //restore restDistance = 0; return(false); } return(true); }
public void HitPlayer(World world, Vector3I pos, Player hitted, Player by, ref int restDistance, IList <BlockUpdate> updates) { }
public World ChangeMap([NotNull] Map newMap, [NotNull] string newMapChangedBy) { if (newMap == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("newMap"); } if (newMapChangedBy == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("newMapChangedBy"); } lock ( SyncRoot ) { if (mapWasChanged) { throw new InvalidOperationException("A map change is already pending!"); } World newWorld = new World(Name) { AccessSecurity = (SecurityController)AccessSecurity.Clone(), BuildSecurity = (SecurityController)BuildSecurity.Clone(), IsHidden = IsHidden, BlockDB = BlockDB, lastBackup = lastBackup, BackupInterval = BackupInterval, IsLocked = IsLocked, LockedBy = LockedBy, UnlockedBy = UnlockedBy, LockedOn = LockedOn, UnlockedOn = UnlockedOn, LoadedBy = LoadedBy, LoadedOn = LoadedOn, MapChangedBy = newMapChangedBy, MapChangedOn = DateTime.UtcNow, FogColor = FogColor, CloudColor = CloudColor, SkyColor = SkyColor, EdgeLevel = EdgeLevel, EdgeBlock = EdgeBlock }; newMap.World = newWorld; newWorld.Map = newMap; newWorld.Preload = preload; // save a backup, just in case if (ConfigKey.BackupOnMapChange.Enabled()) { if (Map != null && Map.HasChangedSinceSave) { SaveMap(); } string backupFileName = String.Format(MapChangeBackupFormat, Name, DateTime.Now); // localized SaveBackup(Path.Combine(Paths.BackupPath, backupFileName)); } // register the new world, and unregister this one WorldManager.ReplaceWorld(this, newWorld); mapWasChanged = true; // clear BlockDB for the old map using (BlockDB.GetWriteLock()) { BlockDB.Clear(); BlockDB.World = newWorld; } // tell players to go ahead foreach (Player player in Players) { player.JoinWorld(newWorld, WorldChangeReason.Rejoin); } return(newWorld); } }
internal static bool LoadWorldList() { World newMainWorld = null; Worlds = new World[0]; if (File.Exists(Paths.WorldListFileName)) { try { XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(Paths.WorldListFileName); XElement root = doc.Root; if (root != null) { foreach (XElement el in root.Elements("World")) { #if !DEBUG try { #endif LoadWorldListEntry(el); #if !DEBUG } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogAndReportCrash("An error occured while trying to parse one of the entries on the world list", "fCraft", ex, false); } #endif } XAttribute temp; if ((temp = root.Attribute("main")) != null) { World suggestedMainWorld = FindWorldExact(temp.Value); if (suggestedMainWorld != null) { newMainWorld = suggestedMainWorld; } else if (firstWorld != null) { // if specified main world does not exist, use first-defined world Logger.Log(LogType.Warning, "The specified main world \"{0}\" does not exist. " + "\"{1}\" was designated main instead. You can use /WMain to change it.", temp.Value, firstWorld.Name); newMainWorld = firstWorld; } // if firstWorld was also null, LoadWorldList() should try creating a new mainWorld } else if (firstWorld != null) { newMainWorld = firstWorld; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogAndReportCrash("Error occured while trying to load the world list.", "fCraft", ex, true); return(false); } if (newMainWorld == null) { Logger.Log(LogType.Error, "Server.Start: Could not load any of the specified worlds, or no worlds were specified. " + "Creating default \"main\" world."); newMainWorld = AddWorld(null, "main", MapGenerator.GenerateFlatgrass(128, 128, 64), true); } } else { Logger.Log(LogType.SystemActivity, "Server.Start: No world list found. Creating default \"main\" world."); newMainWorld = AddWorld(null, "main", MapGenerator.GenerateFlatgrass(128, 128, 64), true); } // if there is no default world still, die. if (newMainWorld == null) { throw new Exception("Could not create any worlds."); } else if (newMainWorld.AccessSecurity.HasRestrictions) { Logger.Log(LogType.Warning, "Server.LoadWorldList: Main world cannot have any access restrictions. " + "Access permission for \"{0}\" has been reset.", newMainWorld.Name); newMainWorld.AccessSecurity.Reset(); } MainWorld = newMainWorld; return(true); }
/// <summary> Saves the current world list to worlds.xml. Thread-safe. </summary> public static void SaveWorldList() { const string worldListTempFileName = Paths.WorldListFileName + ".tmp"; // Save world list lock ( SyncRoot ) { XDocument doc = new XDocument(); XElement root = new XElement("fCraftWorldList"); foreach (World world in Worlds) { XElement temp = new XElement("World"); temp.Add(new XAttribute("name", world.Name)); if (world.AccessSecurity.HasRestrictions) { temp.Add(world.AccessSecurity.Serialize(AccessSecurityXmlTagName)); } if (world.BuildSecurity.HasRestrictions) { temp.Add(world.BuildSecurity.Serialize(BuildSecurityXmlTagName)); } if (world.BackupInterval != World.DefaultBackupInterval) { temp.Add(new XAttribute("backup", world.BackupInterval.ToTickString())); } if (world.NeverUnload) { temp.Add(new XAttribute("noUnload", true)); } if (world.IsHidden) { temp.Add(new XAttribute("hidden", true)); } temp.Add(world.BlockDB.SaveSettings()); World world1 = world; foreach (Rank mainedRank in RankManager.Ranks.Where(r => r.MainWorld == world1)) { temp.Add(new XElement(RankMainXmlTagName, mainedRank.FullName)); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(world.LoadedBy)) { temp.Add(new XElement("LoadedBy", world.LoadedBy)); } if (world.LoadedOn != DateTime.MinValue) { temp.Add(new XElement("LoadedOn", world.LoadedOn.ToUnixTime())); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(world.MapChangedBy)) { temp.Add(new XElement("MapChangedBy", world.MapChangedBy)); } if (world.MapChangedOn != DateTime.MinValue) { temp.Add(new XElement("MapChangedOn", world.MapChangedOn.ToUnixTime())); } XElement elEnv = new XElement(EnvironmentXmlTagName); if (world.CloudColor > -1) { elEnv.Add(new XAttribute("cloud", world.CloudColor)); } if (world.FogColor > -1) { elEnv.Add(new XAttribute("fog", world.FogColor)); } if (world.SkyColor > -1) { elEnv.Add(new XAttribute("sky", world.SkyColor)); } if (world.EdgeLevel > -1) { elEnv.Add(new XAttribute("level", world.EdgeLevel)); } if (world.EdgeBlock != Block.Water) { elEnv.Add(new XAttribute("edge", world.EdgeBlock)); } if (elEnv.HasAttributes) { temp.Add(elEnv); } root.Add(temp); } root.Add(new XAttribute("main", MainWorld.Name)); doc.Add(root); doc.Save(worldListTempFileName); Paths.MoveOrReplace(worldListTempFileName, Paths.WorldListFileName); } }
internal static void RealmAccess(Player player, Command cmd, string worldName, string name) { // Print information about the current realm if (worldName == null) { if (player.World == null) { player.Message("Error."); } else { player.Message(player.World.AccessSecurity.GetDescription(player.World, "realm", "accessed")); } return; } // Find a realm by name World realm = WorldManager.FindWorldOrPrintMatches(player, worldName); if (realm == null) return; if (name == null) { player.Message(realm.AccessSecurity.GetDescription(realm, "realm", "accessed")); return; } if (realm == WorldManager.MainWorld) { player.Message("The main realm cannot have access restrictions."); return; } bool changesWereMade = false; do { if (name.Length < 2) continue; // Whitelisting individuals if (name.StartsWith("+")) { PlayerInfo info; if (!PlayerDB.FindPlayerInfo(name.Substring(1), out info)) { player.Message("More than one player found matching \"{0}\"", name.Substring(1)); continue; } else if (info == null) { player.MessageNoPlayer(name.Substring(1)); continue; } // prevent players from whitelisting themselves to bypass protection if (realm.AccessSecurity.CheckDetailed(info) == SecurityCheckResult.Allowed) { player.Message("{0}&S is already allowed to access {1}&S (by rank)", info.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); continue; } Player target = info.PlayerObject; if (target == player) target = null; // to avoid duplicate messages switch (realm.AccessSecurity.Include(info)) { case PermissionOverride.Deny: if (realm.AccessSecurity.Check(info)) { player.Message("{0}&S is unbanned from Realm {1}", info.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); if (target != null) { target.Message("You are now unbanned from Realm {0}&S (removed from blacklist by {1}&S).", realm.ClassyName, player.ClassyName); } } else { player.Message("{0}&S was unbanned from Realm {1}&S. " + "Player is still NOT allowed to join (by rank).", info.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); if (target != null) { target.Message("You were Unbanned from Realm {0}&S by {1}&S. " + "You are still NOT allowed to join (by rank).", player.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); } } Logger.Log(LogType.UserActivity, "{0} removed {1} from the access blacklist of {2}", player.Name, info.Name, realm.Name); changesWereMade = true; break; case PermissionOverride.None: player.Message("{0}&S is now allowed to access {1}", info.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); if (target != null) { target.Message("You can now access realm {0}&S (whitelisted by {1}&S).", realm.ClassyName, player.ClassyName); } Logger.Log(LogType.UserActivity, "{0} added {1} to the access whitelist on realm {2}", player.Name, info.Name, realm.Name); changesWereMade = true; break; case PermissionOverride.Allow: player.Message("{0}&S is already on the access whitelist of {1}", info.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); break; } // Blacklisting individuals } else if (name.StartsWith("-")) { PlayerInfo info; if (!PlayerDB.FindPlayerInfo(name.Substring(1), out info)) { player.Message("More than one player found matching \"{0}\"", name.Substring(1)); continue; } else if (info == null) { player.MessageNoPlayer(name.Substring(1)); continue; } if (realm.AccessSecurity.CheckDetailed(info) == SecurityCheckResult.RankTooHigh || realm.AccessSecurity.CheckDetailed(info) == SecurityCheckResult.RankTooLow) { player.Message("{0}&S is already barred from accessing {1}&S (by rank)", info.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); continue; } Player target = info.PlayerObject; if (target == player) target = null; // to avoid duplicate messages switch (realm.AccessSecurity.Exclude(info)) { case PermissionOverride.Deny: player.Message("{0}&S is already banned from Realm {1}", info.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); break; case PermissionOverride.None: player.Message("{0}&S is now banned from accessing {1}", info.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); if (target != null) { target.Message("&WYou were banned by {0}&W from accessing realm {1}", player.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); } Logger.Log(LogType.UserActivity, "{0} added {1} to the access blacklist on realm {2}", player.Name, info.Name, realm.Name); changesWereMade = true; break; case PermissionOverride.Allow: if (realm.AccessSecurity.Check(info)) { player.Message("{0}&S is no longer on the access whitelist of {1}&S. " + "Player is still allowed to join (by rank).", info.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); if (target != null) { target.Message("You were banned from Realm {0}&S by {1}&S. " + "You are still allowed to join (by rank).", player.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); } } else { player.Message("{0}&S is no longer allowed to access {1}", info.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); if (target != null) { target.Message("&WYou were banned from Realm {0}&W (Banned by {1}&W).", realm.ClassyName, player.ClassyName); } } Logger.Log(LogType.UserActivity, "{0} removed {1} from the access whitelist on realm {2}", player.Name, info.Name, realm.Name); changesWereMade = true; break; } // Setting minimum rank } else { Rank rank = RankManager.FindRank(name); if (rank == null) { player.MessageNoRank(name); } else { // list players who are redundantly blacklisted var exceptionList = realm.AccessSecurity.ExceptionList; PlayerInfo[] noLongerExcluded = exceptionList.Excluded.Where(excludedPlayer => excludedPlayer.Rank < rank).ToArray(); if (noLongerExcluded.Length > 0) { player.Message("Following players no longer need to be blacklisted to be barred from {0}&S: {1}", realm.ClassyName, noLongerExcluded.JoinToClassyString()); } // list players who are redundantly whitelisted PlayerInfo[] noLongerIncluded = exceptionList.Included.Where(includedPlayer => includedPlayer.Rank >= rank).ToArray(); if (noLongerIncluded.Length > 0) { player.Message("Following players no longer need to be whitelisted to access {0}&S: {1}", realm.ClassyName, noLongerIncluded.JoinToClassyString()); } // apply changes realm.AccessSecurity.MinRank = rank; changesWereMade = true; if (realm.AccessSecurity.MinRank == RankManager.LowestRank) { Server.Message("{0}&S made the realm {1}&S accessible to everyone.", player.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); } else { Server.Message("{0}&S made the realm {1}&S accessible only by {2}+", player.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName, realm.AccessSecurity.MinRank.ClassyName); } Logger.Log(LogType.UserActivity, "{0} set access rank for realm {1} to {2}+", player.Name, realm.Name, realm.AccessSecurity.MinRank.Name); } } } while ((name = cmd.Next()) != null); if (changesWereMade) { var playersWhoCantStay = realm.Players.Where(p => !p.CanJoin(realm)); foreach (Player p in playersWhoCantStay) { p.Message("&WYou are no longer allowed to join realm {0}", realm.ClassyName); p.JoinWorld(WorldManager.MainWorld, WorldChangeReason.PermissionChanged); } WorldManager.SaveWorldList(); } }
internal static void RealmBuild(Player player, Command cmd, string worldName, string name, string NameIfRankIsName) { // Print information about the current realm if (worldName == null) { if (player.World == null) { player.Message("When calling /wbuild from console, you must specify a realm name."); } else { player.Message(player.World.BuildSecurity.GetDescription(player.World, "realm", "modified")); } return; } // Find a realm by name World realm = WorldManager.FindWorldOrPrintMatches(player, worldName); if (realm == null) return; if (name == null) { player.Message(realm.BuildSecurity.GetDescription(realm, "realm", "modified")); return; } bool changesWereMade = false; do { if (name.Length < 2) continue; // Whitelisting individuals if (name.StartsWith("+")) { PlayerInfo info; if (!PlayerDB.FindPlayerInfo(name.Substring(1), out info)) { player.Message("More than one player found matching \"{0}\"", name.Substring(1)); continue; } else if (info == null) { player.MessageNoPlayer(name.Substring(1)); continue; } if (realm.BuildSecurity.CheckDetailed(info) == SecurityCheckResult.Allowed) { player.Message("{0}&S is already allowed to build in {1}&S (by rank)", info.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); continue; } Player target = info.PlayerObject; if (target == player) target = null; // to avoid duplicate messages switch (realm.BuildSecurity.Include(info)) { case PermissionOverride.Deny: if (realm.BuildSecurity.Check(info)) { player.Message("{0}&S is no longer barred from building in {1}", info.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); if (target != null) { target.Message("You can now build in realm {0}&S (removed from blacklist by {1}&S).", realm.ClassyName, player.ClassyName); } } else { player.Message("{0}&S was removed from the build blacklist of {1}&S. " + "Player is still NOT allowed to build (by rank).", info.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); if (target != null) { target.Message("You were removed from the build blacklist of realm {0}&S by {1}&S. " + "You are still NOT allowed to build (by rank).", player.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); } } Logger.Log(LogType.UserActivity, "{0} removed {1} from the build blacklist of {2}", player.Name, info.Name, realm.Name); changesWereMade = true; break; case PermissionOverride.None: player.Message("{0}&S is now allowed to build in {1}", info.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); if (target != null) { target.Message("You can now build in realm {0}&S (whitelisted by {1}&S).", realm.ClassyName, player.ClassyName); } Logger.Log(LogType.UserActivity, "{0} added {1} to the build whitelist on realm {2}", player.Name, info.Name, realm.Name); break; case PermissionOverride.Allow: player.Message("{0}&S is already on the build whitelist of {1}", info.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); break; } // Blacklisting individuals } else if (name.StartsWith("-")) { PlayerInfo info; if (!PlayerDB.FindPlayerInfo(name.Substring(1), out info)) { player.Message("More than one player found matching \"{0}\"", name.Substring(1)); continue; } else if (info == null) { player.MessageNoPlayer(name.Substring(1)); continue; } if (realm.BuildSecurity.CheckDetailed(info) == SecurityCheckResult.RankTooHigh || realm.BuildSecurity.CheckDetailed(info) == SecurityCheckResult.RankTooLow) { player.Message("{0}&S is already barred from building in {1}&S (by rank)", info.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); continue; } Player target = info.PlayerObject; if (target == player) target = null; // to avoid duplicate messages switch (realm.BuildSecurity.Exclude(info)) { case PermissionOverride.Deny: player.Message("{0}&S is already on build blacklist of {1}", info.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); break; case PermissionOverride.None: player.Message("{0}&S is now barred from building in {1}", info.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); if (target != null) { target.Message("&WYou were barred by {0}&W from building in realm {1}", player.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); } Logger.Log(LogType.UserActivity, "{0} added {1} to the build blacklist on realm {2}", player.Name, info.Name, realm.Name); changesWereMade = true; break; case PermissionOverride.Allow: if (realm.BuildSecurity.Check(info)) { player.Message("{0}&S is no longer on the build whitelist of {1}&S. " + "Player is still allowed to build (by rank).", info.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); if (target != null) { target.Message("You were removed from the build whitelist of realm {0}&S by {1}&S. " + "You are still allowed to build (by rank).", player.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); } } else { player.Message("{0}&S is no longer allowed to build in {1}", info.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); if (target != null) { target.Message("&WYou can no longer build in realm {0}&W (removed from whitelist by {1}&W).", realm.ClassyName, player.ClassyName); } } Logger.Log(LogType.UserActivity, "{0} removed {1} from the build whitelist on realm {2}", player.Name, info.Name, realm.Name); changesWereMade = true; break; } // Setting minimum rank } else { Rank rank = RankManager.FindRank(name); if (rank == null) { player.MessageNoRank(name); } else if (!player.Info.Rank.AllowSecurityCircumvention && realm.BuildSecurity.MinRank > rank && realm.BuildSecurity.MinRank > player.Info.Rank) { player.Message("&WYou must be ranked {0}&W+ to lower build restrictions for realm {1}", realm.BuildSecurity.MinRank.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); } else { // list players who are redundantly blacklisted var exceptionList = realm.BuildSecurity.ExceptionList; PlayerInfo[] noLongerExcluded = exceptionList.Excluded.Where(excludedPlayer => excludedPlayer.Rank < rank).ToArray(); if (noLongerExcluded.Length > 0) { player.Message("Following players no longer need to be blacklisted on realm {0}&S: {1}", realm.ClassyName, noLongerExcluded.JoinToClassyString()); } // list players who are redundantly whitelisted PlayerInfo[] noLongerIncluded = exceptionList.Included.Where(includedPlayer => includedPlayer.Rank >= rank).ToArray(); if (noLongerIncluded.Length > 0) { player.Message("Following players no longer need to be whitelisted on realm {0}&S: {1}", realm.ClassyName, noLongerIncluded.JoinToClassyString()); } // apply changes realm.BuildSecurity.MinRank = rank; changesWereMade = true; if (realm.BuildSecurity.MinRank == RankManager.LowestRank) { Server.Message("{0}&S allowed anyone to build on realm {1}", player.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); } else { Server.Message("{0}&S allowed only {1}+&S to build in realm {2}", player.ClassyName, realm.BuildSecurity.MinRank.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); } Logger.Log(LogType.UserActivity, "{0} set build rank for realm {1} to {2}+", player.Name, realm.Name, realm.BuildSecurity.MinRank.Name); } } } while ((name = cmd.Next()) != null); if (changesWereMade) { WorldManager.SaveWorldList(); } }
// Applies pending updates and sends them to players (if applicable). internal void ProcessUpdates() { if (World == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Map must be assigned to a world to process updates."); } if (World.IsLocked) { if (World.IsPendingMapUnload) { World.UnloadMap(true); } return; } int packetsSent = 0; bool canFlush = false; int maxPacketsPerUpdate = Server.CalculateMaxPacketsPerUpdate(World); BlockUpdate update = new BlockUpdate(); while (packetsSent < maxPacketsPerUpdate) { if (!updates.Dequeue(ref update)) { if (World.IsFlushing) { canFlush = true; } break; } HasChangedSinceSave = true; if (!InBounds(update.X, update.Y, update.Z)) { continue; } int blockIndex = Index(update.X, update.Y, update.Z); Blocks[blockIndex] = (byte)update.BlockType; if (!World.IsFlushing) { Packet packet = PacketWriter.MakeSetBlock(update.X, update.Y, update.Z, update.BlockType); World.Players.SendLowPriority(update.Origin, packet); } packetsSent++; } if (drawOps.Count > 0) { lock ( drawOpLock ) { if (drawOps.Count > 0) { packetsSent += ProcessDrawOps(maxPacketsPerUpdate - packetsSent); } } } else if (canFlush) { World.EndFlushMapBuffer(); } if (packetsSent == 0 && World.IsPendingMapUnload) { World.UnloadMap(true); } }
static void ZoneRenameHandler(Player player, Command cmd) { World playerWorld = player.World; if (playerWorld == null) { PlayerOpException.ThrowNoWorld(player); } // make sure that both parameters are given string oldName = cmd.Next(); string newName = cmd.Next(); if (oldName == null || newName == null) { CdZoneRename.PrintUsage(player); return; } // make sure that the new name is valid if (!World.IsValidName(newName)) { player.Message("\"{0}\" is not a valid zone name", newName); return; } // find the old zone var zones = player.WorldMap.Zones; Zone oldZone = zones.Find(oldName); if (oldZone == null) { player.MessageNoZone(oldName); return; } // Check if a zone with "newName" name already exists Zone newZone = zones.FindExact(newName); if (newZone != null && newZone != oldZone) { player.Message("A zone with the name \"{0}\" already exists.", newName); return; } // check if any change is needed string fullOldName = oldZone.Name; if (fullOldName == newName) { player.Message("The zone is already named \"{0}\"", fullOldName); return; } // actually rename the zone zones.Rename(oldZone, newName); // announce the rename playerWorld.Players.Message("&SZone \"{0}\" was renamed to \"{1}&S\" by {2}", fullOldName, oldZone.ClassyName, player.ClassyName); Logger.Log(LogType.UserActivity, "Player {0} renamed zone \"{1}\" to \"{2}\" on world {3}", player.Name, fullOldName, newName, playerWorld.Name); }
static void LoadWorldListEntry([NotNull] XElement el) { if (el == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("el"); } XAttribute tempAttr; if ((tempAttr = el.Attribute("name")) == null) { Logger.Log(LogType.Error, "WorldManager: World tag with no name skipped."); return; } string worldName = tempAttr.Value; bool neverUnload = (el.Attribute("noUnload") != null); World world; try { world = AddWorld(null, worldName, null, neverUnload); } catch (WorldOpException ex) { Logger.Log(LogType.Error, "WorldManager: Error adding world \"{0}\": {1}", worldName, ex.Message); return; } if ((tempAttr = el.Attribute("hidden")) != null) { bool isHidden; if (Boolean.TryParse(tempAttr.Value, out isHidden)) { world.IsHidden = isHidden; } else { Logger.Log(LogType.Warning, "WorldManager: Could not parse \"hidden\" attribute of world \"{0}\", assuming NOT hidden.", worldName); } } if (firstWorld == null) { firstWorld = world; } XElement tempEl; if ((tempEl = el.Element(AccessSecurityXmlTagName)) != null) { world.AccessSecurity = new SecurityController(tempEl, true); } else if ((tempEl = el.Element("accessSecurity")) != null) { world.AccessSecurity = new SecurityController(tempEl, true); } if ((tempEl = el.Element(BuildSecurityXmlTagName)) != null) { world.BuildSecurity = new SecurityController(tempEl, true); } else if ((tempEl = el.Element("buildSecurity")) != null) { world.BuildSecurity = new SecurityController(tempEl, true); } if ((tempAttr = el.Attribute("backup")) != null) { TimeSpan backupInterval; if (tempAttr.Value.ToTimeSpan(out backupInterval)) { world.BackupInterval = backupInterval; } else { world.BackupInterval = World.DefaultBackupInterval; Logger.Log(LogType.Warning, "WorldManager: Could not parse \"backup\" attribute of world \"{0}\", assuming default ({1}).", worldName, world.BackupInterval.ToMiniString()); } } else { world.BackupInterval = World.DefaultBackupInterval; } XElement blockEl = el.Element(BlockDB.XmlRootName); if (blockEl != null) { world.BlockDB.LoadSettings(blockEl); } XElement envEl = el.Element(EnvironmentXmlTagName); if (envEl != null) { if ((tempAttr = envEl.Attribute("cloud")) != null) { if (!Int32.TryParse(tempAttr.Value, out world.CloudColor)) { world.CloudColor = -1; Logger.Log(LogType.Warning, "WorldManager: Could not parse \"cloud\" attribute of Environment settings for world \"{0}\", assuming default (normal).", worldName); } } if ((tempAttr = envEl.Attribute("fog")) != null) { if (!Int32.TryParse(tempAttr.Value, out world.FogColor)) { world.FogColor = -1; Logger.Log(LogType.Warning, "WorldManager: Could not parse \"fog\" attribute of Environment settings for world \"{0}\", assuming default (normal).", worldName); } } if ((tempAttr = envEl.Attribute("sky")) != null) { if (!Int32.TryParse(tempAttr.Value, out world.SkyColor)) { world.SkyColor = -1; Logger.Log(LogType.Warning, "WorldManager: Could not parse \"sky\" attribute of Environment settings for world \"{0}\", assuming default (normal).", worldName); } } if ((tempAttr = envEl.Attribute("level")) != null) { if (!Int32.TryParse(tempAttr.Value, out world.EdgeLevel)) { world.EdgeLevel = -1; Logger.Log(LogType.Warning, "WorldManager: Could not parse \"level\" attribute of Environment settings for world \"{0}\", assuming default (normal).", worldName); } } if ((tempAttr = envEl.Attribute("edge")) != null) { Block block = Map.GetBlockByName(tempAttr.Value); if (block == Block.Undefined) { world.EdgeBlock = Block.Water; Logger.Log(LogType.Warning, "WorldManager: Could not parse \"edge\" attribute of Environment settings for world \"{0}\", assuming default (Water).", worldName); } else { if (Map.GetEdgeTexture(block) == null) { world.EdgeBlock = Block.Water; Logger.Log(LogType.Warning, "WorldManager: Unacceptable blocktype given for \"edge\" attribute of Environment settings for world \"{0}\", assuming default (Water).", worldName); } else { world.EdgeBlock = block; } } } } foreach (XElement mainedRankEl in el.Elements(RankMainXmlTagName)) { Rank rank = Rank.Parse(mainedRankEl.Value); if (rank != null) { if (rank < world.AccessSecurity.MinRank) { world.AccessSecurity.MinRank = rank; Logger.Log(LogType.Warning, "WorldManager: Lowered access MinRank of world {0} to allow it to be the main world for that rank.", rank.Name); } rank.MainWorld = world; } } CheckMapFile(world); }
// Makes sure that the map file exists, is properly named, and is loadable. static void CheckMapFile([NotNull] World world) { if (world == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("world"); } // Check the world's map file string fullMapFileName = world.MapFileName; string fileName = Path.GetFileName(fullMapFileName); if (Paths.FileExists(fullMapFileName, false)) { if (!Paths.FileExists(fullMapFileName, true)) { // Map file has wrong capitalization FileInfo[] matches = Paths.FindFiles(fullMapFileName); if (matches.Length == 1) { // Try to rename the map file to match world's capitalization // ReSharper disable AssignNullToNotNullAttribute Paths.ForceRename(matches[0].FullName, fileName); // ReSharper restore AssignNullToNotNullAttribute if (Paths.FileExists(fullMapFileName, true)) { Logger.Log(LogType.Warning, "WorldManager.CheckMapFile: Map file for world \"{0}\" was renamed from \"{1}\" to \"{2}\"", world.Name, matches[0].Name, fileName); } else { Logger.Log(LogType.Error, "WorldManager.CheckMapFile: Failed to rename map file of \"{0}\" from \"{1}\" to \"{2}\"", world.Name, matches[0].Name, fileName); return; } } else { Logger.Log(LogType.Warning, "WorldManager.CheckMapFile: More than one map file exists matching the world name \"{0}\". " + "Please check the map directory and use /WLoad to load the correct file.", world.Name); return; } } // Try loading the map header try { MapUtility.LoadHeader(world.MapFileName); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log(LogType.Warning, "WorldManager.CheckMapFile: Could not load map file for world \"{0}\": {1}", world.Name, ex); } } else { Logger.Log(LogType.Warning, "WorldManager.CheckMapFile: Map file for world \"{0}\" was not found.", world.Name); } }
public static void RealmLoad(Player player, Command cmd, string fileName, string worldName) { if (worldName == null && player.World == null) { player.Message("When using /realm from console, you must specify the realm name."); return; } if (fileName == null) { // No params given at all return; } string fullFileName = WorldManager.FindMapFile(player, fileName); if (fullFileName == null) return; // Loading map into current realm if (worldName == null) { if (!cmd.IsConfirmed) { player.Confirm(cmd, "About to replace THIS REALM with \"{0}\".", fileName); return; } Map map; try { map = MapUtility.Load(fullFileName); } catch (Exception ex) { player.MessageNow("Could not load specified file: {0}: {1}", ex.GetType().Name, ex.Message); return; } World realm = player.World; // Loading to current realm realm.MapChangedBy = player.Name; realm.ChangeMap(map); realm.Players.Message(player, "{0}&S loaded a new map for this realm.", player.ClassyName); player.MessageNow("New map loaded for the realm {0}", realm.ClassyName); Logger.Log(LogType.UserActivity, "{0} loaded new map for realm \"{1}\" from {2}", player.Name, realm.Name, fileName); realm.IsHidden = false; realm.IsRealm = true; WorldManager.SaveWorldList(); } else { // Loading to some other (or new) realm if (!World.IsValidName(worldName)) { player.MessageInvalidWorldName(worldName); return; } string buildRankName = cmd.Next(); string accessRankName = cmd.Next(); Rank buildRank = RankManager.DefaultBuildRank; Rank accessRank = null; if (buildRankName != null) { buildRank = RankManager.FindRank(buildRankName); if (buildRank == null) { player.MessageNoRank(buildRankName); return; } if (accessRankName != null) { accessRank = RankManager.FindRank(accessRankName); if (accessRank == null) { player.MessageNoRank(accessRankName); return; } } } // Retype realm name, if needed if (worldName == "-") { if (player.LastUsedWorldName != null) { worldName = player.LastUsedWorldName; } else { player.Message("Cannot repeat realm name: you haven't used any names yet."); return; } } lock (WorldManager.SyncRoot) { World realm = WorldManager.FindWorldExact(worldName); if (realm != null) { player.LastUsedWorldName = realm.Name; // Replacing existing realm's map if (!cmd.IsConfirmed) { player.Confirm(cmd, "About to replace realm map for {0}&S with \"{1}\".", realm.ClassyName, fileName); return; } Map map; try { map = MapUtility.Load(fullFileName); realm.IsHidden = false; realm.IsRealm = true; WorldManager.SaveWorldList(); } catch (Exception ex) { player.MessageNow("Could not load specified file: {0}: {1}", ex.GetType().Name, ex.Message); return; } try { realm.MapChangedBy = player.Name; realm.ChangeMap(map); realm.IsHidden = false; realm.IsRealm = true; WorldManager.SaveWorldList(); } catch (WorldOpException ex) { Logger.Log(LogType.Error, "Could not complete RealmLoad operation: {0}", ex.Message); player.Message("&WRealmLoad: {0}", ex.Message); return; } realm.Players.Message(player, "{0}&S loaded a new map for the realm {1}", player.ClassyName, realm.ClassyName); player.MessageNow("New map for the realm {0}&S has been loaded.", realm.ClassyName); Logger.Log(LogType.UserActivity, "{0} loaded new map for realm \"{1}\" from {2}", player.Name, realm.Name, fullFileName); } else { // Adding a new realm string targetFullFileName = Path.Combine(Paths.MapPath, worldName + ".fcm"); if (!cmd.IsConfirmed && File.Exists(targetFullFileName) && // target file already exists !Paths.Compare(targetFullFileName, fullFileName)) { // and is different from sourceFile player.Confirm(cmd, "A map named \"{0}\" already exists, and will be overwritten with \"{1}\".", Path.GetFileName(targetFullFileName), Path.GetFileName(fullFileName)); return; } Map map; try { map = MapUtility.Load(fullFileName); //realm.IsHidden = false; //realm.IsRealm = true; //WorldManager.SaveWorldList(); } catch (Exception ex) { player.MessageNow("Could not load \"{0}\": {1}: {2}", fileName, ex.GetType().Name, ex.Message); return; } World newWorld; try { newWorld = WorldManager.AddWorld(player, worldName, map, false); } catch (WorldOpException ex) { player.Message("RealmLoad: {0}", ex.Message); return; } player.LastUsedWorldName = worldName; newWorld.BuildSecurity.MinRank = buildRank; if (accessRank == null) { newWorld.AccessSecurity.ResetMinRank(); } else { newWorld.AccessSecurity.MinRank = accessRank; } newWorld.BlockDB.AutoToggleIfNeeded(); if (BlockDB.IsEnabledGlobally && newWorld.BlockDB.IsEnabled) { player.Message("BlockDB is now auto-enabled on realm {0}", newWorld.ClassyName); } newWorld.LoadedBy = player.Name; newWorld.LoadedOn = DateTime.UtcNow; Server.Message("{0}&S created a new realm named {1}", player.ClassyName, newWorld.ClassyName); Logger.Log(LogType.UserActivity, "{0} created a new realm named \"{1}\" (loaded from \"{2}\")", player.Name, worldName, fileName); newWorld.IsHidden = false; newWorld.IsRealm = true; WorldManager.SaveWorldList(); player.MessageNow("Access permission is {0}+&S, and build permission is {1}+", newWorld.AccessSecurity.MinRank.ClassyName, newWorld.BuildSecurity.MinRank.ClassyName); } } } Server.RequestGC(); }
static void ZoneAddHandler(Player player, Command cmd) { World playerWorld = player.World; if (playerWorld == null) { PlayerOpException.ThrowNoWorld(player); } string givenZoneName = cmd.Next(); if (givenZoneName == null) { CdZoneAdd.PrintUsage(player); return; } if (!player.Info.Rank.AllowSecurityCircumvention) { SecurityCheckResult buildCheck = playerWorld.BuildSecurity.CheckDetailed(player.Info); switch (buildCheck) { case SecurityCheckResult.BlackListed: player.Message("Cannot add zones to world {0}&S: You are barred from building here.", playerWorld.ClassyName); return; case SecurityCheckResult.RankTooLow: player.Message("Cannot add zones to world {0}&S: You are not allowed to build here.", playerWorld.ClassyName); return; //case SecurityCheckResult.RankTooHigh: } } Zone newZone = new Zone(); ZoneCollection zoneCollection = player.WorldMap.Zones; if (givenZoneName.StartsWith("+")) { // personal zone (/ZAdd +Name) givenZoneName = givenZoneName.Substring(1); // Find the target player PlayerInfo info = PlayerDB.FindPlayerInfoOrPrintMatches(player, givenZoneName); if (info == null) { return; } // Make sure that the name is not taken already. // If a zone named after the player already exists, try adding a number after the name (e.g. "Notch2") newZone.Name = info.Name; for (int i = 2; zoneCollection.Contains(newZone.Name); i++) { newZone.Name = givenZoneName + i; } newZone.Controller.MinRank = info.Rank.NextRankUp ?? info.Rank; newZone.Controller.Include(info); player.Message("Zone: Creating a {0}+&S zone for player {1}&S.", newZone.Controller.MinRank.ClassyName, info.ClassyName); } else { // Adding an ordinary, rank-restricted zone. if (!World.IsValidName(givenZoneName)) { player.Message("\"{0}\" is not a valid zone name", givenZoneName); return; } if (zoneCollection.Contains(givenZoneName)) { player.Message("A zone with this name already exists. Use &H/ZEdit&S to edit."); return; } newZone.Name = givenZoneName; string rankName = cmd.Next(); if (rankName == null) { player.Message("No rank was specified. See &H/Help zone"); return; } Rank minRank = RankManager.FindRank(rankName); if (minRank != null) { string name; while ((name = cmd.Next()) != null) { if (name.Length == 0) { continue; } if (name.ToLower().StartsWith("msg=")) { newZone.Message = name.Substring(4) + " " + (cmd.NextAll() ?? ""); player.Message("Zone: Custom denied messaged changed to '" + newZone.Message + "'"); break; } PlayerInfo info = PlayerDB.FindPlayerInfoOrPrintMatches(player, name.Substring(1)); if (info == null) { return; } if (name.StartsWith("+")) { newZone.Controller.Include(info); } else if (name.StartsWith("-")) { newZone.Controller.Exclude(info); } } newZone.Controller.MinRank = minRank; } else { player.MessageNoRank(rankName); return; } } player.Message("Zone " + newZone.ClassyName + "&S: Place a block or type &H/Mark&S to use your location."); player.SelectionStart(2, ZoneAddCallback, newZone, CdZoneAdd.Permissions); }
/// <summary> Changes the name of the given world. </summary> public static void RenameWorld([NotNull] World world, [NotNull] string newName, bool moveMapFile, bool overwrite) { if (newName == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("newName"); } if (world == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("world"); } if (!World.IsValidName(newName)) { throw new WorldOpException(newName, WorldOpExceptionCode.InvalidWorldName); } lock (world.SyncRoot) { string oldName = world.Name; if (oldName == newName) { throw new WorldOpException(world.Name, WorldOpExceptionCode.NoChangeNeeded); } lock ( SyncRoot ) { World newWorld = FindWorldExact(newName); if (newWorld != null && newWorld != world) { if (overwrite) { RemoveWorld(newWorld); } else { throw new WorldOpException(newName, WorldOpExceptionCode.DuplicateWorldName); } } WorldIndex.Remove(world.Name.ToLower()); world.Name = newName; WorldIndex.Add(newName.ToLower(), world); UpdateWorldList(); if (moveMapFile) { string oldMapFile = Path.Combine(Paths.MapPath, oldName + ".fcm"); string newMapFile = newName + ".fcm"; if (File.Exists(oldMapFile)) { try { Paths.ForceRename(oldMapFile, newMapFile); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new WorldOpException(world.Name, WorldOpExceptionCode.MapMoveError, ex); } } lock (world.BlockDB.SyncRoot) { string oldBlockDBFile = Path.Combine(Paths.BlockDBDirectory, oldName + ".fbdb"); string newBockDBFile = newName + ".fbdb"; if (File.Exists(oldBlockDBFile)) { try { Paths.ForceRename(oldBlockDBFile, newBockDBFile); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new WorldOpException(world.Name, WorldOpExceptionCode.MapMoveError, ex); } } } } } } }