static void Main(string[] args) { Player lawdog = new Player("Lawdog"); Player prescott = new Player("Prescott"); Deck deck1 = new Deck(); deck1.Shuffle(); System.Console.WriteLine("Deck shuffled"); for (var i = 0; i < 26; i++) { prescott.DrawCard(deck1); lawdog.DrawCard(deck1); } for (var round = 1; round <= 10; round++) { if (prescott.hand[0] is Card) { System.Console.WriteLine("------------"); System.Console.WriteLine("Round {0}...", round); System.Console.WriteLine("------------"); object p1_card = prescott.PlayCard(); object p2_card = lawdog.PlayCard(); System.Console.WriteLine("prescott plays " + p1_card); System.Console.WriteLine("lawdog plays " + p2_card); if ((int)prescott.hand[0].value > (int)lawdog.hand[0].value) { System.Console.WriteLine("Prescott Wins the Round"); prescott.score += 1; } if ((int)prescott.hand[0].value < (int)lawdog.hand[0].value) { System.Console.WriteLine("Lawdog Wins the Round"); lawdog.score += 1; } if ((int)prescott.hand[0].value == (int)lawdog.hand[0].value) { deck1.War(prescott, lawdog); } prescott.hand.Remove(prescott.hand[0]); lawdog.hand.Remove(lawdog.hand[0]); } else { System.Console.WriteLine("Ran out of cards!!"); break; } } System.Console.WriteLine("------------"); System.Console.WriteLine("------------"); System.Console.WriteLine("Total Score~~> Prescott: {0}, Lawdog: {1}", prescott.score, lawdog.score); if (prescott.score > lawdog.score) { System.Console.WriteLine("Prescott wins!"); } if (prescott.score < lawdog.score) { System.Console.WriteLine("Lawdog wins!"); } if (prescott.score == lawdog.score) { System.Console.WriteLine("Game is a Draw... Play again?"); } System.Console.WriteLine("------------"); System.Console.WriteLine("------------"); }