             * Virtual method that copies the values of an entry to the given \p variable.
             * @param parent    The plug-in we belong to.
             * @param variable  The variable to fill with our values.
            public virtual void ToVariable( InMemoryPlugin parent, Variable variable )
                ALIB.ASSERT( Delim != '\0' || Values.Count <= 1);
                if ( Delim != '\0' )
                    variable.Delim= Delim;
                if ( FormatHints != 0 )
                    variable.FormatHints= FormatHints;
                if ( FormatAttrAlignment != null )
                    variable.FormatAttrAlignment= FormatAttrAlignment;

                variable.Comments._()._( Comments );
                foreach( AString val in Values )
                    variable.AddString( val );
             * Virtual method that copies the values of the given \p variable to us.
             * @param parent    The plug-in we belong to.
             * @param variable  The variable to fill with our values.
            public virtual void FromVariable( InMemoryPlugin parent, Variable variable )
                // copy attributes
                Delim=               variable.Delim;
                FormatHints=         variable.FormatHints;
                FormatAttrAlignment= variable.FormatAttrAlignment;

                if ( Comments.IsEmpty() )    // do not overwrite comments
                    Comments._( variable.Comments );

                // adjust size of value array
                int varSize= variable.Size();
                int valSize= Values.Count;
                while (valSize < varSize )
                    Values.Add( new AString() );
                while (valSize > varSize )
                    Values.RemoveAt( --valSize );

                // copy
                for ( int i= 0; i< variable.Size(); i++ )
                    Values[i]._()._( variable.GetString(i) );
Esempio n. 3
  * Overrides default method. Clears the raw value, and calls base method.
  * @param parent    The plug-in we belong to.
  * @param variable  The variable to fill with our values.
 public override void FromVariable( InMemoryPlugin parent, Variable variable )
     base.FromVariable( parent, variable );
Esempio n. 4
             * Overrides default method. If we have not parsed the INI file text value, yet,
             * we do this now.
             * @param parent    The plug-in we belong to.
             * @param variable  The variable to fill with our values.
            public override void ToVariable( InMemoryPlugin parent, Variable variable )
                // if we are still raw, then parse the INI file content
                if ( Values.Count == 0  )
                    ALIB.ASSERT( Delim == '\0' );
                    Delim= variable.Delim;
                    variable.Comments._()._( Comments );

                    //-----  remove INI-File specific from raw value -----
                    AString raw= new AString();
                    raw._( RawValue );

                    // remove '='
                    if ( raw.CharAtStart() != '=' )
                        ALIB.WARNING( "No equal sign in variable \"" + variable.Fullname + "\" of INI file." );

                    // remove "\\n"
                    int startIdx= 0;
                    while ( (startIdx= raw.IndexOf( '\n', startIdx )) >= 0 )
                        // find \\n and trim around this location
                        int delLen= 2;
                        if ( raw.CharAt( --startIdx) == '\r' )
                            delLen= 3;
                        ALIB.ASSERT( raw.CharAt(startIdx) == '\\' );
                        raw.Delete( startIdx, delLen );

                        startIdx= raw.TrimAt( startIdx );

                        // if now the next value is starting with a comment symbol, we remove to the next \n
                            char c= raw.CharAt( startIdx );
                            if (     c != '#'
                                &&   c != ';'
                                && ( c != '/' || raw.CharAt( startIdx + 1 ) != '/' ) )

                            int idx= raw.IndexOf( '\n' );
                            if (idx < 0 ) idx= raw.Length();
                            raw.Delete( startIdx, idx - startIdx + 1 );
                            if( startIdx >= raw.Length() )
                            startIdx= raw.TrimAt( startIdx );

                    // now convert
                    parent.StringConverter.LoadFromString( variable, raw );

                    // copy the parsed values back to our entry and store the delimiter
                    for( int i= 0; i < variable.Size() ; i++ )
                        Values.Add( new AString( variable.GetString( i ) ) );

                // otherwise, use base method
                    base.ToVariable( parent, variable );