Esempio n. 1
        public ChMarker(string name,
                        ChBody body,
                        ChCoordsys rel_pos,
                        ChCoordsys rel_pos_dt,
                        ChCoordsys rel_pos_dtdt)
            // SetNameString(name);
            Body = body;

            motion_X    = new ChFunction_Const(0); // default: no motion
            motion_Y    = new ChFunction_Const(0);
            motion_Z    = new ChFunction_Const(0);
            motion_ang  = new ChFunction_Const(0);
            motion_axis = ChVector.VECT_Z;

            rest_coord = new ChCoordsys(new ChVector(0, 0, 0), new ChQuaternion(1, 0, 0, 0));//ChCoordsys.CSYSNORM;

            motion_type = eChMarkerMotion.M_MOTION_FUNCTIONS;


            last_rel_coord    = new ChCoordsys(new ChVector(0, 0, 0), new ChQuaternion(1, 0, 0, 0)); //ChCoordsys.CSYSNORM;
            last_rel_coord_dt = new ChCoordsys(new ChVector(0, 0, 0), new ChQuaternion(0, 0, 0, 0)); // ChCoordsys.CSYSNULL;
            last_time         = 0;

Esempio n. 2
 public void SetPolar_Max(ChFunction m_funct)
     if (polar_Max != null)
         polar_Max = null;
     polar_Max = m_funct;
Esempio n. 3
 public void SetModul_Rmin(ChFunction m_funct)
     if (modul_Rmin != null)
         modul_Rmin = null;
     modul_Rmin = m_funct;
Esempio n. 4
 public void SetModul_Rmax(ChFunction m_funct)
     if (modul_Rmax != null)
         modul_Rmax = null;
     modul_Rmax = m_funct;
Esempio n. 5
 public void Set_modul_R(ChFunction m_funct)
     if (modul_R != null)
         modul_R = null;
     modul_R = m_funct;
Esempio n. 6
 public void Set_modul_K(ChFunction m_funct)
     if (modul_K != null)
         modul_K = null;
     modul_K = m_funct;
Esempio n. 7
 public void Set_modul_iforce(ChFunction m_funct)
     if (modul_iforce != null)
         modul_iforce = null;
     modul_iforce = m_funct;
Esempio n. 8
        private ChFunction modul_R;      //< modulation of R along the dof coord

        public ChLinkForce()
            active       = false;
            iforce       = 0;
            K            = 0;
            R            = 0;
            modul_iforce = new ChFunction_Const(1);  // default: const.modulation of iforce
            modul_K      = new ChFunction_Const(1);  // default: const.modulation of K
            modul_R      = new ChFunction_Const(1);  // default: const.modulation of R
Esempio n. 9
        public ChShaftsMotorSpeed(ChShaftsMotorSpeed other)
            this.variable = other.variable;

            this.f_speed = other.f_speed;

            this.rot_offset = other.rot_offset;

            this.aux_dt   = other.aux_dt;
            this.aux_dtdt = other.aux_dtdt;

            this.avoid_angle_drift = other.avoid_angle_drift;
Esempio n. 10
        public ChLinkSpring(ChLinkSpring other) : base(other)
            spr_restlength = other.spr_restlength;
            spr_f          = other.spr_f;
            spr_k          = other.spr_k;
            spr_r          = other.spr_r;
            spr_react      = other.spr_react;

            mod_f_time  = new ChFunction(other.mod_f_time.Clone());
            mod_k_d     = new ChFunction(other.mod_k_d.Clone());
            mod_k_speed = new ChFunction(other.mod_k_speed.Clone());
            mod_r_d     = new ChFunction(other.mod_r_d.Clone());
            mod_r_speed = new ChFunction(other.mod_r_speed.Clone());
Esempio n. 11
        public ChLinkLinActuator(ChLinkLinActuator other)
            learn = other.learn;
            learn_torque_rotation = other.learn_torque_rotation;
            offset = other.offset;

            dist_funct = new ChFunction(other.dist_funct.Clone());
            mot_torque = new ChFunction(other.mot_torque.Clone());
            mot_rot    = new ChFunction(other.mot_rot.Clone());

            mot_tau     = other.mot_tau;
            mot_eta     = other.mot_eta;
            mot_inertia = other.mot_inertia;
Esempio n. 12
        private ChConstraintTwoGeneric constraint;  //< used as an interface to the solver

        public ChShaftsMotorSpeed()
            motor_torque = 0;
            this.variable.GetMass()[0, 0]    = 1.0;
            this.variable.GetInvMass()[0, 0] = 1.0;

            this.f_speed = new ChFunction_Const(1.0);

            this.rot_offset = 0;

            this.aux_dt   = 0; // used for integrating speed, = pos
            this.aux_dtdt = 0;

            this.avoid_angle_drift = true;
Esempio n. 13
        public ChLinkSpring()
            spr_restlength = 0;
            spr_k          = 100;
            spr_r          = 5;
            spr_f          = 0;

            mod_f_time  = new ChFunction_Const(1);
            mod_k_d     = new ChFunction_Const(1);
            mod_k_speed = new ChFunction_Const(1);
            mod_r_d     = new ChFunction_Const(1);
            mod_r_speed = new ChFunction_Const(1);

            spr_react = 0.0;
Esempio n. 14
        public ChLinkForce(ChLinkForce other)
            active =;

            iforce = other.iforce;
            K      = other.K;
            R      = other.R;

            // replace functions:
            modul_iforce = null;
            modul_K      = null;
            modul_R      = null;
            modul_iforce = other.modul_iforce.Clone();
            modul_K      = other.modul_K.Clone();
            modul_R      = other.modul_R.Clone();
Esempio n. 15
        // Note, *always!" override the Awake function inheriting from LinkLock!  Otherwise the LinkLock Awake is executed.
        public override void Start()
            dist_funct = gameObject.AddComponent <ChFunction_Const>();

            ChVector link_abs = new ChVector(transform.position.x, transform.position.y, transform.position.z);
            ChVector yaxis    = new ChVector(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
            double   _offset  = 10;
            ChVector pt1      = link_abs;
            ChVector pt2      = link_abs - _offset * yaxis;

            Initialize(body1, body2, pos_are_relative, new ChCoordsys(pt1, ChQuaternion.QUNIT), new ChCoordsys(pt2, ChQuaternion.QUNIT));


Esempio n. 16
        private ChFrameMoving <double> abs_frame = new ChFrameMoving <double>();  //< absolute frame position

        /* public void Start()
         * {
         *   FrameMoving = new ChFrameMoving<double>();
         *   Body = null;
         *   rest_coord = new ChCoordsys(new ChVector(0, 0, 0), new ChQuaternion(1, 0, 0, 0));//ChCoordsys.CSYSNORM;
         *   motion_type = eChMarkerMotion.M_MOTION_FUNCTIONS;
         *   motion_axis = ChVector.VECT_Z;
         *   last_rel_coord = new ChCoordsys(new ChVector(0, 0, 0), new ChQuaternion(1, 0, 0, 0));//ChCoordsys.CSYSNORM;
         *   last_rel_coord_dt = new ChCoordsys(new ChVector(0, 0, 0), new ChQuaternion(0, 0, 0, 0));// ChCoordsys.CSYSNULL;
         *   last_time = 0;
         *   motion_X = new ChFunction_Const(0);  // default: no motion
         *   motion_Y = new ChFunction_Const(0);
         *   motion_Z = new ChFunction_Const(0);
         *   motion_ang = new ChFunction_Const(0);
         *   UpdateState();
         * }*/

        public ChMarker()
            FrameMoving       = new ChFrameMoving <double>();
            Body              = null;
            rest_coord        = new ChCoordsys(new ChVector(0, 0, 0), new ChQuaternion(1, 0, 0, 0));//ChCoordsys.CSYSNORM;
            motion_type       = eChMarkerMotion.M_MOTION_FUNCTIONS;
            motion_axis       = ChVector.VECT_Z;
            last_rel_coord    = new ChCoordsys(new ChVector(0, 0, 0), new ChQuaternion(1, 0, 0, 0)); //ChCoordsys.CSYSNORM;
            last_rel_coord_dt = new ChCoordsys(new ChVector(0, 0, 0), new ChQuaternion(0, 0, 0, 0)); // ChCoordsys.CSYSNULL;
            last_time         = 0;
            motion_X          = new ChFunction_Const(0);                                             // default: no motion
            motion_Y          = new ChFunction_Const(0);
            motion_Z          = new ChFunction_Const(0);
            motion_ang        = new ChFunction_Const(0);

Esempio n. 17
        public void Set_learn(bool mset)
            learn = mset;

            if ((eng_mode == eCh_eng_mode.ENG_MODE_ROTATION) || (eng_mode == eCh_eng_mode.ENG_MODE_SPEED) || (eng_mode == eCh_eng_mode.ENG_MODE_KEY_ROTATION))
                if (mset)


            if (eng_mode == eCh_eng_mode.ENG_MODE_KEY_POLAR)
                if (mset)

            if (eng_mode == eCh_eng_mode.ENG_MODE_ROTATION && rot_funct.Get_Type() != ChFunction.FunctionType.FUNCT_RECORDER)
                rot_funct = new ChFunction_Recorder();

            if (eng_mode == eCh_eng_mode.ENG_MODE_SPEED && spe_funct.Get_Type() != ChFunction.FunctionType.FUNCT_RECORDER)
                spe_funct = new ChFunction_Recorder();
Esempio n. 18
        public ChLinkEngine()
            mot_rot              = 0;
            mot_rot_dt           = 0;
            mot_rot_dtdt         = 0;
            mot_rerot            = 0;
            mot_rerot_dt         = 0;
            mot_rerot_dtdt       = 0;
            mot_torque           = 0;
            mot_retorque         = 0;
            last_r3mot_rot       = 0;
            last_r3mot_rot_dt    = 0;
            last_r3relm_rot      = ChQuaternion.QUNIT;
            last_r3relm_rot_dt   = ChQuaternion.QNULL;
            last_r3time          = 0;
            keyed_polar_rotation = ChQuaternion.QNULL;
            impose_reducer       = false;
            mot_tau              = 1;
            mot_eta              = 1;
            mot_inertia          = 0;
            torque_react2        = 0;
            eng_mode             = eCh_eng_mode.ENG_MODE_ROTATION;
            learn     = false;
            rot_funct = new ChFunction_Const(0);
            spe_funct = new ChFunction_Const(0);
            tor_funct = new ChFunction_Const(0);
            torque_w  = new ChFunction_Const(1);

            rot_funct_x = new ChFunction_Const(0);
            rot_funct_y = new ChFunction_Const(0);

            // Mask: initialize our LinkMaskLF (lock formulation mask)
            // to E3 only.
            ChLinkMaskLF masklf = new ChLinkMaskLF();

            mask = masklf;
            ((ChLinkMaskLF)mask).SetLockMask(true, false, false, false, false, false, true);

            // Mask: initialize remaining LinkMaskLF (lock formulation mask) for the engine.
            // All shaft modes at least are setting the lock on E3 (z-rotation) coordinate.
Esempio n. 19
        public ChMarker(ChMarker other) : base(other)
            FrameMoving = new ChFrameMoving <double>(other.FrameMoving);
            Body        = null;

            motion_X   = new ChFunction(other.motion_X.Clone());
            motion_Y   = new ChFunction(other.motion_Y.Clone());
            motion_Z   = new ChFunction(other.motion_Z.Clone());
            motion_ang = new ChFunction(other.motion_ang.Clone());

            motion_axis = other.motion_axis;

            rest_coord = other.rest_coord;

            motion_type = other.motion_type;

            abs_frame = other.abs_frame;

            last_rel_coord    = other.last_rel_coord;
            last_rel_coord_dt = other.last_rel_coord_dt;
            last_time         = other.last_time;
Esempio n. 20
 public ChLinkLimit(ChLinkLimit other)
     active       =;
     penalty_only = other.penalty_only;
     polar        = other.polar;
     rotation     = other.rotation;
     max          = other.max;
     min          = other.min;
     maxCushion   = other.maxCushion;
     minCushion   = other.minCushion;
     Kmax         = other.Kmax;
     Kmin         = other.Kmin;
     Rmax         = other.Rmax;
     Rmin         = other.Rmin;
     minElastic   = other.minElastic;
     maxElastic   = other.maxElastic;
     // replace functions:
     modul_Kmax = other.modul_Kmax.Clone();
     modul_Kmin = other.modul_Kmin.Clone();
     modul_Rmax = other.modul_Rmax.Clone();
     modul_Rmin = other.modul_Rmin.Clone();
     polar_Max  = other.polar_Max.Clone();
Esempio n. 21
        private ChMatrixDynamic <double> Qf = new ChMatrixDynamic <double>(); //< Lagrangian force

        public ChForce()
            Body      = null;
            vpoint    = new ChVector(0, 0, 0);
            vrelpoint = new ChVector(0, 0, 0);
            force     = new ChVector(0, 0, 0);
            relforce  = new ChVector(0, 0, 0);
            vdir      = ChVector.VECT_X;
            vreldir   = ChVector.VECT_X;
            restpos   = new ChVector(0, 0, 0);
            mforce    = 0;
            align     = AlignmentFrame.BODY_DIR;
            frame     = ReferenceFrame.BODY;
            mode      = ForceType.FORCE;
            Qf        = new ChMatrixDynamic <double>(7, 1);

            modula = new ChFunction_Const(1);
            move_x = new ChFunction_Const(0);
            move_y = new ChFunction_Const(0);
            move_z = new ChFunction_Const(0);
            f_x    = new ChFunction_Const(0);
            f_y    = new ChFunction_Const(0);
            f_z    = new ChFunction_Const(0);
Esempio n. 22
 public ChLinkLimit()
     active       = false;
     penalty_only = false;
     polar        = false;
     rotation     = false;
     max          = 1;
     min          = -1;
     maxCushion   = 0;
     minCushion   = 0;
     Kmax         = 1000;
     Kmin         = 1000;
     Rmax         = 100;
     Rmin         = 100;
     minElastic   = 0;
     maxElastic   = 0;
     modul_Kmax   = new ChFunction_Const(1); // default: const.modulation of K
     modul_Kmin   = new ChFunction_Const(1); // default: const.modulation of K
     modul_Rmax   = new ChFunction_Const(1); // default: const.modulation of K
     modul_Rmin   = new ChFunction_Const(1); // default: const.modulation of K
     polar_Max    = new ChFunction_Const(1); // default function for polar limits
Esempio n. 23
 /// Set the angular speed function of time w(t).
 /// To prevent acceleration pikes, this function should be C0 continuous.
 public void SetSpeedFunction(ChFunction function)
Esempio n. 24
 /// Set the imposed motion law, for rotation about an axis
 public void SetMotion_ang(ChFunction m_funct)
     motion_ang = m_funct;
Esempio n. 25
 /// Set the imposed motion law, for translation on Z body axis
 public void SetMotion_Z(ChFunction m_funct)
     motion_Z = m_funct;
Esempio n. 26
 /// Set the imposed motion law, for translation on Y body axis
 public void SetMotion_Y(ChFunction m_funct)
     motion_Y = m_funct;
Esempio n. 27
        // Imposed motion

        /// Set the imposed motion law, for translation on X body axis
        public void SetMotion_X(ChFunction m_funct)
            motion_X = m_funct;
Esempio n. 28
 /// Set the torque function of time T(t).
 public void SetTorqueFunction(ChFunction function)
Esempio n. 29
 /// Set the rotation angle function of time a(t).
 /// This function should be C0 continuous and, to prevent acceleration spikes,
 /// it should ideally be C1 continuous.
 public void SetAngleFunction(ChFunction function)
Esempio n. 30
 public ChFunction(ChFunction other)