public static void dijkstra(priorityQueue pq) { while (!pq.IsEmpty())//v homa 3shan 3mleen el tre2a el tanya enhom msh by7oto kol el nodes { Node minNode = pq.GetMin(); if (minNode.color != "b")//theta (e' log v') { //element: shayl id-->.key, w TUPLE-->.value(.value.Item1, .value.Item2) foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Tuple <double, double> > element in minNode.neighbours)//e { nodeList[element.Key].color = "g"; double time = element.Value.Item1 / element.Value.Item2; //relaxation if (nodeList[element.Key].weight > time + (minNode.weight)) { nodeList[element.Key].weight = time + (minNode.weight); //set neighbours parent to minNode ID nodeList[element.Key].parent =; pq.heapifyUp(nodeList[element.Key].indexInQueue);//log v } } minNode.color = "b"; //speeding up Dijkstra: law el minNode hia el distination, w 5lst kol el neighbours bto3ha(black) // f ana msh m7taga akml ba2y el nodes if ( == maxID + 1)//destination { break; } } pq.Dequeue();//theta of v } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Stopwatch totalExecutionTime = Stopwatch.StartNew(); StreamReader mapFile; mapFile = new StreamReader("map1.txt"); Console.SetIn(mapFile); //call function readFile to read nodes and edges string[] mapLines = readFile(mapFile); int originalNodesSize = int.Parse(mapLines[0]); mapFile = new StreamReader("queries1.txt"); Console.SetIn(mapFile); // call function readFile to read queries string[] queryLines = readFile(mapFile); int queryCount = int.Parse(queryLines[0]); constructGraph(mapLines); double source_X = 0, source_Y = 0, destination_X = 0, destination_Y = 0, radius = 0; Stopwatch queryExecutionTime = Stopwatch.StartNew(); for (int i = 1; i <= queryCount; i++) { string[] line = queryLines[i].Split(' '); source_X = double.Parse(line[0]); source_Y = double.Parse(line[1]); destination_X = double.Parse(line[2]); destination_Y = double.Parse(line[3]); radius = double.Parse(line[4]); radius /= 1000; nodesWithinRadius(originalNodesSize, source_X, source_Y, destination_X, destination_Y, radius); //adding destination node and source node to the graph Node destinationNode = new Node(maxID + 1, destination_X, destination_Y); Node sourceNode = new Node(maxID + 2, source_X, source_Y); sourceNode.weight = 0; sourceNode.parent = -1; add_Source_Destination(sourceNode, destinationNode, originalNodesSize); // construct el min-heap priorityQueue pq = new priorityQueue(); foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Node> element in nodeList) { element.Value.indexInQueue = pq.siz; //bmshy 3la el nodeList w ba5od id el dictionary w ab3t el value bta3toh (Node) pq.Enqueue(nodeList[element.Key]); } //get min time dijkstra(pq); double totalDistance = getTotalDistance(); //shortest path string shortestPathStr = ""; for (int p = shortestPath.Count - 1; p >= 0; p--) { if (p != 0) { shortestPathStr += shortestPath[p].ToString() + " "; } else { shortestPathStr += shortestPath[p]; } } //Console.WriteLine("shortestpath " + shortestPathStr); double totalTime = nodeList[maxID + 1].weight; totalTime *= 60; //Console.WriteLine("Time = " + totalTime.ToString("F2") + " mins"); //Console.WriteLine("Distance = " + totalDistance.ToString("F2") + " km"); //Console.WriteLine("Walking Distance = " + (walkingFromSource + walkingToDistination).ToString("F2") + " km"); //Console.WriteLine("Vehicle Distance = " + getVehicleDistance(totalDistance).ToString("F2") + " km"); //Console.WriteLine(); //Console.WriteLine("Executoin Time: " + queryExecutionTime.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms"); //Console.WriteLine(); //writing in file allLines.Add(shortestPathStr.ToString()); allLines.Add(totalTime.ToString("F2") + " mins"); allLines.Add(totalDistance.ToString("F2") + " km"); allLines.Add((walkingFromSource + walkingToDistination).ToString("F2") + " km"); allLines.Add(getVehicleDistance(totalDistance).ToString("F2") + " km"); allLines.Add("\n"); //msh 3ayz kda 3ayz ytal3 el total time l kol el queiries // allLines.Add(queryExecutionTime.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString() + " ms"); //if (i != queryCount) // allLines.Add("\n"); //remove source and destination from the graph remove_Source_Destination(); nearestToDestination.Clear(); //O(S) nearestToSource.Clear(); //O(D) shortestPath.Clear(); }//num of queries queryExecutionTime.Stop();//homa ele alo kda :'D allLines.Add(queryExecutionTime.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString() + " ms"); // allLines.Add("\n"); totalExecutionTime.Stop(); allLines.Add("\n"); //Console.WriteLine(totalExecutionTime.ElapsedMilliseconds); allLines.Add(totalExecutionTime.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString() + " ms"); System.IO.File.WriteAllLines("C:\\Users\\Mai Nour Al-Deen\\Desktop\\map1output.txt", allLines); }