Esempio n. 1
 /// <summary>Just print out the string; no reference to self because this
 /// is a literal--not sensitive to attribute values.
 /// </summary>
 public override int write(StringTemplate self, StringTemplateWriter outWriter)
     if (str != null)
         int n = outWriter.write(str);
         return n;
     return 0;
        public StringTemplateTreeView(System.String label, StringTemplate st)
            : base()
            this.Text = label;

            JTreeStringTemplatePanel tp = new JTreeStringTemplatePanel(new JTreeStringTemplateModel(st), null);
            //UPGRADE_TODO: Method 'javax.swing.JFrame.getContentPane' was converted to 'System.Windows.Forms.Form' which has a different behavior. 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.2003/commoner/redir/redirect.htm?keyword="jlca1073_javaxswingJFramegetContentPane_3"'
            System.Windows.Forms.Control content = ((System.Windows.Forms.ContainerControl) this);
            //UPGRADE_TODO: Method 'java.awt.Container.add' was converted to 'System.Windows.Forms.ContainerControl.Controls.Add' which has a different behavior. 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.2003/commoner/redir/redirect.htm?keyword="jlca1073_javaawtContaineradd_javaawtComponent_javalangObject_3"'
            tp.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill;
            //UPGRADE_NOTE: Some methods of the 'java.awt.event.WindowListener' class are not used in the .NET Framework. 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.2003/commoner/redir/redirect.htm?keyword="jlca1308_3"'
            Closing += new System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler(new AnonymousClassWindowAdapter(this).windowClosing);
            //UPGRADE_TODO: Method 'java.awt.Component.setSize' was converted to 'System.Windows.Forms.Control.Size' which has a different behavior. 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.2003/commoner/redir/redirect.htm?keyword="jlca1073_javaawtComponentsetSize_int_int_3"'
            Size = new System.Drawing.Size(WIDTH, HEIGHT);
 /// <summary>Make the 'to' template look exactly like the 'from' template
 /// except for the attributes.  This is like creating an instance
 /// of a class in that the executable code is the same (the template
 /// chunks), but the instance data is blank (the attributes).  Do
 /// not copy the enclosingInstance pointer since you will want this
 /// template to eval in a context different from the examplar.
 /// </summary>
 protected internal virtual void dup(StringTemplate from, StringTemplate to)
     if (debugMode)
         debug("dup template ID " + from.getTemplateID() + " to get " + to.getTemplateID());
     to.pattern = from.pattern;
     to.chunks = from.chunks;
     to.formalArguments = from.formalArguments; =; =;
     to.listener = from.listener;
Esempio n. 4
        protected internal virtual int write(StringTemplate self, Object o, StringTemplateWriter outWriter, Object separator)
            if (o == null)
                return 0;
            int n = 0;
                if (o is StringTemplate)
                    StringTemplate stToWrite = (StringTemplate) o;
                    // if self is found up the enclosing instance chain, then
                    // infinite recursion
                    if (StringTemplate.inLintMode() && StringTemplate.isRecursiveEnclosingInstance(stToWrite))
                        // throw exception since sometimes eval keeps going
                        // even after I ignore this write of o.
                        throw new System.SystemException("infinite recursion to " + stToWrite.getTemplateDeclaratorString() + " referenced in " + stToWrite.getEnclosingInstance().getTemplateDeclaratorString() + "; stack trace:\n" + stToWrite.getEnclosingInstanceStackTrace());
                        n = stToWrite.write(outWriter);
                    return n;
                // normalize anything iteratable to iterator
                o = convertAnythingIteratableToIterator(o);
                if (o is IEnumerator)
                    IEnumerator iter = (IEnumerator) o;
                    String separatorString = null;
                    if (separator != null)
                        separatorString = computeSeparator(self, outWriter, separator);

                    int i = 0;
                    int charWrittenForValue = 0;
                    Object iterValue = null;

                    while (iter.MoveNext())
                        if (i > 0)
                            bool valueIsPureConditional = false;
                            if (iterValue is StringTemplate)
                                StringTemplate iterValueST = (StringTemplate) iterValue;
                                IList chunks = (IList) iterValueST.getChunks();
                                Expr firstChunk = (Expr) chunks[0];
                                valueIsPureConditional = firstChunk is ConditionalExpr && ((ConditionalExpr) firstChunk).getElseSubtemplate() == null;
                            bool emptyIteratedValue = valueIsPureConditional && charWrittenForValue == 0;
                            if (!emptyIteratedValue && separator != null)
                                n += outWriter.write(separatorString);

                        iterValue = iter.Current;
                        charWrittenForValue = write(self, iterValue, outWriter, separator);
                        n += charWrittenForValue;
                    n = outWriter.write(o.ToString());
                    return n;
            catch (System.IO.IOException io)
                self.error("problem writing object: " + o, io);
            return n;
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>A separator is normally just a string literal, but is still an AST that
        /// we must evaluate.  The separator can be any expression such as a template
        /// include or string cat expression etc...
        /// </summary>
        protected internal virtual String computeSeparator(StringTemplate self, StringTemplateWriter outWriter, Object separator)
            if (separator == null)
                return null;
            if (separator is StringTemplateAST)
                StringTemplateAST separatorTree = (StringTemplateAST) separator;
                // must evaluate, writing to a string so we can hand on to it
                ASTExpr e = new ASTExpr(getEnclosingTemplate(), separatorTree, null);
                System.IO.StringWriter buf = new System.IO.StringWriter();
                // create a new instance of whatever StringTemplateWriter
                // implementation they are using.  Default is AutoIndentWriter.
                // Defalut behavior is to indent but without
                // any prior indents surrounding this attribute expression
                StringTemplateWriter sw = null;
                System.Type writerClass = outWriter.GetType();
                    System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo ctor = writerClass.GetConstructor(new System.Type[]{typeof(System.IO.TextWriter)});
                    sw = (StringTemplateWriter) ctor.Invoke(new Object[]{buf});
                catch (System.Exception exc)
                    // default new AutoIndentWriter(buf)
                    self.error("cannot make implementation of StringTemplateWriter", exc);
                    sw = new AutoIndentWriter(buf);

                    e.write(self, sw);
                catch (System.IO.IOException ioe)
                    self.error("can't evaluate separator expression", ioe);
                return buf.ToString();
                // just in case we expand in the future and it's something else
                return separator.ToString();
Esempio n. 6
 /// <summary>To write out the value of an ASTExpr, invoke the evaluator in eval.g
 /// to walk the tree writing out the values.  For efficiency, don't
 /// compute a bunch of strings and then pack them together.  Write out directly.
 /// </summary>
 public override int write(StringTemplate self, StringTemplateWriter outWriter)
     if (exprTree == null || self == null || outWriter == null)
         return 0;
     //System.out.println("evaluating tree: "+exprTree.toStringList());
     ActionEvaluator eval = new ActionEvaluator(self, this, outWriter);
     int n = 0;
         n = eval.action(exprTree); // eval and write out tree
     catch (RecognitionException re)
         self.error("can't evaluate tree: " + exprTree.ToStringList(), re);
     return n;
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>Return o.getPropertyName() given o and propertyName.  If o is
        /// a stringtemplate then access it's attributes looking for propertyName
        /// instead (don't check any of the enclosing scopes; look directly into
        /// that object).  Also try isXXX() for booleans.  Allow HashMap,
        /// Hashtable as special case (grab value for key).
        /// </summary>
        /// <summary>
        /// Return o.getPropertyName() given o and propertyName.  If o is
        /// a stringtemplate then access it's attributes looking for propertyName
        /// instead (don't check any of the enclosing scopes; look directly into
        /// that object).  Also try isXXX() for booleans.  Allow HashMap,
        /// Hashtable as special case (grab value for key).
        /// </summary>
        public virtual Object getObjectProperty(StringTemplate self, object o, string propertyName)
            if (o == null || propertyName == null) {
                return null;

            Type c = o.GetType();
            Object value = null;

            // Special case: our automatically created Aggregates via
            // attribute name: "{obj.{prop1,prop2}}"
            if (c == typeof(StringTemplate.Aggregate)) {
                value = ((StringTemplate.Aggregate) o).get(propertyName);
                // Special case: if it's a template, pull property from
                // it's attribute table.
                // TODO: TJP just asked himself why we can't do inherited attr here?
            else if (c == typeof(StringTemplate)) {
                IDictionary attributes = ((StringTemplate) o).getAttributes();
                if ( attributes!=null ) {
                    value = attributes[propertyName];
                // Special case: if it's a HashMap, Hashtable then pull using
                // key not the property method.  Do NOT allow general Map interface
                // as people could pass in their database masquerading as a Map.
            else if ( isValidMapInstance(c) ) {
                IDictionary map = (IDictionary)o;
                value = map[propertyName];

            else {
                // lookup as property or accessor-method
                string lookupName = Char.ToUpper(propertyName[0])+

                //see if it's a property
                PropertyInfo pi = c.GetProperty(lookupName,
                    BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.IgnoreCase,
                    null, null, new Type[0], null);

                if (pi != null) {
                    value = pi.GetValue(o, null);
                else {
                    //see if it's a method
                    String methodName = "Get" + lookupName;
                    MethodInfo mi = c.GetMethod(methodName,
                        BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.IgnoreCase,
                        null, new Type[0], null);

                    if (mi == null) {
                        mi = c.GetMethod("Is" + lookupName,
                            BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.IgnoreCase,
                            null, new Type[0], null);

                    if (mi == null) {
                        self.error("Can't get property " +propertyName+ " as C# property '" +lookupName+
                            "' or as C# methods 'Get" +lookupName+ "' or 'Is" +lookupName+
                            "' from " +c.FullName+ " instance");
                    else {
                        value = mi.Invoke(o, null);

            return value;
        //throws RecognitionException
        public void singleTemplateArg(AST _t,
		StringTemplate embedded, IDictionary argumentContext
            antlr.stringtemplate.language.StringTemplateAST singleTemplateArg_AST_in = (antlr.stringtemplate.language.StringTemplateAST)_t;

            Object e = null;

            try {      // for error handling
            AST __t41 = _t;
            antlr.stringtemplate.language.StringTemplateAST tmp22_AST_in = (_t==ASTNULL) ? null : (antlr.stringtemplate.language.StringTemplateAST)_t;
            _t = _t.getFirstChild();
            _t = retTree_;
            _t = __t41;
            _t = _t.getNextSibling();

                    if ( e!=null ) {
                        String soleArgName = null;
                        // find the sole defined formal argument for embedded
                        bool error = false;
                        IDictionary formalArgs = embedded.getFormalArguments();
                        if ( formalArgs!=null )
                            ICollection argNames = formalArgs.Keys;
                            if ( argNames.Count==1 )
                                string[] argNamesArray = new string[argNames.Count];
                                soleArgName = argNamesArray[0];
                                //System.out.println("sole formal arg of "+embedded.getName()+" is "+soleArgName);
                        if ( error )
                            self.error("template "+embedded.getName()+
                                       " must have exactly one formal arg in template context "+

            catch (RecognitionException ex)
            if (null != _t)
                _t = _t.getNextSibling();
            retTree_ = _t;
        //throws RecognitionException
        public void argumentAssignment(AST _t,
		StringTemplate embedded, IDictionary argumentContext
            antlr.stringtemplate.language.StringTemplateAST argumentAssignment_AST_in = (antlr.stringtemplate.language.StringTemplateAST)_t;
            antlr.stringtemplate.language.StringTemplateAST arg = null;

            Object e = null;

            try {      // for error handling
            if (null == _t)
                _t = ASTNULL;
            switch ( _t.Type )
            case ASSIGN:
                AST __t43 = _t;
                antlr.stringtemplate.language.StringTemplateAST tmp20_AST_in = (_t==ASTNULL) ? null : (antlr.stringtemplate.language.StringTemplateAST)_t;
                _t = _t.getFirstChild();
                arg = (_t==ASTNULL) ? null : (antlr.stringtemplate.language.StringTemplateAST)_t;
                _t = _t.getNextSibling();
                _t = retTree_;
                _t = __t43;
                _t = _t.getNextSibling();

                        if ( e!=null ) {

            case DOTDOTDOT:
                antlr.stringtemplate.language.StringTemplateAST tmp21_AST_in = (_t==ASTNULL) ? null : (antlr.stringtemplate.language.StringTemplateAST)_t;
                _t = _t.getNextSibling();
                throw new NoViableAltException(_t);
            catch (RecognitionException ex)
            if (null != _t)
                _t = _t.getNextSibling();
            retTree_ = _t;
 public static void Main(System.String[] args)
     StringTemplateGroup group = new StringTemplateGroup("dummy");
     StringTemplate bold = group.defineTemplate("bold", "<b>$attr$</b>");
     StringTemplate banner = group.defineTemplate("banner", "the banner");
     StringTemplate st = new StringTemplate(group, "<html>\n" + "$banner(a=b)$" + "<p><b>$name$:$email$</b>" + "$if(member)$<i>$fontTag$member</font></i>$endif$");
     st.setAttribute("name", "Terence");
     st.setAttribute("name", "Tom");
     st.setAttribute("email", "*****@*****.**");
     st.setAttribute("templateAttr", bold);
     StringTemplateTreeView frame = new StringTemplateTreeView("StringTemplate JTree Example", st);
     //UPGRADE_TODO: Method 'java.awt.Component.setVisible' was converted to 'System.Windows.Forms.Control.Visible' which has a different behavior. 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.2003/commoner/redir/redirect.htm?keyword="jlca1073_javaawtComponentsetVisible_boolean_3"'
     //UPGRADE_TODO: 'System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run' must be called to start a main form. 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.2003/commoner/redir/redirect.htm?keyword="jlca1135_3"'
     frame.Visible = true;
Esempio n. 11
 public NewlineRef(StringTemplate enclosingTemplate, String str)
     : base(enclosingTemplate, str)
 public virtual void setEnclosingInstance(StringTemplate enclosingInstance)
     if (this == enclosingInstance)
         throw new System.ArgumentException("cannot embed template " + getName() + " in itself");
     // set the parent for this template
     this.enclosingInstance = enclosingInstance;
     // make the parent track this template as an embedded template
        /// <summary>Resolve an attribute reference.  It can be in three possible places:
        /// 1. the attribute list for the current template
        /// 2. if self is an embedded template, somebody invoked us possibly
        /// with arguments--check the argument context
        /// 3. if self is an embedded template, the attribute list for the enclosing
        /// instance (recursively up the enclosing instance chain)
        /// Attribute references are checked for validity.  If an attribute has
        /// a value, its validity was checked before template rendering.
        /// If the attribute has no value, then we must check to ensure it is a
        /// valid reference.  Somebody could reference any random value like $xyz$;
        /// formal arg checks before rendering cannot detect this--only the ref
        /// can initiate a validity check.  So, if no value, walk up the enclosed
        /// template tree again, this time checking formal parameters not
        /// attributes Map.  The formal definition must exist even if no value.
        /// To avoid infinite recursion in toString(), we have another condition
        /// to check regarding attribute values.  If your template has a formal
        /// argument, foo, then foo will hide any value available from "above"
        /// in order to prevent infinite recursion.
        /// This method is not static so people can overrided functionality.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual Object get(StringTemplate self, String attribute)
            //System.out.println("get("+self.getName()+", "+attribute+")");
            if (self == null)
                return null;

            if (lintMode)

            // is it here?
            Object o = null;
            if (self.attributes != null)
                o = self.attributes[attribute];

            // nope, check argument context in case embedded
            if (o == null)
                IDictionary argContext = self.getArgumentContext();
                if (argContext != null)
                    o = argContext[attribute];

            if (o == null && self.getFormalArgument(attribute) != null)
                // if you've defined attribute as formal arg for this
                // template and it has no value, do not look up the
                // enclosing dynamic scopes.  This avoids potential infinite
                // recursion.
                return null;

            // not locally defined, check enclosingInstance if embedded
            if (o == null && self.enclosingInstance != null)
                System.out.println("looking for "+getName()+"."+attribute+" in super="+
                Object valueFromEnclosing = get(self.enclosingInstance, attribute);
                if (valueFromEnclosing == null)
                    checkNullAttributeAgainstFormalArguments(self, attribute);
                o = valueFromEnclosing;

            return o;
 public virtual void addEmbeddedInstance(StringTemplate embeddedInstance)
     if (this.embeddedInstances == null)
         this.embeddedInstances = new ArrayList();
 /// <summary>Look up the enclosing instance chain (and include this) to see
 /// if st is a template already in the enclosing instance chain.
 /// </summary>
 public static bool isRecursiveEnclosingInstance(StringTemplate st)
     if (st == null)
         return false;
     StringTemplate p = st.enclosingInstance;
     if (p == st)
         return true; // self-recursive
     // now look for indirect recursion
     while (p != null)
         if (p == st)
             return true;
         p = p.enclosingInstance;
     return false;
 /** Create an evaluator using attributes from self */
 public ActionEvaluator(StringTemplate self, ASTExpr chunk, StringTemplateWriter @out)
     this.self = self;
     this.chunk = chunk;
     this.@out = @out;
        //throws RecognitionException
        /** self is assumed to be the enclosing context as foo(x=y) must find y in
         *  the template that encloses the ref to foo(x=y).  We must pass in
         *  the embedded template (the one invoked) so we can check formal args
         *  in rawSetArgumentAttribute.
        public IDictionary argList(AST _t,
		StringTemplate embedded, IDictionary initialContext
            IDictionary argumentContext=null;

            antlr.stringtemplate.language.StringTemplateAST argList_AST_in = (antlr.stringtemplate.language.StringTemplateAST)_t;

            argumentContext = initialContext;
            if ( argumentContext==null ) {
            argumentContext=new Hashtable();

            try {      // for error handling
            if (null == _t)
                _t = ASTNULL;
            switch ( _t.Type )
            case ARGS:
                AST __t37 = _t;
                antlr.stringtemplate.language.StringTemplateAST tmp19_AST_in = (_t==ASTNULL) ? null : (antlr.stringtemplate.language.StringTemplateAST)_t;
                _t = _t.getFirstChild();
                {    // ( ... )*
                    for (;;)
                        if (_t == null)
                            _t = ASTNULL;
                        if ((_t.Type==ASSIGN||_t.Type==DOTDOTDOT))
                            _t = retTree_;
                            goto _loop39_breakloop;

            _loop39_breakloop:					;
                }    // ( ... )*
                _t = __t37;
                _t = _t.getNextSibling();
            case SINGLEVALUEARG:
                _t = retTree_;
                throw new NoViableAltException(_t);
            catch (RecognitionException ex)
            if (null != _t)
                _t = _t.getNextSibling();
            retTree_ = _t;
            return argumentContext;
Esempio n. 18
        /// <summary>
        /// For names,phones:{n,p | ...} treat the names, phones as lists
        /// to be walked in lock step as n=names[i], p=phones[i].
        /// </summary>
        public virtual Object applyTemplateToListOfAttributes(StringTemplate self, IList attributes, StringTemplate templateToApply)
            if ( attributes==null || templateToApply==null || attributes.Count==0 )
                return null; // do not apply if missing templates or empty values
            IDictionary argumentContext = null;
            IList results = new ArrayList();

            // convert all attributes to iterators even if just one value
            for (int a = 0; a < attributes.Count; a++)
                Object o = attributes[a];
                o = convertAnythingToIterator(o);
                attributes[a] = o;

            int numAttributes = attributes.Count;

            // ensure arguments line up
            IDictionary formalArguments = templateToApply.getFormalArguments();
            if ( formalArguments==null || formalArguments.Count==0 )
                self.error("missing arguments in anonymous"+
                    " template in context "+self.getEnclosingInstanceStackString());
                return null;
            ICollection keys = formalArguments.Keys;
            Object[] formalArgumentNames = new object[keys.Count];
            if ( formalArgumentNames.Length!=numAttributes )
                self.error("number of arguments "+SupportClass.CollectionToString(formalArguments.Keys)+
                    " mismatch between attribute list and anonymous"+
                    " template in context "+self.getEnclosingInstanceStackString());
                // truncate arg list to match smaller size
                int shorterSize = Math.Min(formalArgumentNames.Length, numAttributes);
                numAttributes = shorterSize;
                Object[] newFormalArgumentNames = new Object[shorterSize];
                System.Array.Copy(formalArgumentNames, 0,
                    newFormalArgumentNames, 0,
                formalArgumentNames = newFormalArgumentNames;

            // keep walking while at least one attribute has values
            while ( true )
                argumentContext = new Hashtable();
                // get a value for each attribute in list; put into arg context
                // to simulate template invocation of anonymous template
                int numEmpty = 0;
                for (int a = 0; a < numAttributes; a++)
                    IEnumerator it = (IEnumerator)attributes[a];
                    if ( it.MoveNext() )
                        String argName = (String)formalArgumentNames[a];
                        Object iteratedValue = it.Current;
                        argumentContext[argName] = iteratedValue;
                if ( numEmpty==numAttributes )
                StringTemplate embedded = templateToApply.getInstanceOf();

            return results;
        //throws RecognitionException
        public Object attribute(AST _t)
            Object value=null;

            antlr.stringtemplate.language.StringTemplateAST attribute_AST_in = (antlr.stringtemplate.language.StringTemplateAST)_t;
            antlr.stringtemplate.language.StringTemplateAST prop = null;
            antlr.stringtemplate.language.StringTemplateAST i3 = null;
            antlr.stringtemplate.language.StringTemplateAST i = null;
            antlr.stringtemplate.language.StringTemplateAST s = null;
            antlr.stringtemplate.language.StringTemplateAST at = null;

            Object obj = null;
            String propName = null;
            Object e = null;

            try {      // for error handling
            if (null == _t)
                _t = ASTNULL;
            switch ( _t.Type )
            case DOT:
                AST __t33 = _t;
                antlr.stringtemplate.language.StringTemplateAST tmp6_AST_in = (_t==ASTNULL) ? null : (antlr.stringtemplate.language.StringTemplateAST)_t;
                _t = _t.getFirstChild();
                _t = retTree_;
                    if (null == _t)
                        _t = ASTNULL;
                    switch ( _t.Type )
                    case ID:
                        prop = (_t==ASTNULL) ? null : (antlr.stringtemplate.language.StringTemplateAST)_t;
                        _t = _t.getNextSibling();
                        propName = prop.getText();
                    case VALUE:
                        AST __t35 = _t;
                        antlr.stringtemplate.language.StringTemplateAST tmp7_AST_in = (_t==ASTNULL) ? null : (antlr.stringtemplate.language.StringTemplateAST)_t;
                        _t = _t.getFirstChild();
                        _t = retTree_;
                        _t = __t35;
                        _t = _t.getNextSibling();
                        if (e!=null) {propName=e.ToString();}
                        throw new NoViableAltException(_t);
                _t = __t33;
                _t = _t.getNextSibling();
                value = chunk.getObjectProperty(self,obj,propName);
            case ID:
                i3 = (_t==ASTNULL) ? null : (antlr.stringtemplate.language.StringTemplateAST)_t;
                _t = _t.getNextSibling();


            case INT:
                i = (_t==ASTNULL) ? null : (antlr.stringtemplate.language.StringTemplateAST)_t;
                _t = _t.getNextSibling();
            case STRING:
                s = (_t==ASTNULL) ? null : (antlr.stringtemplate.language.StringTemplateAST)_t;
                _t = _t.getNextSibling();


            case ANONYMOUS_TEMPLATE:
                at = (_t==ASTNULL) ? null : (antlr.stringtemplate.language.StringTemplateAST)_t;
                _t = _t.getNextSibling();

                        if ( at.getText()!=null ) {
                            StringTemplate valueST =new StringTemplate(self.getGroup(), at.getText());
                            valueST.setName("<anonymous template argument>");
                            value = valueST;

                throw new NoViableAltException(_t);
            catch (RecognitionException ex)
            if (null != _t)
                _t = _t.getNextSibling();
            retTree_ = _t;
            return value;
Esempio n. 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluate an argument list within the context of the enclosing
        /// template but store the values in the context of self, the
        /// new embedded template.  For example, bold(item=item) means
        /// that bold.item should get the value of enclosing.item.
        ///	</summary>
        protected internal virtual void evaluateArguments(StringTemplate self)
            StringTemplateAST argumentsAST = self.getArgumentsAST();
            if (argumentsAST == null || argumentsAST.getFirstChild() == null)
                // return immediately if missing tree or no actual args
                return ;
            // Evaluate args in the context of the enclosing template, but we
            // need the predefined args like 'it', 'attr', and 'i' to be
            // available as well so we put a dummy ST between the enclosing
            // context and the embedded context.  The dummy has the predefined
            // context as does the embedded.
            StringTemplate enclosing = self.getEnclosingInstance();
            StringTemplate argContextST = new StringTemplate(self.getGroup(), "");
            argContextST.setName("<invoke "+self.getName()+" arg context>");

            ActionEvaluator eval = new ActionEvaluator(argContextST, this, null);
                // using any initial argument context (such as when obj is set),
                // evaluate the arg list like bold(item=obj).  Since we pass
                // in any existing arg context, that context gets filled with
                // new values.  With bold(item=obj), context becomes:
                // {[obj=...],[item=...]}.
                IDictionary ac = eval.argList(argumentsAST, self, self.getArgumentContext());
            catch (RecognitionException re)
                self.error("can't evaluate tree: " + argumentsAST.ToStringList(), re);
Esempio n. 21
        public virtual Object applyListOfAlternatingTemplates(StringTemplate self, Object attributeValue, IList templatesToApply)
            if (attributeValue == null || templatesToApply == null || templatesToApply.Count == 0) {
                return null; // do not apply if missing templates or empty value

            StringTemplate embedded = null;
            IDictionary argumentContext = null;

            // normalize collections and such to use iterators
            // anything iteratable can be used for "APPLY"
            attributeValue = convertAnythingIteratableToIterator(attributeValue);

            if (attributeValue is IEnumerator) {
                IList resultVector = new ArrayList();
                IEnumerator iter = (IEnumerator) attributeValue;
                int i = 0;

                while (iter.MoveNext()) {
                    Object ithValue = iter.Current;

                    if (ithValue == null) {
                        // weird...a null value in the list; ignore

                    // rotate through
                    int templateIndex = i % templatesToApply.Count;
                    embedded = (StringTemplate) templatesToApply[templateIndex];

                    // template to apply is an actual StringTemplate (created in
                    // eval.g), but that is used as the examplar.  We must create
                    // a new instance of the embedded template to apply each time
                    // to get new attribute sets etc...
                    StringTemplateAST args = embedded.getArgumentsAST();
                    embedded = embedded.getInstanceOf(); // make new instance

                    argumentContext = new Hashtable();
                    argumentContext[DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_NAME] = ithValue;
                    argumentContext[DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_DEPRECATED] = ithValue;
                    argumentContext[DEFAULT_INDEX_VARIABLE_NAME] = i + 1;


                    System.err.println("i="+i+": applyTemplate("+embedded.getName()+
                    ", args="+argumentContext+
                    " to attribute value "+ithValue);


                return resultVector;
            else {
                Console.WriteLine("setting attribute "+DefaultAttributeName+" in arg context of "+
                " to "+attributeValue);
                embedded = (StringTemplate) templatesToApply[0];

                argumentContext = new Hashtable();
                argumentContext[DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_NAME] = attributeValue;
                argumentContext[DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_DEPRECATED] = attributeValue;
                argumentContext[DEFAULT_INDEX_VARIABLE_NAME] = 1;

                return embedded;
Esempio n. 22
 protected void setSoleFormalArgumentToIthValue(StringTemplate embedded, IDictionary argumentContext, Object ithValue)
     IDictionary formalArgs = embedded.getFormalArguments();
     if ( formalArgs!=null )
         String soleArgName = null;
         bool isAnonymous = embedded.getName().Equals(StringTemplate.ANONYMOUS_ST_NAME);
         if ( formalArgs.Count==1 || (isAnonymous&&formalArgs.Count>0) )
             if ( isAnonymous && formalArgs.Count>1 )
                 embedded.error("too many arguments on {...} template: "+formalArgs);
             // if exactly 1 arg or anonymous, give that the value of
             // "it" as a convenience like they said
             // $list:template(arg=it)$
             ICollection argNames = formalArgs.Keys;
             string[] argNamesArray = new string[argNames.Count];
             soleArgName = argNamesArray[0];
             argumentContext[soleArgName] = ithValue;
Esempio n. 23
 /// <summary>Call a string template with args and return result.  Do not convert
 /// to a string yet.  It may need attributes that will be available after
 /// this is inserted into another template.
 /// </summary>
 public virtual StringTemplate getTemplateInclude(StringTemplate enclosing, String templateName, StringTemplateAST argumentsAST)
     StringTemplateGroup group = enclosing.getGroup();
     StringTemplate embedded = group.getEmbeddedInstanceOf(enclosing, templateName);
     if (embedded == null)
         enclosing.error("cannot make embedded instance of " + templateName + " in template " + enclosing.getName());
         return null;
     return embedded;
 public virtual StringTemplate getEmbeddedInstanceOf(StringTemplate enclosingInstance, String name)
     StringTemplate st = getInstanceOf(name);
     return st;
Esempio n. 25
 /// <summary>How to spit out an object.  If it's not a StringTemplate nor a
 /// List, just do o.toString().  If it's a StringTemplate,
 /// do o.write(out).  If it's a Vector, do a write(out,
 /// o.elementAt(i)) for all elements.  Note that if you do
 /// something weird like set the values of a multivalued tag
 /// to be vectors, it will effectively flatten it.
 /// If self is an embedded template, you might have specified
 /// a separator arg; used when is a vector.
 /// </summary>
 public virtual int writeAttribute(StringTemplate self, Object o, StringTemplateWriter outWriter)
     Object separator = null;
     if (options != null)
         separator = options["separator"];
     return write(self, o, outWriter, separator);
        public override String ToString()
            System.Text.StringBuilder buf = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            IEnumerator iter = templates.Keys.GetEnumerator();
            buf.Append("group " + getName() + ";\n");
            StringTemplate formalArgs = new StringTemplate("$args;separator=\",\"$");

            while (iter.MoveNext())
                String tname = (String) iter.Current;
                StringTemplate st = (StringTemplate) templates[tname];
                if (st != NOT_FOUND_ST)
                    formalArgs = formalArgs.getInstanceOf();
                    formalArgs.setAttribute("args", st.getFormArguments());
                    buf.Append(tname + "(" + formalArgs + ") ::= ");
            return buf.ToString();
Esempio n. 27
 protected internal virtual void evaluateArguments(StringTemplate self)
     StringTemplateAST argumentsAST = self.getArgumentsAST();
     if (argumentsAST == null || argumentsAST.getFirstChild() == null)
         // return immediately if missing tree or no actual args
         return ;
     ActionEvaluator eval = new ActionEvaluator(self, this, null);
         // using any initial argument context (such as when obj is set),
         // evaluate the arg list like bold(item=obj).  Since we pass
         // in any existing arg context, that context gets filled with
         // new values.  With bold(item=obj), context becomes:
         // {[obj=...],[item=...]}.
         IDictionary ac = eval.argList(argumentsAST, self.getArgumentContext());
     catch (RecognitionException re)
         self.error("can't evaluate tree: " + argumentsAST.ToStringList(), re);
Esempio n. 28
 public StringRef(StringTemplate enclosingTemplate, String str)
     : base(enclosingTemplate)
     this.str = str;
Esempio n. 29
 public ASTExpr(StringTemplate enclosingTemplate, AST exprTree, IDictionary options)
     : base(enclosingTemplate)
     this.exprTree = exprTree;
     this.options = options;
 /// <summary>Find "missing attribute" and "cardinality mismatch" errors.
 /// Excecuted before a template writes its chunks out.
 /// When you find a problem, throw an IllegalArgumentException.
 /// We must check the attributes as well as the incoming arguments
 /// in argumentContext.
 /// protected void checkAttributesAgainstFormalArguments() {
 /// Set args = formalArguments.keySet();
 /// /*
 /// if ( (attributes==null||attributes.size()==0) &&
 /// (argumentContext==null||argumentContext.size()==0) &&
 /// formalArguments.size()!=0 )
 /// {
 /// throw new IllegalArgumentException("missing argument(s): "+args+" in template "+getName());
 /// }
 /// Iterator iter = args.iterator();
 /// while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
 /// String argName = (String);
 /// FormalArgument arg = getFormalArgument(argName);
 /// int expectedCardinality = arg.getCardinality();
 /// Object value = getAttribute(argName);
 /// int actualCardinality = getActualArgumentCardinality(value);
 /// // if intersection of expected and actual is empty, mismatch
 /// if ( (expectedCardinality&actualCardinality)==0 ) {
 /// throw new IllegalArgumentException("cardinality mismatch: "+
 /// argName+"; expected "+
 /// FormalArgument.getCardinalityName(expectedCardinality)+
 /// " found cardinality="+getObjectLength(value));
 /// }
 /// }
 /// }
 /// </summary>
 /// <summary>A reference to an attribute with no value, must be compared against
 /// the formal parameter to see if it exists; if it exists all is well,
 /// but if not, throw an exception.
 /// Don't do the check if no formal parameters exist for this template;
 /// ask enclosing.
 /// </summary>
 protected internal virtual void checkNullAttributeAgainstFormalArguments(StringTemplate self, String attribute)
     if (self.getFormArguments() == FormalArgument.UNKNOWN)
         // bypass unknown arg lists
         if (self.enclosingInstance != null)
             checkNullAttributeAgainstFormalArguments(self.enclosingInstance, attribute);
         return ;
     FormalArgument formalArg = lookupFormalArgument(attribute);
     if (formalArg == null)
         throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("attribute", "no such attribute: " + attribute);