Esempio n. 1
        public void ProcessCommand(ArgumentDictionary args)
            Status = CommandStatus.Executing;


            if (Status == CommandStatus.Executing)
                Status = CommandStatus.Successful;
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Populates the Arguments IEnumerable property from the args parameter.
        /// * Get a dictionary of the arguments for each name for easier matching
        /// * Loop through the args string and match command line strings up with argument objects
        /// * Create "Argument" of appropriate type for each matched string and add to Arguments
        /// * If an arg is found that doesn't match to an argument object, add it to an unknown arguments collection
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="argumentsFromCommandLine">A straight copy of the args[] from the command line of the program</param>
        /// <returns>An ArgumentDictionary hash table-like collection with a property containing an array of
        /// unknown strings from the command line.</returns>
        public ArgumentDictionary Parse(string[] argumentsFromCommandLine)
            var codeObjectsHash     = new Hashtable();
            var matchedArguments    = new ArgumentDictionary();
            var unknownArguments    = new List <string>();
            var numberOfCommandArgs = 0;
            IEnumerable <IArgument> activeSequence;

            // Create a ArgumentDictionary of Arguments passed in via constructor so we can look them up
            // by name without having to loop through them.
            foreach (var arg in _args)
                codeObjectsHash.Add(CaseSensitive ? arg.Name : arg.Name.ToLower(), arg);
                matchedArguments.AllArguments.Add(arg.Name, arg);

                // Add a copy for each alias for this argument into the collection
                foreach (var alias in arg.Aliases)
                    codeObjectsHash.Add(CaseSensitive ? alias : alias.ToLower(), arg);

            // Find the command object first so that we can parse unnamed sequence command line styles.
            var possibleCommandArgs = _args.OfType <CommandArgument>();
            var matchedCommandArgs  = new ArgumentDictionary();

            // Find a command argument, or if not, use the default
            var defaultCommand = from c in possibleCommandArgs where c.Default == true select c;

            if (defaultCommand.Count() > 1)
                throw new DefaultArgumentException("There can be only one default argument.");

            foreach (var str in argumentsFromCommandLine)
                var hashKey = CaseSensitive ? str : str.ToLower();
                if (codeObjectsHash.Contains(hashKey))
                    var arg = (CommandArgument)codeObjectsHash[hashKey];
                    matchedArguments.Add(arg.Name, arg);
                    if (matchedCommandArgs.Count < 1)
                        matchedCommandArgs.Add(arg.Name, arg);
            if (matchedCommandArgs.Count < 1)
                if (defaultCommand.Count() < 1)
                    throw new DefaultArgumentException("No commands supplied and no default specified.");
                    var arg = defaultCommand.FirstOrDefault();
                    matchedArguments.Add(arg.Name, arg);
                    matchedCommandArgs.Add(arg.Name, arg);


            activeSequence = ((CommandArgument)matchedCommandArgs.First().Value).ArgumentSequence;

            if (activeSequence == null && numberOfCommandArgs > 1)
                throw new ArgumentException("There cannot be more than one command.");

            if (matchedCommandArgs.Count == 1 &&
                (activeSequence != null))
                // Using an argument sequence, so remove command argument for proper indexing
                argumentsFromCommandLine = argumentsFromCommandLine.Where(val => val != matchedCommandArgs.First().Key).ToArray();

            // Loop through command line array
            for (int commandIndex = 0; commandIndex < argumentsFromCommandLine.Length; commandIndex++)
                var      str = argumentsFromCommandLine[commandIndex];
                string[] strArgAsArray;

                strArgAsArray = str.Split(Delimiter[0]);
                if (Delimiter.Length > 1)
                    for (int i = 0; i < Delimiter.Length; i++)
                        if (str.Contains(Delimiter[i]))
                            strArgAsArray = str.Split(Delimiter[i]);

                var strArgName       = CaseSensitive ? strArgAsArray[0] : strArgAsArray[0].ToLower();
                var argumentWasFound = false;
                strArgName = strArgName.Replace(Convert.ToString(Prefix), "");

                // If there's a delimiter, it's a named argument
                if (strArgAsArray.Length > 1)
                    var strArgValue = strArgAsArray[1];
                    var hashKey     = strArgName;
                    if (codeObjectsHash.Contains(hashKey))
                        var arg = (NamedArgument)codeObjectsHash[hashKey];
                        argumentWasFound = true;
                        arg.Value        = strArgAsArray[1];
                        matchedArguments.Add(arg.Name, arg);
                // If there's no prefix character, and no sequence, it's a command
                else if (!strArgAsArray[0].Contains(Prefix) && activeSequence == null)
                    var hashKey = strArgName;
                    if (codeObjectsHash.Contains(hashKey))
                        var arg = (CommandArgument)codeObjectsHash[hashKey];
                        argumentWasFound = true;
                        if (!matchedArguments.ContainsKey(arg.Name))
                            matchedArguments.Add(arg.Name, arg);
                // if it's neither a named argument or command, and it contains a prefix, it must be a switch
                else if (strArgAsArray[0].Contains(Prefix))
                    var hashKey = strArgName;
                    if (codeObjectsHash.Contains(hashKey))
                        var arg = (SwitchArgument)codeObjectsHash[hashKey];
                        argumentWasFound = true;
                        arg.Value        = true;
                        matchedArguments.Add(arg.Name, arg);
                // If there's a sequence, it's probably a sequential argument
                else if (activeSequence != null)
                    var hashKey = activeSequence.ElementAt(commandIndex).Name;
                    if (codeObjectsHash.Contains(hashKey))
                        var arg = (IArgumentWithValue)codeObjectsHash[hashKey];
                        argumentWasFound = true;
                        arg.Value        = strArgAsArray[0];
                        matchedArguments.Add(arg.Name, arg);

                if (!argumentWasFound)

            if (matchedArguments.CommandArgument != null)
                foreach (var arg in matchedArguments.CommandArgument.RequiredArguments)
                    if (!matchedArguments.ContainsKey(arg.Name))
                        throw new RequiredArgumentException($"Required argument '{arg.Name}' was not specified.");

            matchedArguments.UnknownArguments = unknownArguments.ToArray();
Esempio n. 3
 public abstract void Command(ArgumentDictionary args);