This request should be used to make a request to adjust the tip amount on a payment obtained from an Auth request or payment after a CapturePreAuth request
Inheritance: BaseRequest
 public void TipAdjustAuth(TipAdjustAuthRequest request)
     Send("/TipAdjustAuth", request);
        private void TipAdjustButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            InputForm inputForm = new InputForm(this);
            inputForm.Label = "Enter Tip Amount";
            inputForm.Title = "Adjust Tip Amount";
            inputForm.FormClosed += (object s, FormClosedEventArgs ce) =>
                if (inputForm.Status == DialogResult.OK)
                    string tipValue = inputForm.Value;
                        int tipAmount = int.Parse(tipValue);
                        TipAdjustAuthRequest taRequest = new TipAdjustAuthRequest();

                        if (OrderPaymentsView.SelectedItems.Count == 1)
                            POSPayment posPayment = OrderPaymentsView.SelectedItems[0].Tag as POSPayment;

                            taRequest.OrderID = posPayment.OrderID;
                            taRequest.PaymentID = posPayment.PaymentID;
                            taRequest.TipAmount = tipAmount;


                    catch (Exception)
                        AlertForm.Show(this, "Invalid Value", "Invalid tip amount: " + tipValue + " Format of 625 expected.");
 public void TipAdjustAuth(TipAdjustAuthRequest request)
     if (websocket != null)
         TipAdjustAuthRequestMessage message = new TipAdjustAuthRequestMessage();
         message.payload = request;