Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// initializes a TMX Tiled Map with a TMX file
        /// </summary>
        public bool initWithTMXFile(string tmxFile)
            Debug.Assert(tmxFile != null && tmxFile.Length > 0, "TMXTiledMap: tmx file should not bi nil");

            contentSize = new CCSize(0, 0);

            CCTMXMapInfo mapInfo = CCTMXMapInfo.formatWithTMXFile(tmxFile);

            if (mapInfo == null)
            Debug.Assert(mapInfo.Tilesets.Count != 0, "TMXTiledMap: Map not found. Please check the filename.");

            m_tMapSize        = mapInfo.MapSize;
            m_tTileSize       = mapInfo.TileSize;
            m_nMapOrientation = mapInfo.Orientation;
            ObjectGroups      = mapInfo.ObjectGroups;
            Properties        = mapInfo.Properties;
            m_pTileProperties = mapInfo.TileProperties;

            int idx = 0;

            List <CCTMXLayerInfo> layers = mapInfo.Layers;

            if (layers != null && layers.Count > 0)
                if (null == m_pTMXLayers)
                    m_pTMXLayers = new Dictionary <string, CCTMXLayer>();
                    Debug.Assert(m_pTMXLayers != null, "Allocate memory failed!");

                for (int i = 0; i < layers.Count; i++)
                    CCTMXLayerInfo layerInfo = layers[i];
                    if (layerInfo != null && layerInfo.m_bVisible)
                        CCTMXLayer child = parseLayer(layerInfo, mapInfo);
                        addChild(child, idx, idx);

                        // record the CCTMXLayer object by it's name
                        string layerName = child.LayerName;
                        m_pTMXLayers.Add(layerName, child);

                        // update content size with the max size
                        CCSize childSize   = child.contentSize;
                        CCSize currentSize = this.contentSize;
                        currentSize.width  = Math.Max(currentSize.width, childSize.width);
                        currentSize.height = Math.Max(currentSize.height, childSize.height);
                        this.contentSize   = currentSize;


Esempio n. 2
        private CCTMXTilesetInfo tilesetForLayer(CCTMXLayerInfo layerInfo, CCTMXMapInfo mapInfo)
            CCSize mTLayerSize = layerInfo.m_tLayerSize;
            List <CCTMXTilesetInfo> tilesets = mapInfo.Tilesets;

            if (tilesets != null && tilesets.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < tilesets.Count; i++)
                    CCTMXTilesetInfo item = tilesets[i];
                    if (item != null)
                        for (int j = 0; (float)j < mTLayerSize.height; j++)
                            for (int k = 0; (float)k < mTLayerSize.width; k++)
                                int num     = (int)((float)k + mTLayerSize.width * (float)j);
                                int mPTiles = layerInfo.m_pTiles[num];
                                if (mPTiles != 0 && mPTiles >= item.m_uFirstGid)
            CCLog.Log("cocos2d: Warning: TMX Layer '{0}' has no tiles", new object[] { layerInfo.m_sName });
Esempio n. 3
        private CCTMXLayer parseLayer(CCTMXLayerInfo layerInfo, CCTMXMapInfo mapInfo)
            CCTMXTilesetInfo cCTMXTilesetInfo = this.tilesetForLayer(layerInfo, mapInfo);
            CCTMXLayer       cCTMXLayer       = CCTMXLayer.layerWithTilesetInfo(cCTMXTilesetInfo, layerInfo, mapInfo);

            layerInfo.m_bOwnTiles = false;
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// creates a CCTMXLayer with an tileset info, a layer info and a map info
        /// </summary>
        public static CCTMXLayer layerWithTilesetInfo(CCTMXTilesetInfo tilesetInfo, CCTMXLayerInfo layerInfo, CCTMXMapInfo mapInfo)
            CCTMXLayer pRet = new CCTMXLayer();

            if (pRet.initWithTilesetInfo(tilesetInfo, layerInfo, mapInfo))
Esempio n. 5
        private CCTMXLayer parseLayer(CCTMXLayerInfo layerInfo, CCTMXMapInfo mapInfo)
            CCTMXTilesetInfo tileset = tilesetForLayer(layerInfo, mapInfo);
            CCTMXLayer       layer   = CCTMXLayer.layerWithTilesetInfo(tileset, layerInfo, mapInfo);

            // tell the layerinfo to release the ownership of the tiles map.
            layerInfo.m_bOwnTiles = false;

Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// initializes a CCTMXLayer with a tileset info, a layer info and a map info
        /// </summary>
        public bool initWithTilesetInfo(CCTMXTilesetInfo tilesetInfo, CCTMXLayerInfo layerInfo, CCTMXMapInfo mapInfo)
            // XXX: is 35% a good estimate ?
            CCSize size = layerInfo.m_tLayerSize;
            float  totalNumberOfTiles = size.width * size.height;
            float  capacity           = totalNumberOfTiles * 0.35f + 1; // 35 percent is occupied ?

            CCTexture2D texture = null;

            if (tilesetInfo != null)
                texture = CCTextureCache.sharedTextureCache().addImage(tilesetInfo.m_sSourceImage);

            if (base.initWithTexture(texture, (int)capacity))
                // layerInfo
                m_sLayerName  = layerInfo.m_sName;
                m_tLayerSize  = layerInfo.m_tLayerSize;
                m_pTiles      = layerInfo.m_pTiles;
                m_uMinGID     = layerInfo.m_uMinGID;
                m_uMaxGID     = layerInfo.m_uMaxGID;
                m_cOpacity    = layerInfo.m_cOpacity;
                m_pProperties = layerInfo.Properties;
                //			m_pProperties = CCStringToStringDictionary::dictionaryWithDictionary(layerInfo->getProperties());
                m_fContentScaleFactor = CCDirector.sharedDirector().ContentScaleFactor;

                // tilesetInfo
                m_pTileSet = tilesetInfo;

                // mapInfo
                m_tMapTileSize      = mapInfo.TileSize;
                m_uLayerOrientation = (CCTMXOrientatio)mapInfo.Orientation;

                // offset (after layer orientation is set);
                CCPoint offset = this.calculateLayerOffset(layerInfo.m_tOffset);
                this.position = offset;

                m_pAtlasIndexArray = ccCArray.ccCArrayNew((int)totalNumberOfTiles);

                this.contentSizeInPixels = new CCSize(m_tLayerSize.width * m_tMapTileSize.width, m_tLayerSize.height * m_tMapTileSize.height);
                m_tMapTileSize.width    /= m_fContentScaleFactor;
                m_tMapTileSize.height   /= m_fContentScaleFactor;

                m_bUseAutomaticVertexZ = false;
                m_nVertexZvalue        = 0;
                m_fAlphaFuncValue      = 0;
Esempio n. 7
        private CCTMXTilesetInfo tilesetForLayer(CCTMXLayerInfo layerInfo, CCTMXMapInfo mapInfo)
            CCSize size = layerInfo.m_tLayerSize;
            List <CCTMXTilesetInfo> tilesets = mapInfo.Tilesets;

            if (tilesets != null && tilesets.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < tilesets.Count; i++)
                    CCTMXTilesetInfo tileset = tilesets[i];
                    if (tileset != null)
                        for (int y = 0; y < size.height; y++)
                            for (int x = 0; x < size.width; x++)
                                int pos = (int)(x + size.width * y);
                                int gid = layerInfo.m_pTiles[pos];

                                // gid are stored in little endian.
                                // if host is big endian, then swap
                                //if( o == CFByteOrderBigEndian )
                                //	gid = CFSwapInt32( gid );
                                /* We support little endian.*/

                                // XXX: gid == 0 --> empty tile
                                if (gid != 0)
                                    // Optimization: quick return
                                    // if the layer is invalid (more than 1 tileset per layer) an assert will be thrown later
                                    if (gid >= tileset.m_uFirstGid)

            // If all the tiles are 0, return empty tileset
            CCLog.Log("cocos2d: Warning: TMX Layer '{0}' has no tiles", layerInfo.m_sName);
Esempio n. 8
        public bool initWithTMXFile(string tmxFile)
            this.contentSize = new CCSize(0f, 0f);
            CCTMXMapInfo cCTMXMapInfo = CCTMXMapInfo.formatWithTMXFile(tmxFile);

            if (cCTMXMapInfo == null)
            this.m_tMapSize        = cCTMXMapInfo.MapSize;
            this.m_tTileSize       = cCTMXMapInfo.TileSize;
            this.m_nMapOrientation = cCTMXMapInfo.Orientation;
            this.ObjectGroups      = cCTMXMapInfo.ObjectGroups;
            this.Properties        = cCTMXMapInfo.Properties;
            this.m_pTileProperties = cCTMXMapInfo.TileProperties;
            int num = 0;
            List <CCTMXLayerInfo> layers = cCTMXMapInfo.Layers;

            if (layers != null && layers.Count > 0)
                if (this.m_pTMXLayers == null)
                    this.m_pTMXLayers = new Dictionary <string, CCTMXLayer>();
                for (int i = 0; i < layers.Count; i++)
                    CCTMXLayerInfo item = layers[i];
                    if (item != null && item.m_bVisible)
                        CCTMXLayer cCTMXLayer = this.parseLayer(item, cCTMXMapInfo);
                        this.addChild(cCTMXLayer, num, num);
                        string layerName = cCTMXLayer.LayerName;
                        this.m_pTMXLayers.Add(layerName, cCTMXLayer);
                        CCSize cCSize  = cCTMXLayer.contentSize;
                        CCSize cCSize1 = this.contentSize;
                        cCSize1.width    = Math.Max(cCSize1.width, cCSize.width);
                        cCSize1.height   = Math.Max(cCSize1.height, cCSize.height);
                        this.contentSize = cCSize1;
Esempio n. 9
        public bool initWithTilesetInfo(CCTMXTilesetInfo tilesetInfo, CCTMXLayerInfo layerInfo, CCTMXMapInfo mapInfo)
            CCSize      mTLayerSize = layerInfo.m_tLayerSize;
            float       single      = mTLayerSize.width * mTLayerSize.height;
            float       single1     = single * 0.35f + 1f;
            CCTexture2D cCTexture2D = null;

            if (tilesetInfo != null)
                cCTexture2D = CCTextureCache.sharedTextureCache().addImage(tilesetInfo.m_sSourceImage);
            if (!base.initWithTexture(cCTexture2D, (int)single1))
            this.m_sLayerName          = layerInfo.m_sName;
            this.m_tLayerSize          = layerInfo.m_tLayerSize;
            this.m_pTiles              = layerInfo.m_pTiles;
            this.m_uMinGID             = layerInfo.m_uMinGID;
            this.m_uMaxGID             = layerInfo.m_uMaxGID;
            this.m_cOpacity            = layerInfo.m_cOpacity;
            this.m_pProperties         = layerInfo.Properties;
            this.m_fContentScaleFactor = CCDirector.sharedDirector().ContentScaleFactor;
            this.m_pTileSet            = tilesetInfo;
            this.m_tMapTileSize        = mapInfo.TileSize;
            this.m_uLayerOrientation   = (CCTMXOrientatio)mapInfo.Orientation;
            this.position              = this.calculateLayerOffset(layerInfo.m_tOffset);
            this.m_pAtlasIndexArray    = ccCArray.ccCArrayNew((int)single);
            base.contentSizeInPixels   = new CCSize(this.m_tLayerSize.width * this.m_tMapTileSize.width, this.m_tLayerSize.height * this.m_tMapTileSize.height);
            CCSize mTMapTileSize = this.m_tMapTileSize;

            mTMapTileSize.width = mTMapTileSize.width / this.m_fContentScaleFactor;
            CCSize mFContentScaleFactor = this.m_tMapTileSize;

            mFContentScaleFactor.height = mFContentScaleFactor.height / this.m_fContentScaleFactor;
            this.m_bUseAutomaticVertexZ = false;
            this.m_nVertexZvalue        = 0;
            this.m_fAlphaFuncValue      = 0f;
Esempio n. 10
 /** creates a CCTMXLayer with an tileset info, a layer info and a map info */
 public CCTMXLayer(CCTMXTilesetInfo tilesetInfo, CCTMXLayerInfo layerInfo, CCTMXMapInfo mapInfo)
     InitWithTilesetInfo(tilesetInfo, layerInfo, mapInfo);
Esempio n. 11
        // the XML parser calls here with all the elements
        public void startElement(object ctx, string name, string[] atts)
            CCTMXMapInfo pTMXMapInfo = this;
            string       elementName = name;
            Dictionary <string, string> attributeDict = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            if (atts != null && atts[0] != null)
                for (int i = 0; i + 1 < atts.Length; i += 2)
                    string key   = atts[i];
                    string value = atts[i + 1];
                    attributeDict.Add(key, value);
            if (elementName == "map")
                string version = attributeDict["version"];
                if (version != "1.0")
                    CCLog.Log("cocos2d: TMXFormat: Unsupported TMX version: {0}", version);
                string orientationStr = attributeDict["orientation"];
                if (orientationStr == "orthogonal")
                    pTMXMapInfo.Orientation = (int)(CCTMXOrientatio.CCTMXOrientationOrtho);
                else if (orientationStr == "isometric")
                    pTMXMapInfo.Orientation = (int)(CCTMXOrientatio.CCTMXOrientationIso);
                else if (orientationStr == "hexagonal")
                    pTMXMapInfo.Orientation = (int)(CCTMXOrientatio.CCTMXOrientationHex);
                    CCLog.Log("cocos2d: TMXFomat: Unsupported orientation: {0}", pTMXMapInfo.Orientation);

                CCSize sMapSize = new CCSize();
                sMapSize.width      = ccUtils.ccParseFloat(attributeDict["width"]);
                sMapSize.height     = ccUtils.ccParseFloat(attributeDict["height"]);
                pTMXMapInfo.MapSize = sMapSize;

                CCSize sTileSize = new CCSize();
                sTileSize.width      = ccUtils.ccParseFloat(attributeDict["tilewidth"]);
                sTileSize.height     = ccUtils.ccParseFloat(attributeDict["tileheight"]);
                pTMXMapInfo.TileSize = sTileSize;

                // The parent element is now "map"
                pTMXMapInfo.ParentElement = (int)TMXProperty.TMXPropertyMap;
            else if (elementName == "tileset")
                // If this is an external tileset then start parsing that

                if (attributeDict.Keys.Contains("source"))
                    string externalTilesetFilename = attributeDict["source"];

                    externalTilesetFilename = CCFileUtils.fullPathFromRelativeFile(externalTilesetFilename, pTMXMapInfo.TMXFileName);
                    CCTMXTilesetInfo tileset = new CCTMXTilesetInfo();
                    tileset.m_sName     = attributeDict["name"];
                    tileset.m_uFirstGid = ccUtils.ccParseInt(attributeDict["firstgid"]);

                    if (attributeDict.Keys.Contains("spacing"))
                        tileset.m_uSpacing = ccUtils.ccParseInt(attributeDict["spacing"]);

                    if (attributeDict.Keys.Contains("margin"))
                        tileset.m_uMargin = ccUtils.ccParseInt(attributeDict["margin"]);
                    CCSize s = new CCSize();
                    s.width             = ccUtils.ccParseFloat(attributeDict["tilewidth"]);
                    s.height            = ccUtils.ccParseFloat(attributeDict["tileheight"]);
                    tileset.m_tTileSize = s;

            else if (elementName == "tile")
                CCTMXTilesetInfo            info = pTMXMapInfo.Tilesets.LastOrDefault();
                Dictionary <string, string> dict = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                pTMXMapInfo.ParentGID = (info.m_uFirstGid + ccUtils.ccParseInt(attributeDict["id"]));
                pTMXMapInfo.TileProperties.Add(pTMXMapInfo.ParentGID, dict);

                pTMXMapInfo.ParentElement = (int)TMXProperty.TMXPropertyTile;
            else if (elementName == "layer")
                CCTMXLayerInfo layer = new CCTMXLayerInfo();
                layer.m_sName = attributeDict["name"];

                CCSize s = new CCSize();
                s.width            = ccUtils.ccParseFloat(attributeDict["width"]);
                s.height           = ccUtils.ccParseFloat(attributeDict["height"]);
                layer.m_tLayerSize = s;

                layer.m_pTiles = new int[(int)s.width * (int)s.height];

                if (attributeDict.Keys.Contains("visible"))
                    string visible = attributeDict["visible"];
                    layer.m_bVisible = !(visible == "0");
                    layer.m_bVisible = true;

                if (attributeDict.Keys.Contains("opacity"))
                    string opacity = attributeDict["opacity"];
                    layer.m_cOpacity = (byte)(255 * ccUtils.ccParseFloat(opacity));
                    layer.m_cOpacity = 255;

                float x = attributeDict.Keys.Contains("x") ? ccUtils.ccParseFloat(attributeDict["x"]) : 0;
                float y = attributeDict.Keys.Contains("y") ? ccUtils.ccParseFloat(attributeDict["y"]) : 0;
                layer.m_tOffset = new CCPoint(x, y);


                // The parent element is now "layer"
                pTMXMapInfo.ParentElement = (int)TMXProperty.TMXPropertyLayer;
            else if (elementName == "objectgroup")
                CCTMXObjectGroup objectGroup = new CCTMXObjectGroup();
                objectGroup.GroupName = attributeDict["name"];
                CCPoint positionOffset = new CCPoint();
                if (attributeDict.ContainsKey("x"))
                    positionOffset.x = ccUtils.ccParseFloat(attributeDict["x"]) * pTMXMapInfo.TileSize.width;
                if (attributeDict.ContainsKey("y"))
                    positionOffset.y = ccUtils.ccParseFloat(attributeDict["y"]) * pTMXMapInfo.TileSize.height;
                objectGroup.PositionOffset = positionOffset;


                // The parent element is now "objectgroup"
                pTMXMapInfo.ParentElement = (int)TMXProperty.TMXPropertyObjectGroup;
            else if (elementName == "image")
                CCTMXTilesetInfo tileset = pTMXMapInfo.Tilesets.LastOrDefault();

                // build full path
                string imagename = attributeDict["source"];
                tileset.m_sSourceImage = CCFileUtils.fullPathFromRelativeFile(imagename, pTMXMapInfo.TMXFileName);
            else if (elementName == "data")
                string encoding    = attributeDict.ContainsKey("encoding") ? attributeDict["encoding"] : "";
                string compression = attributeDict.ContainsKey("compression") ? attributeDict["compression"] : "";

                if (encoding == "base64")
                    int layerAttribs = pTMXMapInfo.LayerAttribs;
                    pTMXMapInfo.LayerAttribs      = layerAttribs | (int)TMXLayerAttrib.TMXLayerAttribBase64;
                    pTMXMapInfo.StoringCharacters = true;

                    if (compression == "gzip")
                        layerAttribs             = pTMXMapInfo.LayerAttribs;
                        pTMXMapInfo.LayerAttribs = layerAttribs | (int)TMXLayerAttrib.TMXLayerAttribGzip;
                    if (compression == "zlib")
                        layerAttribs             = pTMXMapInfo.LayerAttribs;
                        pTMXMapInfo.LayerAttribs = layerAttribs | (int)TMXLayerAttrib.TMXLayerAttribZlib;
                    Debug.Assert(compression == "" || compression == "gzip" || compression == "zlib", "TMX: unsupported compression method");
                Debug.Assert(pTMXMapInfo.LayerAttribs != (int)TMXLayerAttrib.TMXLayerAttribNone, "TMX tile map: Only base64 and/or gzip/zlib maps are supported");
            else if (elementName == "object")
                char[]           buffer      = new char[32];
                CCTMXObjectGroup objectGroup = pTMXMapInfo.ObjectGroups.LastOrDefault();

                // The value for "type" was blank or not a valid class name
                // Create an instance of TMXObjectInfo to store the object and its properties
                Dictionary <string, string> dict = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                // Set the name of the object to the value for "name"
                string key   = "name";
                string value = attributeDict.ContainsKey("name") ? attributeDict["name"] : "";
                dict.Add(key, value);

                // Assign all the attributes as key/name pairs in the properties dictionary
                key   = "type";
                value = attributeDict.ContainsKey("type") ? attributeDict["type"] : "";
                dict.Add(key, value);

                int x = ccUtils.ccParseInt(attributeDict["x"]) + (int)objectGroup.PositionOffset.x;
                key   = "x";
                value = x.ToString();
                dict.Add(key, value);

                int y = ccUtils.ccParseInt(attributeDict["y"]) + (int)objectGroup.PositionOffset.y;
                // Correct y position. (Tiled uses Flipped, cocos2d uses Standard)
                y     = (int)(pTMXMapInfo.MapSize.height * pTMXMapInfo.TileSize.height) - y - (attributeDict.ContainsKey("height") ? ccUtils.ccParseInt(attributeDict["height"]) : 0);
                key   = "y";
                value = y.ToString();
                dict.Add(key, value);

                key   = "width";
                value = attributeDict.ContainsKey("width") ? attributeDict["width"] : "";
                dict.Add(key, value);

                key   = "height";
                value = attributeDict.ContainsKey("height") ? attributeDict["height"] : "";
                dict.Add(key, value);

                // Add the object to the objectGroup

                // The parent element is now "object"
                pTMXMapInfo.ParentElement = (int)TMXProperty.TMXPropertyObject;
            else if (elementName == "property")
                if (pTMXMapInfo.ParentElement == (int)TMXProperty.TMXPropertyNone)
                    CCLog.Log("TMX tile map: Parent element is unsupported. Cannot add property named '{0}' with value '{1}'",
                              attributeDict["name"], attributeDict["value"]);
                else if (pTMXMapInfo.ParentElement == (int)TMXProperty.TMXPropertyMap)
                    // The parent element is the map
                    string value = attributeDict["value"];
                    string key   = attributeDict["name"];
                    pTMXMapInfo.Properties.Add(key, value);
                else if (pTMXMapInfo.ParentElement == (int)TMXProperty.TMXPropertyLayer)
                    // The parent element is the last layer
                    CCTMXLayerInfo layer = pTMXMapInfo.Layers.LastOrDefault();
                    string         value = attributeDict["value"];
                    string         key   = attributeDict["name"];
                    // Add the property to the layer
                    layer.Properties.Add(key, value);
                else if (pTMXMapInfo.ParentElement == (int)TMXProperty.TMXPropertyObjectGroup)
                    // The parent element is the last object group
                    CCTMXObjectGroup objectGroup = pTMXMapInfo.ObjectGroups.LastOrDefault();
                    string           value       = attributeDict["value"];
                    string           key         = attributeDict["name"];
                    objectGroup.Properties.Add(key, value);
                else if (pTMXMapInfo.ParentElement == (int)TMXProperty.TMXPropertyObject)
                    // The parent element is the last object
                    CCTMXObjectGroup            objectGroup = pTMXMapInfo.ObjectGroups.LastOrDefault();
                    Dictionary <string, string> dict        = objectGroup.Objects.LastOrDefault();

                    string propertyName  = attributeDict["name"];
                    string propertyValue = attributeDict["value"];
                    dict.Add(propertyName, propertyValue);
                else if (pTMXMapInfo.ParentElement == (int)TMXProperty.TMXPropertyTile)
                    Dictionary <string, string> dict = pTMXMapInfo.TileProperties[pTMXMapInfo.ParentGID];

                    string propertyName  = attributeDict["name"];
                    string propertyValue = attributeDict["value"];
                    dict.Add(propertyName, propertyValue);
            if (attributeDict != null)
                attributeDict = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// initializes a CCTMXLayer with a tileset info, a layer info and a map info 
        /// </summary>
        public bool initWithTilesetInfo(CCTMXTilesetInfo tilesetInfo, CCTMXLayerInfo layerInfo, CCTMXMapInfo mapInfo)
            // XXX: is 35% a good estimate ?
            CCSize size = layerInfo.m_tLayerSize;
            float totalNumberOfTiles = size.width * size.height;
            float capacity = totalNumberOfTiles * 0.35f + 1; // 35 percent is occupied ?

            CCTexture2D texture = null;
            if (tilesetInfo != null)
                texture = CCTextureCache.sharedTextureCache().addImage(tilesetInfo.m_sSourceImage);

            if (base.initWithTexture(texture, (int)capacity))
                // layerInfo
                m_sLayerName = layerInfo.m_sName;
                m_tLayerSize = layerInfo.m_tLayerSize;
                m_pTiles = layerInfo.m_pTiles;
                m_uMinGID = layerInfo.m_uMinGID;
                m_uMaxGID = layerInfo.m_uMaxGID;
                m_cOpacity = layerInfo.m_cOpacity;
                m_pProperties = layerInfo.Properties;
                //			m_pProperties = CCStringToStringDictionary::dictionaryWithDictionary(layerInfo->getProperties());
                m_fContentScaleFactor = CCDirector.sharedDirector().ContentScaleFactor;

                // tilesetInfo
                m_pTileSet = tilesetInfo;

                // mapInfo
                m_tMapTileSize = mapInfo.TileSize;
                m_uLayerOrientation = (CCTMXOrientatio)mapInfo.Orientation;

                // offset (after layer orientation is set);
                CCPoint offset = this.calculateLayerOffset(layerInfo.m_tOffset);
                this.position = offset;

                m_pAtlasIndexArray = ccCArray.ccCArrayNew((int)totalNumberOfTiles);

                this.contentSizeInPixels = new CCSize(m_tLayerSize.width * m_tMapTileSize.width, m_tLayerSize.height * m_tMapTileSize.height);
                m_tMapTileSize.width /= m_fContentScaleFactor;
                m_tMapTileSize.height /= m_fContentScaleFactor;

                m_bUseAutomaticVertexZ = false;
                m_nVertexZvalue = 0;
                m_fAlphaFuncValue = 0;
                return true;
            return false;
 /// <summary>
 /// creates a CCTMXLayer with an tileset info, a layer info and a map info
 /// </summary>
 public static CCTMXLayer layerWithTilesetInfo(CCTMXTilesetInfo tilesetInfo, CCTMXLayerInfo layerInfo, CCTMXMapInfo mapInfo)
     CCTMXLayer pRet = new CCTMXLayer();
     if (pRet.initWithTilesetInfo(tilesetInfo, layerInfo, mapInfo))
         return pRet;
     return null;
Esempio n. 14
        public void startElement(object ctx, string name, string[] atts)
            CCTMXMapInfo mUFirstGid          = this;
            string       str                 = name;
            Dictionary <string, string> strs = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            if (atts != null && atts[0] != null)
                for (int i = 0; i + 1 < (int)atts.Length; i = i + 2)
                    string str1 = atts[i];
                    strs.Add(str1, atts[i + 1]);
            if (str == "map")
                string item = strs["version"];
                if (item != "1.0")
                    CCLog.Log("cocos2d: TMXFormat: Unsupported TMX version: {0}", new object[] { item });
                string item1 = strs["orientation"];
                if (item1 == "orthogonal")
                    mUFirstGid.Orientation = 0;
                else if (item1 == "isometric")
                    mUFirstGid.Orientation = 2;
                else if (item1 != "hexagonal")
                    object[] orientation = new object[] { mUFirstGid.Orientation };
                    CCLog.Log("cocos2d: TMXFomat: Unsupported orientation: {0}", orientation);
                    mUFirstGid.Orientation = 1;
                CCSize cCSize = new CCSize()
                    width  = ccUtils.ccParseFloat(strs["width"]),
                    height = ccUtils.ccParseFloat(strs["height"])
                mUFirstGid.MapSize = cCSize;
                CCSize cCSize1 = new CCSize()
                    width  = ccUtils.ccParseFloat(strs["tilewidth"]),
                    height = ccUtils.ccParseFloat(strs["tileheight"])
                mUFirstGid.TileSize      = cCSize1;
                mUFirstGid.ParentElement = 1;
            else if (str == "tileset")
                if (!strs.Keys.Contains <string>("source"))
                    CCTMXTilesetInfo cCTMXTilesetInfo = new CCTMXTilesetInfo()
                        m_sName     = strs["name"],
                        m_uFirstGid = ccUtils.ccParseInt(strs["firstgid"])
                    if (strs.Keys.Contains <string>("spacing"))
                        cCTMXTilesetInfo.m_uSpacing = ccUtils.ccParseInt(strs["spacing"]);
                    if (strs.Keys.Contains <string>("margin"))
                        cCTMXTilesetInfo.m_uMargin = ccUtils.ccParseInt(strs["margin"]);
                    CCSize cCSize2 = new CCSize()
                        width  = ccUtils.ccParseFloat(strs["tilewidth"]),
                        height = ccUtils.ccParseFloat(strs["tileheight"])
                    cCTMXTilesetInfo.m_tTileSize = cCSize2;
                    string item2 = strs["source"];
                    item2 = CCFileUtils.fullPathFromRelativeFile(item2, mUFirstGid.TMXFileName);
            else if (str == "tile")
                CCTMXTilesetInfo            cCTMXTilesetInfo1 = mUFirstGid.Tilesets.LastOrDefault <CCTMXTilesetInfo>();
                Dictionary <string, string> strs1             = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                mUFirstGid.ParentGID = cCTMXTilesetInfo1.m_uFirstGid + ccUtils.ccParseInt(strs["id"]);
                mUFirstGid.TileProperties.Add(mUFirstGid.ParentGID, strs1);
                mUFirstGid.ParentElement = 5;
            else if (str == "layer")
                CCTMXLayerInfo cCTMXLayerInfo = new CCTMXLayerInfo()
                    m_sName = strs["name"]
                CCSize cCSize3 = new CCSize()
                    width  = ccUtils.ccParseFloat(strs["width"]),
                    height = ccUtils.ccParseFloat(strs["height"])
                cCTMXLayerInfo.m_tLayerSize = cCSize3;
                cCTMXLayerInfo.m_pTiles     = new int[(int)cCSize3.width * (int)cCSize3.height];
                if (!strs.Keys.Contains <string>("visible"))
                    cCTMXLayerInfo.m_bVisible = true;
                    cCTMXLayerInfo.m_bVisible = !(strs["visible"] == "0");
                if (!strs.Keys.Contains <string>("opacity"))
                    cCTMXLayerInfo.m_cOpacity = 255;
                    string str2 = strs["opacity"];
                    cCTMXLayerInfo.m_cOpacity = (byte)(255f * ccUtils.ccParseFloat(str2));
                float single = (strs.Keys.Contains <string>("x") ? ccUtils.ccParseFloat(strs["x"]) : 0f);
                cCTMXLayerInfo.m_tOffset = new CCPoint(single, (strs.Keys.Contains <string>("y") ? ccUtils.ccParseFloat(strs["y"]) : 0f));
                mUFirstGid.ParentElement = 2;
            else if (str == "objectgroup")
                CCTMXObjectGroup cCTMXObjectGroup = new CCTMXObjectGroup()
                    GroupName = strs["name"]
                CCPoint cCPoint = new CCPoint();
                if (strs.ContainsKey("x"))
                    cCPoint.x = ccUtils.ccParseFloat(strs["x"]) * mUFirstGid.TileSize.width;
                if (strs.ContainsKey("y"))
                    cCPoint.y = ccUtils.ccParseFloat(strs["y"]) * mUFirstGid.TileSize.height;
                cCTMXObjectGroup.PositionOffset = cCPoint;
                mUFirstGid.ParentElement = 3;
            else if (str == "image")
                CCTMXTilesetInfo cCTMXTilesetInfo2 = mUFirstGid.Tilesets.LastOrDefault <CCTMXTilesetInfo>();
                string           item3             = strs["source"];
                cCTMXTilesetInfo2.m_sSourceImage = CCFileUtils.fullPathFromRelativeFile(item3, mUFirstGid.TMXFileName);
            else if (str == "data")
                string str3 = (strs.ContainsKey("encoding") ? strs["encoding"] : "");
                string str4 = (strs.ContainsKey("compression") ? strs["compression"] : "");
                if (str3 == "base64")
                    mUFirstGid.LayerAttribs      = mUFirstGid.LayerAttribs | 2;
                    mUFirstGid.StoringCharacters = true;
                    if (str4 == "gzip")
                        mUFirstGid.LayerAttribs = mUFirstGid.LayerAttribs | 4;
                    else if (str4 == "zlib")
                        mUFirstGid.LayerAttribs = mUFirstGid.LayerAttribs | 8;
            else if (str == "object")
                CCTMXObjectGroup            cCTMXObjectGroup1 = mUFirstGid.ObjectGroups.LastOrDefault <CCTMXObjectGroup>();
                Dictionary <string, string> strs2             = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                string str5 = "name";
                strs2.Add(str5, (strs.ContainsKey("name") ? strs["name"] : ""));
                str5 = "type";
                strs2.Add(str5, (strs.ContainsKey("type") ? strs["type"] : ""));
                int num = ccUtils.ccParseInt(strs["x"]) + (int)cCTMXObjectGroup1.PositionOffset.x;
                str5 = "x";
                strs2.Add(str5, num.ToString());
                int mapSize = ccUtils.ccParseInt(strs["y"]) + (int)cCTMXObjectGroup1.PositionOffset.y;
                mapSize = (int)(mUFirstGid.MapSize.height * mUFirstGid.TileSize.height) - mapSize - (strs.ContainsKey("height") ? ccUtils.ccParseInt(strs["height"]) : 0);
                str5    = "y";
                strs2.Add(str5, mapSize.ToString());
                str5 = "width";
                strs2.Add(str5, (strs.ContainsKey("width") ? strs["width"] : ""));
                str5 = "height";
                strs2.Add(str5, (strs.ContainsKey("height") ? strs["height"] : ""));
                mUFirstGid.ParentElement = 4;
            else if (str == "property")
                if (mUFirstGid.ParentElement == 0)
                    object[] objArray = new object[] { strs["name"], strs["value"] };
                    CCLog.Log("TMX tile map: Parent element is unsupported. Cannot add property named '{0}' with value '{1}'", objArray);
                else if (mUFirstGid.ParentElement == 1)
                    string item4 = strs["value"];
                    string item5 = strs["name"];
                    mUFirstGid.Properties.Add(item5, item4);
                else if (mUFirstGid.ParentElement == 2)
                    CCTMXLayerInfo cCTMXLayerInfo1 = mUFirstGid.Layers.LastOrDefault <CCTMXLayerInfo>();
                    string         item6           = strs["value"];
                    string         str6            = strs["name"];
                    cCTMXLayerInfo1.Properties.Add(str6, item6);
                else if (mUFirstGid.ParentElement == 3)
                    CCTMXObjectGroup cCTMXObjectGroup2 = mUFirstGid.ObjectGroups.LastOrDefault <CCTMXObjectGroup>();
                    string           item7             = strs["value"];
                    string           str7 = strs["name"];
                    cCTMXObjectGroup2.Properties.Add(str7, item7);
                else if (mUFirstGid.ParentElement == 4)
                    CCTMXObjectGroup            cCTMXObjectGroup3 = mUFirstGid.ObjectGroups.LastOrDefault <CCTMXObjectGroup>();
                    Dictionary <string, string> strs3             = cCTMXObjectGroup3.Objects.LastOrDefault <Dictionary <string, string> >();
                    strs3.Add(strs["name"], strs["value"]);
                else if (mUFirstGid.ParentElement == 5)
                    Dictionary <string, string> strs4 = mUFirstGid.TileProperties[mUFirstGid.ParentGID];
                    strs4.Add(strs["name"], strs["value"]);
            if (strs != null)
                strs = null;
Esempio n. 15
        public void endElement(object ctx, string elementName)
            CCTMXMapInfo cCTMXMapInfo = this;

            byte[] currentString = cCTMXMapInfo.CurrentString;
            if (!(elementName == "data") || (cCTMXMapInfo.LayerAttribs & 2) == 0)
                if (elementName == "map")
                    cCTMXMapInfo.ParentElement = 0;
                if (elementName == "layer")
                    cCTMXMapInfo.ParentElement = 0;
                if (elementName == "objectgroup")
                    cCTMXMapInfo.ParentElement = 0;
                if (elementName == "object")
                    cCTMXMapInfo.ParentElement = 0;
            cCTMXMapInfo.StoringCharacters = false;
            CCTMXLayerInfo cCTMXLayerInfo = cCTMXMapInfo.Layers.LastOrDefault <CCTMXLayerInfo>();

            if ((cCTMXMapInfo.LayerAttribs & 12) == 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < (int)cCTMXLayerInfo.m_pTiles.Length; i++)
                    cCTMXLayerInfo.m_pTiles[i] = currentString[i * 4];
                using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(currentString, false))
                    if ((cCTMXMapInfo.LayerAttribs & 4) != 0)
                        using (GZipInputStream gZipInputStream = new GZipInputStream(memoryStream))
                            using (BinaryReader binaryReader = new BinaryReader(gZipInputStream))
                                for (int j = 0; j < (int)cCTMXLayerInfo.m_pTiles.Length; j++)
                                    cCTMXLayerInfo.m_pTiles[j] = binaryReader.ReadInt32();
                    if ((cCTMXMapInfo.LayerAttribs & 8) != 0)
                        using (ZInputStream zInputStream = new ZInputStream(memoryStream))
                            for (int k = 0; k < (int)cCTMXLayerInfo.m_pTiles.Length; k++)
                                cCTMXLayerInfo.m_pTiles[k] = zInputStream.Read();
            cCTMXMapInfo.CurrentString = null;
Esempio n. 16
        // the XML parser calls here with all the elements
        public void startElement(object ctx, string name, string[] atts)
            CCTMXMapInfo pTMXMapInfo = this;
            string elementName = name;
            Dictionary<string, string> attributeDict = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            if (atts != null && atts[0] != null)
                for (int i = 0; i + 1 < atts.Length; i += 2)
                    string key = atts[i];
                    string value = atts[i + 1];
                    attributeDict.Add(key, value);
            if (elementName == "map")
                string version = attributeDict["version"];
                if (version != "1.0")
                    CCLog.Log("cocos2d: TMXFormat: Unsupported TMX version: {0}", version);
                string orientationStr = attributeDict["orientation"];
                if (orientationStr == "orthogonal")
                    pTMXMapInfo.Orientation = (int)(CCTMXOrientatio.CCTMXOrientationOrtho);
                else if (orientationStr == "isometric")
                    pTMXMapInfo.Orientation = (int)(CCTMXOrientatio.CCTMXOrientationIso);
                else if (orientationStr == "hexagonal")
                    pTMXMapInfo.Orientation = (int)(CCTMXOrientatio.CCTMXOrientationHex);
                    CCLog.Log("cocos2d: TMXFomat: Unsupported orientation: {0}", pTMXMapInfo.Orientation);

                CCSize sMapSize = new CCSize();
                sMapSize.width = float.Parse(attributeDict["width"]);
                sMapSize.height = float.Parse(attributeDict["height"]);
                pTMXMapInfo.MapSize = sMapSize;

                CCSize sTileSize = new CCSize();
                sTileSize.width = float.Parse(attributeDict["tilewidth"]);
                sTileSize.height = float.Parse(attributeDict["tileheight"]);
                pTMXMapInfo.TileSize = sTileSize;

                // The parent element is now "map"
                pTMXMapInfo.ParentElement = (int)TMXProperty.TMXPropertyMap;
            else if (elementName == "tileset")
                // If this is an external tileset then start parsing that

                if (attributeDict.Keys.Contains("source"))
                    string externalTilesetFilename = attributeDict["source"];

                    externalTilesetFilename = CCFileUtils.fullPathFromRelativeFile(externalTilesetFilename, pTMXMapInfo.TMXFileName);
                    CCTMXTilesetInfo tileset = new CCTMXTilesetInfo();
                    tileset.m_sName = attributeDict["name"];
                    tileset.m_uFirstGid = int.Parse(attributeDict["firstgid"]);

                    if (attributeDict.Keys.Contains("spacing"))
                        tileset.m_uSpacing = int.Parse(attributeDict["spacing"]);

                    if (attributeDict.Keys.Contains("margin"))
                        tileset.m_uMargin = int.Parse(attributeDict["margin"]);
                    CCSize s = new CCSize();
                    s.width = float.Parse(attributeDict["tilewidth"]);
                    s.height = float.Parse(attributeDict["tileheight"]);
                    tileset.m_tTileSize = s;

            else if (elementName == "tile")
                CCTMXTilesetInfo info = pTMXMapInfo.Tilesets.LastOrDefault();
                Dictionary<string, string> dict = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                pTMXMapInfo.ParentGID = (info.m_uFirstGid + int.Parse(attributeDict["id"]));
                pTMXMapInfo.TileProperties.Add(pTMXMapInfo.ParentGID, dict);

                pTMXMapInfo.ParentElement = (int)TMXProperty.TMXPropertyTile;

            else if (elementName == "layer")
                CCTMXLayerInfo layer = new CCTMXLayerInfo();
                layer.m_sName = attributeDict["name"];

                CCSize s = new CCSize();
                s.width = float.Parse(attributeDict["width"]);
                s.height = float.Parse(attributeDict["height"]);
                layer.m_tLayerSize = s;

                layer.m_pTiles = new int[(int)s.width * (int)s.height];

                if (attributeDict.Keys.Contains("visible"))
                    string visible = attributeDict["visible"];
                    layer.m_bVisible = !(visible == "0");
                    layer.m_bVisible = true;

                if (attributeDict.Keys.Contains("opacity"))
                    string opacity = attributeDict["opacity"];
                    layer.m_cOpacity = (byte)(255 * float.Parse(opacity));
                    layer.m_cOpacity = 255;

                float x = attributeDict.Keys.Contains("x") ? float.Parse(attributeDict["x"]) : 0;
                float y = attributeDict.Keys.Contains("y") ? float.Parse(attributeDict["y"]) : 0;
                layer.m_tOffset = new CCPoint(x, y);


                // The parent element is now "layer"
                pTMXMapInfo.ParentElement = (int)TMXProperty.TMXPropertyLayer;

            else if (elementName == "objectgroup")
                CCTMXObjectGroup objectGroup = new CCTMXObjectGroup();
                objectGroup.GroupName = attributeDict["name"];
                CCPoint positionOffset = new CCPoint();
                if (attributeDict.ContainsKey("x"))
                    positionOffset.x = float.Parse(attributeDict["x"]) * pTMXMapInfo.TileSize.width;
                if (attributeDict.ContainsKey("y"))
                    positionOffset.y = float.Parse(attributeDict["y"]) * pTMXMapInfo.TileSize.height;
                objectGroup.PositionOffset = positionOffset;


                // The parent element is now "objectgroup"
                pTMXMapInfo.ParentElement = (int)TMXProperty.TMXPropertyObjectGroup;

            else if (elementName == "image")
                CCTMXTilesetInfo tileset = pTMXMapInfo.Tilesets.LastOrDefault();

                // build full path
                string imagename = attributeDict["source"];
                tileset.m_sSourceImage = CCFileUtils.fullPathFromRelativeFile(imagename, pTMXMapInfo.TMXFileName);

            else if (elementName == "data")
                string encoding = attributeDict.ContainsKey("encoding") ? attributeDict["encoding"] : "";
                string compression = attributeDict.ContainsKey("compression") ? attributeDict["compression"] : "";

                if (encoding == "base64")
                    int layerAttribs = pTMXMapInfo.LayerAttribs;
                    pTMXMapInfo.LayerAttribs = layerAttribs | (int)TMXLayerAttrib.TMXLayerAttribBase64;
                    pTMXMapInfo.StoringCharacters = true;

                    if (compression == "gzip")
                        layerAttribs = pTMXMapInfo.LayerAttribs;
                        pTMXMapInfo.LayerAttribs = layerAttribs | (int)TMXLayerAttrib.TMXLayerAttribGzip;
                        if (compression == "zlib")
                            layerAttribs = pTMXMapInfo.LayerAttribs;
                            pTMXMapInfo.LayerAttribs = layerAttribs | (int)TMXLayerAttrib.TMXLayerAttribZlib;
                    Debug.Assert(compression == "" || compression == "gzip" || compression == "zlib", "TMX: unsupported compression method");
                Debug.Assert(pTMXMapInfo.LayerAttribs != (int)TMXLayerAttrib.TMXLayerAttribNone, "TMX tile map: Only base64 and/or gzip/zlib maps are supported");

            else if (elementName == "object")
                char[] buffer = new char[32];
                CCTMXObjectGroup objectGroup = pTMXMapInfo.ObjectGroups.LastOrDefault();

                // The value for "type" was blank or not a valid class name
                // Create an instance of TMXObjectInfo to store the object and its properties
                Dictionary<string, string> dict = new Dictionary<string, string>();

                // Set the name of the object to the value for "name"
                string key = "name";
                string value = attributeDict.ContainsKey("name") ? attributeDict["name"] : "";
                dict.Add(key, value);

                // Assign all the attributes as key/name pairs in the properties dictionary
                key = "type";
                value = attributeDict.ContainsKey("type") ? attributeDict["type"] : "";
                dict.Add(key, value);

                int x = int.Parse(attributeDict["x"]) + (int)objectGroup.PositionOffset.x;
                key = "x";
                value = x.ToString();
                dict.Add(key, value);

                int y = int.Parse(attributeDict["y"]) + (int)objectGroup.PositionOffset.y;
                // Correct y position. (Tiled uses Flipped, cocos2d uses Standard)
                y = (int)(pTMXMapInfo.MapSize.height * pTMXMapInfo.TileSize.height) - y - (attributeDict.ContainsKey("height") ? int.Parse(attributeDict["height"]) : 0);
                key = "y";
                value = y.ToString();
                dict.Add(key, value);

                key = "width";
                value = attributeDict.ContainsKey("width") ? attributeDict["width"] : "";
                dict.Add(key, value);

                key = "height";
                value = attributeDict.ContainsKey("height") ? attributeDict["height"] : "";
                dict.Add(key, value);

                // Add the object to the objectGroup

                // The parent element is now "object"
                pTMXMapInfo.ParentElement = (int)TMXProperty.TMXPropertyObject;

            else if (elementName == "property")
                if (pTMXMapInfo.ParentElement == (int)TMXProperty.TMXPropertyNone)
                    CCLog.Log("TMX tile map: Parent element is unsupported. Cannot add property named '{0}' with value '{1}'",
                        attributeDict["name"], attributeDict["value"]);
                else if (pTMXMapInfo.ParentElement == (int)TMXProperty.TMXPropertyMap)
                    // The parent element is the map
                    string value = attributeDict["value"];
                    string key = attributeDict["name"];
                    pTMXMapInfo.Properties.Add(key, value);

                else if (pTMXMapInfo.ParentElement == (int)TMXProperty.TMXPropertyLayer)
                    // The parent element is the last layer
                    CCTMXLayerInfo layer = pTMXMapInfo.Layers.LastOrDefault();
                    string value = attributeDict["value"];
                    string key = attributeDict["name"];
                    // Add the property to the layer
                    layer.Properties.Add(key, value);
                else if (pTMXMapInfo.ParentElement == (int)TMXProperty.TMXPropertyObjectGroup)
                    // The parent element is the last object group
                    CCTMXObjectGroup objectGroup = pTMXMapInfo.ObjectGroups.LastOrDefault();
                    string value = attributeDict["value"];
                    string key = attributeDict["name"];
                    objectGroup.Properties.Add(key, value);
                else if (pTMXMapInfo.ParentElement == (int)TMXProperty.TMXPropertyObject)
                    // The parent element is the last object
                    CCTMXObjectGroup objectGroup = pTMXMapInfo.ObjectGroups.LastOrDefault();
                    Dictionary<string, string> dict = objectGroup.Objects.LastOrDefault();

                    string propertyName = attributeDict["name"];
                    string propertyValue = attributeDict["value"];
                    dict.Add(propertyName, propertyValue);
                else if (pTMXMapInfo.ParentElement == (int)TMXProperty.TMXPropertyTile)
                    Dictionary<string, string> dict = pTMXMapInfo.TileProperties[pTMXMapInfo.ParentGID];

                    string propertyName = attributeDict["name"];
                    string propertyValue = attributeDict["value"];
                    dict.Add(propertyName, propertyValue);
            if (attributeDict != null)
                attributeDict = null;
Esempio n. 17
        private CCTMXTilesetInfo tilesetForLayer(CCTMXLayerInfo layerInfo, CCTMXMapInfo mapInfo)
            CCSize size = layerInfo.m_tLayerSize;
            List<CCTMXTilesetInfo> tilesets = mapInfo.Tilesets;

            if (tilesets != null && tilesets.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < tilesets.Count; i++)
                    CCTMXTilesetInfo tileset = tilesets[i];
                    if (tileset != null)
                        for (int y = 0; y < size.height; y++)
                            for (int x = 0; x < size.width; x++)
                                int pos = (int)(x + size.width * y);
                                int gid = layerInfo.m_pTiles[pos];

                                // gid are stored in little endian.
                                // if host is big endian, then swap
                                //if( o == CFByteOrderBigEndian )
                                //	gid = CFSwapInt32( gid );
                                /* We support little endian.*/

                                // XXX: gid == 0 --> empty tile
                                if (gid != 0)
                                    // Optimization: quick return
                                    // if the layer is invalid (more than 1 tileset per layer) an assert will be thrown later
                                    if (gid >= tileset.m_uFirstGid)
                                        return tileset;

            // If all the tiles are 0, return empty tileset
            CCLog.Log("cocos2d: Warning: TMX Layer '{0}' has no tiles", layerInfo.m_sName);
            return null;
Esempio n. 18
        private CCTMXLayer parseLayer(CCTMXLayerInfo layerInfo, CCTMXMapInfo mapInfo)
            CCTMXTilesetInfo tileset = tilesetForLayer(layerInfo, mapInfo);
            CCTMXLayer layer = CCTMXLayer.layerWithTilesetInfo(tileset, layerInfo, mapInfo);

            // tell the layerinfo to release the ownership of the tiles map.
            layerInfo.m_bOwnTiles = false;

            return layer;
Esempio n. 19
        public void StartElement(object ctx, string name, string[] atts)
            CCTMXMapInfo pTMXMapInfo = this;
            string elementName = name;
            var attributeDict = new Dictionary<string, string>();

            if (atts != null && atts[0] != null)
                for (int i = 0; i + 1 < atts.Length; i += 2)
                    string key = atts[i];
                    string value = atts[i + 1];
                    attributeDict.Add(key, value);
            if (elementName == "map")
                string version = attributeDict["version"];
                if (version != "1.0")
                    CCLog.Log("cocos2d: TMXFormat: Unsupported TMX version: {0}", version);
                string orientationStr = attributeDict["orientation"];
                if (orientationStr == "orthogonal")
                    pTMXMapInfo.Orientation = (int) (CCTMXOrientation.CCTMXOrientationOrtho);
                else if (orientationStr == "isometric")
                    pTMXMapInfo.Orientation = (int) (CCTMXOrientation.CCTMXOrientationIso);
                else if (orientationStr == "hexagonal")
                    pTMXMapInfo.Orientation = (int) (CCTMXOrientation.CCTMXOrientationHex);
                    CCLog.Log("cocos2d: TMXFomat: Unsupported orientation: {0}", pTMXMapInfo.Orientation);

                CCSize sMapSize;
                sMapSize.Width = CCUtils.CCParseFloat(attributeDict["width"]);
                sMapSize.Height = CCUtils.CCParseFloat(attributeDict["height"]);
                pTMXMapInfo.MapSize = sMapSize;

                CCSize sTileSize;
                sTileSize.Width = CCUtils.CCParseFloat(attributeDict["tilewidth"]);
                sTileSize.Height = CCUtils.CCParseFloat(attributeDict["tileheight"]);
                pTMXMapInfo.TileSize = sTileSize;

                // The parent element is now "map"
                pTMXMapInfo.ParentElement = (int) TMXProperty.TMXPropertyMap;
            else if (elementName == "tileset")
                // If this is an external tileset then start parsing that

                if (attributeDict.Keys.Contains("source"))
                    string externalTilesetFilename = attributeDict["source"];

                    externalTilesetFilename = CCFileUtils.FullPathFromRelativeFile(externalTilesetFilename, pTMXMapInfo.TMXFileName);
                    var tileset = new CCTMXTilesetInfo();

                    tileset.m_sName = attributeDict["name"];
                    tileset.m_uFirstGid = uint.Parse(attributeDict["firstgid"]);

                    if (attributeDict.Keys.Contains("spacing"))
                        tileset.m_uSpacing = int.Parse(attributeDict["spacing"]);

                    if (attributeDict.Keys.Contains("margin"))
                        tileset.m_uMargin = int.Parse(attributeDict["margin"]);

                    CCSize s;
                    s.Width = CCUtils.CCParseFloat(attributeDict["tilewidth"]);
                    s.Height = CCUtils.CCParseFloat(attributeDict["tileheight"]);
                    tileset.m_tTileSize = s;

            else if (elementName == "tile")
                CCTMXTilesetInfo info = pTMXMapInfo.Tilesets.LastOrDefault();
                var dict = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                pTMXMapInfo.ParentGID = (info.m_uFirstGid + uint.Parse(attributeDict["id"]));
                pTMXMapInfo.TileProperties.Add(pTMXMapInfo.ParentGID, dict);

                pTMXMapInfo.ParentElement = (int) TMXProperty.TMXPropertyTile;
            else if (elementName == "layer")
                var layer = new CCTMXLayerInfo();
                layer.Name = attributeDict["name"];

                CCSize s;
                s.Width = CCUtils.CCParseFloat(attributeDict["width"]);
                s.Height = CCUtils.CCParseFloat(attributeDict["height"]);
                layer.LayerSize = s;

                layer.Tiles = new uint[(int) s.Width * (int) s.Height];

                if (attributeDict.Keys.Contains("visible"))
                    string visible = attributeDict["visible"];
                    layer.Visible = !(visible == "0");
                    layer.Visible = true;

                if (attributeDict.Keys.Contains("opacity"))
                    string opacity = attributeDict["opacity"];
                    layer.Opacity = (byte) (255 * CCUtils.CCParseFloat(opacity));
                    layer.Opacity = 255;

                float x = attributeDict.Keys.Contains("x") ? CCUtils.CCParseFloat(attributeDict["x"]) : 0;
                float y = attributeDict.Keys.Contains("y") ? CCUtils.CCParseFloat(attributeDict["y"]) : 0;
                layer.Offset = new CCPoint(x, y);


                // The parent element is now "layer"
                pTMXMapInfo.ParentElement = (int) TMXProperty.TMXPropertyLayer;
            else if (elementName == "objectgroup")
                var objectGroup = new CCTMXObjectGroup();
                objectGroup.GroupName = attributeDict["name"];

                CCPoint positionOffset = CCPoint.Zero;
                if (attributeDict.ContainsKey("x"))
                    positionOffset.X = CCUtils.CCParseFloat(attributeDict["x"]) * pTMXMapInfo.TileSize.Width;
                if (attributeDict.ContainsKey("y"))
                    positionOffset.Y = CCUtils.CCParseFloat(attributeDict["y"]) * pTMXMapInfo.TileSize.Height;
                objectGroup.PositionOffset = positionOffset;


                // The parent element is now "objectgroup"
                pTMXMapInfo.ParentElement = (int) TMXProperty.TMXPropertyObjectGroup;
            else if (elementName == "image")
                CCTMXTilesetInfo tileset = pTMXMapInfo.Tilesets.LastOrDefault();

                // build full path
                string imagename = attributeDict["source"];
                tileset.m_sSourceImage = CCFileUtils.FullPathFromRelativeFile(imagename, pTMXMapInfo.TMXFileName);
            else if (elementName == "data")
                string encoding = attributeDict.ContainsKey("encoding") ? attributeDict["encoding"] : "";
                string compression = attributeDict.ContainsKey("compression") ? attributeDict["compression"] : "";

                if (encoding == "base64")
                    int layerAttribs = pTMXMapInfo.LayerAttribs;
                    pTMXMapInfo.LayerAttribs = layerAttribs | (int) TMXLayerAttrib.TMXLayerAttribBase64;
                    pTMXMapInfo.StoringCharacters = true;

                    if (compression == "gzip")
                        layerAttribs = pTMXMapInfo.LayerAttribs;
                        pTMXMapInfo.LayerAttribs = layerAttribs | (int) TMXLayerAttrib.TMXLayerAttribGzip;
                    else if (compression == "zlib")
                        layerAttribs = pTMXMapInfo.LayerAttribs;
                        pTMXMapInfo.LayerAttribs = layerAttribs | (int) TMXLayerAttrib.TMXLayerAttribZlib;
                    Debug.Assert(compression == "" || compression == "gzip" || compression == "zlib", "TMX: unsupported compression method");
                Debug.Assert(pTMXMapInfo.LayerAttribs != (int) TMXLayerAttrib.TMXLayerAttribNone,
                             "TMX tile map: Only base64 and/or gzip/zlib maps are supported");
            else if (elementName == "object")
                CCTMXObjectGroup objectGroup = pTMXMapInfo.ObjectGroups.LastOrDefault();

                // The value for "type" was blank or not a valid class name
                // Create an instance of TMXObjectInfo to store the object and its properties
                var dict = new Dictionary<string, string>();

                var pArray = new[] {"name", "type", "width", "height", "gid"};

                for (int i = 0; i < pArray.Length; i++)
                    string key = pArray[i];
                    if (attributeDict.ContainsKey(key))
                        dict.Add(key, attributeDict[key]);

                // But X and Y since they need special treatment
                // X

                int x = int.Parse(attributeDict["x"]) + (int) objectGroup.PositionOffset.X;
                dict.Add("x", x.ToString());

                int y = int.Parse(attributeDict["y"]) + (int) objectGroup.PositionOffset.Y;
                // Correct y position. (Tiled uses Flipped, cocos2d uses Standard)
                y = (int) (pTMXMapInfo.MapSize.Height * pTMXMapInfo.TileSize.Height) - y -
                    (attributeDict.ContainsKey("height") ? int.Parse(attributeDict["height"]) : 0);
                dict.Add("y", y.ToString());

                // Add the object to the objectGroup

                // The parent element is now "object"
                pTMXMapInfo.ParentElement = (int) TMXProperty.TMXPropertyObject;
            else if (elementName == "property")
                if (pTMXMapInfo.ParentElement == (int) TMXProperty.TMXPropertyNone)
                    CCLog.Log("TMX tile map: Parent element is unsupported. Cannot add property named '{0}' with value '{1}'",
                              attributeDict["name"], attributeDict["value"]);
                else if (pTMXMapInfo.ParentElement == (int) TMXProperty.TMXPropertyMap)
                    // The parent element is the map
                    string value = attributeDict["value"];
                    string key = attributeDict["name"];
                    pTMXMapInfo.Properties.Add(key, value);
                else if (pTMXMapInfo.ParentElement == (int) TMXProperty.TMXPropertyLayer)
                    // The parent element is the last layer
                    CCTMXLayerInfo layer = pTMXMapInfo.Layers.LastOrDefault();
                    string value = attributeDict["value"];
                    string key = attributeDict["name"];
                    // Add the property to the layer
                    layer.Properties.Add(key, value);
                else if (pTMXMapInfo.ParentElement == (int) TMXProperty.TMXPropertyObjectGroup)
                    // The parent element is the last object group
                    CCTMXObjectGroup objectGroup = pTMXMapInfo.ObjectGroups.LastOrDefault();
                    string value = attributeDict["value"];
                    string key = attributeDict["name"];
                    objectGroup.Properties.Add(key, value);
                else if (pTMXMapInfo.ParentElement == (int) TMXProperty.TMXPropertyObject)
                    // The parent element is the last object
                    CCTMXObjectGroup objectGroup = pTMXMapInfo.ObjectGroups.LastOrDefault();
                    Dictionary<string, string> dict = objectGroup.Objects.LastOrDefault();

                    string propertyName = attributeDict["name"];
                    string propertyValue = attributeDict["value"];
                    dict.Add(propertyName, propertyValue);
                else if (pTMXMapInfo.ParentElement == (int) TMXProperty.TMXPropertyTile)
                    Dictionary<string, string> dict = pTMXMapInfo.TileProperties[pTMXMapInfo.ParentGID];

                    string propertyName = attributeDict["name"];
                    string propertyValue = attributeDict["value"];
                    dict.Add(propertyName, propertyValue);
            else if (elementName == "polygon")
                // find parent object's dict and add polygon-points to it
                // CCTMXObjectGroup* objectGroup = (CCTMXObjectGroup*)m_pObjectGroups->lastObject();
                // CCDictionary* dict = (CCDictionary*)objectGroup->getObjects()->lastObject();
                // TODO: dict->setObject(attributeDict objectForKey:@"points"] forKey:@"polygonPoints"];
            else if (elementName == "polyline")
                // find parent object's dict and add polyline-points to it
                // CCTMXObjectGroup* objectGroup = (CCTMXObjectGroup*)m_pObjectGroups->lastObject();
                // CCDictionary* dict = (CCDictionary*)objectGroup->getObjects()->lastObject();
                // TODO: dict->setObject:[attributeDict objectForKey:@"points"] forKey:@"polylinePoints"];

            if (attributeDict != null)
                attributeDict = null;
Esempio n. 20
        public void endElement(object ctx, string elementName)
            CCTMXMapInfo pTMXMapInfo = this;

            byte[] buffer = pTMXMapInfo.CurrentString;

            if (elementName == "data" && (pTMXMapInfo.LayerAttribs & (int)TMXLayerAttrib.TMXLayerAttribBase64) != 0)
                pTMXMapInfo.StoringCharacters = false;
                CCTMXLayerInfo layer = pTMXMapInfo.Layers.LastOrDefault();
                if ((pTMXMapInfo.LayerAttribs & ((int)(TMXLayerAttrib.TMXLayerAttribGzip) | (int)TMXLayerAttrib.TMXLayerAttribZlib)) != 0)
                    using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(buffer, false))
                        //gzip compress
                        if ((pTMXMapInfo.LayerAttribs & (int)TMXLayerAttrib.TMXLayerAttribGzip) != 0)
                            using (GZipInputStream inStream = new GZipInputStream(ms))
                                using (var br = new BinaryReader(inStream))
                                    for (int i = 0; i < layer.m_pTiles.Length; i++)
                                        layer.m_pTiles[i] = br.ReadInt32();

                        if ((pTMXMapInfo.LayerAttribs & (int)TMXLayerAttrib.TMXLayerAttribZlib) != 0)
                            using (ZInputStream inZStream = new ZInputStream(ms))
                                for (int i = 0; i < layer.m_pTiles.Length; i++)
                                    layer.m_pTiles[i] = inZStream.Read();
                    for (int i = 0; i < layer.m_pTiles.Length; i++)
                        layer.m_pTiles[i] = buffer[i * 4];

                pTMXMapInfo.CurrentString = null;
            else if (elementName == "map")
                // The map element has ended
                pTMXMapInfo.ParentElement = (int)TMXProperty.TMXPropertyNone;
            else if (elementName == "layer")
                // The layer element has ended
                pTMXMapInfo.ParentElement = (int)TMXProperty.TMXPropertyNone;
            else if (elementName == "objectgroup")
                // The objectgroup element has ended
                pTMXMapInfo.ParentElement = (int)TMXProperty.TMXPropertyNone;
            else if (elementName == "object")
                // The object element has ended
                pTMXMapInfo.ParentElement = (int)TMXProperty.TMXPropertyNone;
Esempio n. 21
 /** creates a CCTMXLayer with an tileset info, a layer info and a map info */
 public static CCTMXLayer Create(CCTMXTilesetInfo tilesetInfo, CCTMXLayerInfo layerInfo, CCTMXMapInfo mapInfo)
     var pRet = new CCTMXLayer();
     pRet.InitWithTilesetInfo(tilesetInfo, layerInfo, mapInfo);
     return pRet;
Esempio n. 22
        /** initializes a CCTMXLayer with a tileset info, a layer info and a map info */
        public bool InitWithTilesetInfo(CCTMXTilesetInfo tilesetInfo, CCTMXLayerInfo layerInfo, CCTMXMapInfo mapInfo)
            // XXX: is 35% a good estimate ?
            CCSize size = layerInfo.LayerSize;
            float totalNumberOfTiles = size.Width * size.Height;
            float capacity = totalNumberOfTiles * 0.35f + 1; // 35 percent is occupied ?

            CCTexture2D texture = null;
            if (tilesetInfo != null)
                texture = CCTextureCache.SharedTextureCache.AddImage(tilesetInfo.m_sSourceImage);

            if (base.InitWithTexture(texture, (int) capacity))
                // layerInfo
                m_sLayerName = layerInfo.Name;
                m_tLayerSize = size;
                m_pTiles = layerInfo.Tiles;
                m_uMinGID = layerInfo.MinGID;
                m_uMaxGID = layerInfo.MaxGID;
                m_cOpacity = layerInfo.Opacity;
                Properties = new Dictionary<string, string>(layerInfo.Properties);
                m_fContentScaleFactor = CCDirector.SharedDirector.ContentScaleFactor;

                // tilesetInfo
                m_pTileSet = tilesetInfo;

                // mapInfo
                m_tMapTileSize = mapInfo.TileSize;
                m_uLayerOrientation = (CCTMXOrientation) mapInfo.Orientation;

                // offset (after layer orientation is set);
                CCPoint offset = CalculateLayerOffset(layerInfo.Offset);
                Position = CCMacros.CCPointPixelsToPoints(offset);

                m_pAtlasIndexArray = new List<int>((int) totalNumberOfTiles);

                ContentSize =
                    CCMacros.CCSizePixelsToPoints(new CCSize(m_tLayerSize.Width * m_tMapTileSize.Width,
                                                                 m_tLayerSize.Height * m_tMapTileSize.Height));

                m_bUseAutomaticVertexZ = false;
                m_nVertexZvalue = 0;

                return true;
            return false;