public static bool ClosestPoints(Line line1, Line line2, out Vector3 line1ClosestPoint, out Vector3 line2ClosestPoint) { /* float a = Vector3.Dot(line1.Direction, line1.Direction); float b = Vector3.Dot(line1.Direction, line2.Direction); float e = Vector3.Dot(line2.Direction, line2.Direction); float d = a * e - b * b; if (d != 0.0f) { var r = line1.Point - line2.Point; float c = Vector3.Dot(line1.Direction, r); float f = Vector3.Dot(line2.Direction, r); float s = (b * f - c * e) / d; float t = (a * f - c * b) / d; line1ClosestPoint = line1.Point + line1.Direction * s; line2ClosestPoint = line2.Point + line2.Direction * t; return true; } else { //parrallel, can't compute line1ClosestPoint =; line2ClosestPoint =; return false; } */ //a and e are going to be 1, drop them out... float b = Vector3.Dot(line1.Direction, line2.Direction); float d = 1 - b * b; if (d != 0.0f) { var r = line1.Point - line2.Point; float c = Vector3.Dot(line1.Direction, r); float f = Vector3.Dot(line2.Direction, r); float s = (b * f - c) / d; float t = (f - c * b) / d; line1ClosestPoint = line1.Point + line1.Direction * s; line2ClosestPoint = line2.Point + line2.Direction * t; return true; } else { line1ClosestPoint =; line2ClosestPoint =; return false; } }
public static Vector3 ClosestPoint(Line line, Vector3 point) { if (line.Point == point) return point; var v = (line.Point - point).normalized; v = Vector3.Cross(line.Direction, v); float b = Vector3.Dot(line.Direction, v); float d = 1 - b * b; var r = line.Point - point; float c = Vector3.Dot(line.Direction, r); float f = Vector3.Dot(v, r); float s = (b * f - c) / d; return line.Point + line.Direction * s; }
/// <summary> /// Find intersecting line of two planes /// </summary> /// <param name="p1"></param> /// <param name="p2"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static Line IntersectionOfPlanes(Plane p1, Plane p2) { var line = new Line(); line.Direction = Vector3.Cross(p1.normal, p2.normal); Vector3 ldir = Vector3.Cross(p2.normal, line.Direction); float d = Vector3.Dot(p1.normal, ldir); //if d is to close to 0, planes are parallel if (Mathf.Abs(d) > 0.005f) { Vector3 p1Top2 = (p1.normal * p1.distance) - (p2.normal * p2.distance); float t = Vector3.Dot(p1.normal, p1Top2) / d; line.Point = (p2.normal * p2.distance) + t * ldir; return line; } else { throw new System.Exception("both planes are parallel"); } }
public static bool Intersection(Line line1, Line line2, out Vector3 point) { const float EPSILON = 0.0001f; point =; var dir3 = line2.Point - line1.Point; var pnorm1 = Vector3.Cross(line1.Direction, line2.Direction); var pnorm2 = Vector3.Cross(dir3, line2.Direction); if (Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Dot(dir3, pnorm1)) > EPSILON) return false; //lines aren't coplanar float s = Vector3.Dot(pnorm2, pnorm1) / pnorm1.sqrMagnitude; if (s >= 0 && s <= 1.0f) { point = line1.Point + (line1.Direction * s); return true; } return false; }
public static bool IntersectionOfPlanes(Plane p1, Plane p2, out Line line) { line = new Line(); line.Direction = Vector3.Cross(p1.normal, p2.normal); Vector3 ldir = Vector3.Cross(p2.normal, line.Direction); float d = Vector3.Dot(p1.normal, ldir); //if d is to close to 0, planes are parallel if (Mathf.Abs(d) > 0.005f) { Vector3 p1Top2 = (p1.normal * p1.distance) - (p2.normal * p2.distance); float t = Vector3.Dot(p1.normal, p1Top2) / d; line.Point = (p2.normal * p2.distance) + t * ldir; return true; } else { line = new Line(); return false; } }
public static bool IntersectionOfLineAndPlane(Line line, Plane plane, out Vector3 point) { //calc dist... float dotnum = Vector3.Dot((plane.normal * plane.distance) - line.Point, plane.normal); float dotdenom = Vector3.Dot(line.Direction, plane.normal); if (dotdenom != 0.0f) { float len = dotnum / dotdenom; var v = line.Direction * len; point = line.Point + v; return true; } else { point =; return false; } }
/// <summary> /// Find interesection location of a line and a plane /// </summary> /// <param name="line"></param> /// <param name="plane"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static Vector3 IntersectionOfLineAndPlane(Line line, Plane plane) { //calc dist... float dotnum = Vector3.Dot((plane.normal * plane.distance) - line.Point, plane.normal); float dotdenom = Vector3.Dot(line.Direction, plane.normal); if (dotdenom != 0.0f) { float len = dotnum / dotdenom; var v = line.Direction * len; return line.Point + v; } else { throw new System.Exception("line and plane are parallel"); } }