Esempio n. 1
    // #############################################################################################
    // file IO
    // #############################################################################################

        /** ****************************************************************************************
         * Clears all configuration data and reads the file. It might happen that lines are
         * ignored or otherwise marked as faulty. All numbers of such lines get collected in
         * field LinesWithReadErrors.
         * @return Returns the #Status of the operation.
        public IniFile.Status  ReadFile()
            LastStatus= Status.OK;

            // read all variables
            StreamReader file;
                file= new StreamReader( FileName.ToString() );
            catch( Exception )
                return LastStatus= Status.ERROR_OPENING_FILE;

            String      lineS;
            AString     name=       new AString();
            AString     value=      new AString();
            AString     comments=   new AString();
            Section     actSection= (IniFile.Section) Sections[0];
            Substring   line=       new Substring();

            int         lineNo= 0;
            bool        fileHeaderRead= false;

            char[]      separatorCharacters= value._( "=" )._( CString.DefaultWhitespaces )

            while ( (lineS= file.ReadLine()) != null )

                bool isEmpty=       line.Set( lineS ).Trim().IsEmpty();
                bool isCommentLine= startsWithCommentSymbol( line );

                if ( isCommentLine )
                    if ( comments.IsNotEmpty() )

                // still processing file header?
                if ( !fileHeaderRead )
                    fileHeaderRead= true;
                    FileComments._()._( comments );

                // empty line?
                if ( isEmpty )
                    if ( comments.IsNotEmpty() )

                // section line
                if ( line.Consume( '[' ) )
                    fileHeaderRead= true;

                    // we do not care if there is no closing bracket. But if there is one, we remove it.
                    if( !line.ConsumeFromEnd(']') )
                        LinesWithReadErrors.Add( lineNo );

                    // search the section in our section list (if section existed already, new comments
                    // are dropped)
                    actSection= (IniFile.Section) SearchOrCreateSection( line, comments);


                // variable line?
                int idx= line.IndexOfAny( separatorCharacters, Inclusion.Include );
                if( idx < 0 )
                    name._()._( line );
                    name._()._( line.Buf, line.Start, idx );
                    line.Consume( idx );

                // read continues as long as lines end with '\' (must not be '\\')
                while (     line.CharAtEnd()  == '\\'
                        &&  line.CharAtEnd(1) != '\\' )

                    if ( (lineS= file.ReadLine()) == null  )
                        // last line of the file ended with '\' !
                    line.Set( lineS ).TrimEnd();
                    value._( line );

                // insert entry with raw value
                    IniFile.Entry entry= (IniFile.Entry) actSection.GetEntry( name, true );
                    entry.Values  .Clear();
                    entry.Comments._()._( comments );
                    entry.RawValue._()._( value );

                    // if there is just no raw value, we add an empty string to the entries' values
                    if ( value.IsEmpty() )
                        entry.Values.Add( new AString() );



            return LastStatus;
Esempio n. 2
 /** ****************************************************************************************
  * Interprets given \p src as a value of enum type
  * \ref cs::aworx::lib::enums::Inclusion "enums.Inclusion".
  * If the case insensitive comparison of the first non-whitespace characters of the string
  * with values "i", "y", "t", "1"
  * matches, \b %Inclusion.Include is returned.
  * Otherwise, including the case that \p src is 'nulled', \b %Inclusion.Exclude is returned.
  * @param src The string to 'parse'.
  * @returns The \b %Inclusion value read.
 public static Inclusion ReadInclusion( Substring src )
     int idx= src.IndexOfAny( CString.DefaultWhitespaces, Inclusion.Exclude );
     if ( idx >= 0 )
         int c= Char.ToLower( src.CharAt(idx) );
         foreach ( char v in trueValuesInclusion )
             if ( c == v )
                 return Inclusion.Include;
     return Inclusion.Exclude;
Esempio n. 3
 /** ****************************************************************************************
  * Interprets given \p src as a value of enum type
  * \ref aworx.lib::enums::Case "enums.Case".
  * If the case insensitive comparison of the first non-whitespace characters of the string
  * with values "s", "y", "t", "1"
  * matches, \b %Case.Sensitive is returned.
  * Otherwise, including the case that \p src is 'nulled', \b %Case.Ignore is returned.
  * @param src The string to 'parse'.
  * @returns The \b %Case value read.
 public static Case      ReadCase( Substring src )
     int idx= src.IndexOfAny( CString.DefaultWhitespaces, Inclusion.Exclude );
     if ( idx >= 0 )
         int c= Char.ToLower( src.CharAt(idx) );
         foreach ( char v in trueValuesCase )
             if ( c == v )
                 return Case.Sensitive;
     return Case.Ignore;
Esempio n. 4
        /** ****************************************************************************************
         * Interprets given \p src as a boolean value.
         * \ref cs::aworx::lib::enums::Inclusion "enums.Inclusion".
         * If the case insensitive comparison of the first non-whitespace characters of the string with
         * with values "t", "1", "y", "on", "ok"
         * matches, \c true is returned.
         * Otherwise, including the case that \p src is 'nulled', \c false is returned.
         * @param src The string to 'parse'.
         * @returns The \b %Case value read.
        public static bool      ReadBoolean( Substring src )
            int idx= src.IndexOfAny( CString.DefaultWhitespaces, Inclusion.Exclude );
            if ( idx >= 0 )
                char c=  Char.ToLower( src.CharAt(idx) );
                foreach ( char v in trueValuesBoolean )
                    if ( c == v )
                        return true;

                char c2= Char.ToLower( src.CharAt( idx + 1 ) );
                if ( c == 'o' &&  ( c2 == 'n' || c2 == 'k' ) )
                    return true;
            return false;
Esempio n. 5
 /** ****************************************************************************************
  * Interprets given \p src as a verbosity.
  * A case insensitive comparison of only the first (!) character of the start of the string
  * is performed (against 'v', 'i', 'w' and 'e').
  * If no match is found, \e %Verbosity::Off is returned.
  * @param src The string to 'parse'.
  * @returns The verbosity read.
 public static Verbosity ReadVerbosity( Substring src )
     int idx= src.IndexOfAny( CString.DefaultWhitespaces, Inclusion.Exclude );
     if ( idx >= 0 )
         char c= Char.ToLower( src.CharAt(idx) );
         if ( c == 'v' ) return Verbosity.Verbose;
         if ( c == 'i' ) return Verbosity.Info;
         if ( c == 'w' ) return Verbosity.Warning;
         if ( c == 'e' ) return Verbosity.Error;
     return Verbosity.Off;
    public void IndexOf()
        Substring subs;
        // indexOf()
            subs= new Substring("ABCD");
            UT_EQ( -1,      subs.IndexOf('X') );
            UT_EQ(  0,      subs.IndexOf('A') );
            UT_EQ(  1,      subs.IndexOf('B') );
            UT_EQ(  2,      subs.IndexOf('C') );
            UT_EQ(  3,      subs.IndexOf('D') );

        // search characters
        subs.Set( "abc@" +   "abcd abcd" + "abc@de", 4, 9 );
            UT_EQ(   -1 ,  subs.IndexOf( '@', -5   ) );
            UT_EQ(   -1 ,  subs.IndexOf( '@'       ) );
            UT_EQ(   -1 ,  subs.IndexOf( '@', 5    ) );
            UT_EQ(   -1 ,  subs.IndexOf( '@', 150  ) );

            UT_EQ(    0 ,  subs.IndexOf( 'a'       ) );
            UT_EQ(    1 ,  subs.IndexOf( 'b'       ) );
            UT_EQ(    2 ,  subs.IndexOf( 'c'       ) );

            UT_EQ(    0 ,  subs.IndexOf( 'a', 0    ) );
            UT_EQ(    1 ,  subs.IndexOf( 'b', 0    ) );
            UT_EQ(    2 ,  subs.IndexOf( 'c', 0    ) );

            UT_EQ(    5 ,  subs.IndexOf( 'a', 1    ) );
            UT_EQ(    1 ,  subs.IndexOf( 'b', 1    ) );
            UT_EQ(    2 ,  subs.IndexOf( 'c', 1    ) );

            UT_EQ(    5 ,  subs.IndexOf( 'a', 2    ) );
            UT_EQ(    6 ,  subs.IndexOf( 'b', 2    ) );
            UT_EQ(    2 ,  subs.IndexOf( 'c', 2    ) );

            UT_EQ(    5 ,  subs.IndexOf( 'a', 3    ) );
            UT_EQ(    6 ,  subs.IndexOf( 'b', 3    ) );
            UT_EQ(    7 ,  subs.IndexOf( 'c', 3    ) );

            UT_EQ(    8 ,  subs.IndexOf( 'd', 7    ) );
            UT_EQ(    8 ,  subs.IndexOf( 'd', 8    ) );
            UT_EQ(   -1 ,  subs.IndexOf( 'd', 9    ) );

        // search null, empty string
        subs.Set( "abc@" +   "abcd abcd" + "abc@de", 4, 9 );
            UT_EQ(  0 ,  subs.IndexOf( (AString) null       ) );
            UT_EQ(  5 ,  subs.IndexOf( (AString) null,   5  ) );
            UT_EQ( -1 ,  subs.IndexOf( (AString) null,  50  ) );

            UT_EQ(  0 ,  subs.IndexOf( (AString) null, - 5  ) );

            UT_EQ(  0 ,  subs.IndexOf( (String) null        ) );
            UT_EQ(  5 ,  subs.IndexOf( (String) null,    5  ) );
            UT_EQ( -1 ,  subs.IndexOf( (String) null,   50  ) );
            UT_EQ(  0 ,  subs.IndexOf( (String) null, -  5  ) );

            UT_EQ(  0 ,  subs.IndexOf( "",            -  5  ) );
            UT_EQ(  0 ,  subs.IndexOf( "",               0  ) );
            UT_EQ(  4 ,  subs.IndexOf( "",               4  ) );
            UT_EQ( -1 ,  subs.IndexOf( "",             100  ) );

        // search
        subs.Set( "abc@" +   "abcd abcd" + "abc@de", 4, 9 );
            UT_EQ(  0 ,  subs.IndexOf( "abcd"     ) );
            UT_EQ(  1 ,  subs.IndexOf( "b"        ) );
            UT_EQ(  4 ,  subs.IndexOf( " abcd"    ) );
            UT_EQ(  5 ,  subs.IndexOf( "abcd",  1 ) );
            UT_EQ(  0 ,  subs.IndexOf( "abcd",- 1 ) );
            UT_EQ(  -1,  subs.IndexOf( "xyz", -10 ) );

        // ignore case
        String t= "Hello A-Worx util";
        subs.Set( "abc@" +   t + "abc@de", 4, t.Length );
            UT_EQ(  6 ,  subs.IndexOf( "a-worx",   0    ,Case.Ignore ) );
            UT_EQ(  6 ,  subs.IndexOf( "a-worx",   1    ,Case.Ignore ) );
            UT_EQ(  6 ,  subs.IndexOf( "a-worx", -10    ,Case.Ignore ) );
            UT_EQ(  6 ,  subs.IndexOf( "a-worx",   6    ,Case.Ignore ) );
            UT_EQ(  -1,  subs.IndexOf( "a-worx",   7    ,Case.Ignore ) );
            UT_EQ(  -1,  subs.IndexOf( "a-worx", 100    ,Case.Ignore ) );
            UT_EQ(   0,  subs.IndexOf( "hel",      0    ,Case.Ignore ) );
            UT_EQ(  -1,  subs.IndexOf( "hel",      1    ,Case.Ignore ) );
            UT_EQ(  13,  subs.IndexOf( "util",     1    ,Case.Ignore ) );
            UT_EQ(  13,  subs.IndexOf( "UTIL",     5    ,Case.Ignore ) );
            UT_EQ(  13,  subs.IndexOf( "UTIL",    13    ,Case.Ignore ) );
            UT_EQ(  -1,  subs.IndexOf( "UTIL",    14    ,Case.Ignore ) );
        // ------------------ search one of several characters ------------------
        subs.Set( "abc@" +   "abcd abcde" + "abc@de", 4, 10 );
            // search one of
            int l= subs.Length();
            UT_EQ(   4,  subs.IndexOfAny    ( CString.DefaultWhitespaces,Inclusion.Include  ) );
            UT_EQ(  -1,  subs.IndexOfAny    ( "x"    .ToCharArray() ,Inclusion.Include      ) );
            UT_EQ(  -1,  subs.IndexOfAny    ( "xy"   .ToCharArray() ,Inclusion.Include      ) );
            UT_EQ(  -1,  subs.IndexOfAny    ( "xyz"  .ToCharArray() ,Inclusion.Include      ) );
            UT_EQ(   3,  subs.IndexOfAny    ( "xyd"  .ToCharArray() ,Inclusion.Include      ) );
            UT_EQ(   3,  subs.IndexOfAny    ( "d"    .ToCharArray() ,Inclusion.Include      ) );
            UT_EQ(   3,  subs.IndexOfAny    ( "xyd"  .ToCharArray() ,Inclusion.Include,  -2 ) );
            UT_EQ(   8,  subs.IndexOfAny    ( "xyd"  .ToCharArray() ,Inclusion.Include,   4 ) );
            UT_EQ(  -1,  subs.IndexOfAny    ( "xyd"  .ToCharArray() ,Inclusion.Include,  20 ) );

            UT_EQ(  -1,  subs.LastIndexOfAny( ""     .ToCharArray() ,Inclusion.Include      ) );
            UT_EQ(  -1,  subs.LastIndexOfAny( "x"    .ToCharArray() ,Inclusion.Include      ) );
            UT_EQ(  -1,  subs.LastIndexOfAny( "xy"   .ToCharArray() ,Inclusion.Include      ) );
            UT_EQ(  -1,  subs.LastIndexOfAny( "xyz"  .ToCharArray() ,Inclusion.Include      ) );
            UT_EQ(   8,  subs.LastIndexOfAny( "xyd"  .ToCharArray() ,Inclusion.Include      ) );
            UT_EQ(  -1,  subs.LastIndexOfAny( "xyd"  .ToCharArray() ,Inclusion.Include,  -2 ) );
            UT_EQ(  -1,  subs.LastIndexOfAny( "xyd"  .ToCharArray() ,Inclusion.Include,   2 ) );
            UT_EQ(   3,  subs.LastIndexOfAny( "xyd"  .ToCharArray() ,Inclusion.Include,   4 ) );
            UT_EQ(   0,  subs.LastIndexOfAny( "a"    .ToCharArray() ,Inclusion.Include,   4 ) );
            UT_EQ(   1,  subs.LastIndexOfAny( "b"    .ToCharArray() ,Inclusion.Include,   4 ) );
            UT_EQ(   1,  subs.LastIndexOfAny( "ba"   .ToCharArray() ,Inclusion.Include,   4 ) );
            UT_EQ(   0,  subs.LastIndexOfAny( "xa"   .ToCharArray() ,Inclusion.Include,   4 ) );
            UT_EQ(   8,  subs.LastIndexOfAny( "xyd"  .ToCharArray() ,Inclusion.Include,  20 ) );
            UT_EQ(   8,  subs.LastIndexOfAny( "d"    .ToCharArray() ,Inclusion.Include,  20 ) );
            UT_EQ(   9,  subs.LastIndexOfAny( "e"    .ToCharArray() ,Inclusion.Include,  20 ) );

            // search NOT one of
            UT_EQ(   0,  subs.IndexOfAny    ( ""     .ToCharArray() ,Inclusion.Exclude      ) );
            UT_EQ(   0,  subs.IndexOfAny    ( "x"    .ToCharArray() ,Inclusion.Exclude      ) );
            UT_EQ(   0,  subs.IndexOfAny    ( "xy"   .ToCharArray() ,Inclusion.Exclude      ) );
            UT_EQ(   0,  subs.IndexOfAny    ( "xyz"  .ToCharArray() ,Inclusion.Exclude      ) );
            UT_EQ(   1,  subs.IndexOfAny    ( "a"    .ToCharArray() ,Inclusion.Exclude      ) );
            UT_EQ(   2,  subs.IndexOfAny    ( "ba"   .ToCharArray() ,Inclusion.Exclude      ) );
            UT_EQ(   3,  subs.IndexOfAny    ( "abc"  .ToCharArray() ,Inclusion.Exclude      ) );
            UT_EQ(   3,  subs.IndexOfAny    ( "acb"  .ToCharArray() ,Inclusion.Exclude      ) );
            UT_EQ(   3,  subs.IndexOfAny    ( "cba"  .ToCharArray() ,Inclusion.Exclude      ) );
            UT_EQ(   3,  subs.IndexOfAny    ( "xcba" .ToCharArray() ,Inclusion.Exclude      ) );

            UT_EQ( l-1,  subs.LastIndexOfAny( ""     .ToCharArray() ,Inclusion.Exclude      ) );
            UT_EQ( l-1,  subs.LastIndexOfAny( "x"    .ToCharArray() ,Inclusion.Exclude      ) );
            UT_EQ( l-1,  subs.LastIndexOfAny( "xy"   .ToCharArray() ,Inclusion.Exclude      ) );
            UT_EQ( l-2,  subs.LastIndexOfAny( "e"    .ToCharArray() ,Inclusion.Exclude      ) );
            UT_EQ( l-3,  subs.LastIndexOfAny( "de"   .ToCharArray() ,Inclusion.Exclude      ) );
            UT_EQ( l-4,  subs.LastIndexOfAny( "cde"  .ToCharArray() ,Inclusion.Exclude      ) );
            UT_EQ( l-4,  subs.LastIndexOfAny( "ced"  .ToCharArray() ,Inclusion.Exclude      ) );
            UT_EQ( l-4,  subs.LastIndexOfAny( "ecd"  .ToCharArray() ,Inclusion.Exclude      ) );
            UT_EQ(   5,  subs.LastIndexOfAny( "ecd"  .ToCharArray() ,Inclusion.Exclude, 5   ) );
            UT_EQ(   4,  subs.LastIndexOfAny( "ecd"  .ToCharArray() ,Inclusion.Exclude, 4   ) );
            UT_EQ(   1,  subs.LastIndexOfAny( "acd"  .ToCharArray() ,Inclusion.Exclude, 3   ) );
            UT_EQ(  -1,  subs.LastIndexOfAny( "abc"  .ToCharArray() ,Inclusion.Exclude, 2   ) );
            UT_EQ(   3,  subs.LastIndexOfAny( "xay"  .ToCharArray() ,Inclusion.Exclude, 3   ) );
            UT_EQ(   2,  subs.LastIndexOfAny( "d"    .ToCharArray() ,Inclusion.Exclude, 3   ) );
            UT_EQ(  -1,  subs.LastIndexOfAny( "a"    .ToCharArray() ,Inclusion.Exclude, 0   ) );
