public FBPlayerAgent(FBActor actor, behaviac.Workspace workspace) { = actor; behaviour = createBehaviour(workspace); LogicEvent.add("onShootBallOut", this, "onShootBallOut"); LogicEvent.add("onPlayTaunt", this, "onPlayTaunt"); }
protected override Agent createBehaviour(behaviac.Workspace workspace) { var behaviour = new BTGoalKeeper(); behaviour.Init(workspace); behaviour.agent = behaviour.gkAgent = this; return(behaviour); }
protected virtual Agent createBehaviour(behaviac.Workspace workspace) { var behaviour = new BTPlayer(); behaviour.Init(workspace); behaviour.agent = this; return(behaviour); }
public FBGKCoachAgent(IGameInfo gameInfo, FBWorld world, FBTeam team, behaviac.Workspace workspace) { var behaviour = new BTGKCoach(); behaviour.Init(workspace); behaviour.agent = this; base.behaviour = behaviour; this.gameInfo = gameInfo; = world; = team; }
public void Dispose() { ms_instance = null; }
public Workspace() { Debug.Check(ms_instance == null); ms_instance = this; }
public FBGKAgent(FBActor actor, behaviac.Workspace workspace) : base(actor, workspace) { }
private static void RegisterType(Type type, bool bIsAgentType) { Attribute[] array = (Attribute[])type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(TypeMetaInfoAttribute), false); if (!bIsAgentType || array.Length > 0) { TypeMetaInfoAttribute typeMetaInfoAttribute = (array.Length > 0) ? ((TypeMetaInfoAttribute)array[0]) : null; Agent.CTagObjectDescriptor descriptorByName = Agent.GetDescriptorByName(type.get_FullName()); if (type.get_BaseType() == typeof(Agent) || type.get_BaseType().IsSubclassOf(typeof(Agent))) { Agent.CTagObjectDescriptor descriptorByName2 = Agent.GetDescriptorByName(type.get_BaseType().get_FullName()); descriptorByName.m_parent = descriptorByName2; } descriptorByName.type = type; descriptorByName.displayName = ((typeMetaInfoAttribute == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(typeMetaInfoAttribute.DisplayName)) ? type.get_FullName() : typeMetaInfoAttribute.DisplayName); descriptorByName.desc = ((typeMetaInfoAttribute == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(typeMetaInfoAttribute.Description)) ? descriptorByName.displayName : typeMetaInfoAttribute.Description); if (Utils.IsEnumType(type)) { return; } BindingFlags bindingFlags = 62; FieldInfo[] fields = type.GetFields(bindingFlags); FieldInfo[] array2 = fields; for (int i = 0; i < array2.Length; i++) { FieldInfo fieldInfo = array2[i]; bool flag = false; MemberMetaInfoAttribute a = null; if (bIsAgentType) { Attribute[] array3 = (Attribute[])fieldInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(MemberMetaInfoAttribute), false); if (array3.Length > 0) { a = (MemberMetaInfoAttribute)array3[0]; flag = true; } } else { flag = true; } if (flag) { CMemberBase cMemberBase = new CMemberBase(fieldInfo, a); for (int j = 0; j < descriptorByName.ms_members.Count; j++) { if (cMemberBase.GetId() == descriptorByName.ms_members[j].GetId()) { CMemberBase cMemberBase2 = descriptorByName.ms_members[j]; break; } } descriptorByName.ms_members.Add(cMemberBase); if ((Utils.IsCustomClassType(fieldInfo.get_FieldType()) || Utils.IsEnumType(fieldInfo.get_FieldType())) && !Agent.IsTypeRegisterd(fieldInfo.get_FieldType().get_FullName())) { Workspace.RegisterType(fieldInfo.get_FieldType(), false); } } } if (bIsAgentType) { MethodInfo[] methods = type.GetMethods(bindingFlags); MethodInfo[] array4 = methods; for (int k = 0; k < array4.Length; k++) { MethodInfo methodInfo = array4[k]; Attribute[] array5 = (Attribute[])methodInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(MethodMetaInfoAttribute), false); if (array5.Length > 0) { MethodMetaInfoAttribute a2 = (MethodMetaInfoAttribute)array5[0]; CMethodBase item = new CMethodBase(methodInfo, a2, null); descriptorByName.ms_methods.Add(item); ParameterInfo[] parameters = methodInfo.GetParameters(); ParameterInfo[] array6 = parameters; for (int l = 0; l < array6.Length; l++) { ParameterInfo parameterInfo = array6[l]; if ((Utils.IsCustomClassType(parameterInfo.get_ParameterType()) || Utils.IsEnumType(parameterInfo.get_ParameterType())) && !Agent.IsTypeRegisterd(parameterInfo.get_ParameterType().get_FullName())) { Workspace.RegisterType(parameterInfo.get_ParameterType(), false); } } if ((Utils.IsCustomClassType(methodInfo.get_ReturnType()) || Utils.IsEnumType(methodInfo.get_ReturnType())) && !Agent.IsTypeRegisterd(methodInfo.get_ReturnType().get_FullName())) { Workspace.RegisterType(methodInfo.get_ReturnType(), false); } } } Type[] nestedTypes = type.GetNestedTypes(bindingFlags); Type[] array7 = nestedTypes; for (int m = 0; m < array7.Length; m++) { Type type2 = array7[m]; Attribute[] array8 = (Attribute[])type2.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(EventMetaInfoAttribute), false); if (array8.Length > 0) { EventMetaInfoAttribute a3 = (EventMetaInfoAttribute)array8[0]; MethodInfo method = type2.GetMethod("Invoke"); CNamedEvent item2 = new CNamedEvent(method, a3, type2.get_Name()); descriptorByName.ms_methods.Add(item2); } } } } }
private static void RegisterMetas(Assembly a) { ListView <Type> listView = new ListView <Type>(); Type[] types = a.GetTypes(); Type[] array = types; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { Type type3 = array[i]; if ((type3.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Agent)) || Utils.IsStaticType(type3)) && !Workspace.IsRegisterd(type3)) { Attribute[] array2 = (Attribute[])type3.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(TypeMetaInfoAttribute), false); if (array2.Length > 0) { Workspace.TypeInfo_t typeInfo_t = new Workspace.TypeInfo_t(); typeInfo_t.type = type3; Workspace.ms_agentTypes.Add(typeInfo_t); if (type3.get_BaseType() != null && (type3.get_BaseType() == typeof(Agent) || type3.get_BaseType().IsSubclassOf(typeof(Agent)))) { listView.Add(type3.get_BaseType()); } if (Utils.IsStaticType(type3)) { TypeMetaInfoAttribute typeMetaInfoAttribute = array2[0] as TypeMetaInfoAttribute; Agent.RegisterStaticClass(type3, typeMetaInfoAttribute.DisplayName, typeMetaInfoAttribute.Description); } } } } foreach (Type type in listView) { if (!Workspace.IsRegisterd(type) && Workspace.ms_agentTypes.Find((Workspace.TypeInfo_t t) => t.type == type) == null) { Workspace.TypeInfo_t typeInfo_t2 = new Workspace.TypeInfo_t(); typeInfo_t2.type = type; typeInfo_t2.bIsInherited = true; Workspace.ms_agentTypes.Add(typeInfo_t2); } } Workspace.ms_agentTypes.Sort(delegate(Workspace.TypeInfo_t x, Workspace.TypeInfo_t y) { if (x.bIsInherited && !y.bIsInherited) { return(-1); } if (!x.bIsInherited && y.bIsInherited) { return(1); } if (x.type.IsSubclassOf(y.type)) { return(1); } if (y.type.IsSubclassOf(x.type)) { return(-1); } return(x.type.get_FullName().CompareTo(y.type.get_FullName())); }); using (List <Workspace.TypeInfo_t> .Enumerator enumerator2 = Workspace.ms_agentTypes.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator2.MoveNext()) { Workspace.TypeInfo_t current = enumerator2.get_Current(); Type type2 = current.type; Workspace.RegisterType(type2, true); } } }
private static void RegisterMetas() { Assembly callingAssembly = Assembly.GetCallingAssembly(); Workspace.RegisterMetas(callingAssembly); }
public static bool ExportMetas(string filePath) { return(Workspace.ExportMetas(filePath, false)); }
public static void RegisterBehaviorNode() { Assembly callingAssembly = Assembly.GetCallingAssembly(); Workspace.RegisterBehaviorNode(callingAssembly); }
public static bool Load(string relativePath) { return(Workspace.Load(relativePath, false)); }
public static bool Load(string relativePath, bool bForce) { BehaviorTree behaviorTree = null; if (Workspace.BehaviorTrees.ContainsKey(relativePath)) { if (!bForce) { return(true); } behaviorTree = Workspace.BehaviorTrees[relativePath]; } string text = Workspace.WorkspaceExportPath; text += relativePath; string ext = string.Empty; Workspace.EFileFormat eFileFormat = Workspace.FileFormat; Workspace.EFileFormat eFileFormat2 = eFileFormat; if (eFileFormat2 != Workspace.EFileFormat.EFF_xml) { if (eFileFormat2 == Workspace.EFileFormat.EFF_default) { ext = ".xml"; if (FileManager.Instance.FileExist(text, ext)) { eFileFormat = Workspace.EFileFormat.EFF_xml; } else { ext = ".bson"; if (FileManager.Instance.FileExist(text, ext)) { throw new NotImplementedException("bson support has been removed!!!"); } eFileFormat = Workspace.EFileFormat.EFF_cs; } } } else { ext = ".xml"; } bool flag = false; bool flag2 = false; bool flag3 = false; if (behaviorTree == null) { flag3 = true; behaviorTree = new BehaviorTree(); Workspace.BehaviorTrees[relativePath] = behaviorTree; } if (eFileFormat == Workspace.EFileFormat.EFF_xml) { byte[] array = Workspace.ReadFileToBuffer(text, ext); if (array != null) { if (!flag3) { flag2 = true; behaviorTree.Clear(); } if (eFileFormat == Workspace.EFileFormat.EFF_xml) { flag = behaviorTree.load_xml(array); } Workspace.PopFileFromBuffer(text, ext, array); } } else if (eFileFormat == Workspace.EFileFormat.EFF_cs) { if (!flag3) { flag2 = true; behaviorTree.Clear(); } try { MethodInfo methodInfo = null; if (Workspace.BTCreators.ContainsKey(relativePath)) { methodInfo = Workspace.BTCreators[relativePath]; } else { string typeName = "behaviac.bt_" + relativePath.Replace("/", "_"); Type type = Utils.GetType(typeName); if (type != null) { methodInfo = type.GetMethod("build_behavior_tree", 24); if (methodInfo != null) { Workspace.BTCreators[relativePath] = methodInfo; } } } if (methodInfo != null) { object[] array2 = new object[] { behaviorTree }; flag = (bool)methodInfo.Invoke(null, array2); } } catch (Exception ex) { string text2 = string.Format("The behavior {0} failed to be loaded : {1}", relativePath, ex.get_Message()); } } if (flag) { if (!flag3) { } } else if (flag3) { bool flag4 = Workspace.BehaviorTrees.Remove(relativePath); } else if (flag2) { Workspace.BehaviorTrees.Remove(relativePath); } return(flag); }
public static bool SetWorkspaceSettings(string workspaceExportPath) { return(Workspace.SetWorkspaceSettings(workspaceExportPath, Workspace.EFileFormat.EFF_xml)); }