public DeckPropertiesDialog(eFlash.Data.Deck newDeck, bool changeType) { InitializeComponent(); deck = newDeck; txtTitle.Text = deck.title; txtCategory.Text = deck.category; txtSubcategory.Text = deck.subcategory; grpType.Enabled = changeType; switch (deck.type) { case Constant.textDeck: rdText.Checked = true; break; case Constant.imageDeck: rdImage.Checked = true; break; case Constant.soundDeck: rdAudio.Checked = true; break; case Constant.noQuizDeck: rdNoQuiz.Checked = true; break; } saved = false; }
private void LayoutEditor_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (deck == null) { deck = new eFlash.Data.Deck(); deck.uid = ProfileManager.getCurrentUserID(); if (!showDeckPropertiesDialog(true)) { changed = false; templateChanged = false; this.Close(); return; } if (deck.cardList.Count == 0) { promptAtTemplateChange = false; } } changed = false; if (deck.cardList.Count == 0) { promptAtTemplateChange = false; } if (deck.type == Constant.noQuizDeck) { deleteSideToolStripMenuItem1.Enabled = true; addNewSideToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = true; } else if (deck.type == Constant.textDeck || deck.type == Constant.imageDeck || deck.type == Constant.soundDeck) { tsObjects.Visible = false; templateSelector = new TemplateSelector(this, deck.type); templateSelector.Location = tsObjects.Location; this.Controls.Add(templateSelector); deleteSideToolStripMenuItem1.Enabled = false; addNewSideToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false; } else { throw new Exception("Invalid deck type"); } }
public LayoutEditor(main newPrevWindow, eFlash.Data.Deck newDeck, bool makeCopy) { InitializeComponent(); prevWindow = newPrevWindow; if (makeCopy) { deck = deepCopy(newDeck); } else { deck = newDeck; } initialize(); }
/// <summary> /// Makes a deep copy of deck, duplicating all its cards, /// objects, and files, and sets it to be the current deck. /// </summary> /// <param name="otherDeck">Deck to copy</param> /// <returns>Deck object of copy of deck</returns> private eFlash.Data.Deck deepCopy(eFlash.Data.Deck otherDeck) { otherDeck.load(); _deck = new eFlash.Data.Deck(-1, otherDeck.type, otherDeck.category, otherDeck.subcategory, otherDeck.title, ProfileManager.getCurrentUserID(), ProfileManager.getCurrentNetID()); // Put deck entry into DB saveDeck(); Card newCard; eObject newObj; CreatorObject newCreatorObj; foreach (Card curCard in otherDeck.cardList) { newCard = new Card(curCard.tag, ProfileManager.getCurrentUserID()); // Add each card to the DB newCard.cardID = dbAccess.insertLocalDB.insertToCards(newCard); dbAccess.insertLocalDB.insertToCDRelations(, newCard.cardID); foreach (eObject curObj in curCard.eObjectList) { newObj = new eObject(newCard.cardID, curObj.side, curObj.type, curObj.x1, curObj.x2, curObj.y1, curObj.y2,; // Make a CreatorObject to let it load up the data file newCreatorObj = CreatorObject.newFromEObject(this, newObj, 0); newCreatorObj.initialize(); newObj.actualFilename = newObj.generateFileName(); // Save each object to DB and file saveObject(newCreatorObj); } } return(deck); }
public static int insertToDecks(eFlash.Data.Deck d) { return(insertToDecks(d.category, d.subcategory, d.title, d.type, d.uid, d.netID)); }
/** * A function to retrieve all unranked decks belonging to a user in the local database * Pre: local network user id * Post: List of corresponding Decks */ public static List<Deck> getUnrankedDecks(int netID) { List<Deck> deckList = new List<Deck>(); string SQL; MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(); MySqlDataReader myData; connect(); try { SQL = "SELECT decks.did,, decks.subcat, decks.title FROM unranked, decks WHERE unranked.lnuid = " + Convert.ToString(netID) + " AND unranked.ldid = decks.did ORDER BY cat, title"; cmd.Connection = conn; cmd.CommandText = SQL; myData = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (myData.Read()) { Deck deck = new Deck(myData.GetInt32(myData.GetOrdinal("did")), myData.GetString(myData.GetOrdinal("cat")), myData.GetString(myData.GetOrdinal("subcat")), myData.GetString(myData.GetOrdinal("title"))); deckList.Add(deck); } myData.Close(); conn.Close(); return deckList; } catch (MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error " + ex.Number + " has occurred: " + ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); conn.Close(); throw new Exception(); } }
/** * A function to retrieve all the decks in the local database, ordered by input specification * Pre: order (0 = cat, 1 = alphabetical, 2 = time) * Post: List of corresponding Decks */ public static List<Deck> getDecksOrdered(int order) { List<Deck> deckList = new List<Deck>(); deckList.Clear(); string SQL; MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(); MySqlDataReader myData; connect(); try { //the if statement spliced in by Daniel for main menu selecting all decks switch (order) { case 0: SQL = "SELECT did,type,cat,subcat,title,uid,nuid FROM decks ORDER BY cat, title"; break; case 1: SQL = "SELECT did,type,cat,subcat,title,uid,nuid FROM decks ORDER BY title"; break; case 2: SQL = "SELECT did,type,cat,subcat,title,uid,nuid FROM decks ORDER BY cat, title"; break;//change this case when timestamp implemented default: MessageBox.Show("Error: corrupted order input to getDecksOrdered"); SQL = "SELECT did,type,cat,subcat,title,uid,nuid FROM decks ORDER BY cat, title"; break; } cmd.Connection = conn; cmd.CommandText = SQL; myData = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (myData.Read()) { Deck deck = new Deck(myData.GetInt32(myData.GetOrdinal("did")), myData.GetString(myData.GetOrdinal("type")), myData.GetString(myData.GetOrdinal("cat")), myData.GetString(myData.GetOrdinal("subcat")), myData.GetString(myData.GetOrdinal("title")), myData.GetInt32(myData.GetOrdinal("uid")), myData.GetInt32(myData.GetOrdinal("nuid"))); deckList.Add(deck); } myData.Close(); conn.Close(); return deckList; } catch (MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error " + ex.Number + " has occurred: " + ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); conn.Close(); throw new Exception(); } }
public LayoutEditor(main newPrevWindow, eFlash.Data.Deck newDeck) : this(newPrevWindow, newDeck, false) { }
public static void updateDeck(eFlash.Data.Deck d) { updateDecks(, d.type, d.category, d.subcategory, d.title, d.uid, d.netID); }
public static byte[] buildNetBLOB(Deck deck, int uploaderID) { Card curCard; eObject curObj; IEnumerator objEnum; IEnumerator cardEnum; MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(stream, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); //Use automatic indentation for readability. writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented; //Write the root element writer.WriteStartElement("eFlash-Network"); //Start an element writer.WriteStartElement("Deck"); //Add attribute to Deck writer.WriteAttributeString("cat", deck.category); writer.WriteAttributeString("subcat", deck.subcategory); writer.WriteAttributeString("title", deck.title); writer.WriteAttributeString("type", deck.type); writer.WriteAttributeString("nuid", Convert.ToString(uploaderID)); cardEnum = deck.cardList.GetEnumerator(); while (cardEnum.MoveNext()) { //Load the cards belonging to this deck curCard = (Card)cardEnum.Current; writer.WriteStartElement("Card"); writer.WriteAttributeString("tag",curCard.tag); objEnum = curCard.eObjectList.GetEnumerator(); while (objEnum.MoveNext()) { curObj = (eObject)objEnum.Current; writer.WriteStartElement("Object"); writer.WriteAttributeString("size", Convert.ToString(curObj.efile.size)); writer.WriteAttributeString("side", Convert.ToString(curObj.side)); writer.WriteAttributeString("type", Convert.ToString(curObj.type)); writer.WriteAttributeString("quizType", Convert.ToString(curObj.quizType)); writer.WriteAttributeString("x1", Convert.ToString(curObj.x1)); writer.WriteAttributeString("x2", Convert.ToString(curObj.x2)); writer.WriteAttributeString("y1", Convert.ToString(curObj.y1)); writer.WriteAttributeString("y2", Convert.ToString(curObj.y2)); writer.WriteBase64(curObj.efile.rawData, 0, curObj.efile.size); // end the Object element writer.WriteEndElement(); } // end the Card element writer.WriteEndElement(); } // end the Deck element writer.WriteEndElement(); // end the root element writer.WriteFullEndElement(); //writer.WriteEndDocument(); //Close the writer and stream writer.Close(); stream.Close(); return stream.ToArray(); }
public static int parseBLOB(byte[] blob, int uid) { int size = 0; int curDid = -1; int curCid = -1; byte[] data = null; Deck deck = null; eObject curObj = null; Card curCard = null; MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(blob); XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(stream); while (reader.Read()) { switch (reader.NodeType) { case XmlNodeType.Element: if (reader.Name == "Deck") { deck = new Deck(reader.GetAttribute("cat"), reader.GetAttribute("subcat"), reader.GetAttribute("title"), reader.GetAttribute("type"),Convert.ToInt32(reader.GetAttribute("nuid")), uid); try { //Insert to Decks table in local database curDid = deck.saveToDB(); } catch { throw new Exception("Error Writting Deck!!!"); } } else if (reader.Name == "Card") { curCard = new Card(reader.GetAttribute("tag"), uid); try { //Insert to Cards table in local database curCid = curCard.saveToDB(curDid); } catch { throw new Exception("Error Writting Card!!!"); } } else if (reader.Name == "Object") { //First create the array of bytes for the blob size = Convert.ToInt32(reader.GetAttribute("size")); data = new byte[size]; curObj = new eObject( curCid, Convert.ToInt32(reader.GetAttribute("side")), reader.GetAttribute("type"), Convert.ToInt32(reader.GetAttribute("x1")), Convert.ToInt32(reader.GetAttribute("x2")), Convert.ToInt32(reader.GetAttribute("y1")), Convert.ToInt32(reader.GetAttribute("y2")) ); try { string qType = reader.GetAttribute("quizType"); if (qType == Constant.nonePrefix || qType == Constant.answerPrefix || qType == Constant.questionPrefix) { curObj.quizType = qType; } } catch {} try { reader.ReadElementContentAsBase64(data, 0, size); curObj.efile = new eFile(data); //save to file and update DB; } catch { throw new Exception("Error Saving Object !!!"); } } break; } } return curDid; }
/// <summary> /// Makes a deep copy of deck, duplicating all its cards, /// objects, and files, and sets it to be the current deck. /// </summary> /// <param name="otherDeck">Deck to copy</param> /// <returns>Deck object of copy of deck</returns> private eFlash.Data.Deck deepCopy(eFlash.Data.Deck otherDeck) { otherDeck.load(); _deck = new eFlash.Data.Deck(-1, otherDeck.type, otherDeck.category, otherDeck.subcategory, otherDeck.title, ProfileManager.getCurrentUserID(), ProfileManager.getCurrentNetID()); // Put deck entry into DB saveDeck(); Card newCard; eObject newObj; CreatorObject newCreatorObj; foreach (Card curCard in otherDeck.cardList) { newCard = new Card(curCard.tag, ProfileManager.getCurrentUserID()); // Add each card to the DB newCard.cardID = dbAccess.insertLocalDB.insertToCards(newCard); dbAccess.insertLocalDB.insertToCDRelations(, newCard.cardID); foreach (eObject curObj in curCard.eObjectList) { newObj = new eObject(newCard.cardID, curObj.side, curObj.type, curObj.x1, curObj.x2, curObj.y1, curObj.y2,; // Make a CreatorObject to let it load up the data file newCreatorObj = CreatorObject.newFromEObject(this, newObj, 0); newCreatorObj.initialize(); newObj.actualFilename = newObj.generateFileName(); // Save each object to DB and file saveObject(newCreatorObj); } } return deck; }