public static Quaternion ParseQuaternion(ARTMatrix artM) { Matrix4x4 mat = UnityParser.ParseMatrix(artM, true); Vector3 targetDir = mat.MultiplyVector(Vector3.forward); Vector3 targetUp = mat.MultiplyVector(Vector3.up); return(UnityParser.ParseQuaternion(targetDir, targetUp)); }
/// <summary> /// Method used for parsing ARTMatrices to Unity3d matrices (Matrix4x4). /// </summary> ///<returns> /// Returns the converted Matrix4x4 object. /// </returns> /// <param name="artM"> /// To be converted ARTMatrix /// </param> public static Matrix4x4 ParseMatrix(ARTMatrix artM, bool transposed) { uM = new Matrix4x4(); Vector4 v4_0 = new Vector4(artM.getB0(), artM.getB1(), artM.getB2(), 0); Vector4 v4_1 = new Vector4(artM.getB3(), artM.getB4(), artM.getB5(), 0); Vector4 v4_2 = new Vector4(artM.getB6(), artM.getB7(), artM.getB8(), 0); Vector4 v4_end = new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1); uM.SetColumn(0, v4_0); uM.SetColumn(1, v4_1); uM.SetColumn(2, v4_2); uM.SetColumn(3, v4_end); if (transposed) { return(uM.transpose); } return(uM); }
/// <summary> /// This method parses various input objects and computes a quaternion to use with a camera object in Unity3d. /// E.g. mapping the rotation of a ART 6d object to the camera. /// /// If you wish to inverse an axis just change the correspondent boolean to true. /// </summary> /// <param name="artM">Input ARTMatrix</param> /// <param name="invX">Boolean used to inverse X axis</param> /// <param name="invY">Boolean used to inverse Y axis</param> /// <param name="invZ">Boolean used to inverse Z axis</param> /// <returns>Returns a quaternion</returns> public static Quaternion ParseCameraQuaternion(ARTMatrix artM, bool invX, bool invY, bool invZ) { Quaternion target = UnityParser.ParseQuaternion(artM); float angle = 0; Vector3 axis =; target.ToAngleAxis(out angle, out axis); if (invX) { axis.x *= -1; } if (invY) { axis.y *= -1; } if (invZ) { axis.z *= -1; } return(target = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, axis)); }
protected void parse6d(String msg) { int id = 0; ARTPoint position = ARTPoint.Empty(); ARTAngle angle = ARTAngle.Empty(); ARTMatrix matrix = ARTMatrix.Empty(); msg = msg.Replace("]", ""); msg = msg.Replace("[", "x"); String[] tmp = msg.Split('x'); if (tmp.Length >= 4) { numberOf6dTargets = parseInt(tmp[0]); String[] tmp2 = tmp[1].Split(' '); if (tmp2.Length >= 2) { id = parseInt(tmp2[0]); } tmp2 = tmp[2].Split(' '); if (tmp2.Length >= 6) { position = new ARTPoint(parseFloat(tmp2[0]), parseFloat(tmp2[1]), parseFloat(tmp2[2])); angle = new ARTAngle(parseFloat(tmp2[3]), parseFloat(tmp2[4]), parseFloat(tmp2[5])); } tmp2 = tmp[3].Split(' '); if (tmp2.Length >= 9) { matrix = new ARTMatrix(parseFloatArray(tmp2)); } add6dObject(new ART6d(id, position, angle, matrix)); for (int i = 0; i < observers.Count; i++) { ((ARTObserver)observers[i]).on6dUpdate(this); } } }
protected void parse6df2(String msg) { int id = 1; int numberOfButtons = 0; int numberOfControllers = 0; bool visible = false; ARTPoint position = ARTPoint.Empty(); ARTMatrix matrix = ARTMatrix.Empty(); int buttonStates = 0; var controllerStates = new float[0]; msg = msg.Replace("]", ""); msg = msg.Replace("[", "x"); String[] tmp = msg.Split('x'); if (tmp.Length >= 5) { numberOfFlysticks = parseInt(tmp[0]); String[] tmp2 = tmp[1].Split(' '); if (tmp2.Length >= 4) { id = parseInt(tmp2[0]); if (parseFloat(tmp2[1]) > 0.0F) { visible = true; } numberOfButtons = parseInt(tmp2[2]); numberOfControllers = parseInt(tmp2[3]); } tmp2 = tmp[2].Split(' '); if (tmp2.Length >= 3) { position = new ARTPoint(parseFloat(tmp2[0]), parseFloat(tmp2[1]), parseFloat(tmp2[2])); } tmp2 = tmp[3].Split(' '); if (tmp2.Length >= 9) { matrix = new ARTMatrix(parseFloatArray(tmp2)); } tmp2 = tmp[4].Split(' '); if (tmp2.Length >= 1) { if (numberOfButtons > 0) { buttonStates = parseInt(tmp2[0]); controllerStates = new float[tmp2.Length - 1]; for (int i = 0; i < controllerStates.Length; i++) { controllerStates[i] = parseFloat(tmp2[(i + 1)]); } } else { controllerStates = new float[tmp2.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < controllerStates.Length; i++) { controllerStates[i] = parseFloat(tmp2[i]); } } } addFlystick(new ARTFlystick(id, visible, numberOfButtons, buttonStates, numberOfControllers, controllerStates, position, matrix)); for (int i = 0; i < observers.Count; i++) { ((ARTObserver)observers[i]).onFlystickUpdate(this); } foreach (IFlystickListener listener in flystickListener) { UpdateFlystickListener(listener); } } }
public ART6d(int id, ARTPoint position, ARTAngle angle, ARTMatrix matrix) : base(id, position, matrix) { this.angle = angle; }
public static ART6d Empty() { return(new ART6d(-1, ARTPoint.Empty(), ARTAngle.Empty(), ARTMatrix.Empty())); }
public ARTFlystick(int id, bool visible, int numberOfButtons, int buttonStates, int numberOfControllers, float[] controllerStates, ARTPoint position, ARTMatrix matrix) : base(id, position, matrix) { this.visible = visible; this.numberOfButtons = numberOfButtons; this.numberOfControllers = numberOfControllers; this.buttonStates = buttonStates; this.controllerStates = controllerStates; }
public static ARTFlystick Empty() { return(new ARTFlystick(-1, false, 0, 0, 0, new float[0], ARTPoint.Empty(), ARTMatrix.Empty())); }
public ARTObject(int id, ARTPoint position, ARTMatrix matrix) { = id; this.position = position; this.matrix = matrix; }