private void btnBack_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Close(); ViewAll openViewAll = new ViewAll(); openViewAll.Show(); }
private void btnLogout_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ViewAll.LoginInfo.UserID = ""; ViewAll.LoginInfo.TourID = ""; ViewAll.LoginInfo.UserRole = ""; ViewAll.LoginInfo.FullName = ""; this.Close(); ViewAll openViewAll = new ViewAll(); openViewAll.Show(); }
private void btnCancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ViewAll.LoginInfo.UserRole == "T") { this.Close(); ViewAll openViewAll = new ViewAll(); openViewAll.Show(); } else if (ViewAll.LoginInfo.UserRole == "TG") { this.Close(); TourGuide_ManageCreateTour openManageTour = new TourGuide_ManageCreateTour(); openManageTour.Show(); } }
private void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Hide(); Login openLoginForm = new Login(); openLoginForm.ShowDialog(); if (LoginInfo.UserRole == "TG") { this.Hide(); TourGuide_ManageCreateTour openTourGuide = new TourGuide_ManageCreateTour(); openTourGuide.Show(); } else if (LoginInfo.UserRole == "S") { this.Hide(); SysAdmin_ManageUserTour openSystemAdmin = new SysAdmin_ManageUserTour(); openSystemAdmin.Show(); } else if (LoginInfo.UserRole == "T") { ViewAll openViewAllForm = new ViewAll(); openViewAllForm.Show(); } }
private void btnPayment_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string cardName = txtCardName.Text; string cardNum = txtCardNum.ToString(); string month = txtMonth.Text; string year = txtYear.Text; string cvv = txtCvv.Text; int monthInt; int yearInt; int cvvInt; string cvvLength = txtCvv.Text; DateTime dtNow = DateTime.Now; int yearNow = dtNow.Year; int monthNow = dtNow.Month; bool checkMonth = int.TryParse(month, out monthInt); bool checkYear = int.TryParse(year, out yearInt); bool checkCvv = int.TryParse(cvv, out cvvInt); if (cardName == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please enter Card Name"); } else if (cardNum.Length < 17 || cardNum == null) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Card Number"); } else if (checkMonth == false || checkYear == false || checkCvv == false) { MessageBox.Show("Expiry Date and CVV must be in numeric"); } else if (checkMonth == true && checkYear == true && checkCvv == true) { if (monthInt > 12 || monthInt < 1) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Expiry Month"); } else if (yearInt < yearNow) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Expiry Date"); } else if (yearInt == yearNow) { if (monthInt < monthNow) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Expiry Date"); } } else if (cvvLength.Length < 3 || cvvInt > 1000 || cvvInt < 0) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid CVV"); } else { string transID = "T"; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { transID = transID + Convert.ToString(random.Next(1, 9)); } SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connectionString); string sqlRetrieveCountry = "INSERT INTO TOURTRANSACTION (TransID, UserID, TourID, FromDate, Pax, ToDate, TStatus) VALUES (@transid, @userid, @tourid, @fromdate, @pax, @todate, @tstatus)"; SqlCommand cm = new SqlCommand(sqlRetrieveCountry, con); con.Open(); cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@transid", transID.ToString()); cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@userid", ViewAll.LoginInfo.UserID); cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@tourid", ViewAll.LoginInfo.TourID); cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@fromdate", Convert.ToDateTime(ViewTour.BookTour.tourStartDate).ToString("MM/dd/yyy")); cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@todate", Convert.ToDateTime(ViewTour.BookTour.tourEndDate).ToString("MM/dd/yyy")); cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pax", ViewTour.BookTour.pax); cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@tstatus", "Pending"); cm.ExecuteNonQuery(); con.Close(); MessageBox.Show("Tour Booked, Enjoy!"); ViewAll openViewAll = new ViewAll(); openViewAll.Show(); this.Hide(); } } }