public void CreateConfig(Image groupImage) { string path = @"config\" + this.Name; //string filePath = path + @"\" + this.Name + "Group.exe"; // // Directory and .exe // System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(@path); //System.IO.File.Copy(@"config\config.exe", @filePath); // // XML config // System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer writer = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(Category)); using (FileStream file = System.IO.File.Create(@path + @"\ObjectData.xml")) writer.Serialize(file, this); // // Create .ico // Image img = ImageFunctions.ResizeImage(groupImage, 1024, 1024); // Resize img if too big img.Save(path + @"\GroupImage.png"); using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(path + @"\GroupIcon.ico", FileMode.Create)) ImageFunctions.IconFromImage(img).Save(fs); // saving as icon // // Create .lnk shortcut // // Through shellLink.cs class, pass through into the function information on how to construct the icon // Needed due to needing to set a unique AppUserModelID so the shortcut applications don't stack on the taskbar with the main application // Tricks Windows to think they are from different applications even though they are from the same .exe ShellLink.InstallShortcut( Path.GetFullPath(@System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName), "" + this.Name, path + " shortcut", Path.GetFullPath(@path), Path.GetFullPath(path + @"\GroupIcon.ico"), path + "\\" + this.Name + ".lnk", this.Name ); // Build the icon cache cacheIcons(); System.IO.File.Move(@path + "\\" + this.Name + ".lnk", Path.GetFullPath(@"Shortcuts\" + Regex.Replace(this.Name, @"(_)+", " ") + ".lnk")); // Move .lnk to correct directory }
public void CreateConfig(Image groupImage) { string path = Path.Combine(Paths.ConfigPath, this.Name); // // Directory and .exe // System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(@path); //System.IO.File.Copy(@"config\config.exe", @filePath); // // XML config // System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer writer = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(Category)); using (FileStream file = System.IO.File.Create(Path.Combine(@path, "ObjectData.xml"))) { writer.Serialize(file, this); file.Close(); } // // Create .ico // Image img = ImageFunctions.ResizeImage(groupImage, 256, 256); // Resize img if too big img.Save(Path.Combine(path, "GroupImage.png")); if (GetMimeType(groupImage).ToString() == "*.PNG") { createMultiIcon(groupImage, Path.Combine(path, "GroupIcon.ico")); } else { using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(Path.Combine(path, "GroupIcon.ico"), FileMode.Create)) { ImageFunctions.IconFromImage(img).Save(fs); fs.Close(); } } // Through shellLink.cs class, pass through into the function information on how to construct the icon // Needed due to needing to set a unique AppUserModelID so the shortcut applications don't stack on the taskbar with the main application // Tricks Windows to think they are from different applications even though they are from the same .exe ShellLink.InstallShortcut( Paths.exeString, "" + this.Name, path + " shortcut", path, Path.Combine(path, "GroupIcon.ico"), Path.Combine(path, this.Name + ".lnk"), this.Name ); // Build the icon cache cacheIcons(); System.IO.File.Move(Path.Combine(path, this.Name + ".lnk"), Path.Combine(Paths.ShortcutsPath, Regex.Replace(this.Name, @"(_)+", " ") + ".lnk")); // Move .lnk to correct directory }
public void CreateConfig(Image groupImage) { try { //string filePath = path + @"\" + this.Name + "Group.exe"; // // Directory and .exe // path = Path.Combine(Paths.ConfigPath, this.Name); System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(@path); //System.IO.File.Copy(@"config\config.exe", @filePath); writeXML(); // // Create .ico // Image img = ImageFunctions.ResizeImage(groupImage, 256, 256); // Resize img if too big img.Save(Path.Combine(path, "GroupImage.png")); if (GetMimeType(groupImage).ToString() == "*.PNG") { createMultiIcon(groupImage, Path.Combine(path, "GroupIcon.ico")); } else { using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(Path.Combine(path, "GroupIcon.ico"), FileMode.Create)) { ImageFunctions.IconFromImage(img).Save(fs); fs.Close(); } } // Through shellLink.cs class, pass through into the function information on how to construct the icon // Needed due to needing to set a unique AppUserModelID so the shortcut applications don't stack on the taskbar with the main application // Tricks Windows to think they are from different applications even though they are from the same .exe ShellLink.InstallShortcut( Paths.BackgroundApplication, "" + this.Name, path + " shortcut", path, Path.Combine(path, "GroupIcon.ico"), Path.Combine(path, this.Name + ".lnk"), this.Name ); // Build the icon cache cacheIcons(); System.IO.File.Move(Path.Combine(path, this.Name + ".lnk"), Path.Combine(Paths.ShortcutsPath, Regex.Replace(this.Name, @"(_)+", " ") + ".lnk")); // Move .lnk to correct directory } catch { } finally { Process[] pname = Process.GetProcessesByName(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension("Taskbar Groups Background")); if (pname.Length != 0) { pname[0].Kill(); } Process backgroundProcess = new Process(); backgroundProcess.StartInfo.FileName = Paths.BackgroundApplication; backgroundProcess.Start(); Process p = new Process(); p.StartInfo.FileName = Paths.BackgroundApplication; p.StartInfo.Arguments = this.Name + " setGroupContextMenu"; p.Start(); } }