public override void OnSaveEvent(IndirectObject indirectObject, PDFObjects pdf) { // /CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin 12 // // /CIDSystemInfo // /Registry A string identifying the issuer of the character collection. // For information about assigning a registry identifier, contact the Adobe // Solutions Network or consult the ASN Web site (see the Bibliography). // /Ordering A string that uniquely names the character collection within the specified registry. // /Supplement The supplement number of the character collection. An original character collection // has a supplement number of 0. Whenever additional CIDs are assigned in a character // collection, the supplement number shall be increased. Supplements shall not alter // the ordering of existing CIDs in the character collection. This value shall not be // used in determining compatibility between character collections. StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append(@"/CIDInit/ProcSet findresource begin 12 dict begin begincmap/CIDSystemInfo <</Registry (QWERT)/Ordering (ASDFG)/Supplement 0>> def /CMapName /QWERT def/CMapType 2 def 1 begincodespacerange <00> <FF> endcodespacerange" + "\n"); sb.Append(font.hashChar.Count + " beginbfchar\n"); foreach (int i in font.hashChar) { sb.Append("<" + font.GetGlyphId(i).ToString("X2") + "> <" + i.ToString("X4") + ">\n"); } sb.Append("endbfchar\nendcmap\nCMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop\nend end\n"); indirectObject.SetChild(new DictionaryObject(sb.ToString())); }
public override void OnSaveEvent(IndirectObject indirectObject, PDFObjects pdfObjects) { var entries = new Dictionary <string, PdfObject> { { "Type", new NameObject("FontDescriptor") }, { "StemV", new IntegerObject(font.StemV) }, { "Flags", new IntegerObject((int)font.Flags) }, { "FontName", new NameObject(font.Name) }, { "FontBBox", new ArrayObject(new List <PdfObject> { new IntegerObject(font.boundingBox[0]), new IntegerObject(font.boundingBox[1]), new IntegerObject(font.boundingBox[2]), new IntegerObject(font.boundingBox[3]) }) }, { "ItalicAngle", new IntegerObject(font.ItalicAngle) }, { "Ascent", new IntegerObject(font.Ascendent) }, { "Descent", new IntegerObject(font.Descendent) }, { "CapHeight", new IntegerObject(font.CapHeight) }, }; if (font.Leading > 0) { entries.Add("Leading", new IntegerObject(font.Leading)); } if (font.IsEmbedded) { var fontContent = new DocumentFontContent(font.FontByteArray); entries.Add("FontFile2", fontContent.IndirectReferenceObject(pdfObjects)); } indirectObject.SetChild(new DictionaryObject(entries)); }
public override void Load(PDFObjects pdf, PdfObject pdfObject) { var dic = pdf.GetObject <DictionaryObject>(pdfObject); if (dic.Dictionary.ContainsKey("Parent")) { parent = pdf.GetDocument <DocumentPageTree>(dic.Dictionary["Parent"]); } var dicKids = pdf.GetObject <ArrayObject>(dic.Dictionary["Kids"]); foreach (var kid in dicKids.Childs <IndirectReferenceObject>()) { if (pdf.GetType(kid) == "Pages") { pageTreeSons.Add(pdf.GetDocument <DocumentPageTree>(kid)); } else { pageSons.Add(pdf.GetDocument <DocumentPage>(kid)); } } if (dic.Dictionary.ContainsKey("MediaBox")) { var mediaBox = pdf.GetObject <ArrayObject>(dic.Dictionary["MediaBox"]); MediaBox = new Rectangle( pdf.GetObject <RealObject>(mediaBox.childs[0]).Value, pdf.GetObject <RealObject>(mediaBox.childs[1]).Value, pdf.GetObject <RealObject>(mediaBox.childs[2]).Value, pdf.GetObject <RealObject>(mediaBox.childs[3]).Value); } }
public override void OnSaveEvent(IndirectObject indirectObject, PDFObjects pdfObjects) { var widths = new List <PdfObject>(); for (int i = FirstChar; i < LastChar + 1; i++) { if (!hashChar.Contains(i)) { widths.Add(new IntegerObject(0)); } else if (!dctCharCodeToGlyphID.ContainsKey(i)) { widths.Add(new IntegerObject(this.Width)); } else { widths.Add(new IntegerObject(Glypth[dctCharCodeToGlyphID[i]].width)); } } var entries = new Dictionary <string, PdfObject> { { "Encoding", new NameObject("WinAnsiEncoding") }, { "Type", new NameObject("Font") }, { "Subtype", new NameObject("TrueType") }, { "BaseFont", new NameObject(Name) }, { "FirstChar", new IntegerObject(FirstChar) }, { "LastChar", new IntegerObject(LastChar) }, { "Widths", new ArrayObject(widths) }, { "FontDescriptor", descriptor.IndirectReferenceObject(pdfObjects) }, }; indirectObject.SetChild(new DictionaryObject(entries)); }
public override void OnSaveEvent(IndirectObject indirectObject, PDFObjects pdf) { var entries = new Dictionary <string, PdfObject> { { "Length", new IntegerObject(font.Length) }, { "Length1", new IntegerObject(font.Length) } }; indirectObject.SetChild(new DictionaryObject(entries, font)); }
public override void Load(PDFObjects pdf, PdfObject pdfObject) { var dic = pdf.GetObject <DictionaryObject>(pdfObject); if (dic.Stream != null) { this.pageOperators = new PageOperator(dic.Stream).ReadObjects(); } }
public override void OnSaveEvent(IndirectObject indirectObject, PDFObjects pdfObjects) { var resourceEntries = new Dictionary <string, PdfObject>(); if (fonts.Count > 0) { var dicFonts = new Dictionary <string, PdfObject>(); foreach (var font in fonts) { dicFonts.Add(font.Value, font.Key.IndirectReferenceObject(pdfObjects)); } resourceEntries.Add("Font", new DictionaryObject(dicFonts)); } if (images.Count > 0) { var dicImages = new Dictionary <string, PdfObject>(); foreach (var img in images) { dicImages.Add(img.Value, img.Key.IndirectReferenceObject(pdfObjects)); } resourceEntries.Add("XObject", new DictionaryObject(dicImages)); } if (procsets.Count > 0) { List <PdfObject> lstObjects = new List <PdfObject>(); foreach (var procSet in procsets) { lstObjects.Add(new NameObject(procSet)); } resourceEntries.Add("ProcSet", new ArrayObject(lstObjects)); } var entries = new Dictionary <string, PdfObject> { { "Type", new NameObject("Page") }, { "Parent", parent.IndirectReferenceObject(pdfObjects) }, { "Contents", contents.IndirectReferenceObject(pdfObjects) } }; if (resourceEntries.Count > 0) { entries.Add("Resources", new DictionaryObject(resourceEntries)); } if (MediaBox != null) { entries.Add("MediaBox", new ArrayObject(MediaBox.ToArrayObject())); } indirectObject.SetChild(new DictionaryObject(entries)); }
public override void OnSaveEvent(IndirectObject indirectObject, PDFObjects pdf) { var entries = new Dictionary <string, PdfObject> { { "Type", new NameObject("Font") }, { "Subtype", new NameObject("Type1") }, { "BaseFont", new NameObject(this.Name) }, { "Encoding", new NameObject("WinAnsiEncoding") } }; indirectObject.SetChild(new DictionaryObject(entries)); }
public IndirectReferenceObject IndirectReferenceObject(PDFObjects pdfObjects) { var indirectObject = pdfObjects.CacheGuid(guid); if (indirectObject != null) { return indirectObject; } indirectObject = pdfObjects.CreateIndirectObject(guid); OnSaveEvent(indirectObject, pdfObjects); return indirectObject; }
public override void Load(PDFObjects pdf, PdfObject pdfObject) { System.Text.Encoding.RegisterProvider(System.Text.CodePagesEncodingProvider.Instance); var dictionary = pdf.GetObject <DictionaryObject>(pdfObject); pageTree = pdf.GetDocument <DocumentPageTree>(dictionary.Dictionary["Pages"]); if (dictionary.Dictionary.ContainsKey("Outlines")) { outlines = pdf.GetDocument <DocumentOutlines>(dictionary.Dictionary["Outlines"]); } }
public override void OnSaveEvent(IndirectObject indirectObject, PDFObjects pdfObjects) { var entries = new Dictionary <string, PdfObject> { { "Type", new NameObject("XObject") }, { "Subtype", new NameObject("Image") }, { "Length", new IntegerObject(image.Length) }, { "Width", new IntegerObject(this.Width) }, { "Height", new IntegerObject(this.Height) }, { "BitsPerComponent", new IntegerObject(this.BitsPerComponent) }, { "ColorSpace", (this.Components == 3 ? new NameObject("DeviceRGB") : new NameObject("DeviceGray")) } }; indirectObject.SetChild(new DictionaryObject(entries, image)); }
public override void OnSaveEvent(IndirectObject indirectObject, PDFObjects pdfObjects) { var dic = new Dictionary <string, PdfObject> { { "Type", new NameObject("Catalog") }, { "Pages", pageTree.IndirectReferenceObject(pdfObjects) } }; if (Outlines != null) { dic.Add("Outlines", outlines.IndirectReferenceObject(pdfObjects)); } indirectObject.SetChild(new DictionaryObject(dic)); }
public override void OnSaveEvent(IndirectObject indirectObject, PDFObjects pdfObjects) { var entries = new Dictionary <string, PdfObject>() { { "Count", new IntegerObject(Count) } }; if (Parent == null) { entries.Add("Type", new NameObject("Outlines")); } if (Parent != null) { entries.Add("Parent", Parent.IndirectReferenceObject(pdfObjects)); entries.Add("Dest", new ArrayObject(new List <PdfObject>() { Page.IndirectReferenceObject(pdfObjects), new NameObject("XYZ"), GetRealOrNullObject(X), GetRealOrNullObject(Y), GetRealOrNullObject(Zoom) })); } if (First != null) { entries.Add("First", First.IndirectReferenceObject(pdfObjects)); } if (Last != null) { entries.Add("Last", Last.IndirectReferenceObject(pdfObjects)); } if (Prev != null) { entries.Add("Prev", Prev.IndirectReferenceObject(pdfObjects)); } if (Next != null) { entries.Add("Next", Next.IndirectReferenceObject(pdfObjects)); } if (Title != null) { entries.Add("Title", new StringObject(Title)); } indirectObject.SetChild(new DictionaryObject(entries)); }
public override void OnSaveEvent(IndirectObject indirectObject, PDFObjects pdfObjects) { List <PdfObject> kids = new List <PdfObject>(); kids.AddRange(pageTreeSons.Select(p => p.IndirectReferenceObject(pdfObjects))); kids.AddRange(pageSons.Select(p => p.IndirectReferenceObject(pdfObjects))); var entries = new Dictionary <string, PdfObject> { { "Type", new NameObject("Pages") }, { "Kids", new ArrayObject(kids) }, { "Count", new IntegerObject(kids.Count) }, }; if (MediaBox != null) { entries.Add("MediaBox", new ArrayObject(MediaBox.ToArrayObject())); } indirectObject.SetChild(new DictionaryObject(entries)); }
public override void OnSaveEvent(IndirectObject indirectObject, PDFObjects pdfObjects) { // a good guide: SubsetTTFFont = Subset(TTFFont); File.WriteAllBytes("file.ttf", SubsetTTFFont); var widths = new List <PdfObject>(); widths.Add(new IntegerObject(this.Width)); foreach (int i in hashChar) { if (!dctCharCodeToGlyphID.ContainsKey(i)) { widths.Add(new IntegerObject(this.Width)); } else { widths.Add(new IntegerObject(Glypth[dctCharCodeToGlyphID[i]].width)); } } var descriptor = new DocumentTtfDescriptorFont(this); var cmap = new DocumentCmapFont(this); var entries = new Dictionary <string, PdfObject> { { "Type", new NameObject("Font") }, { "Subtype", new NameObject("TrueType") }, { "BaseFont", new NameObject(Name) }, { "FirstChar", new IntegerObject(0) }, { "LastChar", new IntegerObject(hashChar.Count) }, { "Widths", new ArrayObject(widths) }, { "FontDescriptor", descriptor.IndirectReferenceObject(pdfObjects) }, { "ToUnicode", cmap.IndirectReferenceObject(pdfObjects) }, }; indirectObject.SetChild(new DictionaryObject(entries)); }
public override void Load(PDFObjects pdf, PdfObject pdfObject) { var contents = pdf.GetObject <DictionaryObject>(pdfObject); foreach (var value in contents.Dictionary) { switch (value.Key) { case "Type": break; case "First": First = pdf.GetDocument <DocumentOutlines>(value.Value); break; case "Last": Last = pdf.GetDocument <DocumentOutlines>(value.Value); break; case "Prev": Prev = pdf.GetDocument <DocumentOutlines>(value.Value); break; case "Next": Next = pdf.GetDocument <DocumentOutlines>(value.Value); break; case "Parent": Parent = pdf.GetDocument <DocumentOutlines>(value.Value); break; case "Count": Count = pdf.GetObject <IntegerObject>(value.Value).IntValue; break; case "Title": Title = pdf.GetObject <StringObject>(value.Value).Value; break; case "Dest": var dest = pdf.GetObject <ArrayObject>(value.Value); Page = pdf.GetDocument <DocumentPage>(dest.childs[0]); switch (pdf.GetObject <NameObject>(dest.childs[1]).Value) { case "XYZ": X = GetRealOrNullObject(dest.childs[2]); Y = GetRealOrNullObject(dest.childs[3]); Zoom = GetRealOrNullObject(dest.childs[4]); break; default: throw new PdfException(PdfExceptionCodes.UNKNOWN_ENTRY, $"Outlines contain an unknown Dest entry: {pdf.GetObject<NameObject>(dest.childs[1]).Value}"); } break; default: throw new PdfException(PdfExceptionCodes.UNKNOWN_ENTRY, $"Outlines contain an unknown entry: {value.Key}"); } } }
public override void Load(PDFObjects pdf, PdfObject pdfObject) { var dic = pdf.GetObject <DictionaryObject>(pdfObject); if (dic.Dictionary.ContainsKey("Parent")) { parent = pdf.GetDocument <DocumentPageTree>(dic.Dictionary["Parent"]); } if (dic.Dictionary.ContainsKey("MediaBox")) { var mediaBox = pdf.GetObject <ArrayObject>(dic.Dictionary["MediaBox"]); MediaBox = new Rectangle( pdf.GetObject <RealObject>(mediaBox.childs[0]).Value, pdf.GetObject <RealObject>(mediaBox.childs[1]).Value, pdf.GetObject <RealObject>(mediaBox.childs[2]).Value, pdf.GetObject <RealObject>(mediaBox.childs[3]).Value); } if (dic.Dictionary.ContainsKey("Resources")) { var resources = pdf.GetObject <DictionaryObject>(dic.Dictionary["Resources"]); foreach (var resource in resources.Dictionary) { switch (resource.Key) { case "Font": foreach (var font in pdf.GetObject <DictionaryObject>(resource.Value).Dictionary) { var documentFont = FontFactory.GetFont(pdf, font.Value); fonts.Add(documentFont, font.Key); reverseFonts.Add(font.Key, documentFont); } break; case "XObject": foreach (var image in pdf.GetObject <DictionaryObject>(resource.Value).Dictionary) { var documentImage = ImageFactory.GetImage(pdf, image.Value); images.Add(documentImage, image.Key); reverseImages.Add(image.Key, documentImage); } break; case "ProcSet": //14.2 Procedure Sets var arrayobject = pdf.GetObject <ArrayObject>(resource.Value); foreach (var item in arrayobject.Childs <NameObject>()) { procsets.Add(item.Value); } break; default: // TODO throw new PdfException(PdfExceptionCodes.INVALID_RESOURCE, $"Not supported resource found {resource.Key}"); } } } contents = pdf.GetDocument <DocumentText>(dic.Dictionary["Contents"]); }
public DocumentFontContent(PDFObjects pdf, PdfObject pdfObject) { var dic = pdf.GetObject <DictionaryObject>(pdfObject); font = dic.Stream; }
public virtual void Load(PDFObjects pdf, PdfObject pdfObject) { }
public virtual void OnSaveEvent(IndirectObject indirectObject, PDFObjects pdfObjects) { }
public override void OnSaveEvent(IndirectObject indirectObject, PDFObjects pdfObjects) { string text = string.Join(" ", pageOperators); indirectObject.SetChild(new DictionaryObject(text)); }