static void GetListaEntidades(GerenciaMemoria gMem) { int end; end = gMem.EncontraPadrao(new byte[] { 0xBB, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x83, 0xFF, 0x01, 0x0F, 0x8C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x3B, 0xF8 }, "x????xxxxx????xx", gMem.endBaseCliente, gMem.tamModuloCliente) + 1; EntityList = gMem.Read <int>(gMem.endBaseCliente + end) - gMem.endBaseCliente.ToInt32(); }
// A function that adds a color around the players, being visible through the wall public void SetGlow(Player jogador, GerenciaMemoria gMem, Color color) { gMem.Write(glowObj + (jogador.glowIndex * 0x38 + 0x24), 1); gMem.Write(glowObj + (jogador.glowIndex * 0x38 + 0x25), 0); gMem.Write(glowObj + (jogador.glowIndex * 0x38 + 0x26), 0); gMem.Write(glowObj + (jogador.glowIndex * 0x38 + 0x4), color); }
static void GetBaseObjeto(GerenciaMemoria gMem) { int end; end = gMem.EncontraPadrao(new byte[] { 0xE8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x83, 0xC4, 0x04, 0xB8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xC3, 0xcc }, "x????xxxx????xx", gMem.endBaseCliente, gMem.tamModuloCliente) + 9; ObjectBase = gMem.Read <int>(gMem.endBaseCliente + end) - gMem.endBaseCliente.ToInt32(); }
static void GetPlayerLocal(GerenciaMemoria gMem) { int end; end = gMem.EncontraPadrao(new byte[] { 0xFC, 0xE8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8B, 0x3D }, "xx????xx", gMem.endBaseCliente, gMem.tamModuloCliente) + 8; LocalPlayer = gMem.Read <int>(gMem.endBaseCliente + end) - gMem.endBaseCliente.ToInt32(); }
// Gives you offsets information public Player(GerenciaMemoria gMem, int index) { baseAddr = (IntPtr)gMem.Read <uint>(gMem.endBaseCliente + Offsets.EntityList + ((index - 1) * 16)); this.index = index; vida = gMem.Read <int>(baseAddr +; glowIndex = gMem.Read <int>(baseAddr + Offsets.CSPlayer.glowIndex); time = gMem.Read <int>(baseAddr + Offsets.CSPlayer.teamNum); dormente = gMem.Read <bool>(baseAddr + Offsets.CSPlayer.m_bDormant); estaVivo = vida > 0; }
// Check the number of players in the match in a maximum of 64 public ListaEntidades(GerenciaMemoria gMem) { local = new LocalPlayer(gMem); for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) { if (i != local.index) { jogadores.Add(new Player(gMem, i)); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { GerenciaMemoria gMem; bool radarOn = true, espOn = true; Console.WriteLine("Esperando abrir csgo!"); Console.Title = "csgoHAX radar + wallhack by Drão"; // Repeat structure waiting for the game to be opened do { gMem = new GerenciaMemoria(); } while (!gMem.Inicia()); Console.WriteLine("Jogo encontrado!"); Console.WriteLine(">Atualizando Hack!"); // Update the offsets to not write in memory in the wrong places and take untrusted Offsets.AtualizaOffsets(gMem); Console.WriteLine("Jogador Local: " + Offsets.LocalPlayer.ToString("X")); Console.WriteLine("Base do Objeto: " + Offsets.ObjectBase.ToString("X")); Console.WriteLine("Lista de Entidades: " + Offsets.EntityList.ToString("X")); Console.WriteLine("\n>HACK ATIVADO!"); Console.WriteLine("\nF6 Liga/Desliga Wallhack"); Console.WriteLine("F7 Liga/Desliga radar HACK\n"); // Repeat structure is always waiting for writing in memory, waiting for keys to be pressed, updating radar, changing glow color depending on the life, etc. while (true) { // Checks if the F7 key has been pressed and changes the value of the bool variable if (Convert.ToBoolean(GetAsyncKeyState(0x76) & 1)) { radarOn = !radarOn; Console.WriteLine("Radar: " + radarOn); } // Checks if the F6 key has been pressed and changes the value of the bool variable if (Convert.ToBoolean(GetAsyncKeyState(0x75) & 1)) { espOn = !espOn; Console.WriteLine("Wallhack: " + espOn); } ListaEntidades entList = new ListaEntidades(gMem); Wallhack wh = new Wallhack((IntPtr)gMem.Read <uint>(gMem.endBaseCliente + Offsets.ObjectBase)); foreach (var jogador in entList.jogadores) { // If player is alive and dormant (dead player) is alive) if (jogador.estaVivo && !jogador.dormente) { // If player is of the enemy team if (jogador.time != entList.local.time) { // The displays on the radar if (radarOn) { wh.SetSpotted(jogador, gMem); } // Changes the color of the glow of the enemy team, depending on the life, 100 HP equal to green if (espOn) { wh.SetGlow(jogador, gMem, new Color(255 - jogador.vida * 2.55f, jogador.vida * 2.55f, 0)); } } else { /* Changes the glow color of the own team * if (espOn) * wh.SetGlow(jogador, gMem, new Color(0, 0, 255.0f)); */ } } } // Sleep to avoid overloading the processor and loss of fps Thread.Sleep(1); } }
// Radar hack, function displays the enemy player on the radar of the game itself public void SetSpotted(Player player, GerenciaMemoria Mem) { Mem.Write(player.baseAddr + Offsets.CSPlayer.bSpotted, true); }
public Player GetPlayer(GerenciaMemoria gMem, int index) { return(new Player(gMem, index)); }
public LocalPlayer(GerenciaMemoria gMem) { baseAddr = (IntPtr)gMem.Read <uint>(gMem.endBaseCliente + Offsets.LocalPlayer); index = gMem.Read <int>(baseAddr + Offsets.CSPlayer.index); time = gMem.Read <int>(baseAddr + Offsets.CSPlayer.teamNum); }
public static void AtualizaOffsets(GerenciaMemoria gMem) { GetPlayerLocal(gMem); GetBaseObjeto(gMem); GetListaEntidades(gMem); }