Esempio n. 1
        public ConversionToken(ref string s, ExpressionData parent)
            Match m = CONVERT_REGEX.Match(s);

            if (m.Success)
                s              = s.Substring(m.Index + m.Length);
                TypeRef        = ColumnVariable.LookupSsisTypeName(m.Groups[1].Value);
                TokenToConvert = parent.ConsumeToken(ref s);
                SourceWriter.Help(null, "Unable to parse conversion token " + s);
Esempio n. 2
        private void EmitPipelineUnion(SsisObject pipeline, string indent)
            SourceWriter.WriteLine(@"{0}// {1}", indent, Attributes["name"]);

            // Create a new datatable
            SourceWriter.WriteLine(@"{0}DataTable component{1} = new DataTable();", indent, this.Attributes["id"]);

            // Add the columns we're generating
            int i = 0;
            List<SsisObject> transforms = this.GetChildByType("outputs").GetChildByTypeAndAttr("output", "isErrorOut", "false").GetChildByType("outputColumns").Children;
            List<string> colnames = new List<string>();
            foreach (SsisObject outcol in transforms) {
                ColumnVariable cv = new ColumnVariable(outcol);
                LineageObject lo = new LineageObject(cv.LineageID, "component" + this.Attributes["id"], cv.Name);

                // Print out this column
                SourceWriter.WriteLine(@"{0}component{1}.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(""{2}"", typeof({3})));", indent, this.Attributes["id"], cv.Name, cv.CsharpType());
                DataTable dt = new DataTable();

            // Loop through all the inputs and process them!
            SsisObject outputcolumns = this.GetChildByType("outputs").GetChildByType("output").GetChildByType("outputColumns");
            foreach (SsisObject inputtable in this.GetChildByType("inputs").Children) {

                // Find the name of the table by looking at the first column
                SsisObject input_columns = inputtable.GetChildByType("inputColumns");
                SsisObject metadata = inputtable.GetChildByType("externalMetadataColumns");
                if (input_columns != null) {
                    SsisObject first_col = input_columns.Children[0];
                    LineageObject first_input = pipeline.GetLineageObjectById(first_col.Attributes["lineageId"]);
                    string component = first_input.DataTableName;

                    // Read through all rows in the table
                    SourceWriter.WriteLine(@"{0}for (int row = 0; row < {1}.Rows.Count; row++) {{", indent, component);
                    SourceWriter.WriteLine(@"{0}    DataRow dr = component{1}.NewRow();", indent, this.Attributes["id"]);

                    // Loop through all the columns and insert them
                    foreach (SsisObject col in inputtable.GetChildByType("inputColumns").Children) {
                        LineageObject l = pipeline.GetLineageObjectById(col.Attributes["lineageId"]);

                        // find the matching external metadata column
                        string outcolname = "";
                        SsisObject mdcol = metadata.GetChildByTypeAndAttr("externalMetadataColumn", "id", col.Attributes["externalMetadataColumnId"]);
                        if (mdcol == null) {
                            SsisObject prop = col.GetChildByType("properties").GetChildByType("property");
                            SsisObject outcol = outputcolumns.GetChildByTypeAndAttr("outputColumn", "id", prop.ContentValue);
                            outcolname = outcol.Attributes["name"];
                        } else {
                            outcolname = mdcol.Attributes["name"];

                        // Write out the expression
                        SourceWriter.WriteLine(@"{0}    dr[""{1}""] = {2};", indent, outcolname, l.ToString());

                    // Write the end of this code block
                    SourceWriter.WriteLine(@"{0}    component{1}.Rows.Add(dr);", indent, this.Attributes["id"]);
                    SourceWriter.WriteLine(@"{0}}}", indent);
Esempio n. 3
        private void EmitPipelineWriter_TableParam(SsisObject pipeline, string indent)
            SourceWriter.WriteLine(@"{0}// {1}", indent, Attributes["name"]);

            // Get the connection string GUID: it's this.connections.connection
            string conn_guid = this.GetChildByType("connections").GetChildByType("connection").Attributes["connectionManagerID"];
            string connstr = ConnectionWriter.GetConnectionStringName(conn_guid);
            string connprefix = ConnectionWriter.GetConnectionStringPrefix(conn_guid);

            // Report potential problems - can we programmatically convert an OleDb connection into an ADO.NET one?
            string fixup = "";
            if (connprefix == "OleDb") {
                SourceWriter.Help(this, "DESSIST had to rewrite an OleDb connection as an ADO.NET connection.  Please check it for correctness.");
                connprefix = "Sql";
                fixup = @".Replace(""Provider=SQLNCLI10.1;"","""")";

            // It's our problem to produce the SQL statement, because this writer uses calculated data!
            StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder colnames = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder varnames = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder paramsetup = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder TableParamCreate = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder TableSetup = new StringBuilder();

            // Create the table parameter insert statement
            string tableparamname = this.GetFunctionName() + "_WritePipe_TableParam";
            TableParamCreate.AppendFormat("IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM systypes where name = '{0}') DROP TYPE {0}; {1} CREATE TYPE {0} AS TABLE (", tableparamname, Environment.NewLine);

            // Retrieve the names of the columns we're inserting
            SsisObject metadata = this.GetChildByType("inputs").GetChildByType("input").GetChildByType("externalMetadataColumns");
            SsisObject columns = this.GetChildByType("inputs").GetChildByType("input").GetChildByType("inputColumns");

            // Okay, let's produce the columns we're inserting
            foreach (SsisObject column in columns.Children) {
                ColumnVariable cv = new ColumnVariable(metadata.GetChildByTypeAndAttr("externalMetadataColumn", "id", column.Attributes["externalMetadataColumnId"]));

                // Add to the table parameter create
                TableParamCreate.AppendFormat("{0} {1} NULL, ", cv.Name, cv.SqlDbType());

                // List of columns in the insert
                colnames.AppendFormat("{0}, ", cv.Name);

                // List of parameter names in the values clause
                varnames.AppendFormat("@{0}, ", cv.Name);

                // The columns in the in-memory table
                TableSetup.AppendFormat(@"{0}component{1}.Columns.Add(""{2}"");{3}", indent, this.Attributes["id"], cv.Name, Environment.NewLine);

                // Find the source column in our lineage data
                string lineageId = column.Attributes["lineageId"];
                LineageObject lo = pipeline.GetLineageObjectById(lineageId);

                // Parameter setup instructions
                if (lo == null) {
                    SourceWriter.Help(this, "I couldn't find lineage column " + lineageId);
                    paramsetup.AppendFormat(@"{0}            // Unable to find column {1}{2}", indent, lineageId, Environment.NewLine);
                } else {
                    paramsetup.AppendFormat(@"{0}    dr[""{1}""] = {2};{3}", indent, cv.Name, lo.ToString(), Environment.NewLine);
            colnames.Length -= 2;
            varnames.Length -= 2;
            TableParamCreate.Length -= 2;

            // Insert the table parameter create statement in the project
            string sql_tableparam_resource = ProjectWriter.AddSqlResource(GetParentDtsName() + "_WritePipe_TableParam", TableParamCreate.ToString());

            // Produce a data set that we're going to process - name it after ourselves
            SourceWriter.WriteLine(@"{0}DataTable component{1} = new DataTable();", indent, this.Attributes["id"]);

            // Check the inputs to see what component we're using as the source
            string component = null;
            foreach (SsisObject incol in this.GetChildByType("inputs").GetChildByType("input").GetChildByType("inputColumns").Children) {
                LineageObject input = pipeline.GetLineageObjectById(incol.Attributes["lineageId"]);
                if (component == null) {
                    component = input.DataTableName;
                } else {
                    if (component != input.DataTableName) {
                        //SourceWriter.Help(this, "This SSIS pipeline is merging different component tables!");
                        // From closer review, this doesn't look like a problem - it's most likely due to transformations occuring on output of a table

            // Now fill the table in memory
            SourceWriter.WriteLine(@"{0}// Fill our table parameter in memory", indent);
            SourceWriter.WriteLine(@"{0}for (int row = 0; row < {1}.Rows.Count; row++) {{", indent, component);
            SourceWriter.WriteLine(@"{0}    DataRow dr = component{1}.NewRow();", indent, this.Attributes["id"]);
            SourceWriter.WriteLine(@"{0}    component{1}.Rows.Add(dr);", indent, this.Attributes["id"]);
            SourceWriter.WriteLine(@"{0}}}", indent);

            // Produce the SQL statement
            sql.AppendFormat("INSERT INTO {0} ({1}) SELECT {1} FROM @tableparam",
                GetChildByType("properties").GetChildByTypeAndAttr("property", "name", "OpenRowset").ContentValue,
            string sql_resource_name = ProjectWriter.AddSqlResource(GetParentDtsName() + "_WritePipe", sql.ToString());

            // Write the using clause for the connection
            SourceWriter.WriteLine(@"{0}// Time to drop this all into the database", indent);
            SourceWriter.WriteLine(@"{0}using (var conn = new {2}Connection(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[""{1}""]{3})) {{", indent, connstr, connprefix, fixup);
            SourceWriter.WriteLine(@"{0}    conn.Open();", indent);

            // Ensure the table parameter type has been created correctly
            SourceWriter.WriteLine(@"{0}    // Ensure the table parameter type has been created successfully", indent);
            SourceWriter.WriteLine(@"{0}    CreateTableParamType(""{1}"", conn);", indent, sql_tableparam_resource);

            // Let's use our awesome table parameter style!
            SourceWriter.WriteLine(@"{0}    // Insert all rows at once using fast table parameter insert", indent);
            SourceWriter.WriteLine(@"{0}    using (var cmd = new {2}Command(Resource1.{1}, conn)) {{", indent, sql_resource_name, connprefix);

            // Determine the timeout value specified in the pipeline
            SsisObject timeout_property = this.GetChildByType("properties").GetChildByTypeAndAttr("property", "name", "CommandTimeout");
            if (timeout_property != null) {
                int timeout = int.Parse(timeout_property.ContentValue);
                SourceWriter.WriteLine(@"{0}        cmd.CommandTimeout = {1};", indent, timeout);

            // Insert the table in one swoop
            SourceWriter.WriteLine(@"{0}        SqlParameter param = new SqlParameter(""@tableparam"", SqlDbType.Structured);", indent);
            SourceWriter.WriteLine(@"{0}        param.Value = component{1};", indent, this.Attributes["id"]);
            SourceWriter.WriteLine(@"{0}        param.TypeName = ""{1}"";", indent, tableparamname);
            SourceWriter.WriteLine(@"{0}        cmd.Parameters.Add(param);", indent);
            SourceWriter.WriteLine(@"{0}        cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();", indent);
            SourceWriter.WriteLine(@"{0}    }}", indent);
            SourceWriter.WriteLine(@"{0}}}", indent);
Esempio n. 4
        private void EmitPipelineTransform(SsisObject pipeline, string indent)
            // Add the columns we're generating
            List<SsisObject> transforms = this.GetChildByType("outputs").GetChildByTypeAndAttr("output", "isErrorOut", "false").GetChildByType("outputColumns").Children;

            // Check the inputs to see what component we're using as the source
            string component = "component1";
            SsisObject inputcolumns = this.GetChildByType("inputs").GetChildByType("input").GetChildByType("inputColumns");
            if (inputcolumns != null) {
                foreach (SsisObject incol in inputcolumns.Children) {
                    LineageObject input = pipeline.GetLineageObjectById(incol.Attributes["lineageId"]);
                    if (component == null) {
                        component = input.DataTableName;
                    } else {
                        if (component != input.DataTableName) {
                            SourceWriter.Help(this, "This SSIS pipeline is merging different component tables!");

            // Let's see if we can generate some code to do these conversions!
            foreach (SsisObject outcol in transforms) {
                ColumnVariable cv = new ColumnVariable(outcol);
                LineageObject source_lineage = null;
                string expression = null;

                // Find property "expression"
                if (outcol.Children.Count > 0) {
                    foreach (SsisObject property in outcol.GetChildByType("properties").Children) {
                        if (property.Attributes["name"] == "SourceInputColumnLineageID") {
                            source_lineage = pipeline.GetLineageObjectById(property.ContentValue);
                            expression = String.Format(@"Convert.ChangeType({1}.Rows[row][""{2}""], typeof({0}));", cv.CsharpType(), source_lineage.DataTableName, source_lineage.FieldName);
                        } else if (property.Attributes["name"] == "FastParse") {
                            // Don't need to do anything here
                        } else if (property.Attributes["name"] == "Expression") {

                            // Is this a lineage column?
                            expression = FixExpression(cv.CsharpType(), pipeline._lineage_columns, property.ContentValue, true);
                        } else if (property.Attributes["name"] == "FriendlyExpression") {
                            // This comment is useless - SourceWriter.WriteLine(@"{0}    // {1}", indent, property.ContentValue);
                        } else {
                            SourceWriter.Help(this, "I don't understand the output column property '" + property.Attributes["name"] + "'");

                    // If we haven't been given an explicit expression, just use this
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(expression)) {
                        SourceWriter.Help(this, "I'm trying to do a transform, but I haven't found an expression to use.");
                    } else {

                        // Put this transformation back into the lineage table for later use!
                        LineageObject lo = new LineageObject(outcol.Attributes["lineageId"], expression);
                } else {
                    SourceWriter.Help(this, "I'm trying to do a transform, but I don't have any properties to use.");