Esempio n. 1
		IEnumerable<AnalyzerTreeNodeData> FindReferencesInType(TypeDef type) {
			string name = analyzedMethod.Name;
			foreach (MethodDef method in type.Methods) {
				if (!method.HasBody)
				Instruction foundInstr = null;
				foreach (Instruction instr in method.Body.Instructions) {
					IMethod mr = instr.Operand as IMethod;
					if (mr != null && !mr.IsField && mr.Name == name &&
						Helpers.IsReferencedBy(analyzedMethod.DeclaringType, mr.DeclaringType) &&
						mr.ResolveMethodDef() == analyzedMethod) {
						foundInstr = instr;

				if (foundInstr != null) {
					MethodDef codeLocation = GetOriginalCodeLocation(method) as MethodDef;
					if (codeLocation != null && !HasAlreadyBeenFound(codeLocation)) {
						var node = new MethodNode(codeLocation) { Context = Context };
						if (codeLocation == method)
							node.SourceRef = new SourceRef(method, foundInstr.Offset, foundInstr.Operand as IMDTokenProvider);
						yield return node;
Esempio n. 2
		IEnumerable<IAnalyzerTreeNodeData> FindReferencesInType(TypeDef type) {
			IAnalyzerTreeNodeData newNode = null;
			try {
				if (!TypesHierarchyHelpers.IsBaseType(analyzedMethod.DeclaringType, type, resolveTypeArguments: false))
					yield break;

				foreach (MethodDef method in type.Methods) {
					if (TypesHierarchyHelpers.IsBaseMethod(analyzedMethod, method)) {
						bool hidesParent = !method.IsVirtual ^ method.IsNewSlot;
						newNode = new MethodNode(method, hidesParent) { Context = Context };
			catch (ResolveException) {
				// ignore this type definition. maybe add a notification about such cases.

			if (newNode != null)
				yield return newNode;
Esempio n. 3
		IEnumerable<AnalyzerTreeNodeData> FindReferencesInType(TypeDef type) {
			// HACK: in lieu of proper flow analysis, I'm going to use a simple heuristic
			// If the method accesses the event's backing field, and calls invoke on a delegate 
			// with the same signature, then it is (most likely) raise the given event.

			foreach (MethodDef method in type.Methods) {
				bool readBackingField = false;
				if (!method.HasBody)
				Instruction foundInstr = null;
				foreach (Instruction instr in method.Body.Instructions) {
					Code code = instr.OpCode.Code;
					if (code == Code.Ldfld || code == Code.Ldflda) {
						IField fr = instr.Operand as IField;
						if (fr.ResolveFieldDef() == eventBackingField) {
							readBackingField = true;
					if (readBackingField && (code == Code.Callvirt || code == Code.Call)) {
						IMethod mr = instr.Operand as IMethod;
						if (mr != null && eventFiringMethod != null && mr.Name == eventFiringMethod.Name && mr.ResolveMethodDef() == eventFiringMethod) {
							foundInstr = instr;

				if (foundInstr != null) {
					MethodDef codeLocation = GetOriginalCodeLocation(method) as MethodDef;
					if (codeLocation != null && !HasAlreadyBeenFound(codeLocation)) {
						var node = new MethodNode(codeLocation) { Context = Context };
						if (codeLocation == method)
							node.SourceRef = new SourceRef(method, foundInstr.Offset, foundInstr.Operand as IMDTokenProvider);
						yield return node;
Esempio n. 4
        IEnumerable <AnalyzerTreeNodeData> FindReferencesInType(TypeDef type)
            string name = analyzedMethod.Name;

            foreach (MethodDef method in type.Methods)
                if (!method.HasBody)
                Instruction?foundInstr = null;
                foreach (Instruction instr in method.Body.Instructions)
                    if (instr.Operand is IMethod mr && !mr.IsField && mr.Name == name)
                        // explicit call to the requested method
                        if ((instr.OpCode.Code == Code.Call || instr.OpCode.Code == Code.Callvirt) &&
                            Helpers.IsReferencedBy(analyzedMethod.DeclaringType, mr.DeclaringType) &&
                            CheckEquals(mr.ResolveMethodDef(), analyzedMethod))
                            foundInstr = instr;
                        // virtual call to base method
                        if (instr.OpCode.Code == Code.Callvirt)
                            MethodDef md = mr.ResolveMethodDef();
                            if (md is null)
                                // cannot resolve the operand, so ignore this method
                            if (CheckEquals(md, baseMethod))
                                foundInstr = instr;

                if (!(foundInstr is null))
                    if (GetOriginalCodeLocation(method) is MethodDef codeLocation && !HasAlreadyBeenFound(codeLocation))
                        var node = new MethodNode(codeLocation)
                            Context = Context
                        if (codeLocation == method)
                            node.SourceRef = new SourceRef(method, foundInstr.Offset, foundInstr.Operand as IMDTokenProvider);
                        yield return(node);

            if (!(property is null))
                foreach (var node in FieldAccessNode.CheckCustomAttributeNamedArgumentWrite(Context, type, property))
                    if (node is MethodNode methodNode && methodNode.Member is MethodDef method && HasAlreadyBeenFound(method))
                    yield return(node);
Esempio n. 5
        IEnumerable <AnalyzerTreeNodeData> FindReferencesInType(TypeDef type)
            string name = analyzedMethod.Name;

            foreach (MethodDef method in type.Methods)
                if (!method.HasBody)
                Instruction?foundInstr = null;
                if (implMapName is not null)
                    foreach (var instr in method.Body.Instructions)
                        if (instr.Operand is IMethod mr && !mr.IsField &&
                            mr.ResolveMethodDef() is MethodDef md &&
                            // DllImport methods are the same if module + func name are identical
                            md?.ImplMap is ImplMap otherImplMap &&
                            implMapName == GetDllImportMethodName(md, otherImplMap) &&
                            StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.Equals(implMapModule, NormalizeModuleName(otherImplMap.Module?.Name)))
                            foundInstr = instr;
                    foreach (var instr in method.Body.Instructions)
                        if (instr.Operand is IMethod mr && !mr.IsField && mr.Name == name &&
                            Helpers.IsReferencedBy(analyzedMethod.DeclaringType, mr.DeclaringType) &&
                            CheckEquals(mr.ResolveMethodDef(), analyzedMethod))
                            foundInstr = instr;

                if (foundInstr is not null)
                    if (GetOriginalCodeLocation(method) is MethodDef codeLocation && !HasAlreadyBeenFound(codeLocation))
                        var node = new MethodNode(codeLocation)
                            Context = Context
                        if (codeLocation == method)
                            node.SourceRef = new SourceRef(method, foundInstr.Offset, foundInstr.Operand as IMDTokenProvider);
                        yield return(node);

            if (property is not null)
                foreach (var node in FieldAccessNode.CheckCustomAttributeNamedArgumentWrite(Context, type, property))
                    if (node is MethodNode methodNode && methodNode.Member is MethodDef method && HasAlreadyBeenFound(method))
                    yield return(node);