// present data
        private void show()
            // clear screen

            // show data
            int line = 0;

            foreach (var list in data)
                Consolex.setXY(rootX + 5, rootY + line);

                foreach (var item in list)
                    // show all in one line
                // next line

            // remember last x,y
            lastX = Consolex.getX();
            lastY = Consolex.getY();

            // show cursor

            // go to last x,y
            Consolex.setXY(lastX, lastY + 1);
        private void clearScreen()
            // Console.Clear();

            // go to root x,y
            Consolex.setXY(rootX, rootY);

            // loop clear until reach last x,y
            for (int i = rootY; i < lastY; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < dirx.Config.json["maxClearCharacter"]; j++)
                    Consolex.write(" ");
        public SimpleGui()
            // read data from config file
            // header title

            // init data
            data          = new List <string[]>();
            selectedIndex = -1;

            // get console
            rootX = Consolex.getX();
            rootY = Consolex.getY();

            lastX = rootX;
            lastY = rootY;

            // cursor
            cursorIndex = -1;
        private void showCursor()
            // get cursor from config file
            string cursor = dirx.Config.json["cursor"];

            // clear first
            if (isValidIndex(cursorIndex))
                Consolex.setXY(rootX, rootY + cursorIndex);
                for (int i = 0; i < cursor.Length; i++)
                    Consolex.write(" ");

            // show cursor
            Consolex.setXY(rootX, rootY + selectedIndex);

            // save cursor index
            cursorIndex = selectedIndex;
 public void Dispose()
     // move cursor to the end
     Consolex.setXY(lastX, lastY);