Esempio n. 1
        //Decode image Aleluya :D
        private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            //Make sure form is filled enough
            if (!(inputImageAleluya.Text.Length > 0 &&
                  passwordAleluya.Text.Length > 0
                quickAlertAleluya("Praise God :D \n\nThis will not work,\nfirst you must fill:\n\n - Password - Hallelujah\n - Input Image - Hallelujah\n \n Praise God",
                                  "Error Detected - Hallelujah");

            //Ok get input bits
            byte[] responseAleluya = new byte[(oheightAleluya * owidthAleluya) * 3];
            long   bitCountAleluya = 0;

            for (int y = 0; y < oheightAleluya; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < owidthAleluya; x++)
                    System.Drawing.Color cAleluya = oimgAleluya.GetPixel(x, y);
                    long   cPtrAleluya;
                    bool   dBoolAleluya;
                    byte   dByteAleluya;
                    byte[] colsAleluya = { cAleluya.R, cAleluya.G, cAleluya.B };

                    for (int iAleluya = 0; iAleluya < 3; iAleluya++)
                        byte valAleluya = colsAleluya[iAleluya];
                        cPtrAleluya = (bitCountAleluya >> 3);

                        if ((valAleluya & 0x1) == 1)
                            responseAleluya[cPtrAleluya] |= (byte)(1 << (((int)bitCountAleluya) & 7));
                            responseAleluya[cPtrAleluya] &= (byte)(0xff ^ (1 << (((int)bitCountAleluya) & 7)));
            byte[] decryptedAleluya = CryptAleluya.Decrypt(responseAleluya, passwordAleluya.Text);

            //Ok attempt to decrypt the data

            byte[] bCheckAleluya = new ArraySegment <byte>(decryptedAleluya, 0, 2).ToArray();
            if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian == false)
            Int16 checksumFAleluya = BitConverter.ToInt16(bCheckAleluya, 0);

            byte[] bSizeAleluya = new ArraySegment <byte>(decryptedAleluya, 2, 4).ToArray();
            if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian == false)
                Array.Reverse(bSizeAleluya);                                       //Work on macG5
            int sizeComposedAleluya = BitConverter.ToInt32(bSizeAleluya, 0);
            int fnSizeAleluya       = sizeComposedAleluya & 0xff;
            int fSizeAleluya        = sizeComposedAleluya >> 8;

            if ((fSizeAleluya + fnSizeAleluya > decryptedAleluya.Length) || (fSizeAleluya + fnSizeAleluya < 0))
                quickAlertAleluya("God be praised, wrong image or password :)", "Hallelujah");
            byte[] bToCheckAleluya = new ArraySegment <byte>(decryptedAleluya, 2, fSizeAleluya + fnSizeAleluya + 4).ToArray();
            int    checksumAleluya = 0;

            foreach (int vAleluya in bToCheckAleluya)
                checksumAleluya += vAleluya;
            Int16 checksumVAleluya = (Int16)checksumAleluya;

            if (checksumFAleluya != checksumVAleluya)
                quickAlertAleluya("God be praised, wrong image or password :)", "Hallelujah");

            byte[] fnAleluya       = new ArraySegment <byte>(decryptedAleluya, 6, fnSizeAleluya).ToArray();
            byte[] dtOutAleluya    = new ArraySegment <byte>(decryptedAleluya, 6 + fnSizeAleluya, fSizeAleluya).ToArray();
            string fnStringAleluya = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(fnAleluya);

            //quickAlertAleluya( Convert.ToBase64String(encryptedAleluya), "Hallelujah");

            SaveFileDialog fdlgAleluya = new SaveFileDialog();

            fdlgAleluya.Title            = "Select Output File";
            fdlgAleluya.Filter           = "Original - Aleluya (" + fnStringAleluya + ")|" + fnStringAleluya + "|All files (*.*)|*.*";
            fdlgAleluya.FilterIndex      = 1;
            fdlgAleluya.FileName         = fnStringAleluya;
            fdlgAleluya.RestoreDirectory = true;
            if (fdlgAleluya.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                string destFileNameAleluya = fdlgAleluya.FileName;
                File.WriteAllBytes(destFileNameAleluya, dtOutAleluya);
                quickAlertAleluya("God be praised, decoded file should have saved ok", "Hallelujah");
Esempio n. 2
        private void encodeBtnAleluya_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            //Make sure form is filled enough
            if (!(inputImageAleluya.Text.Length > 0 &&
                  passwordAleluya.Text.Length > 0 &&
                  inputDataAleluya.Text.Length > 0
                quickAlertAleluya("Praise God :D \n\nThis will not work,\nfirst you must fill:\n\n - Password - Hallelujah\n - Input Image - Hallelujah\n - Input Data - Hallelujah",
                                  "Error Detected - Hallelujah");

            //Make sure data can easily fit in the image
            long dataLengthAleluya = olengthAleluya + 32;
            int  imgDimsAleluya    = owidthAleluya * oheightAleluya;

            if ((imgDimsAleluya / 4) < dataLengthAleluya)
                quickAlertAleluya("Praise God :D \n\nTo be on the safe side, we require the file to be fewer bytes than the image height*width / 4.",
                                  "Error Detected - Hallelujah");

            //Ok attempt to encrypt the data
            int tLengthAleluya = (int)olengthAleluya;

            tLengthAleluya <<= 8;
            string basenameAleluya = new FileInfo(inputDataAleluya.Text).Name;

            tLengthAleluya += basenameAleluya.Length; // pack in filename
            byte[] bSizeAleluya = BitConverter.GetBytes(tLengthAleluya);
            if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian == false)
            byte[] dtInAleluya     = bSizeAleluya.Concat(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(basenameAleluya).Concat(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(inputDataAleluya.Text)).ToArray()).ToArray();
            int    checksumAleluya = 0;

            foreach (int vAleluya in dtInAleluya)
                checksumAleluya += vAleluya;
            Int16 checksumFAleluya = (Int16)checksumAleluya;

            byte[] bCheckAleluya = BitConverter.GetBytes(checksumFAleluya);
            if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian == false)
            byte[] encryptedAleluya = CryptAleluya.Encrypt(bCheckAleluya.Concat(dtInAleluya).ToArray(), passwordAleluya.Text);

            //byte[] responseAleluya = new byte[(oheightAleluya * owidthAleluya) >> 2];
            //quickAlertAleluya( Convert.ToBase64String(new ArraySegment<byte>(encryptedAleluya,0,32).ToArray()), "Hallelujah");

            long bitCountAleluya = 0;

            Random rndAleluya = new Random();

            for (int y = 0; y < oheightAleluya; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < owidthAleluya; x++)
                    System.Drawing.Color cAleluya = oimgAleluya.GetPixel(x, y);
                    long   cPtrAleluya;
                    bool   dBoolAleluya;
                    byte   dByteAleluya;
                    byte[] colsAleluya = { cAleluya.R, cAleluya.G, cAleluya.B };

                    for (int iAleluya = 0; iAleluya < 3; iAleluya++)
                        byte valAleluya = colsAleluya[iAleluya];
                        cPtrAleluya = (bitCountAleluya >> 3);

                        if (cPtrAleluya < encryptedAleluya.Length)
                            dByteAleluya = encryptedAleluya[cPtrAleluya];
                            dBoolAleluya = ((dByteAleluya & (1 << (((int)bitCountAleluya) & 7))) > 0 ? true : false);
                            dBoolAleluya = rndAleluya.Next(0, 2) > 0;
                        //dBoolAleluya = rndAleluya.Next(0, 2) > 0;

                        if (dBoolAleluya)
                            valAleluya |= 1;
                            valAleluya &= 0xff ^ 1;
                        colsAleluya[iAleluya] = valAleluya;
                    oimgAleluya.SetPixel(x, y, Color.FromArgb(cAleluya.A, colsAleluya[0], colsAleluya[1], colsAleluya[2]));

            SaveFileDialog fdlgAleluya = new SaveFileDialog();

            fdlgAleluya.Title            = "Select Output File";
            fdlgAleluya.Filter           = "All files (*.png)|*.png";
            fdlgAleluya.FilterIndex      = 1;
            fdlgAleluya.RestoreDirectory = true;
            if (fdlgAleluya.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                string destFileNameAleluya = fdlgAleluya.FileName;
                if (System.IO.File.Exists(destFileNameAleluya))
                quickAlertAleluya("God be praised, encoded image saved ok God willing.", "Hallelujah");