Esempio n. 1
  * Keep our waveform in bounds
 void WrapPhaseIfNeeded(int index, bsgbryan.ConfigieMcWaveface configie)
     if (configie.Phases[index] > (2 * Mathf.PI))
         configie.Phases[index] -= 2 * Mathf.PI;
Esempio n. 2
        private static void NewWaveform()
            string path = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanelInProject(
                "New Waveform",
                "What do you want to name this new Waveform?");

            if (path != "")
                ConfigieMcWaveface configie = (ConfigieMcWaveface)ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <ConfigieMcWaveface>();

                configie.Volume.Level = 0.5f;

                configie.WaveVolumes.Selected[0] = 1f;

                configie.PlayControls.LowOctave     = 2;
                configie.PlayControls.HighOctave    = 7;
                configie.PlayControls.CurrentOctave = 4;
                configie.PlayControls.NoteIndex     = 9;

                configie.Envelope.Attack.Curve = AnimationCurve.EaseInOut(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f);
                configie.Envelope.Attack.Time  = 200;

                configie.Envelope.Decay.Curve = AnimationCurve.EaseInOut(0f, 1f, 1f, 0f);
                configie.Envelope.Decay.Time  = 1000;

                configie.Harmonics.Enabled    = true;
                configie.Harmonics.LowerCurve = AnimationCurve.EaseInOut(0f, 0.5f, 1f, 1f);
                configie.Harmonics.UpperCurve = AnimationCurve.EaseInOut(0f, 0.5f, 1f, 0f);

                configie.FrequencyLimit.Curve = AnimationCurve.EaseInOut(0f, 1f, 1f, 1f);

                configie.WibbleWobble.Curve = AnimationCurve.EaseInOut(0f, 0.5f, 1f, 0.5f);

                configie.Noise.Variance.Min = 0.25f;
                configie.Noise.Variance.Max = 0.75f;
                configie.Noise.Level        = 0.5f;
                configie.Noise.Curve        = AnimationCurve.EaseInOut(0f, 0.5f, 1f, 0.5f);

                AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(configie, path);

                char[] path_delimiters = { '/' };
                char[] name_delimiters = { '.' };

                string[] path_tokens = path.Split(path_delimiters);
                string[] name_tokens = path_tokens[path_tokens.Length - 1].Split(name_delimiters);

                GameObject new_waveform = new GameObject(name_tokens[0]);

                new_waveform.AddComponent <AudioSource>();
                bsgbryan.WavyMcFormface wavy = new_waveform.AddComponent <bsgbryan.WavyMcFormface>() as bsgbryan.WavyMcFormface;

                wavy.Configie = configie;
Esempio n. 3
     * Set each of our four available WaveVolumes as Selected
    float ProcessWaveVolumes(int octave, float amp, bsgbryan.ConfigieMcWaveface configie)
        float output = 0f;

        for (int w = 0; w < waves.Length; w++)
            float vol = configie.WaveVolumes.CurrentSelected[w];

            output += waves[w].Generate(configie.Phases[octave], amp * vol);

Esempio n. 4
    float ApplyNoise(float pass, bsgbryan.ConfigieMcWaveface configie)
        float noise = (float)rand.NextDouble();

        if (noise >= configie.Noise.Variance.CurrentMin && noise <= configie.Noise.Variance.CurrentMax)
            noise = noise - (noise * 0.5f);

            float curve = configie.Noise.CurrentCurve.Evaluate(pass);

            return((noise + curve) * configie.Noise.CurrentLevel);
Esempio n. 5
     * Modify our core note tone by applying any Enabled processors, taking the
     * range of rendered octaves into consideration
    float ProcessNote(int note_index, float octave, float rise, float position, float volume_adjust, float pass, bsgbryan.ConfigieMcWaveface configie)
        float limit = 1f;
        float note  = configie.Notes[note_index] * DetermineOctave(octave);

        if (configie.WibbleWobble.Enabled == true && configie.WibbleWobble.Time.Value > 0)
            note *= ApplyWibbleWobble(configie, position);

        if (configie.Noise.Enabled == true)
            note += note * ApplyNoise(pass, configie);

        configie.Phases[(int)octave] += DetermineIncrement(note, configie);

        float high  = configie.PlayControls.HighOctave + 1;
        float low   = configie.PlayControls.LowOctave;
        float range = high - low;
        float vol   = configie.Volume.CurrentLevel;

        // Debug.Log("volume " + vol);

        if (configie.FrequencyLimit.Enabled == true)
            limit = configie.FrequencyLimit.CurrentCurve.Evaluate((octave - low) / range);

        float amp = Amplitude(vol, volume_adjust) * rise;
        float mod = 1f / range;

        WrapPhaseIfNeeded((int)octave, configie);

        return(ProcessWaveVolumes((int)octave, amp, configie) * limit * vol * mod);
Esempio n. 6
     * This is where the magic happens!
     * This method uses the input provided to generate and return the amplitude
     * value for the current data slice being processed (from WavyMcFormface.OnAudioFilterRead).
     * This method is called once for each iteration through the OnAudioFilterRead's
     * data array. The value returned from this method is assigned to the appropriate
     * element of the data array.
    public float Evaluate(int note_index, float octave, float rise, float position, float pass, bsgbryan.ConfigieMcWaveface configie)
        float generated_amplitude = 0f;

        if (configie.Harmonics.Enabled == true)
            float low         = (float)configie.PlayControls.LowOctave;
            float high        = (float)configie.PlayControls.HighOctave;
            float upper_limit = configie.PlayControls.HighOctave + 1f;

            for (float current = low; current < upper_limit; current++)
                float volume_adjust = 1f;

                if (current < octave)
                    volume_adjust = configie.Harmonics.CurrentLowerCurve.Evaluate(current / octave);
                else if (current > octave)
                    volume_adjust = configie.Harmonics.CurrentUpperCurve.Evaluate(current / high);

                generated_amplitude += ProcessNote(note_index, current, rise, position, volume_adjust, pass, configie);
            generated_amplitude = ProcessNote(note_index, octave, rise, position, 1f, pass, configie);

Esempio n. 7
  * Keep track of where we are in our waveform
 float DetermineIncrement(float note, bsgbryan.ConfigieMcWaveface configie)
     return((note * 2.0f * Mathf.PI) / (float)configie.SampleRate);
Esempio n. 8
 float ApplyWibbleWobble(bsgbryan.ConfigieMcWaveface configie, float position)
     return(configie.WibbleWobble.CurrentCurve.Evaluate(position) * 2f);
Esempio n. 9
        public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
            float width = position.width * 0.5f;

            GUIStyle foldout_style = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.foldout);

            foldout_style.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold;

            Rect properties_pos = new Rect(position.x, position.y, 20, row_height);
            Rect enabled_pos    = new Rect(position.x + 68, position.y, 20, row_height);

            GUIContent property_name = new GUIContent(property.displayName);

            property_name.tooltip = "Harmonics are the octaves above and below the current one. They provide a fuller, richer sound.";

            show_properties.boolValue = EditorGUI.Foldout(properties_pos, show_properties.boolValue, property_name, foldout_style);

            SerializedProperty enabled = property.FindPropertyRelative("Enabled");

            enabled.boolValue = EditorGUI.Toggle(enabled_pos, enabled.boolValue);

            using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(enabled.boolValue == false)) {
                if (show_properties.boolValue == true)
                    float row_one      = position.y + row_height;
                    float curve_height = row_height * 5;

                    Rect lower_pos = new Rect(position.x, row_one, width, curve_height);
                    Rect upper_pos = new Rect(position.x + width, row_one, width, curve_height);

                    SerializedProperty lower = property.FindPropertyRelative("LowerCurve");
                    SerializedProperty upper = property.FindPropertyRelative("UpperCurve");

                    Rect limit = new Rect(0, 0, 1, 1);

                    EditorGUI.CurveField(lower_pos, lower, Color.white, limit, GUIContent.none);
                    EditorGUI.CurveField(upper_pos, upper, Color.white, limit, GUIContent.none);

                    Rect details_pos = new Rect(position.x + 10, position.y + (row_height * 6), 20, row_height);

                    show_details.boolValue = EditorGUI.Foldout(details_pos, show_details.boolValue, "Details", foldout_style);

                    ConfigieMcWaveface configie = (ConfigieMcWaveface)property.serializedObject.targetObject;

                    int low_octave     = configie.PlayControls.LowOctave;
                    int high_octave    = configie.PlayControls.HighOctave;
                    int current_octave = configie.PlayControls.CurrentOctave;

                    float low_diff  = (float)current_octave - low_octave;
                    float high_diff = (float)high_octave - current_octave;

                    float y_offset   = lower_pos.y + 2f;
                    float bar_height = lower_pos.height - 4f;

                    Color white = Color.white * (enabled.boolValue ? 0.5f : 0.5f);

                    for (float i = 0; i < low_diff; i++)
                        float left = i / low_diff;

                        Rect pos = new Rect(lower_pos.x + (lower_pos.width * left), y_offset, 1f, bar_height);

                        EditorGUI.DrawRect(pos, white);

                    for (float i = 1; i <= high_diff; i++)
                        float left = i / high_diff;

                        Rect pos = new Rect(upper_pos.x + (upper_pos.width * left), y_offset, 1f, bar_height);

                        EditorGUI.DrawRect(pos, white);

                    if (show_details.boolValue == true)
                        AnimationCurve lower_curve = lower.animationCurveValue;
                        AnimationCurve upper_curve = upper.animationCurveValue;

                        float rows_needed = low_diff < high_diff ? high_diff : low_diff;

                        detail_rows = (int)rows_needed;

                        float base_width      = position.width * 0.5f;
                        float octave_width    = base_width * 0.4f;
                        float strength_width  = base_width * 0.6f;
                        float x_offset        = position.x + base_width;
                        float x_octave_offset = position.x + octave_width;
                        float x_third_offset  = x_offset + octave_width;
                        float row_eight       = position.y + (row_height * 7);

                        Rect lower_octave_text_pos   = new Rect(position.x, row_eight, octave_width, row_height);
                        Rect lower_strength_text_pos = new Rect(x_octave_offset, row_eight, strength_width, row_height);
                        Rect upper_octave_text_pos   = new Rect(x_offset, row_eight, octave_width, row_height);
                        Rect upper_strength_text_pos = new Rect(x_third_offset, row_eight, strength_width, row_height);

                        GUIContent lower_octave_text = new GUIContent("octave");
                        GUIContent upper_octave_text = new GUIContent("octave");
                        GUIContent strength_text     = new GUIContent("strength");

                        GUIStyle left_style  = new GUIStyle(;
                        GUIStyle right_style = new GUIStyle(;

                        left_style.alignment  = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
                        right_style.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft;

                        lower_octave_text.tooltip = "The octaves below the current one (" + current_octave + ")";
                        upper_octave_text.tooltip = "The octaves above the current one (" + current_octave + ")";
                        strength_text.tooltip     = "The intensity each octave will be played at";

                        EditorGUI.LabelField(lower_octave_text_pos, lower_octave_text, left_style);
                        EditorGUI.LabelField(lower_strength_text_pos, strength_text, right_style);
                        EditorGUI.LabelField(upper_octave_text_pos, upper_octave_text, left_style);
                        EditorGUI.LabelField(upper_strength_text_pos, strength_text, right_style);

                        float row_nine = position.y + (row_height * 8);

                        for (float i = 0; i < low_diff; i++)
                            float strength = lower_curve.Evaluate(i / low_diff);
                            float row_y    = row_nine + (row_height * i);

                            Rect lower_octave_pos   = new Rect(position.x, row_y, octave_width, row_height);
                            Rect lower_strength_pos = new Rect(x_octave_offset, row_y, strength_width, row_height);

                            GUIContent octave_text         = new GUIContent(i.ToString());
                            GUIContent lower_strength_text = new GUIContent(strength.ToString());

                            octave_text.tooltip         = (Mathf.Abs(i - current_octave)) + " octaves below the current one (" + current_octave + ")";
                            lower_strength_text.tooltip = (Mathf.Round((1f - strength) * 100f)) + "% quieter than the current octave (" + current_octave + ")";

                            EditorGUI.LabelField(lower_octave_pos, octave_text, left_style);
                            EditorGUI.LabelField(lower_strength_pos, lower_strength_text, right_style);

                        for (float i = 1; i <= high_diff; i++)
                            float strength = upper_curve.Evaluate(i / high_diff);
                            float row_y    = row_nine + (row_height * (i - 1));

                            Rect lower_octave_pos   = new Rect(x_offset, row_y, octave_width, row_height);
                            Rect lower_strength_pos = new Rect(x_third_offset, row_y, strength_width, row_height);

                            GUIContent octave_text         = new GUIContent((i + current_octave).ToString());
                            GUIContent upper_strength_text = new GUIContent(strength.ToString());

                            octave_text.tooltip         = (Mathf.Abs(current_octave - (current_octave + i))) + " octaves above the current one (" + current_octave + ")";
                            upper_strength_text.tooltip = (Mathf.Round((1f - strength) * 100f)) + "% quieter than the current octave (" + current_octave + ")";

                            EditorGUI.LabelField(lower_octave_pos, octave_text, left_style);
                            EditorGUI.LabelField(lower_strength_pos, upper_strength_text, right_style);
                    show_details.boolValue = false;
        public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
            GUIStyle foldout_style = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.foldout);

            foldout_style.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold;

            Rect properties_pos = new Rect(position.x, position.y, 20, row_height);
            Rect enabled_pos    = new Rect(position.x + 95, position.y, 20, row_height);

            GUIContent property_name = new GUIContent(property.displayName);

            property_name.tooltip = "Use this curve to limit the volume for frequencies across the entire rendered spectrum";

            show_properties.boolValue = EditorGUI.Foldout(properties_pos, show_properties.boolValue, property_name, foldout_style);

            SerializedProperty enabled = property.FindPropertyRelative("Enabled");

            enabled.boolValue = EditorGUI.Toggle(enabled_pos, enabled.boolValue);

            using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(enabled.boolValue == false)) {
                if (show_properties.boolValue == true)
                    Rect curve_pos = new Rect(position.x, position.y + row_height, position.width, row_height * 5);

                    SerializedProperty curve = property.FindPropertyRelative("Curve");

                    EditorGUI.CurveField(curve_pos, curve, Color.white, new Rect(0, 0, 1, 1), GUIContent.none);

                    ConfigieMcWaveface configie = (ConfigieMcWaveface)property.serializedObject.targetObject;

                    int   low_octave     = configie.PlayControls.LowOctave;
                    int   high_octave    = configie.PlayControls.HighOctave;
                    int   current_octave = configie.PlayControls.CurrentOctave;
                    float note           = configie.Notes[configie.PlayControls.NoteIndex];

                    Color white = Color.white * (enabled.boolValue ? 0.5f : 0.375f);

                    for (int i = low_octave; i <= high_octave; i++)
                        float left = ((float)(i - low_octave) / (high_octave - low_octave));

                        if (i == current_octave)
                            white = Color.white * (enabled.boolValue ? 0.75f : 0.5f);
                        else if (i == current_octave + 1)
                            white = Color.white * (enabled.boolValue ? 0.5f : 0.375f);

                        Rect pos = new Rect(curve_pos.x + (curve_pos.width * left), curve_pos.y + 2f, 1f, curve_pos.height - 4f);

                        EditorGUI.DrawRect(pos, white);

                    Rect details_pos = new Rect(position.x + 10, position.y + (row_height * 6), 20, row_height);

                    show_details.boolValue = EditorGUI.Foldout(details_pos, show_details.boolValue, "Details", foldout_style);

                    if (show_details.boolValue == true)
                        AnimationCurve anim_curve = curve.animationCurveValue;

                        int rows_needed = high_octave - low_octave + 1;

                        detail_rows = rows_needed;

                        float base_width      = position.width * 0.5f;
                        float half_base_width = base_width * 0.5f;
                        float octave_width    = base_width * 0.4f;
                        float strength_width  = base_width * 0.6f;
                        float row_eight       = position.y + (row_height * 7);
                        float x_offset        = position.x + base_width;
                        float x_octave_offset = position.x + octave_width;
                        float x_third_offset  = x_offset + half_base_width;
                        float row_nine        = position.y + (row_height * 8);

                        Rect octave_text_pos    = new Rect(position.x, row_eight, octave_width, row_height);
                        Rect strength_text_pos  = new Rect(x_octave_offset, row_eight, strength_width, row_height);
                        Rect frequency_text_pos = new Rect(x_offset, row_eight, half_base_width, row_height);
                        Rect position_text_pos  = new Rect(x_third_offset, row_eight, half_base_width, row_height);

                        GUIContent octave_text    = new GUIContent("octave");
                        GUIContent frequency_text = new GUIContent("frequency");
                        GUIContent strength_text  = new GUIContent("strength");
                        GUIContent position_text  = new GUIContent("position");

                        GUIStyle left_style  = new GUIStyle(;
                        GUIStyle right_style = new GUIStyle(;

                        left_style.alignment  = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
                        right_style.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft;

                        octave_text.tooltip    = "All octaves currently being rendered";
                        frequency_text.tooltip = "The frequency for [note] in the octave listed";
                        strength_text.tooltip  = "The intensity each note will be played at for the given octave";
                        position_text.tooltip  = "The position on the curve for [note] at the given octave";

                        EditorGUI.LabelField(octave_text_pos, octave_text, left_style);
                        EditorGUI.LabelField(strength_text_pos, strength_text, right_style);
                        EditorGUI.LabelField(frequency_text_pos, frequency_text, right_style);
                        EditorGUI.LabelField(position_text_pos, position_text, right_style);

                        for (int i = low_octave; i <= high_octave; i++)
                            float pos      = (float)(i - low_octave) / (high_octave - low_octave);
                            float strength = anim_curve.Evaluate(pos);
                            float row_y    = row_nine + (row_height * (i - low_octave));

                            Rect octave_pos    = new Rect(position.x, row_y, octave_width, row_height);
                            Rect strength_pos  = new Rect(x_octave_offset, row_y, strength_width, row_height);
                            Rect frequency_pos = new Rect(x_offset, row_y, half_base_width, row_height);
                            Rect position_pos  = new Rect(x_third_offset, row_y, half_base_width, row_height);

                            float freq = note * DetermineOctave(i);

                            GUIContent i_octave_text    = new GUIContent(i.ToString());
                            GUIContent i_strength_text  = new GUIContent(strength.ToString());
                            GUIContent i_frequency_text = new GUIContent(freq.ToString());
                            GUIContent i_position_text  = new GUIContent(pos.ToString());

                            if (i < current_octave)
                                i_octave_text.tooltip = (Mathf.Abs(i - current_octave)) + " octaves below the current one (" + current_octave + ")";
                                left_style.fontStyle  = FontStyle.Normal;
                                right_style.fontStyle = FontStyle.Normal;
                            else if (i == current_octave)
                                i_octave_text.tooltip = "The current octave";
                                left_style.fontStyle  = FontStyle.Italic;
                                right_style.fontStyle = FontStyle.Italic;
                                i_octave_text.tooltip = (Mathf.Abs(current_octave - i)) + " octaves above the current one (" + current_octave + ")";
                                left_style.fontStyle  = FontStyle.Normal;
                                right_style.fontStyle = FontStyle.Normal;

                            i_strength_text.tooltip  = Mathf.Round(strength * 100f) + "% of the max volume level";
                            i_frequency_text.tooltip = "[Frequency tooltp goes here]";
                            i_position_text.tooltip  = Mathf.Round(pos * 100f) + "% to the right on the curve";

                            EditorGUI.LabelField(octave_pos, i_octave_text, left_style);
                            EditorGUI.LabelField(strength_pos, i_strength_text, right_style);
                            EditorGUI.LabelField(frequency_pos, i_frequency_text, right_style);
                            EditorGUI.LabelField(position_pos, i_position_text, right_style);
                    show_details.boolValue = false;