public bool ExistingAccount_Quote(int sessionID)
            //method variable
            bool exist = false;

            //establishes a connection and includes sql statement to pull from account_quotes
            string           sqlConnectString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["myDB"].ConnectionString;
            string           sqlSelect        = "SELECT * FROM account_quotes WHERE accountID=" + sessionID;
            MySqlConnection  sqlConnection    = new MySqlConnection(sqlConnectString);
            MySqlCommand     sqlCommand       = new MySqlCommand(sqlSelect, sqlConnection);
            MySqlDataAdapter sqlDa            = new MySqlDataAdapter(sqlCommand);
            DataTable        sqlDt            = new DataTable();


            //checks to see if the account is here
            LogonInfo toReturn = new LogonInfo();

            toReturn.successfulLogon = false;
            if (sqlDt.Rows.Count > 0)
                exist = true;
                exist = false;

        [WebMethod(EnableSession = true)] //NOTICE: gotta enable session on each individual method
        public LogonInfo LogOn(string email, string password)
            //we return this flag to tell them if they logged in or not
            bool success = false;

            //our connection string comes from our web.config file like we talked about earlier
            string sqlConnectString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["myDB"].ConnectionString;
            //here's our query.  A basic select with nothing fancy.  Note the parameters that begin with @
            //NOTICE: we added admin to what we pull, so that we can store it along with the id in the session
            string sqlSelect = "SELECT * FROM account WHERE email=@emailValue and password=@passValue";

            //set up our connection object to be ready to use our connection string
            MySqlConnection sqlConnection = new MySqlConnection(sqlConnectString);
            //set up our command object to use our connection, and our query
            MySqlCommand sqlCommand = new MySqlCommand(sqlSelect, sqlConnection);

            //tell our command to replace the @parameters with real values
            //we decode them because they came to us via the web so they were encoded
            //for transmission (funky characters escaped, mostly)
            sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@emailValue", HttpUtility.UrlDecode(email));
            sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@passValue", HttpUtility.UrlDecode(password));

            //a data adapter acts like a bridge between our command object and
            //the data we are trying to get back and put in a table object
            MySqlDataAdapter sqlDa = new MySqlDataAdapter(sqlCommand);
            //here's the table we want to fill with the results from our query
            DataTable sqlDt = new DataTable();

            //here we go filling it!
            //check to see if any rows were returned.  If they were, it means it's
            //a legit account
            LogonInfo toReturn = new LogonInfo();

            toReturn.successfulLogon = false;
            if (sqlDt.Rows.Count > 0)
                //if we found an account, store the id and admin status in the session
                //so we can check those values later on other method calls to see if they
                //are 1) logged in at all, and 2) and admin or not
                Session["accountID"] = sqlDt.Rows[0]["accountID"];
                //Session["AdminAbility"] = sqlDt.Rows[0]["AdminAbility"];
                //Session["activeAccount"] = sqlDt.Rows[0]["activeAccount"];
                //Session["adminAbility"] = sqlDt.Rows[0]["adminAbility"];
                success = true;
                toReturn.successfulLogon = true;
                if (sqlDt.Rows[0]["AdminAbility"].ToString() == "True")
                    toReturn.admin = true;
                    toReturn.admin = false;

                if (sqlDt.Rows[0]["activeAccount"].ToString() == "True")
           = true;
           = false;
                toReturn.accountID = sqlDt.Rows[0]["accountID"].ToString();
            //return the result!
        } // end of LogOn