Esempio n. 1
        /// Specialized initialization for springs, given the two bodies to be connected,
        /// the positions of the two anchor endpoints of the spring (each expressed
        /// in body or abs. coordinates) and the imposed rest length of the spring.
        /// NOTE! As in ChLinkMarkers::Initialize(), the two markers are automatically
        /// created and placed inside the two connected bodies.
        public void Initialize(
            ChBody mbody1,                //< first body to link
            ChBody mbody2,                //< second body to link
            bool pos_are_relative,        //< true: following pos. are relative to bodies
            ChVector mpos1,               //< position of spring endpoint, for 1st body (rel. or abs., see flag above)
            ChVector mpos2,               //< position of spring endpoint, for 2nd body (rel. or abs., see flag above)
            bool auto_rest_length = true, //< if true, initializes the rest-length as the distance between mpos1 and mpos2
            double mrest_length   = 0     //< imposed rest_length (no need to define, if auto_rest_length=true.)
            // First, initialize as all constraint with markers.
            // In this case, create the two markers also!.
            base.Initialize(mbody1, mbody2, new ChCoordsys(new ChVector(0, 0, 0), new ChQuaternion(1, 0, 0, 0)));

            if (pos_are_relative)
                marker1.Impose_Rel_Coord(new ChCoordsys(mpos1, new ChQuaternion(1, 0, 0, 0)));
                marker2.Impose_Rel_Coord(new ChCoordsys(mpos2, new ChQuaternion(1, 0, 0, 0)));
                marker1.Impose_Abs_Coord(new ChCoordsys(mpos1, new ChQuaternion(1, 0, 0, 0)));
                marker2.Impose_Abs_Coord(new ChCoordsys(mpos2, new ChQuaternion(1, 0, 0, 0)));

            ChVector AbsDist = marker1.GetAbsCoord().pos - marker2.GetAbsCoord().pos;

            dist = AbsDist.Length();

            spr_restlength = auto_rest_length ? dist : mrest_length;
Esempio n. 2
        /// Override _all_ time, jacobian etc. updating.
        /// In detail, it computes jacobians, violations, etc. and stores
        /// results in inner structures.
        public override void update(double mytime, bool update_assets = true)
            // Inherit time changes of parent class (ChLink), basically doing nothing :)
            base.update(mytime, update_assets);

            // compute jacobians
            ChVector AbsDist = Body1.TransformPointLocalToParent(pos1) - Body2.TransformPointLocalToParent(pos2);

            curr_dist = AbsDist.Length();
            ChVector D2abs  = ChVector.Vnorm(AbsDist);
            ChVector D2relB = Body2.TransformDirectionParentToLocal(D2abs);
            ChVector D2relA = Body1.TransformDirectionParentToLocal(D2abs);

            ChVector CqAx = D2abs;
            ChVector CqBx = -D2abs;

            ChVector CqAr = -ChVector.Vcross(D2relA, pos1);
            ChVector CqBr = ChVector.Vcross(D2relB, pos2);

            Cx.Get_Cq_a().ElementN(0) = CqAx.x;
            Cx.Get_Cq_a().ElementN(1) = CqAx.y;
            Cx.Get_Cq_a().ElementN(2) = CqAx.z;
            Cx.Get_Cq_a().ElementN(3) = CqAr.x;
            Cx.Get_Cq_a().ElementN(4) = CqAr.y;
            Cx.Get_Cq_a().ElementN(5) = CqAr.z;

            Cx.Get_Cq_b().ElementN(0) = CqBx.x;
            Cx.Get_Cq_b().ElementN(1) = CqBx.y;
            Cx.Get_Cq_b().ElementN(2) = CqBx.z;
            Cx.Get_Cq_b().ElementN(3) = CqBr.x;
            Cx.Get_Cq_b().ElementN(4) = CqBr.y;
            Cx.Get_Cq_b().ElementN(5) = CqBr.z;

            //***TO DO***  C_dt? C_dtdt? (may be never used..)
Esempio n. 3
        public void DirToDxDyDz(ref ChVector Vx,
                                ref ChVector Vy,
                                ref ChVector Vz,
                                ChVector Vsingular)
            // set Vx.
            if (this.IsNull())
                Vx = new ChVector(1, 0, 0);
                Vx = this.GetNormalized();

            Vz.Cross(Vx, Vsingular);
            double zlen = Vz.Length();

            // if near singularity, change the singularity reference vector.
            if (zlen < 0.0001)
                ChVector mVsingular = new ChVector(0, 0, 0);

                if (Mathfx.Abs(Vsingular.x) < 0.9)
                    mVsingular = new ChVector(1, 0, 0);
                else if (Mathfx.Abs(Vsingular.y) < 0.9)
                    mVsingular = new ChVector(0, 1, 0);
                else if (Mathfx.Abs(Vsingular.z) < 0.9)
                    mVsingular = new ChVector(0, 0, 1);

                Vz.Cross(Vx, mVsingular);
                zlen = Vz.Length();  // now should be nonzero length.

            // normalize Vz.
            Vz.Scale(1 / zlen);

            // compute Vy.
            Vy.Cross(Vz, Vx);
Esempio n. 4
        /// Initialize this joint by specifying the two bodies to be connected, a point
        /// and a direction on body1 defining the revolute joint, and a point on the
        /// second body defining the spherical joint. If local = true, it is assumed
        /// that these quantities are specified in the local body frames. Otherwise,
        /// it is assumed that they are specified in the absolute frame. The imposed
        /// distance between the two points can be either inferred from the provided
        /// configuration (auto_distance = true) or specified explicitly.
        public void Initialize(ChBodyFrame body1,         //< first frame (revolute side)
                               ChBodyFrame body2,         //< second frame (spherical side)
                               bool local,                //< true if data given in body local frames
                               ChVector pos1,             //< point on first frame (center of revolute)
                               ChVector dir1,             //< direction of revolute on first frame
                               ChVector pos2,             //< point on second frame (center of spherical)
                               bool auto_distance = true, //< true if imposed distance equal to |pos1 - po2|
                               double distance    = 0     //< imposed distance (used only if auto_distance = false)
            Body1 = body1;
            Body2 = body2;

            m_cnstr_dist.SetVariables(Body1.Variables(), Body2.Variables());
            m_cnstr_dot.SetVariables(Body1.Variables(), Body2.Variables());

            ChVector pos1_abs;
            ChVector pos2_abs;
            ChVector dir1_abs;

            if (local)
                m_pos1   = pos1;
                m_pos2   = pos2;
                m_dir1   = ChVector.Vnorm(dir1);
                pos1_abs = Body1.TransformPointLocalToParent(m_pos1);
                pos2_abs = Body2.TransformPointLocalToParent(m_pos2);
                dir1_abs = Body1.TransformDirectionLocalToParent(m_dir1);
                pos1_abs = pos1;
                pos2_abs = pos2;
                dir1_abs = ChVector.Vnorm(dir1);
                m_pos1   = Body1.TransformPointParentToLocal(pos1_abs);
                m_pos2   = Body2.TransformPointParentToLocal(pos2_abs);
                m_dir1   = Body1.TransformDirectionParentToLocal(dir1_abs);

            ChVector d12_abs = pos2_abs - pos1_abs;

            m_cur_dist = d12_abs.Length();
            m_dist     = auto_distance ? m_cur_dist : distance;

            m_cur_dot = ChVector.Vdot(d12_abs, dir1_abs);
Esempio n. 5
        /// Initialize this constraint, given the two bodies to be connected, the
        /// positions of the two anchor endpoints of the distance (each expressed
        /// in body or abs. coordinates) and the imposed distance.
        public virtual bool Initialize(
            ChBodyFrame mbody1,        //< first frame to link
            ChBodyFrame mbody2,        //< second frame to link
            bool pos_are_relative,     //< true: following pos. are relative to bodies
            ChVector mpos1,            //< pos. of distance endpoint, for 1st body (rel. or abs., see flag above)
            ChVector mpos2,            //< pos. of distance endpoint, for 2nd body (rel. or abs., see flag above)
            bool auto_distance = true, //< if true, initializes the imposed distance as the distance between mpos1 and mpos2
            double mdistance   = 0     //< imposed distance (no need to define, if auto_distance=true.)
            Body1 = mbody1;
            Body2 = mbody2;
            Cx.SetVariables(Body1.Variables(), Body2.Variables());

            if (pos_are_relative)
                pos1 = mpos1;
                pos2 = mpos2;
                pos1 = Body1.TransformPointParentToLocal(mpos1);
                pos2 = Body2.TransformPointParentToLocal(mpos2);

            ChVector AbsDist = Body1.TransformPointLocalToParent(pos1) - Body2.TransformPointLocalToParent(pos2);

            curr_dist = AbsDist.Length();

            if (auto_distance)
                distance = curr_dist;
                distance = mdistance;

Esempio n. 6
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Draw a spring in 3D space, with given color.
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public static void drawSpring(double radius,
                                      ChVector start,
                                      ChVector end,
                                      int mresolution,
                                      double turns)
            ChMatrix33 <double> rel_matrix = new ChMatrix33 <double>(0);
            ChVector            dist       = end - start;
            ChVector            Vx         = new ChVector(0, 0, 0);
            ChVector            Vy         = new ChVector(0, 0, 0);
            ChVector            Vz         = new ChVector(0, 0, 0);
            double   length = dist.Length();
            ChVector dir    = ChVector.Vnorm(dist);

            ChVector.XdirToDxDyDz(dir, ChVector.VECT_Y, ref Vx, ref Vy, ref Vz);
            rel_matrix.Set_A_axis(Vx, Vy, Vz);
            ChQuaternion Q12  = rel_matrix.Get_A_quaternion();
            ChCoordsys   mpos = new ChCoordsys(start, Q12);

            double phaseA  = 0;
            double phaseB  = 0;
            double heightA = 0;
            double heightB = 0;

            for (int iu = 1; iu <= mresolution; iu++)
                phaseB  = turns * ChMaths.CH_C_2PI * (double)iu / (double)mresolution;
                heightB = length * ((double)iu / mresolution);
                ChVector V1 = new ChVector(heightA, radius * Math.Cos(phaseA), radius * Math.Sin(phaseA));
                ChVector V2 = new ChVector(heightB, radius * Math.Cos(phaseB), radius * Math.Sin(phaseB));
                Gizmos.color = new Color(255, 255, 0);
                Gizmos.DrawLine(new Vector3((float)mpos.TransformLocalToParent(V1).x, (float)mpos.TransformLocalToParent(V1).y, (float)mpos.TransformLocalToParent(V1).z),
                                new Vector3((float)mpos.TransformLocalToParent(V2).x, (float)mpos.TransformLocalToParent(V2).y, (float)mpos.TransformLocalToParent(V2).z));
                phaseA  = phaseB;
                heightA = heightB;
Esempio n. 7
        /// Updates motion laws, marker positions, etc.
        public override void UpdateTime(double mytime)
            // First, inherit to parent class

            ChFrame <double> abs_shaft1 = ChFrame <double> .FNULL; //new ChFrame<double>();
            ChFrame <double> abs_shaft2 = ChFrame <double> .FNULL; //new ChFrame<double>();

            ((ChFrame <double>)Body1).TransformLocalToParent(local_shaft1, abs_shaft1);
            ((ChFrame <double>)Body2).TransformLocalToParent(local_shaft2, abs_shaft2);

            ChVector dcc_w = ChVector.Vsub(Get_shaft_pos2(), Get_shaft_pos1());

            // compute actual rotation of the two wheels (relative to truss).
            ChVector md1 = abs_shaft1.GetA().MatrT_x_Vect(dcc_w);

            md1.z = 0;
            md1   = ChVector.Vnorm(md1);
            ChVector md2 = abs_shaft2.GetA().MatrT_x_Vect(dcc_w);

            md2.z = 0;
            md2   = ChVector.Vnorm(md2);

            double periodic_a1 = ChMaths.ChAtan2(md1.x, md1.y);
            double periodic_a2 = ChMaths.ChAtan2(md2.x, md2.y);
            double old_a1      = a1;
            double old_a2      = a2;
            double turns_a1    = Math.Floor(old_a1 / ChMaths.CH_C_2PI);
            double turns_a2    = Math.Floor(old_a2 / ChMaths.CH_C_2PI);
            double a1U         = turns_a1 * ChMaths.CH_C_2PI + periodic_a1 + ChMaths.CH_C_2PI;
            double a1M         = turns_a1 * ChMaths.CH_C_2PI + periodic_a1;
            double a1L         = turns_a1 * ChMaths.CH_C_2PI + periodic_a1 - ChMaths.CH_C_2PI;

            a1 = a1M;
            if (Math.Abs(a1U - old_a1) < Math.Abs(a1M - old_a1))
                a1 = a1U;
            if (Math.Abs(a1L - a1) < Math.Abs(a1M - a1))
                a1 = a1L;
            double a2U = turns_a2 * ChMaths.CH_C_2PI + periodic_a2 + ChMaths.CH_C_2PI;
            double a2M = turns_a2 * ChMaths.CH_C_2PI + periodic_a2;
            double a2L = turns_a2 * ChMaths.CH_C_2PI + periodic_a2 - ChMaths.CH_C_2PI;

            a2 = a2M;
            if (Math.Abs(a2U - old_a2) < Math.Abs(a2M - old_a2))
                a2 = a2U;
            if (Math.Abs(a2L - a2) < Math.Abs(a2M - a2))
                a2 = a2L;

            // correct marker positions if phasing is not correct
            double m_delta = 0;

            if (checkphase)
                double realtau = tau;

                m_delta = a1 - phase - (a2 / realtau);

                if (m_delta > ChMaths.CH_C_PI)
                    m_delta -= (ChMaths.CH_C_2PI);  // range -180..+180 is better than 0...360
                if (m_delta > (ChMaths.CH_C_PI / 4.0))
                    m_delta = (ChMaths.CH_C_PI / 4.0);  // phase correction only in +/- 45°
                if (m_delta < -(ChMaths.CH_C_PI / 4.0))
                    m_delta = -(ChMaths.CH_C_PI / 4.0);

            // Move markers 1 and 2 to align them as pulley ends

            ChVector d21_w = dcc_w - Get_shaft_dir1() * ChVector.Vdot(Get_shaft_dir1(), dcc_w);
            ChVector D21_w = ChVector.Vnorm(d21_w);

            shaft_dist = d21_w.Length();

            ChVector U1_w = ChVector.Vcross(Get_shaft_dir1(), D21_w);

            double gamma1 = Math.Acos((r1 - r2) / shaft_dist);

            ChVector Ru_w = D21_w * Math.Cos(gamma1) + U1_w * Math.Sin(gamma1);
            ChVector Rl_w = D21_w * Math.Cos(gamma1) - U1_w * Math.Sin(gamma1);

            belt_up1  = Get_shaft_pos1() + Ru_w * r1;
            belt_low1 = Get_shaft_pos1() + Rl_w * r1;
            belt_up2  = Get_shaft_pos1() + d21_w + Ru_w * r2;
            belt_low2 = Get_shaft_pos1() + d21_w + Rl_w * r2;

            // marker alignment
            ChMatrix33 <double> maU = new ChMatrix33 <double>(0);
            ChMatrix33 <double> maL = new ChMatrix33 <double>(0);

            ChVector Dxu = ChVector.Vnorm(belt_up2 - belt_up1);
            ChVector Dyu = Ru_w;
            ChVector Dzu = ChVector.Vnorm(ChVector.Vcross(Dxu, Dyu));

            Dyu = ChVector.Vnorm(ChVector.Vcross(Dzu, Dxu));
            maU.Set_A_axis(Dxu, Dyu, Dzu);

            // ! Require that the BDF routine of marker won't handle speed and acc.calculus of the moved marker 2!

            ChCoordsys newmarkpos = new ChCoordsys();

            // move marker1 in proper positions
            newmarkpos.pos = this.belt_up1;
            newmarkpos.rot = maU.Get_A_quaternion();
            marker1.Impose_Abs_Coord(newmarkpos);  // move marker1 into teeth position
                                                   // move marker2 in proper positions
            newmarkpos.pos = this.belt_up2;
            newmarkpos.rot = maU.Get_A_quaternion();
            marker2.Impose_Abs_Coord(newmarkpos);  // move marker2 into teeth position

            double phase_correction_up  = m_delta * r1;
            double phase_correction_low = -phase_correction_up;
            double hU = ChVector.Vlength(belt_up2 - belt_up1) + phase_correction_up;
            double hL = ChVector.Vlength(belt_low2 - belt_low1) + phase_correction_low;

            // imposed relative positions/speeds
            deltaC.pos      = new ChVector(-hU, 0, 0);
            deltaC_dt.pos   = ChVector.VNULL;
            deltaC_dtdt.pos = ChVector.VNULL;

            deltaC.rot      = ChQuaternion.QUNIT; // no relative rotations imposed!
            deltaC_dt.rot   = ChQuaternion.QNULL;
            deltaC_dtdt.rot = ChQuaternion.QNULL;
Esempio n. 8
        /// Calculate contact force, expressed in absolute coordinates.
        public ChVector CalculateForce(
            double delta,              //< overlap in normal direction
            ChVector normal_dir,       //< normal contact direction (expressed in global frame)
            ChVector vel1,             //< velocity of contact point on objA (expressed in global frame)
            ChVector vel2,             //< velocity of contact point on objB (expressed in global frame)
            ChMaterialCompositeSMC mat //< composite material for contact pair
            // Set contact force to zero if no penetration.
            if (delta <= 0)
                return(new ChVector(0, 0, 0));

            // Extract parameters from containing system
            ChSystemSMC sys           = (ChSystemSMC)(this.container.GetSystem());
            double      dT            = sys.GetStep();
            bool        use_mat_props = sys.UsingMaterialProperties();

            ChSystemSMC.ContactForceModel           contact_model  = sys.GetContactForceModel();
            ChSystemSMC.AdhesionForceModel          adhesion_model = sys.GetAdhesionForceModel();
            ChSystemSMC.TangentialDisplacementModel tdispl_model   = sys.GetTangentialDisplacementModel();

            // Relative velocity at contact
            ChVector relvel       = vel2 - vel1;
            double   relvel_n_mag = relvel.Dot(normal_dir);
            ChVector relvel_n     = relvel_n_mag * normal_dir;
            ChVector relvel_t     = relvel - relvel_n;
            double   relvel_t_mag = relvel_t.Length();

            ChBody oA = (this.objA as ChBody);
            ChBody oB = (this.objB as ChBody);

            // Calculate effective mass
            double eff_mass = oA.GetContactableMass() * oB.GetContactableMass() /
                              (oA.GetContactableMass() + oB.GetContactableMass());

            // Calculate stiffness and viscous damping coefficients.
            // All models use the following formulas for normal and tangential forces:
            //     Fn = kn * delta_n - gn * v_n
            //     Ft = kt * delta_t - gt * v_t
            double kn = 0;
            double kt = 0;
            double gn = 0;
            double gt = 0;

            double eps = double.Epsilon;

            switch (contact_model)
            case ChSystemSMC.ContactForceModel.Hooke:
                if (use_mat_props)
                    double tmp_k = (16.0 / 15) * Math.Sqrt(this.eff_radius) * mat.E_eff;
                    double v2    = sys.GetCharacteristicImpactVelocity() * sys.GetCharacteristicImpactVelocity();
                    double loge  = (mat.cr_eff < eps) ? Math.Log(eps) : Math.Log(mat.cr_eff);
                    loge = (mat.cr_eff > 1 - eps) ? Math.Log(1 - eps) : loge;
                    double tmp_g = 1 + Math.Pow(ChMaths.CH_C_PI / loge, 2);
                    kn = tmp_k * Math.Pow(eff_mass * v2 / tmp_k, 1.0 / 5);
                    kt = kn;
                    gn = Math.Sqrt(4 * eff_mass * kn / tmp_g);
                    gt = gn;
                    kn =;
                    kt = mat.kt;
                    gn = eff_mass *;
                    gt = eff_mass *;


            case ChSystemSMC.ContactForceModel.Hertz:
                if (use_mat_props)
                    double sqrt_Rd = Math.Sqrt(this.eff_radius * delta);
                    double Sn      = 2 * mat.E_eff * sqrt_Rd;
                    double St      = 8 * mat.G_eff * sqrt_Rd;
                    double loge    = (mat.cr_eff < eps) ? Math.Log(eps) : Math.Log(mat.cr_eff);
                    double beta    = loge / Math.Sqrt(loge * loge + ChMaths.CH_C_PI * ChMaths.CH_C_PI);
                    kn = (2.0 / 3) * Sn;
                    kt = St;
                    gn = -2 * Math.Sqrt(5.0 / 6) * beta * Math.Sqrt(Sn * eff_mass);
                    gt = -2 * Math.Sqrt(5.0 / 6) * beta * Math.Sqrt(St * eff_mass);
                    double tmp = this.eff_radius * Math.Sqrt(delta);
                    kn = tmp *;
                    kt = tmp * mat.kt;
                    gn = tmp * eff_mass *;
                    gt = tmp * eff_mass *;


            case ChSystemSMC.ContactForceModel.PlainCoulomb:
                if (use_mat_props)
                    double sqrt_Rd = Math.Sqrt(delta);
                    double Sn      = 2 * mat.E_eff * sqrt_Rd;
                    double St      = 8 * mat.G_eff * sqrt_Rd;
                    double loge    = (mat.cr_eff < eps) ? Math.Log(eps) : Math.Log(mat.cr_eff);
                    double beta    = loge / Math.Sqrt(loge * loge + ChMaths.CH_C_PI * ChMaths.CH_C_PI);
                    kn = (2.0 / 3) * Sn;
                    gn = -2 * Math.Sqrt(5.0 / 6) * beta * Math.Sqrt(Sn * eff_mass);
                    double tmp = Math.Sqrt(delta);
                    kn = tmp *;
                    gn = tmp *;

                kt = 0;
                gt = 0;

                    double forceNb = kn * delta - gn * relvel_n_mag;
                    if (forceNb < 0)
                        forceNb = 0;
                    double forceTb = mat.mu_eff * Math.Tanh(5.0 * relvel_t_mag) * forceNb;
                    switch (adhesion_model)
                    case ChSystemSMC.AdhesionForceModel.Constant:
                        forceNb -= mat.adhesion_eff;

                    case ChSystemSMC.AdhesionForceModel.DMT:
                        forceNb -= mat.adhesionMultDMT_eff * Math.Sqrt(this.eff_radius);
                    ChVector forceb = forceNb * normal_dir;
                    if (relvel_t_mag >= sys.GetSlipVelocityThreshold())
                        forceb -= (forceTb / relvel_t_mag) * relvel_t;


            // Tangential displacement (magnitude)
            double delta_t = 0;

            switch (tdispl_model)
            case ChSystemSMC.TangentialDisplacementModel.OneStep:
                delta_t = relvel_t_mag * dT;

            case ChSystemSMC.TangentialDisplacementModel.MultiStep:
                //// TODO: implement proper MultiStep mode
                delta_t = relvel_t_mag * dT;


            // Calculate the magnitudes of the normal and tangential contact forces
            double forceN = kn * delta - gn * relvel_n_mag;
            double forceT = kt * delta_t + gt * relvel_t_mag;

            // If the resulting normal contact force is negative, the two shapes are moving
            // away from each other so fast that no contact force is generated.
            if (forceN < 0)
                forceN = 0;
                forceT = 0;

            // Include adhesion force
            switch (adhesion_model)
            case ChSystemSMC.AdhesionForceModel.Constant:
                forceN -= mat.adhesion_eff;

            case ChSystemSMC.AdhesionForceModel.DMT:
                forceN -= mat.adhesionMultDMT_eff * Math.Sqrt(this.eff_radius);

            // Coulomb law
            forceT = Math.Min(forceT, mat.mu_eff * Math.Abs(forceN));

            // Accumulate normal and tangential forces
            ChVector force = forceN * normal_dir;

            if (relvel_t_mag >= sys.GetSlipVelocityThreshold())
                force -= (forceT / relvel_t_mag) * relvel_t;

Esempio n. 9
 /// Gets the instant force vector -or torque vector- modulus.
 public double GetForceMod()
Esempio n. 10

        /// Perform the update of this joint at the specified time: compute jacobians,
        /// raint violations, etc. and cache in internal structures
        public override void update(double time, bool update_assets = true)
            // Inherit time changes of parent class (ChLink)
            base.update(time, update_assets);

            // Express the body locations and direction in absolute frame
            ChVector pos1_abs = Body1.TransformPointLocalToParent(m_pos1);
            ChVector pos2_abs = Body2.TransformPointLocalToParent(m_pos2);
            ChVector dir1_abs = Body1.TransformDirectionLocalToParent(m_dir1);
            ChVector d12_abs  = pos2_abs - pos1_abs;

            // Update current distance and dot product
            m_cur_dist = d12_abs.Length();
            m_cur_dot  = ChVector.Vdot(d12_abs, dir1_abs);

            // Calculate a unit vector in the direction d12, expressed in absolute frame
            // Then express it in the two body frames
            ChVector u12_abs  = d12_abs / m_cur_dist;
            ChVector u12_loc1 = Body1.TransformDirectionParentToLocal(u12_abs);
            ChVector u12_loc2 = Body2.TransformDirectionParentToLocal(u12_abs);

            // Express the direction vector in the frame of body 2
            ChVector dir1_loc2 = Body2.TransformDirectionParentToLocal(dir1_abs);

            // Cache violation of the distance constraint
            m_C.matrix.SetElement(0, 0, m_cur_dist - m_dist);

            // Compute Jacobian of the distance constraint
            //    ||pos2_abs - pos1_abs|| - dist = 0
                ChVector Phi_r1  = -u12_abs;
                ChVector Phi_pi1 = ChVector.Vcross(u12_loc1, m_pos1);

                m_cnstr_dist.Get_Cq_a().ElementN(0) = Phi_r1.x;
                m_cnstr_dist.Get_Cq_a().ElementN(1) = Phi_r1.y;
                m_cnstr_dist.Get_Cq_a().ElementN(2) = Phi_r1.z;

                m_cnstr_dist.Get_Cq_a().ElementN(3) = Phi_pi1.x;
                m_cnstr_dist.Get_Cq_a().ElementN(4) = Phi_pi1.y;
                m_cnstr_dist.Get_Cq_a().ElementN(5) = Phi_pi1.z;

                ChVector Phi_r2  = u12_abs;
                ChVector Phi_pi2 = -ChVector.Vcross(u12_loc2, m_pos2);

                m_cnstr_dist.Get_Cq_b().ElementN(0) = Phi_r2.x;
                m_cnstr_dist.Get_Cq_b().ElementN(1) = Phi_r2.y;
                m_cnstr_dist.Get_Cq_b().ElementN(2) = Phi_r2.z;

                m_cnstr_dist.Get_Cq_b().ElementN(3) = Phi_pi2.x;
                m_cnstr_dist.Get_Cq_b().ElementN(4) = Phi_pi2.y;
                m_cnstr_dist.Get_Cq_b().ElementN(5) = Phi_pi2.z;

            // Cache violation of the dot constraint
            m_C.matrix.SetElement(1, 0, m_cur_dot);

            // Compute Jacobian of the dot constraint
            //    dot(dir1_abs, pos2_abs - pos1_abs) = 0
                ChVector Phi_r1  = -dir1_abs;
                ChVector Phi_pi1 = ChVector.Vcross(m_dir1, m_pos1) - ChVector.Vcross(u12_loc1, m_pos1);

                m_cnstr_dot.Get_Cq_a().ElementN(0) = Phi_r1.x;
                m_cnstr_dot.Get_Cq_a().ElementN(1) = Phi_r1.y;
                m_cnstr_dot.Get_Cq_a().ElementN(2) = Phi_r1.z;

                m_cnstr_dot.Get_Cq_a().ElementN(3) = Phi_pi1.x;
                m_cnstr_dot.Get_Cq_a().ElementN(4) = Phi_pi1.y;
                m_cnstr_dot.Get_Cq_a().ElementN(5) = Phi_pi1.z;

                ChVector Phi_r2  = dir1_abs;
                ChVector Phi_pi2 = -ChVector.Vcross(dir1_loc2, m_pos2);

                m_cnstr_dot.Get_Cq_b().ElementN(0) = Phi_r2.x;
                m_cnstr_dot.Get_Cq_b().ElementN(1) = Phi_r2.y;
                m_cnstr_dot.Get_Cq_b().ElementN(2) = Phi_r2.z;

                m_cnstr_dot.Get_Cq_b().ElementN(3) = Phi_pi2.x;
                m_cnstr_dot.Get_Cq_b().ElementN(4) = Phi_pi2.y;
                m_cnstr_dot.Get_Cq_b().ElementN(5) = Phi_pi2.z;
Esempio n. 11
 public static double Vlength(ChVector va)