public List<Brand> GetBrands(string categoryUrl, bool includeChildrenCategories = false) { CategoryDL categoryDL = new CategoryDL(); Category category = categoryDL.GetCategoryByUrl(categoryUrl); BrandDL brandDL = new BrandDL(); return brandDL.GetBrands(category.CategoryID, includeChildrenCategories); }
public List<Brand> GetBrands(string categoryUrl) { CategoryDL categoryDL = new CategoryDL(); Category category = categoryDL.GetCategoryByUrl(categoryUrl); BrandDL brandDL = new BrandDL(); return category != null ? brandDL.GetBrands(category.CategoryID) : null; }
public List<Brand> GetBrands(int categoryID, bool includeChildrenCategories = false) { List<Brand> brands = null; using (SqlConnection objConn = new SqlConnection(WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["eshopConnectionString"].ConnectionString)) { using (SqlCommand objComm = new SqlCommand("SELECT brand.brandID,, COUNT(*) FROM brand INNER JOIN product ON brand.brandID=product.brandID INNER JOIN productCategory ON product.productID=productCategory.productID WHERE ", objConn)) { objConn.Open(); List<int> categories = new CategoryDL().GetChildrenCategories(categoryID); objComm.CommandText += " (categoryID=@categoryID"; if (includeChildrenCategories) for (int i = 0; i < categories.Count; i++) objComm.CommandText += " OR categoryID = @categoryID" + (i + 1); objComm.CommandText += ")"; objComm.Parameters.Add("@categoryID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = categoryID; if(includeChildrenCategories) for (int i = 0; i < categories.Count; i++) objComm.Parameters.Add("@categoryID" + (i + 1), SqlDbType.Int).Value = categories[i]; objComm.CommandText += " AND product.isActive=1 AND product.isApproved=1 GROUP BY brand.brandID, ORDER BY"; using (SqlDataReader reader = objComm.ExecuteReader()) { if (reader.HasRows) brands = new List<Brand>(); while (reader.Read()) brands.Add(new Brand(reader.GetInt32(0), reader.GetString(1) + " (" + reader.GetInt32(2).ToString() + ")")); } } } return brands; }
public Category GetCategory(string name) { CategoryDL categoryDL = new CategoryDL(); return categoryDL.GetCategory(name); }
public string parseProducts(string getCategory, string[] getSubcategories, bool getImages, bool getAttributes, string categoryName, int categoryID, bool overwrite, string[] codes, bool isActive, bool isApproved) { try { ErrorLog.LogMessage("parsing products"); EweDL eweDL = new EweDL(); List<eshopBE.Attribute> attributes = null; ProductBL productBL = new ProductBL(); AttributeBL attributeBL = new AttributeBL(); attributes = attributeBL.GetAttributesForCategory(categoryID); CategoryDL categoryDL = new CategoryDL(); Category category = categoryDL.GetCategory(categoryID); //productBL.SetInStock(1, false, categoryID); int newProducts = 0; int updatedProducts = 0; bool isNew = false; /*List<string> subcategory = new List<string>(); string categoryString=string.Empty; foreach (XmlNode xmlNode in nodeList) foreach (XmlNode xmlChildNode in xmlNode.ChildNodes) { if (xmlChildNode.Name == "category") { categoryString = xmlChildNode.InnerText; } if (xmlChildNode.Name == "subcategory") { categoryString += "-" + xmlChildNode.InnerText; subcategory.Add(categoryString); } } string prethodni = string.Empty; using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(Server.MapPath("~") + "categories.txt")) { foreach (string category in subcategory) { if (prethodni != category) sw.WriteLine(category); prethodni = category; } }*/ for (int j = 0; j < getSubcategories.Length; j++) { XmlDocument xmlDoc = eweDL.GetXml(getCategory, getSubcategories[j], getImages, getAttributes); XmlNodeList nodeList = xmlDoc.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("product"); ErrorLog.LogMessage("preuzeti proizvodi"); foreach (XmlNode xmlNode in nodeList) { string code = xmlNode.SelectSingleNode("id").InnerText.Trim(); bool save = false; for (int i = 0; i < codes.Length; i++) { if (codes[i] == code) { save = true; break; } } if (save) { Product product = new Product(); product.IsApproved = isApproved; product.IsActive = isActive; product.SupplierID = 1; product.VatID = 4; product.Categories = new List<Category>(); product.Categories.Add(category); if (getAttributes) product.Specification = specificationToHtml(xmlNode.SelectSingleNode("specifications").OuterXml); else product.Specification = string.Empty; product.IsInStock = true; bool isLocked = true; isNew = false; foreach (XmlNode xmlChildNode in xmlNode.ChildNodes) { switch (xmlChildNode.Name) { case "id": { product.SupplierCode = xmlChildNode.InnerText.Trim(); product.ProductID = productBL.GetProductIDBySupplierCode(product.SupplierCode); isLocked = productBL.IsLocked(product.ProductID); if (product.ProductID <= 0) isNew = true; break; } case "manufacturer": { if (!isLocked) { //if (product.ProductID <= 0) //{ BrandBL brandBL = new BrandBL(); Brand brand = brandBL.GetBrandByName(xmlChildNode.InnerText.Trim()); if (brand == null) { brand = new Brand(); brand.Name = xmlChildNode.InnerText.Trim(); brand.BrandID = brandBL.SaveBrand(brand); //product.Brand.BrandID = brand.BrandID; } if (product.Brand == null) product.Brand = new Brand(); product.Brand.BrandID = brand.BrandID; //} } break; } case "name": { if (!isLocked) product.Name = xmlChildNode.InnerText.Trim(); break; } case "category": { break; } /*case "subcategory": { CategoryBL categoryBL = new CategoryBL(); //string categoryName = getSubcategory; //(xmlChildNode.InnerText.Trim() == "NOTEBOOK") ? "LAPTOP" : xmlChildNode.InnerText.Trim(); Category category = categoryBL.GetCategory(categoryName); product.Categories = new System.Collections.Generic.List<Category>(); product.Categories.Add(category); break; }*/ case "price": { if (!isLocked) { product.Price = calculatePrice(double.Parse(xmlChildNode.InnerText.Replace('.', ',').Trim()), category.PricePercent); product.WebPrice = calculatePrice(double.Parse(xmlChildNode.InnerText.Replace('.', ',').Trim()), category.WebPricePercent); } break; } case "price_rebate": { break; } case "vat": { if (!isLocked) { switch (xmlChildNode.InnerText.Trim()) { case "20": { product.VatID = 4; break; } } } break; } case "ean": { if (!isLocked) product.Ean = xmlChildNode.InnerText.Trim(); break; } case "images": { if (!isLocked) { //if (product.ProductID <= 0 || overwrite) //{ foreach (XmlNode xmlImageNode in xmlChildNode.ChildNodes) { if (product.Images == null) product.Images = new System.Collections.Generic.List<string>(); if (xmlImageNode.Name == "image") { if (saveImageFromUrl(xmlImageNode.InnerText.Trim())) product.Images.Add(Path.GetFileName(xmlImageNode.InnerText.Trim())); } } //} } break; } case "specifications": { if (!isLocked) { if (product.ProductID <= 0 || overwrite) { if (product.Categories != null) if (product.Categories[0] != null) { //List<AttributeValue> attributeValues; int attributeID; foreach (XmlNode xmlSpecificationNode in xmlChildNode.ChildNodes) { if (xmlSpecificationNode.Name == "attribute_group") { string attributeGroup = xmlSpecificationNode.Attributes[0].Value; foreach (XmlNode xmlAttributeNode in xmlSpecificationNode.ChildNodes) { if (xmlAttributeNode.Attributes[0].Value != "Programi / Ekskluzivne aplikacije / Servisi") { if ((attributeID = getAttributeID(attributes, attributeGroup + "-" + xmlAttributeNode.Attributes[0].Value)) == 0) { attributeID = addAttribute(product.Categories[0].CategoryID, attributeGroup + "-" + xmlAttributeNode.Attributes[0].Value); //attributes = attributeBL.GetAttributesForCategory(product.Categories[0].CategoryID); if (attributes == null) attributes = new List<eshopBE.Attribute>(); attributes.Add(new eshopBE.Attribute(attributeID, attributeGroup + "-" + xmlAttributeNode.Attributes[0].Value, false, false, 0)); } if (product.Attributes == null) product.Attributes = new List<AttributeValue>(); int attributeValueID = getAttributeValueID(attributeID, xmlAttributeNode.InnerText.Trim()); product.Attributes.Add(new AttributeValue(attributeValueID, xmlAttributeNode.InnerText.Trim(), attributeID, 0, string.Empty, 0)); } } } } } } } break; } } } product.Code = product.SupplierCode; product.Description = string.Empty; if (!isLocked) if (productBL.SaveProduct(product) > 0) if (isNew) newProducts++; else updatedProducts++; } } } return "Dodato " + newProducts.ToString() + " proizvoda. Izmenjeno " + updatedProducts.ToString() + " proizvoda"; } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorLog.LogError(ex); } return string.Empty; }
public DataTable GetCategoriesForFirstPage() { CategoryDL categoryDL = new CategoryDL(); return categoryDL.GetCategoriesForFirstPage(); }
public Category GetCategory(int categoryID) { CategoryDL categoryDL = new CategoryDL(); return categoryDL.GetCategory(categoryID); }
public int SaveCategory(Category category) { CategoryDL categoryDL = new CategoryDL(); if (category.Name == string.Empty) throw new BLException("Unesite naziv kategorije"); if (category.CategoryID > 0) return categoryDL.UpdateCategory(category); else return categoryDL.SaveCategory(category); }
public DataTable GetCategories() { CategoryDL categoryDL = new CategoryDL(); return categoryDL.GetCategories(); }
/*public List<Category> GetNestedCategoriesList() { CategoryDL categoryDL = new CategoryDL(); DataTable categoriesDT = categoryDL.GetCategories(); List<Category> list = new List<Category>(); list.Add(new Category((int)categoriesDT.Rows[0]["categoryID"], categoriesDT.Rows[0]["name"].ToString(), 0, categoriesDT.Rows[0]["url"].ToString(), categoriesDT.Rows[0]["imageUrl"].ToString())); Category temp = list[0]; for (int i = 1; i < categoriesDT.Rows.Count; i++) { //while ((int)categoriesDT.Rows[i]["parentID"] == temp.CategoryID) if ((int)categoriesDT.Rows[i]["parentID"] == temp.CategoryID) { if (temp.SubCategory == null) temp.SubCategory = new List<Category>(); temp.SubCategory.Add(new Category((int)categoriesDT.Rows[i]["categoryID"], categoriesDT.Rows[i]["name"].ToString(), temp.CategoryID, categoriesDT.Rows[i]["url"].ToString(), categoriesDT.Rows[i]["imageUrl"].ToString())); } else { if ((int)categoriesDT.Rows[i]["parentID"] > temp.CategoryID) { temp = temp.SubCategory[temp.SubCategory.Count - 1]; i--; } else { temp = list[0]; i--; } } } return list[0].SubCategory; }*/ /*public DataTable GetNestedCategoriesDataTable() { CategoryDL categoryDL = new CategoryDL(); DataTable categoriesDT = categoryDL.GetCategories(); int tempCategoryID = int.Parse(categoriesDT.Rows[0]["categoryID"].ToString()); string baseString = "--"; for (int i = 1; i < categoriesDT.Rows.Count; i++) { if (int.Parse(categoriesDT.Rows[i]["parentID"].ToString()) == tempCategoryID) categoriesDT.Rows[i]["name"] = baseString + categoriesDT.Rows[i]["name"].ToString(); else if (int.Parse(categoriesDT.Rows[i]["parentID"].ToString()) > tempCategoryID) { tempCategoryID = int.Parse(categoriesDT.Rows[i-1]["categoryID"].ToString()); baseString += "--"; i--; } else { tempCategoryID = int.Parse(categoriesDT.Rows[0]["categoryID"].ToString()); baseString = "--"; i--; } } return categoriesDT; }*/ /*public List<Category> GetCategories2() { CategoryDL categoryDL = new CategoryDL(); DataTable categoriesDT = categoryDL.GetCategories(); int level = 1; List<Category> list = new List<Category>(); list.Add(new Category((int)categoriesDT.Rows[0]["categoryID"], categoriesDT.Rows[0]["name"].ToString(), (int)categoriesDT.Rows[0]["parentID"], categoriesDT.Rows[0]["url"].ToString(), categoriesDT.Rows[0]["imageUrl"].ToString())); Category temp = list[0]; for (int i = 1; i < categoriesDT.Rows.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < categoriesDT.Rows.Count; j++) { if ((int)categoriesDT.Rows[j]["parentID"] == temp.CategoryID) { if (temp.SubCategory == null) temp.SubCategory = new List<Category>(); temp.SubCategory.Add(new Category((int)categoriesDT.Rows[j]["categoryID"], categoriesDT.Rows[j]["name"].ToString(), (int)categoriesDT.Rows[j]["parentID"], categoriesDT.Rows[j]["url"].ToString(), categoriesDT.Rows[j]["imageUrl"].ToString())); } } if (level < 2) { temp = temp.SubCategory[i - 1]; level++; } else { if (i < 10) temp = list[0].SubCategory[i - 1]; //level--; } } return list[0].SubCategory; }*/ /*public List<Category> GetCategories3() { CategoryDL categoryDL = new CategoryDL(); DataTable categoriesDT = categoryDL.GetCategories(); List<Category> list = new List<Category>(); for (int i = 0; i < categoriesDT.Rows.Count; i++) { if ((int)categoriesDT.Rows[i]["parentID"] == 2) list.Add(new Category((int)categoriesDT.Rows[i]["categoryID"], categoriesDT.Rows[i]["name"].ToString(), (int)categoriesDT.Rows[i]["parentID"], categoriesDT.Rows[i]["url"].ToString(), categoriesDT.Rows[i]["imageUrl"].ToString())); } for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) for (int j = 0; j < categoriesDT.Rows.Count; j++) if (list[i].CategoryID == (int)categoriesDT.Rows[j]["parentID"]) { if (list[i].SubCategory == null) list[i].SubCategory = new List<Category>(); list[i].SubCategory.Add(new Category((int)categoriesDT.Rows[j]["categoryID"], categoriesDT.Rows[j]["name"].ToString(), (int)categoriesDT.Rows[j]["parentID"], categoriesDT.Rows[j]["url"].ToString(), categoriesDT.Rows[j]["imageUrl"].ToString())); } return list; }*/ public List<Category> GetNestedCategoriesList() { CategoryDL categoryDL = new CategoryDL(); DataTable categoriesDT = categoryDL.GetCategories("sortOrder"); return GetCategoriesList(categoriesDT, 1); }
public int DeleteCategory(int categoryID) { CategoryDL categoryDL = new CategoryDL(); return categoryDL.DeleteCategory(categoryID); }
public List<Product> GetProducts(int categoryID, List<string> brandsID, List<AttributeValue> attributeValues, string sort, double priceFrom, double priceTo) { List<Product> products = null; int tempAttributeID; int tableIndex; using (SqlConnection objConn = new SqlConnection(WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["eshopConnectionString"].ConnectionString)) { using (SqlCommand objComm = new SqlCommand("SELECT product.productID, code,, product.description, product.price, webPrice,, productImageUrl.imageUrl, promotionProduct.price, promotion.imageUrl, promotion.dateFrom, promotion.dateTo, FROM product INNER JOIN brand ON product.brandID=brand.brandID INNER JOIN productImageUrl ON product.productID=productImageUrl.productID INNER JOIN productCategory ON product.productID=productCategory.productID LEFT JOIN promotionProduct ON product.productID=promotionProduct.productID LEFT JOIN promotion ON promotionProduct.promotionID=promotion.promotionID INNER JOIN category ON productCategory.categoryID=category.categoryID", objConn)) { if(attributeValues.Count > 0) { tempAttributeID = 0; tableIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < attributeValues.Count; i++) { if (attributeValues[i].AttributeID != tempAttributeID) { tableIndex++; objComm.CommandText += " INNER JOIN productAttributeValue AS a" + tableIndex.ToString() + " ON product.productID=a" + tableIndex.ToString() + ".productID"; tempAttributeID = attributeValues[i].AttributeID; } } } objComm.CommandText += " WHERE productImageUrl.sortOrder=1 AND product.isActive=1 AND product.isApproved=1"; List<int> childrenCategories = new CategoryDL().GetChildrenCategories(categoryID); objComm.CommandText += " AND (productCategory.categoryID=@categoryID"; for (int i = 0; i < childrenCategories.Count;i++) objComm.CommandText += " OR productCategory.categoryID = @childrenCategoryID" + (i+1); objComm.CommandText += ")"; objComm.Parameters.Add("@categoryID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = categoryID; for (int i = 0; i < childrenCategories.Count; i++) objComm.Parameters.Add("@childrenCategoryID" + (i + 1), SqlDbType.Int).Value = childrenCategories[i]; if (priceFrom > 0) { objComm.CommandText += " AND webPrice>=@priceFrom"; objComm.Parameters.Add("@priceFrom", SqlDbType.Float).Value = priceFrom; } if (priceTo > 0) { objComm.CommandText += " AND webPrice<=@priceTo"; objComm.Parameters.Add("@priceTo", SqlDbType.Float).Value = priceTo; } if (brandsID.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < brandsID.Count; i++) { if (i == 0) objComm.CommandText += " AND (brand.brandID=@brandID" + (i + 1).ToString(); else objComm.CommandText += " OR brand.brandID=@brandID" + (i + 1).ToString(); objComm.Parameters.Add("@brandID" + (i + 1).ToString(), SqlDbType.Int).Value = brandsID[i]; if (i == brandsID.Count - 1) objComm.CommandText += ")"; } } tempAttributeID = 0; tableIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < attributeValues.Count; i++) { if (attributeValues[i].AttributeID != tempAttributeID) { tableIndex++; objComm.CommandText += " AND (a" + tableIndex.ToString() + ".attributeValueID=@attributeValueID" + (i + 1).ToString(); tempAttributeID = attributeValues[i].AttributeID; } else objComm.CommandText += " OR a" + tableIndex.ToString() + ".attributeValueID=@attributeValueID" + (i + 1).ToString(); if (i < attributeValues.Count - 1) if (tempAttributeID != attributeValues[i + 1].AttributeID) objComm.CommandText += ")"; if (i == attributeValues.Count - 1) objComm.CommandText += ")"; //objComm.CommandText += " AND a" + (i + 1).ToString() + ".attributeValueID=@attributeValueID" + (i + 1).ToString(); objComm.Parameters.Add("@attributeValueID" + (i + 1).ToString(), SqlDbType.Int).Value = attributeValues[i].AttributeValueID; } objComm.CommandText += " ORDER BY " + sort; objConn.Open(); using (SqlDataReader reader = objComm.ExecuteReader()) { if (reader.HasRows) products = new List<Product>(); Product product; while (reader.Read()) { product = new Product(); product.ProductID = reader.GetInt32(0); product.Code = reader.GetString(1); product.Name = reader.GetString(2); product.Description = reader.GetString(3); product.Price = reader.GetDouble(4); product.WebPrice = reader.GetDouble(5); product.Brand = new Brand(-1, reader.GetString(6)); product.Images = new List<string>(); string directory = createImageUrl(reader.GetString(7)); //if (System.IO.File.Exists(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/images/" + reader.GetString(7)))) if (System.IO.File.Exists(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~" + directory))) //product.Images.Add("/images/" + reader.GetString(7)); product.Images.Add(directory); else product.Images.Add("/images/no-image.jpg"); if (!Convert.IsDBNull(reader[8])) { if (reader.GetDateTime(10) < DateTime.UtcNow && reader.GetDateTime(11) > DateTime.UtcNow) { product.Promotion = new Promotion(); product.Promotion.Price = reader.GetDouble(8); product.Promotion.ImageUrl = reader.GetString(9); } } product.Categories = new List<Category>(); product.Categories.Add(new Category(categoryID, reader.GetString(12), -1, string.Empty, string.Empty, 0, 0, 0, string.Empty, -1)); product.Description = GetProductAttributeValues(product.ProductID, true); products.Add(product); } } } } return products; }
public List<Product> GetProducts(string categoryUrl, List<string> brandsID, List<AttributeValue> attributeValues, string sortName, string priceFrom, string priceTo) { /*string sort = string.Empty; switch (sortString) { case "Nazivu": { sort = ""; break; } case "Ceni opadajuće": { sort = " product.price DESC"; break; } case "Ceni rastuće": { sort = " product.price"; break; } }*/ CategoryDL categoryDL = new CategoryDL(); Category category = categoryDL.GetCategoryByUrl(categoryUrl); ProductDL productDL = new ProductDL(); return productDL.GetProducts(category.CategoryID, brandsID, attributeValues, getSort(sortName), getPrice(priceFrom), getPrice(priceTo)); }
public bool SaveProduct(string code, bool isActive, bool isApproved, int categoryID, int kimtecCategoryID) { //int newProducts = 0; //int updatedProducts = 0; DataTable kimtecProduct = new KimtecDL().GetProductBySupplierCode(code); Category category = new CategoryDL().GetCategory(categoryID); Product product = new Product(); product.IsApproved = isApproved; product.IsActive = isActive; product.SupplierID = 1004; product.SupplierCode = code; product.VatID = 4; product.Categories = new List<Category>(); product.Categories.Add(category); product.Specification = string.Empty; product.IsInStock = true; bool isNew = false; bool isLocked = false; product.Code = code; product.ProductID = new ProductDL().GetProductIDBySupplierCode(code); if (product.ProductID <= 0) isNew = true; isLocked = new ProductDL().IsLocked(product.ProductID); Brand brand = new BrandDL().GetBrandByName(kimtecProduct.Rows[0]["brand"].ToString()); if(brand == null) { brand = new Brand(); brand.Name = kimtecProduct.Rows[0]["brand"].ToString(); brand.BrandID = new BrandDL().SaveBrand(brand); } if (product.Brand == null) product.Brand = new Brand(); product.Brand = brand; product.Name = kimtecProduct.Rows[0]["name"].ToString(); product.Price = calculatePrice(double.Parse(kimtecProduct.Rows[0]["partnerPrice"].ToString()), category.PricePercent); product.WebPrice = calculatePrice(double.Parse(kimtecProduct.Rows[0]["partnerPrice"].ToString()), category.WebPricePercent); product.Ean = kimtecProduct.Rows[0]["barcodeValue"].ToString(); product.SupplierPrice = double.Parse(kimtecProduct.Rows[0]["partnerPrice"].ToString()); product.Images = new List<string>(); product.Images.Add(saveProductImage(kimtecProduct.Rows[0]["imageUrl"].ToString())); product.Attributes = GetProductAttributes(code, kimtecCategoryID); product.Description = kimtecProduct.Rows[0]["marketingDescription"].ToString(); if (!isLocked) if (new ProductBL().SaveProduct(product) > 0) return true; return false; //return new int[] { newProducts, updatedProducts }; }