public void TestSerializeDemographic() { Demographic demographic = new Demographic(20, Categories.Food, 10, 8, 1); Serializer serializer = new Serializer(); string json = serializer.Serialize(demographic); Assert.IsTrue(json.Contains("\"rank\":1")); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.Title = "CivStats"; if (!IsUpToDate()) { Console.Write("This app needs to be updated. Please update the app."); Console.ReadKey(); return; } CheckSettings(); id =; key = Properties.Settings.Default.key; serializer = new Serializer(); IStatsTracker[] trackers = { new GameTracker(), new DemographicsTracker(), new PolicyChoicesTracker(), new ReligionTracker(), new WondersTracker(), new WarEventsTracker(), new NaturalWondersTracker() }; string baseUrl = SiteUrl + "players/" + id; TrackerUriMap = new Dictionary<Type, Uri> { { typeof(GameTracker), new Uri(baseUrl + "/games") }, { typeof(DemographicsTracker), new Uri(baseUrl + "/demographics") }, { typeof(PolicyChoicesTracker), new Uri(baseUrl + "/policies") }, { typeof(ReligionTracker), new Uri(baseUrl + "/religions") }, { typeof(WondersTracker), new Uri(baseUrl + "/wonders") }, { typeof(WarEventsTracker), new Uri(baseUrl + "/wars") }, { typeof(NaturalWondersTracker), new Uri(baseUrl + "/wonders") }, }; foreach (IStatsTracker tracker in trackers) { tracker.Changed += StatsTrackerChangedHandler; } Console.WriteLine("Reporting civ stats. Please exit after you've finished playing."); Console.ReadKey(); }