Esempio n. 1
    public static int Main(string[] args)
        IEnumerable <string> benchmarkNames = null;
        //var pausetime = false;
        var           timeout            = -1;
        string        rootFromCmdline    = null;
        string        buildURL           = null;
        string        logURL             = null;
        string        pullRequestURL     = null;
        string        monoRepositoryPath = null;
        long?         runSetId           = null;
        long?         runId                  = null;
        string        configFile             = null;
        string        machineName            = null;
        bool          justCreateRunSet       = false;
        bool          justListBenchmarks     = false;
        string        valgrindBinary         = null;
        ValgrindTool? valgrindTool           = null;
        string        valgrindOutputFilename = null;
        string        grepBinprotPath        = null;
        string        binprotFilePath        = null;
        bool          jitStats               = false;
        Commit        mainCommit             = null;
        List <Commit> secondaryCommits       = new List <Commit> ();

        var exeLocation = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location;
        var exeName     = Path.GetFileName(exeLocation);
        var exeDir      = Path.GetDirectoryName(exeLocation);

        if (exeName != "compare.exe")
            Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: Executable is not `compare.exe`.  Please specify all paths manually.");
        if (Path.GetFileName(exeDir) != "tools")
            Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: Executable is not in the `tools` directory.  Please specify all paths manually.");
        var root = Path.GetDirectoryName(exeDir);

        var testsDir      = Path.Combine(root, "tests");
        var benchmarksDir = Path.Combine(root, "benchmarks");
        var machinesDir   = Path.Combine(root, "machines");
        var productsDir   = Path.Combine(root, "products");

        var optindex = 0;

        for (; optindex < args.Length; ++optindex)
            if (args [optindex] == "-b" || args [optindex] == "--benchmarks")
                var newNames = args [++optindex].Split(',').Select(s => s.Trim());
                if (benchmarkNames == null)
                    benchmarkNames = newNames.ToArray();
                    benchmarkNames = newNames.Union(benchmarkNames).ToArray();
            else if (args [optindex] == "-c" || args [optindex] == "--config-file")
                configFile = args [++optindex];
            else if (args [optindex] == "-l" || args [optindex] == "--list-benchmarks")
                justListBenchmarks = true;
            else if (args [optindex] == "--machine")
                machineName = args [++optindex];
            else if (args [optindex] == "--build-url")
                buildURL = args [++optindex];
            else if (args [optindex] == "--log-url")
                logURL = args [++optindex];
            else if (args [optindex] == "--pull-request-url")
                pullRequestURL = args [++optindex];
            else if (args [optindex] == "--mono-repository")
                monoRepositoryPath = args [++optindex];
            else if (args [optindex] == "--create-run-set")
                justCreateRunSet = true;
            else if (args [optindex] == "--run-set-id")
                runSetId = Int64.Parse(args [++optindex]);
            else if (args [optindex] == "--run-id")
                runId = Int64.Parse(args [++optindex]);
            else if (args [optindex] == "--root")
                rootFromCmdline = args [++optindex];
            else if (args [optindex] == "--main-product")
                var name = args [++optindex];
                var hash = args [++optindex];
                if (mainCommit != null)
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: Only one --main-product is supported.");
                var product = compare.Utils.LoadProductFromFile(name, productsDir);
                mainCommit = new Commit {
                    Product = product, Hash = hash
            else if (args [optindex] == "--secondary-product")
                var name    = args [++optindex];
                var hash    = args [++optindex];
                var product = compare.Utils.LoadProductFromFile(name, productsDir);
                secondaryCommits.Add(new Commit {
                    Product = product, Hash = hash
            else if (args [optindex] == "--valgrind-massif")
                if (valgrindBinary != null)
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: More than one Valgrind option given.");
                valgrindBinary         = args [++optindex];
                valgrindOutputFilename = args [++optindex];
                valgrindTool           = ValgrindTool.Massif;
            else if (args [optindex] == "--valgrind-cachegrind")
                if (valgrindBinary != null)
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: More than one Valgrind option given.");
                valgrindBinary         = args [++optindex];
                valgrindOutputFilename = args [++optindex];
                valgrindTool           = ValgrindTool.Cachegrind;
            else if (args [optindex] == "-t" || args [optindex] == "--timeout")
                timeout = Int32.Parse(args [++optindex]);
                timeout = timeout <= 0 ? -1 : timeout;
            else if (args [optindex] == "--sgen-grep-binprot")
                grepBinprotPath = args [++optindex];
            else if (args [optindex] == "--upload-pause-times")
                binprotFilePath = args [++optindex];
            else if (args [optindex] == "--jit-stats")
                jitStats = true;
            else if (args [optindex].StartsWith("--help"))
            else if (args [optindex] == "--")
                optindex += 1;
            else if (args [optindex].StartsWith("-"))
                Console.Error.WriteLine("unknown parameter {0}", args [optindex]);

        var configFileFromCommandLine = configFile != null;

        if (!configFileFromCommandLine)
            configFile = Path.Combine(root, "configs", "default-sgen.conf");
        var config = compare.Utils.LoadConfigFromFile(configFile, rootFromCmdline, !(justListBenchmarks || binprotFilePath != null));

        if (justCreateRunSet && runSetId != null)
            Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: --create-run-set and --run-set-id are incompatible.");

        if (justListBenchmarks && benchmarkNames != null)
            Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: -b/--benchmarks and -l/--list-benchmarks are incompatible.");
        if (justListBenchmarks && !configFileFromCommandLine)
            Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: -l/--list-benchmarks requires --config-file.");

        if (args.Length - optindex != 0)
            return(UsageAndExit(null, 1));

        if (binprotFilePath != null && (runId == null || grepBinprotPath == null))
            Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: --upload-pause-times also requires --run-id and --sgen-grep-binprot.");

        if (benchmarkNames == null)
            benchmarkNames = config.Benchmarks;

        var benchmarks = compare.Utils.LoadAllBenchmarksFrom(benchmarksDir, benchmarkNames);

        if (benchmarks == null)
            Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: Could not load all benchmarks.");

        if (justListBenchmarks)
            if (machineName != null)
                var listMachine = compare.Utils.LoadMachineFromFile(machineName, machinesDir);
                if (listMachine == null)
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: Could not load machine `{0}`.", machineName);
                if (listMachine.ExcludeBenchmarks != null)
                    benchmarks = benchmarks.Where(b => !listMachine.ExcludeBenchmarks.Contains(b.Name)).ToList();
            foreach (var benchmark in benchmarks.OrderBy(b => b.Name))


        if (binprotFilePath != null)
            var success = AsyncContext.Run(() => UploadPauseTimes(binprotFilePath, grepBinprotPath, runId.Value));
            Environment.Exit(success ? 0 : 1);

        if (mainCommit == null)
            mainCommit = new Commit {
                Product = compare.Utils.LoadProductFromFile("mono", productsDir)

        var gitHubClient = GitHubInterface.GitHubClient;

        Machine machine = null;

        if (machineName == null)
            machine = compare.Utils.LoadMachineCurrentFrom(machinesDir);
            machine = compare.Utils.LoadMachineFromFile(machineName, machinesDir);

        if (machine != null && machine.ExcludeBenchmarks != null)
            benchmarks = benchmarks.Where(b => !machine.ExcludeBenchmarks.Contains(b.Name)).ToList();

        if (machine == null)           // couldn't find machine file
            var hostarch = compare.Utils.LocalHostnameAndArch();
            machine              = new Machine();
            machine.Name         = hostarch.Item1;
            machine.Architecture = hostarch.Item2;

        foreach (var commit in new Commit[] { mainCommit }.Concat(secondaryCommits))
            if (!AsyncContext.Run(() => compare.Utils.CompleteCommit(config, commit)))
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: Could not get commit for product {0}.", commit.Product.Name);

        RunSet runSet;

        if (runSetId != null)
            if (pullRequestURL != null)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: Pull request URL cannot be specified for an existing run set.");
            runSet = AsyncContext.Run(() => RunSet.FromId(machine, runSetId.Value, config, mainCommit, secondaryCommits, buildURL, logURL));
            if (runSet == null)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: Could not get run set.");
            long?pullRequestBaselineRunSetId = null;

            if (pullRequestURL != null)
                if (monoRepositoryPath == null)
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: Must specify a mono repository path to test a pull request.");

                var repo = new compare.Repository(monoRepositoryPath);

                var baselineResult = AsyncContext.Run(() => GetPullRequestBaselineRunSetId(mainCommit.Product, pullRequestURL, repo, config));
                if (baselineResult == null)
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: No appropriate baseline run set found.");
                pullRequestBaselineRunSetId = baselineResult.Item1;
                mainCommit.MergeBaseHash    = baselineResult.Item2;

            runSet = new RunSet {
                StartDateTime               = DateTime.Now,
                Machine                     = machine,
                Config                      = config,
                Commit                      = mainCommit,
                SecondaryCommits            = secondaryCommits,
                BuildURL                    = buildURL,
                LogURL                      = logURL,
                PullRequestURL              = pullRequestURL,
                PullRequestBaselineRunSetId = pullRequestBaselineRunSetId

            Console.Error.WriteLine("Set start time to {0}", runSet.StartDateTime.ToString(RunSet.DATETIME_PRETTY));

        var reportFailure = false;

        if (!justCreateRunSet)
            var someSuccess = false;

            var    runTool          = valgrindBinary;
            string runToolArguments = null;
            if (runTool != null)
                switch (valgrindTool)
                case ValgrindTool.Massif:
                    runToolArguments = string.Format("--tool=massif --massif-out-file={0} --max-snapshots=1000 --detailed-freq=100 --pages-as-heap=yes", valgrindOutputFilename);

                case ValgrindTool.Cachegrind:
                    runToolArguments = string.Format("--tool=cachegrind --cachegrind-out-file={0} --cache-sim=yes --branch-sim=yes", valgrindOutputFilename);

                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: Unsupported Valgrind tool.");

            int binaryProtocolIndex = 0;

            foreach (var benchmark in benchmarks.OrderBy(b => b.Name))
                // Run the benchmarks
                if (config.Count <= 0)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(String.Format("configs [\"{0}\"].Count <= 0", config.Name));

                Console.Out.WriteLine("Running benchmark \"{0}\" with config \"{1}\"", benchmark.Name, config.Name);

                var runner = new compare.UnixRunner(testsDir, config, benchmark, machine, timeout, runTool, runToolArguments);

                var haveTimedOut = false;
                var haveCrashed  = false;

                var count        = valgrindBinary == null ? config.Count + 1 : 1;
                var successCount = 0;

                for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                    bool   timedOut;
                    string stdoutOutput;

                    if (valgrindBinary == null)
                        Console.Out.Write("\t\t-> {0} ", i == 0 ? "[dry run]" : String.Format("({0}/{1})", i, config.Count));

                    string binaryProtocolFile = null;
                    string workingDirectory   = Path.Combine(testsDir, benchmark.TestDirectory);
                    if (config.ProducesBinaryProtocol)
                            binaryProtocolFile = Path.Combine(workingDirectory, string.Format("binprot.{0}", binaryProtocolIndex));
                        } while (File.Exists(binaryProtocolFile));

                    var elapsedMilliseconds = runner.Run(binaryProtocolFile, out timedOut, out stdoutOutput);

                    // if running for time, the first one is the dry run
                    if (valgrindBinary == null && i == 0)

                    if (elapsedMilliseconds != null)
                        var run = new Run {
                            Benchmark = benchmark,
                            BinaryProtocolFilename = binaryProtocolFile == null ? null : Path.Combine(workingDirectory, binaryProtocolFile)

                        if (valgrindBinary == null)
                            run.RunMetrics.Add(new RunMetric {
                                Metric = RunMetric.MetricType.Time,
                                Value  = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(elapsedMilliseconds.Value)
                            if (jitStats)
                                foreach (var phase in ParseJITPhases(stdoutOutput))
                            switch (valgrindTool)
                            case ValgrindTool.Massif:
                                var results = MemoryIntegral(valgrindOutputFilename);
                                run.RunMetrics.Add(new RunMetric {
                                        Metric = RunMetric.MetricType.MemoryIntegral,
                                        Value  = results.Item1
                                run.RunMetrics.Add(new RunMetric {
                                        Metric = RunMetric.MetricType.Instructions,
                                        Value  = results.Item2

                            case ValgrindTool.Cachegrind:
                                var results = CacheAndBranches(valgrindOutputFilename);
                                run.RunMetrics.Add(new RunMetric {
                                        Metric = RunMetric.MetricType.CachegrindResults,
                                        Value  = results.Item1
                                run.RunMetrics.Add(new RunMetric {
                                        Metric = RunMetric.MetricType.CacheMissRate,
                                        Value  = results.Item2
                                run.RunMetrics.Add(new RunMetric {
                                        Metric = RunMetric.MetricType.BranchMispredictionRate,
                                        Value  = results.Item3
                        someSuccess = true;
                        if (timedOut)
                            haveTimedOut = true;
                            haveCrashed = true;

                if (haveTimedOut)
                if (haveCrashed)

                if (haveTimedOut || successCount == 0)
                    reportFailure = true;

            if (!someSuccess)
                Console.WriteLine("all runs failed.");

        runSet.FinishDateTime = DateTime.Now;
        Console.Error.WriteLine("Start time is {0} - finish time is {1}", runSet.StartDateTime.ToString(RunSet.DATETIME_PRETTY), runSet.FinishDateTime.ToString(RunSet.DATETIME_PRETTY));


        var uploadResult = AsyncContext.Run(() => runSet.Upload());

        if (uploadResult == null)
            Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: Could not upload run set.");

        Console.WriteLine("{0}", uploadResult.RunSetId);
        if (pullRequestURL != null)
            Console.WriteLine("{0}", uploadResult.PullRequestId.Value);

        Console.Write("{{ \"runSetId\": \"{0}\"", uploadResult.RunSetId);
        if (pullRequestURL != null)
            Console.Write(", \"pullRequestId\": \"{0}\"", uploadResult.PullRequestId.Value);
        Console.Write(", \"runs\": [ ");

        var runStrings = new List <string> ();
        var allRuns    = runSet.Runs.ToList();

        for (var i = 0; i < allRuns.Count; i++)
            var run = allRuns [i];
            var id  = uploadResult.RunIds [i];

            var str = string.Format("\"id\": {0}", id);
            if (run.BinaryProtocolFilename != null)
                str = string.Format("{0}, \"binaryProtocolFile\": \"{1}\"", str, run.BinaryProtocolFilename);
            runStrings.Add("{ " + str + " }");
        Console.Write(string.Join(", ", runStrings));

        Console.Write(" ]");
        Console.WriteLine(" }");

        if (reportFailure)
            Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: Some benchmarks timed out or failed completely.");

Esempio n. 2
	public static int Main (string[] args)
		IEnumerable<string> benchmarkNames = null;
		//var pausetime = false;
		var timeout = -1;
		string rootFromCmdline = null;
		string buildURL = null;
		string logURL = null;
		string pullRequestURL = null;
		string monoRepositoryPath = null;
		long? runSetId = null;
		long? runId = null;
		string configFile = null;
		string machineName = null;
		bool justCreateRunSet = false;
		bool justListBenchmarks = false;
		string valgrindBinary = null;
		ValgrindTool? valgrindTool = null;
		string valgrindOutputFilename = null;
		string grepBinprotPath = null;
		string binprotFilePath = null;
		bool jitStats = false;
		Commit mainCommit = null;
		List<Commit> secondaryCommits = new List<Commit> ();

		var exeLocation = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly ().Location;
		var exeName = Path.GetFileName (exeLocation);
		var exeDir = Path.GetDirectoryName (exeLocation);
		if (exeName != "compare.exe") {
			Console.Error.WriteLine ("Error: Executable is not `compare.exe`.  Please specify all paths manually.");
			Environment.Exit (1);
		if (Path.GetFileName (exeDir) != "tools") {
			Console.Error.WriteLine ("Error: Executable is not in the `tools` directory.  Please specify all paths manually.");
			Environment.Exit (1);
		var root = Path.GetDirectoryName (exeDir);

		var testsDir = Path.Combine (root, "tests");
		var benchmarksDir = Path.Combine (root, "benchmarks");
		var machinesDir = Path.Combine (root, "machines");
		var productsDir = Path.Combine (root, "products");

		var optindex = 0;

		for (; optindex < args.Length; ++optindex) {
			if (args [optindex] == "-b" || args [optindex] == "--benchmarks") {
				var newNames = args [++optindex].Split (',').Select (s => s.Trim ());
				if (benchmarkNames == null)
					benchmarkNames = newNames.ToArray ();
					benchmarkNames = newNames.Union (benchmarkNames).ToArray ();
			} else if (args [optindex] == "-c" || args [optindex] == "--config-file") {
				configFile = args [++optindex];
			} else if (args [optindex] == "-l" || args [optindex] == "--list-benchmarks") {
				justListBenchmarks = true;
			} else if (args [optindex] == "--machine") {
				machineName = args [++optindex];
			} else if (args [optindex] == "--build-url") {
				buildURL = args [++optindex];
			} else if (args [optindex] == "--log-url") {
				logURL = args [++optindex];
			} else if (args [optindex] == "--pull-request-url") {
				pullRequestURL = args [++optindex];
			} else if (args [optindex] == "--mono-repository") {
				monoRepositoryPath = args [++optindex];
			} else if (args [optindex] == "--create-run-set") {
				justCreateRunSet = true;
			} else if (args [optindex] == "--run-set-id") {
				runSetId = Int64.Parse (args [++optindex]);
			} else if (args [optindex] == "--run-id") {
				runId = Int64.Parse (args [++optindex]);
			} else if (args [optindex] == "--root") {
				rootFromCmdline = args [++optindex];
			} else if (args [optindex] == "--main-product") {
				var name = args [++optindex];
				var hash = args [++optindex];
				if (mainCommit != null) {
					Console.Error.WriteLine ("Error: Only one --main-product is supported.");
					UsageAndExit ();
				var product = compare.Utils.LoadProductFromFile (name, productsDir);
				mainCommit = new Commit { Product = product, Hash = hash };
			} else if (args [optindex] == "--secondary-product") {
				var name = args [++optindex];
				var hash = args [++optindex];
				var product = compare.Utils.LoadProductFromFile (name, productsDir);
				secondaryCommits.Add (new Commit { Product = product, Hash = hash });
			} else if (args [optindex] == "--valgrind-massif") {
				if (valgrindBinary != null) {
					Console.Error.WriteLine ("Error: More than one Valgrind option given.");
					UsageAndExit ();
				valgrindBinary = args [++optindex];
				valgrindOutputFilename = args [++optindex];
				valgrindTool = ValgrindTool.Massif;
			} else if (args [optindex] == "--valgrind-cachegrind") {
				if (valgrindBinary != null) {
					Console.Error.WriteLine ("Error: More than one Valgrind option given.");
					UsageAndExit ();
				valgrindBinary = args [++optindex];
				valgrindOutputFilename = args [++optindex];
				valgrindTool = ValgrindTool.Cachegrind;
			} else if (args [optindex] == "-t" || args [optindex] == "--timeout") {
				timeout = Int32.Parse (args [++optindex]);
				timeout = timeout <= 0 ? -1 : timeout;
			} else if (args [optindex] == "--sgen-grep-binprot") {
				grepBinprotPath = args [++optindex];
			} else if (args [optindex] == "--upload-pause-times") {
				binprotFilePath = args [++optindex];
			} else if (args [optindex] == "--jit-stats") {
				jitStats = true;
			} else if (args [optindex].StartsWith ("--help")) {
				UsageAndExit ();
			} else if (args [optindex] == "--") {
				optindex += 1;
			} else if (args [optindex].StartsWith ("-")) {
				Console.Error.WriteLine ("unknown parameter {0}", args [optindex]);
				UsageAndExit ();
			} else {

		var configFileFromCommandLine = configFile != null;
		if (!configFileFromCommandLine)
			configFile = Path.Combine (root, "configs", "default-sgen.conf");
		var config = compare.Utils.LoadConfigFromFile (configFile, rootFromCmdline, !(justListBenchmarks || binprotFilePath != null));

		if (justCreateRunSet && runSetId != null) {
			Console.Error.WriteLine ("Error: --create-run-set and --run-set-id are incompatible.");
			Environment.Exit (1);

		if (justListBenchmarks && benchmarkNames != null) {
			Console.Error.WriteLine ("Error: -b/--benchmarks and -l/--list-benchmarks are incompatible.");
			Environment.Exit (1);
		if (justListBenchmarks && !configFileFromCommandLine) {
			Console.Error.WriteLine ("Error: -l/--list-benchmarks requires --config-file.");
			Environment.Exit (1);

		if (args.Length - optindex != 0)
			return UsageAndExit (null, 1);

		if (binprotFilePath != null && (runId == null || grepBinprotPath == null)) {
			Console.Error.WriteLine ("Error: --upload-pause-times also requires --run-id and --sgen-grep-binprot.");
			Environment.Exit (1);

		if (benchmarkNames == null)
			benchmarkNames = config.Benchmarks;

		var benchmarks = compare.Utils.LoadAllBenchmarksFrom (benchmarksDir, benchmarkNames);
		if (benchmarks == null) {
			Console.Error.WriteLine ("Error: Could not load all benchmarks.");
			Environment.Exit (1);

		if (justListBenchmarks) {
			if (machineName != null) {
				var listMachine = compare.Utils.LoadMachineFromFile (machineName, machinesDir);
				if (listMachine == null) {
					Console.Error.WriteLine ("Error: Could not load machine `{0}`.", machineName);
					Environment.Exit (1);
				if (listMachine.ExcludeBenchmarks != null)
					benchmarks = benchmarks.Where (b => !listMachine.ExcludeBenchmarks.Contains (b.Name)).ToList ();
			foreach (var benchmark in benchmarks.OrderBy (b => b.Name)) {
				Console.Out.WriteLine (benchmark.Name);
			Environment.Exit (0);

		InitCommons ();

		if (binprotFilePath != null) {
			var success = AsyncContext.Run (() => UploadPauseTimes (binprotFilePath, grepBinprotPath, runId.Value));
			Environment.Exit (success ? 0 : 1);

		if (mainCommit == null)
			mainCommit = new Commit { Product = compare.Utils.LoadProductFromFile ("mono", productsDir) };

		var gitHubClient = GitHubInterface.GitHubClient;

		Machine machine = null;
		if (machineName == null) {
			machine = compare.Utils.LoadMachineCurrentFrom (machinesDir);
		} else {
			machine = compare.Utils.LoadMachineFromFile (machineName, machinesDir);

		if (machine != null && machine.ExcludeBenchmarks != null)
			benchmarks = benchmarks.Where (b => !machine.ExcludeBenchmarks.Contains (b.Name)).ToList ();

		if (machine == null) { // couldn't find machine file
			var hostarch = compare.Utils.LocalHostnameAndArch ();
			machine = new Machine ();
			machine.Name = hostarch.Item1;
			machine.Architecture = hostarch.Item2;

		foreach (var commit in new Commit[] { mainCommit }.Concat (secondaryCommits)) {
			if (!AsyncContext.Run (() => compare.Utils.CompleteCommit (config, commit))) {
				Console.Error.WriteLine ("Error: Could not get commit for product {0}.", commit.Product.Name);
				Environment.Exit (1);

		RunSet runSet;
		if (runSetId != null) {
			if (pullRequestURL != null) {
				Console.Error.WriteLine ("Error: Pull request URL cannot be specified for an existing run set.");
				Environment.Exit (1);
			runSet = AsyncContext.Run (() => RunSet.FromId (machine, runSetId.Value, config, mainCommit, secondaryCommits, buildURL, logURL));
			if (runSet == null) {
				Console.Error.WriteLine ("Error: Could not get run set.");
				Environment.Exit (1);
		} else {
			long? pullRequestBaselineRunSetId = null;

			if (pullRequestURL != null) {
				if (monoRepositoryPath == null) {
					Console.Error.WriteLine ("Error: Must specify a mono repository path to test a pull request.");
					Environment.Exit (1);

				var repo = new compare.Repository (monoRepositoryPath);

				var baselineResult = AsyncContext.Run (() => GetPullRequestBaselineRunSetId (mainCommit.Product, pullRequestURL, repo, config));
				if (baselineResult == null) {
					Console.Error.WriteLine ("Error: No appropriate baseline run set found.");
					Environment.Exit (1);
				pullRequestBaselineRunSetId = baselineResult.Item1;
				mainCommit.MergeBaseHash = baselineResult.Item2;

			runSet = new RunSet {
				StartDateTime = DateTime.Now,
				Machine = machine,
				Config = config,
				Commit = mainCommit,
				SecondaryCommits = secondaryCommits,
				BuildURL = buildURL,
				LogURL = logURL,
				PullRequestURL = pullRequestURL,
				PullRequestBaselineRunSetId = pullRequestBaselineRunSetId

			Console.Error.WriteLine ("Set start time to {0}", runSet.StartDateTime);

		var reportFailure = false;

		if (!justCreateRunSet) {
			var someSuccess = false;

			var runTool = valgrindBinary;
			string runToolArguments = null;
			if (runTool != null) {
				switch (valgrindTool) {
				case ValgrindTool.Massif:
					runToolArguments = string.Format ("--tool=massif --massif-out-file={0} --max-snapshots=1000 --detailed-freq=100 --pages-as-heap=yes", valgrindOutputFilename);
				case ValgrindTool.Cachegrind:
					runToolArguments = string.Format ("--tool=cachegrind --cachegrind-out-file={0} --cache-sim=yes --branch-sim=yes", valgrindOutputFilename);
					Console.Error.WriteLine ("Error: Unsupported Valgrind tool.");
					Environment.Exit (1);

			int binaryProtocolIndex = 0;

			foreach (var benchmark in benchmarks.OrderBy (b => b.Name)) {
				// Run the benchmarks
				if (config.Count <= 0)
					throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException (String.Format ("configs [\"{0}\"].Count <= 0", config.Name));

				Console.Out.WriteLine ("Running benchmark \"{0}\" with config \"{1}\"", benchmark.Name, config.Name);

				var runner = new compare.UnixRunner (testsDir, config, benchmark, machine, timeout, runTool, runToolArguments);

				var haveTimedOut = false;
				var haveCrashed = false;

				var count = valgrindBinary == null ? config.Count + 1 : 1;
				var successCount = 0;

				for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
					bool timedOut;
					string stdoutOutput;

					if (valgrindBinary == null)
						Console.Out.Write ("\t\t-> {0} ", i == 0 ? "[dry run]" : String.Format ("({0}/{1})", i, config.Count));

					string binaryProtocolFile = null;
					string workingDirectory = Path.Combine (testsDir, benchmark.TestDirectory);
					if (config.ProducesBinaryProtocol) {
						do {
							binaryProtocolFile = Path.Combine(workingDirectory, string.Format ("binprot.{0}", binaryProtocolIndex));
						} while (File.Exists (binaryProtocolFile));
					var elapsedMilliseconds = runner.Run (binaryProtocolFile, out timedOut, out stdoutOutput);

					// if running for time, the first one is the dry run
					if (valgrindBinary == null && i == 0)

					if (elapsedMilliseconds != null) {
						var run = new Run {
							Benchmark = benchmark,
							BinaryProtocolFilename = binaryProtocolFile == null ? null : Path.Combine(workingDirectory, binaryProtocolFile)

						if (valgrindBinary == null) {
							run.RunMetrics.Add (new RunMetric {
								Metric = RunMetric.MetricType.Time,
								Value = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds (elapsedMilliseconds.Value)
							if (jitStats) {
								foreach (var phase in ParseJITPhases (stdoutOutput)) {
									run.RunMetrics.Add (phase);
						} else {
							switch (valgrindTool) {
							case ValgrindTool.Massif:
									var results = MemoryIntegral (valgrindOutputFilename);
									run.RunMetrics.Add (new RunMetric {
										Metric = RunMetric.MetricType.MemoryIntegral,
										Value = results.Item1
									run.RunMetrics.Add (new RunMetric {
										Metric = RunMetric.MetricType.Instructions,
										Value = results.Item2
							case ValgrindTool.Cachegrind:
									var results = CacheAndBranches (valgrindOutputFilename);
									run.RunMetrics.Add (new RunMetric {
										Metric = RunMetric.MetricType.CachegrindResults,
										Value = results.Item1
									run.RunMetrics.Add (new RunMetric {
										Metric = RunMetric.MetricType.CacheMissRate,
										Value = results.Item2
									run.RunMetrics.Add (new RunMetric {
										Metric = RunMetric.MetricType.BranchMispredictionRate,
										Value = results.Item3
						runSet.Runs.Add (run);
						someSuccess = true;
					} else {
						if (timedOut)
							haveTimedOut = true;
							haveCrashed = true;

				if (haveTimedOut)
					runSet.TimedOutBenchmarks.Add (benchmark.Name);
				if (haveCrashed)
					runSet.CrashedBenchmarks.Add (benchmark.Name);

				if (haveTimedOut || successCount == 0)
					reportFailure = true;

			if (!someSuccess)
				Console.WriteLine ("all runs failed.");
		runSet.FinishDateTime = DateTime.Now;
		Console.Error.WriteLine ("Start time is {0} - finish time is {1}", runSet.StartDateTime, runSet.FinishDateTime);

		Console.WriteLine (JsonConvert.SerializeObject (runSet.AsDict ()));

		var uploadResult = AsyncContext.Run (() => Utils.RunWithRetry (() => runSet.Upload ()));
		if (uploadResult == null) {
			Console.Error.WriteLine ("Error: Could not upload run set.");
			Environment.Exit (1);

		Console.WriteLine ("{0}", uploadResult.RunSetId);
		if (pullRequestURL != null)
			Console.WriteLine ("{0}", uploadResult.PullRequestId.Value);

		Console.Write ("{{ \"runSetId\": \"{0}\"", uploadResult.RunSetId);
		if (pullRequestURL != null)
			Console.Write (", \"pullRequestId\": \"{0}\"", uploadResult.PullRequestId.Value);
		Console.Write (", \"runs\": [ ");

		var runStrings = new List<string> ();
		var allRuns = runSet.Runs.ToList ();
		for (var i = 0; i < allRuns.Count; i++) {
			var run = allRuns [i];
			var id = uploadResult.RunIds [i];

			var str = string.Format ("\"id\": {0}", id);
			if (run.BinaryProtocolFilename != null)
				str = string.Format ("{0}, \"binaryProtocolFile\": \"{1}\"", str, run.BinaryProtocolFilename);
			runStrings.Add ("{ " + str + " }");
		Console.Write (string.Join (", ", runStrings));

		Console.Write (" ]");
        Console.WriteLine (" }");

		if (reportFailure) {
			Console.Error.WriteLine ("Error: Some benchmarks timed out or failed completely.");
			return 1;

		return 0;