Esempio n. 1
        public override void Update(float dt)
            float r  = (this._radius + this._deltaRadius * dt) * CCCamera.getZEye();
            float za = this._radZ + this._radDeltaZ * dt;
            float xa = this._radX + this._radDeltaX * dt;
            float i  = (float)Math.Sin(za) * (float)Math.Cos(xa) * r + this._centerXOrig;
            float j  = (float)Math.Sin(za) * (float)Math.Sin(xa) * r + this._centerYOrig;
            float k  = (float)Math.Cos(za) * r + this._centerZOrig;

            Target.Camera.setEyeXYZ(i, j, k);
Esempio n. 2
        public override void update(float dt)
            float mFRadius = (this.m_fRadius + this.m_fDeltaRadius * dt) * CCCamera.getZEye();
            float mFRadZ   = this.m_fRadZ + this.m_fRadDeltaZ * dt;
            float mFRadX   = this.m_fRadX + this.m_fRadDeltaX * dt;
            float single   = (float)Math.Sin((double)mFRadZ) * (float)Math.Cos((double)mFRadX) * mFRadius + this.m_fCenterXOrig;
            float single1  = (float)Math.Sin((double)mFRadZ) * (float)Math.Sin((double)mFRadX) * mFRadius + this.m_fCenterYOrig;
            float single2  = (float)Math.Cos((double)mFRadZ) * mFRadius + this.m_fCenterZOrig;

            this.m_pTarget.Camera.setEyeXYZ(single, single1, single2);
        public override void update(float dt)
            float r  = (m_fRadius + m_fDeltaRadius * dt) * CCCamera.getZEye();
            float za = m_fRadZ + m_fRadDeltaZ * dt;
            float xa = m_fRadX + m_fRadDeltaX * dt;

            float i = (float)Math.Sin(za) * (float)Math.Cos(xa) * r + m_fCenterXOrig;
            float j = (float)Math.Sin(za) * (float)Math.Sin(xa) * r + m_fCenterYOrig;
            float k = (float)Math.Cos(za) * r + m_fCenterZOrig;

            m_pTarget.Camera.setEyeXYZ(i, j, k);
Esempio n. 4
        public void restore()
            float single  = 0f;
            float single1 = single;

            this.m_fEyeY = single;
            this.m_fEyeX = single1;
            this.m_fEyeZ = CCCamera.getZEye();
            float single2 = 0f;
            float single3 = single2;

            this.m_fCenterZ = single2;
            float single4 = single3;
            float single5 = single4;

            this.m_fCenterY = single4;
            this.m_fCenterX = single5;
            this.m_fUpX     = 0f;
            this.m_fUpY     = 1f;
            this.m_fUpZ     = 0f;
            this.m_bDirty   = false;
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// positions the camera according to spherical coordinates
        /// </summary>
        public void sphericalRadius(out float newRadius, out float zenith, out float azimuth)
            float ex, ey, ez, cx, cy, cz, x, y, z;
            float r; // radius
            float s;

            CCCamera camera = Target.Camera;

            camera.getEyeXYZ(out ex, out ey, out ez);
            camera.getCenterXYZ(out cx, out cy, out cz);

            x = ex - cx;
            y = ey - cy;
            z = ez - cz;

            r = (float)Math.Sqrt((float)Math.Pow(x, 2) + (float)Math.Pow(y, 2) + (float)Math.Pow(z, 2));
            s = (float)Math.Sqrt((float)Math.Pow(x, 2) + (float)Math.Pow(y, 2));
            if (s == 0.0f)
                s = ccMacros.FLT_EPSILON;
            if (r == 0.0f)
                r = ccMacros.FLT_EPSILON;

            zenith = (float)Math.Acos(z / r);
            if (x < 0)
                azimuth = (float)Math.PI - (float)Math.Sin(y / s);
                azimuth = (float)Math.Sin(y / s);

            newRadius = r / CCCamera.getZEye();
Esempio n. 6
        public void sphericalRadius(out float newRadius, out float zenith, out float azimuth)
            float    single;
            float    single1;
            float    single2;
            float    single3;
            float    single4;
            float    single5;
            CCCamera camera = this.m_pTarget.Camera;

            camera.getEyeXYZ(out single, out single1, out single2);
            camera.getCenterXYZ(out single3, out single4, out single5);
            float single6     = single - single3;
            float single7     = single1 - single4;
            float single8     = single2 - single5;
            float fLTEPSILON  = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)((float)Math.Pow((double)single6, 2) + (float)Math.Pow((double)single7, 2) + (float)Math.Pow((double)single8, 2)));
            float fLTEPSILON1 = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)((float)Math.Pow((double)single6, 2) + (float)Math.Pow((double)single7, 2)));

            if (fLTEPSILON1 == 0f)
                fLTEPSILON1 = ccMacros.FLT_EPSILON;
            if (fLTEPSILON == 0f)
                fLTEPSILON = ccMacros.FLT_EPSILON;
            zenith = (float)Math.Acos((double)(single8 / fLTEPSILON));
            if (single6 >= 0f)
                azimuth = (float)Math.Sin((double)(single7 / fLTEPSILON1));
                azimuth = 3.14159274f - (float)Math.Sin((double)(single7 / fLTEPSILON1));
            newRadius = fLTEPSILON / CCCamera.getZEye();