Esempio n. 1
        // Classic Expectimax search
        public Move ExpectimaxAlgorithm(State state, int depth, WeightVector weights)
            Move bestMove;

            if (depth == 0 || state.IsGameOver())
                if (state.Player == GameEngine.PLAYER)
                    bestMove = new PlayerMove(); // dummy action, as there will be no valid move
                    bestMove.Score = AI.EvaluateWithWeights(state, weights);
                    return bestMove;
                else if (state.Player == GameEngine.COMPUTER)
                    bestMove = new ComputerMove(); // dummy action, as there will be no valid move
                    bestMove.Score = AI.EvaluateWithWeights(state, weights);
                    return bestMove;
                else throw new Exception();
            if (state.Player == GameEngine.PLAYER) // AI's turn
                bestMove = new PlayerMove();
                double highestScore = Double.MinValue, currentScore = Double.MinValue;

                List<Move> moves = state.GetMoves();
                foreach (Move move in moves)
                    State resultingState = state.ApplyMove(move);
                    currentScore = ExpectimaxAlgorithm(resultingState, depth - 1, weights).Score;
                    if (currentScore > highestScore)
                        highestScore = currentScore;
                        bestMove = move;
                bestMove.Score = highestScore;
                return bestMove;
            else if (state.Player == GameEngine.COMPUTER) // computer's turn  (the random event node)
                bestMove = new ComputerMove();

                // return the weighted average of all the child nodes's scores
                double average = 0;
                List<Cell> availableCells = state.GetAvailableCells();
                List<Move> moves = state.GetAllComputerMoves(availableCells);
                foreach (Move move in moves)
                    State resultingState = state.ApplyMove(move);

                    average += StateProbability(((ComputerMove)move).Tile) * ExpectimaxAlgorithm(resultingState, depth - 1, weights).Score;
                bestMove.Score = average / moves.Count;
                return bestMove;
            else throw new Exception();
Esempio n. 2
        // Runs a parallel version of iterative deepening
        // A search is started in a separate thread for each child of root node
        private Move ParallelIterativeDeepening(State state, double timeLimit)
            Move bestMove = new PlayerMove();

            List<Move> moves = state.GetMoves();
            ConcurrentBag<Tuple<double, Move>> scores = new ConcurrentBag<Tuple<double, Move>>();

            if (moves.Count == 0)
                // game over
                return bestMove;

            // create the resulting states before starting the threads
            List<State> resultingStates = new List<State>();
            foreach (Move move in moves)
                State resultingState = state.ApplyMove(move);

            Parallel.ForEach(resultingStates, resultingState =>
                double score = IterativeDeepening(resultingState, timeLimit).Score;
                scores.Add(new Tuple<double, Move>(score, resultingState.GeneratingMove));
            // find the best score
            double highestScore = Double.MinValue;
            foreach (Tuple<double, Move> score in scores)
                PlayerMove move = (PlayerMove)score.Item2;
                if (score.Item1 > highestScore)
                    highestScore = score.Item1;
                    bestMove = score.Item2;
            return bestMove;
Esempio n. 3
        // Standard Minimax search with no pruning
        Move MinimaxAlgorithm(State state, int depth)
            Move bestMove;

            if (depth == 0 || state.IsGameOver())
                if (state.Player == GameEngine.PLAYER)
                    bestMove = new PlayerMove();
                    bestMove.Score = AI.Evaluate(state);
                    return bestMove;
                else if (state.Player == GameEngine.COMPUTER)
                    bestMove = new ComputerMove();
                    bestMove.Score = AI.Evaluate(state);
                    return bestMove;
                else throw new Exception();

            if (state.Player == GameEngine.PLAYER)
                bestMove = new PlayerMove();

                double highestScore = Double.MinValue, currentScore = Double.MinValue;
                List<Move> moves = state.GetMoves();

                foreach (Move move in moves)
                    State resultingState = state.ApplyMove(move);
                    currentScore = MinimaxAlgorithm(resultingState, depth - 1).Score;

                    if (currentScore > highestScore)
                        highestScore = currentScore;
                        bestMove = move;
                bestMove.Score = highestScore;
                return bestMove;
            else if (state.Player == GameEngine.COMPUTER)
                bestMove = new ComputerMove();

                double lowestScore = Double.MaxValue, currentScore = Double.MaxValue;
                List<Move> moves = state.GetMoves();

                foreach (Move move in moves)
                    State resultingState = state.ApplyMove(move);
                    currentScore = MinimaxAlgorithm(resultingState, depth - 1).Score;

                    if (currentScore < lowestScore)
                        lowestScore = currentScore;
                        bestMove = move;
                bestMove.Score = lowestScore;
                return bestMove;
            else throw new Exception();
Esempio n. 4
        // MAX part of Minimax (with alpha-beta pruning)
        Move Max(State state, int depth, double alpha, double beta)
            Move bestMove = new PlayerMove();

            double highestScore = Double.MinValue, currentScore = Double.MinValue;

            List<Move> moves = state.GetMoves();

            if (depth == chosenDepth)
                int numMax = moves.Count;

            if (debug)
                logger.writeParent(state, chosenDepth - depth);

            foreach (Move move in moves)
                State resultingState = state.ApplyMove(move);
                currentScore = AlphaBeta(resultingState, depth - 1, alpha, beta).Score;

                if (debug)
                    logger.writeChild(resultingState, chosenDepth - depth, currentScore);

                if (currentScore > highestScore)
                    highestScore = currentScore;
                    bestMove = move;
                alpha = Math.Max(alpha, highestScore);
                if (beta <= alpha)
                { // beta cut-off

            bestMove.Score = highestScore;
            return bestMove;
Esempio n. 5
        // recursive part of the minimax algorithm when used in iterative deepening search
        // checks at each recursion if timeLimit has been reached
        // if is has, it cuts of the search and returns the best move found so far, along with a boolean indicating that the search was not fully completed
        private Tuple<Move, Boolean> IterativeDeepeningAlphaBeta(State state, int depth, double alpha, double beta, double timeLimit, Stopwatch timer)
            Move bestMove;

            if (depth == 0 || state.IsGameOver())
                if (state.Player == GameEngine.PLAYER)
                    bestMove = new PlayerMove(); // dummy action, as there will be no valid move
                    bestMove.Score = AI.Evaluate(state);
                    return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, true);
                else if (state.Player == GameEngine.COMPUTER)
                    bestMove = new ComputerMove(); // dummy action, as there will be no valid move
                    bestMove.Score = AI.Evaluate(state);
                    return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, true);
                else throw new Exception();
            if (state.Player == GameEngine.PLAYER) // AI's turn
                bestMove = new PlayerMove();

                double highestScore = Double.MinValue, currentScore = Double.MinValue;

                List<Move> moves = state.GetMoves();

                foreach (Move move in moves)
                    State resultingState = state.ApplyMove(move);
                    currentScore = IterativeDeepeningAlphaBeta(resultingState, depth - 1, alpha, beta, timeLimit, timer).Item1.Score;

                    if (currentScore > highestScore)
                        highestScore = currentScore;
                        bestMove = move;
                    alpha = Math.Max(alpha, highestScore);
                    if (beta <= alpha)
                    { // beta cut-off

                    if (timer.ElapsedMilliseconds > timeLimit)
                        bestMove.Score = highestScore;
                        return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, false); // recursion not completed, return false
                bestMove.Score = highestScore;
                return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, true);

            else if (state.Player == GameEngine.COMPUTER) // computer's turn  (the random event node)
                bestMove = new ComputerMove();
                double lowestScore = Double.MaxValue, currentScore = Double.MaxValue;

                List<Move> moves = state.GetMoves();

                foreach (Move move in moves)
                    State resultingState = state.ApplyMove(move);
                    currentScore = IterativeDeepeningAlphaBeta(resultingState, depth - 1, alpha, beta, timeLimit, timer).Item1.Score;

                    if (currentScore < lowestScore)
                        lowestScore = currentScore;
                        bestMove = move;
                    beta = Math.Min(beta, lowestScore);
                    if (beta <= alpha)

                    if (timer.ElapsedMilliseconds > timeLimit)
                        bestMove.Score = lowestScore;
                        return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, false); // recursion not completed, return false
                bestMove.Score = lowestScore;
                return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, true);
            else throw new Exception();
Esempio n. 6
 // runs minimax with alpha beta pruning
 Move AlphaBeta(State state, int depth, double alpha, double beta)
     Move bestMove;
     if (depth == 0 || state.IsGameOver())
         if (state.Player == GameEngine.PLAYER)
             bestMove = new PlayerMove();
             bestMove.Score = AI.Evaluate(state);
             return bestMove;
         else if (state.Player == GameEngine.COMPUTER)
             bestMove = new ComputerMove();
             bestMove.Score = AI.Evaluate(state);
             return bestMove;
         else throw new Exception();
     if (state.Player == GameEngine.PLAYER)
         return Max(state, depth, alpha, beta);
         return Min(state, depth, alpha, beta);
Esempio n. 7
        // Executes the user action by updating the board representation
        public int SendUserAction(PlayerMove action)
            int value = -1;
            if (action.Direction == DIRECTION.DOWN)
                value = DownPressed();
            if (action.Direction == DIRECTION.UP)
                value = UpPressed();
            if (action.Direction == DIRECTION.LEFT)
                value = LeftPressed();
            if (action.Direction == DIRECTION.RIGHT)
                value = RightPressed();

            return value;
Esempio n. 8
        // Runs an entire game using parallelized MCTS limited by time
        public State RunRootParallelizationTimeLimitedMCTS(bool print, int timeLimit, int numThreads)
            State rootState = null;

            while (true)
                rootState = new State(BoardHelper.CloneBoard(this.gameEngine.board), this.gameEngine.scoreController.getScore(), GameEngine.PLAYER);

                if (print)
                DIRECTION result = RootParallelizationMCTSTimeLimited(rootState, timeLimit, numThreads);
                PlayerMove move = new PlayerMove();
                move.Direction = result;
                if (result == (DIRECTION)(-1))
                    // game over
                    return rootState;
Esempio n. 9
        // Runs a game with the user playing
        private static void StartGame()
            GameEngine game = new GameEngine();
            bool gameOver = false;

            // main game loop
            while (!gameOver)
                Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 0);
                Console.WriteLine("Score: " + game.scoreController.getScore() + "              ");
                DIRECTION direction = GetUserInput();
                Move move = new PlayerMove(direction);
                if (new State(game.board, game.scoreController.getScore(), GameEngine.PLAYER).IsGameOver())
                    gameOver = true;
            Console.WriteLine("Game over! Final score: " + game.scoreController.getScore());
Esempio n. 10
        // Recursive part of iterative deepening Expectimax with star 1 pruning
        private Tuple<Move, Boolean> RecursiveIterativeDeepeningExpectimaxWithStar1(State state, double alpha, double beta, int depth,
            int timeLimit, Stopwatch timer, WeightVector weights)
            Move bestMove;

            if (depth == 0 || state.IsGameOver())
                if (state.Player == GameEngine.PLAYER)
                    bestMove = new PlayerMove(); // dummy action, as there will be no valid move
                    bestMove.Score = AI.EvaluateWithWeights(state, weights);
                    return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, true);
                else if (state.Player == GameEngine.COMPUTER)
                    bestMove = new ComputerMove(); // dummy action, as there will be no valid move
                    bestMove.Score = AI.EvaluateWithWeights(state, weights);
                    return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, true); ;
                else throw new Exception();
            if (state.Player == GameEngine.PLAYER)
                bestMove = new PlayerMove();
                double highestScore = Double.MinValue, currentScore = Double.MinValue;

                List<Move> moves = state.GetMoves();
                foreach (Move move in moves)
                    State resultingState = state.ApplyMove(move);
                    currentScore = RecursiveIterativeDeepeningExpectimaxWithStar1(resultingState, alpha, beta, depth - 1, timeLimit, timer, weights).Item1.Score;
                    if (currentScore > highestScore)
                        highestScore = currentScore;
                        bestMove = move;
                    alpha = Math.Max(alpha, highestScore);
                    if (beta <= alpha)
                    { // beta cut-off
                    if (timer.ElapsedMilliseconds > timeLimit)
                        bestMove.Score = highestScore;
                        return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, false); // recursion not completed, return false

                bestMove.Score = highestScore;
                return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, true);
            else if (state.Player == GameEngine.COMPUTER) // computer's turn  (the random event node)
                bestMove = new ComputerMove();

                List<Cell> availableCells = state.GetAvailableCells();
                List<Move> moves = state.GetAllComputerMoves(availableCells);

                int numSuccessors = moves.Count;
                double upperBound = AI.GetUpperBound(weights);
                double lowerBound = AI.GetLowerBound(weights);
                double curAlpha = numSuccessors * (alpha - upperBound) + upperBound;
                double curBeta = numSuccessors * (beta - lowerBound) + lowerBound;

                double scoreSum = 0;
                int i = 1;
                foreach (Move move in moves)

                    double sucAlpha = Math.Max(curAlpha, lowerBound);
                    double sucBeta = Math.Min(curBeta, upperBound);

                    State resultingState = state.ApplyMove(move);

                    double score = StateProbability(((ComputerMove)move).Tile) *
                        RecursiveIterativeDeepeningExpectimaxWithStar1(resultingState, sucAlpha, sucBeta, depth - 1, timeLimit, timer, weights).Item1.Score;
                    scoreSum += score;
                    if (score <= curAlpha)
                        scoreSum += upperBound * (numSuccessors - i);
                        bestMove.Score = scoreSum / numSuccessors;
                        return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, true); // pruning
                    if (score >= curBeta)
                        scoreSum += lowerBound * (numSuccessors - i);
                        bestMove.Score = scoreSum / numSuccessors;
                        return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, true); // pruning
                    if (timer.ElapsedMilliseconds > timeLimit)
                        bestMove.Score = scoreSum / i;
                        return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, false); // recursion not completed, return false
                    curAlpha += upperBound - score;
                    curBeta += lowerBound - score;


                bestMove.Score = scoreSum / numSuccessors;
                return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, true);

            else throw new Exception();
Esempio n. 11
        // Runs a parallel expectimax search to speed up search
        // A search is started in a separate thread for each child of the given root node
        // This method should only be called for the the root, where depth will always
        // be > 0 and player will always be GameEngine.PLAYER - the recursion is started
        // for the children of the root using standard Expectimax algorithm
        private Move ParallelExpectimax(State state, int depth, WeightVector weights)
            Move bestMove = new PlayerMove();

            List<Move> moves = state.GetMoves();
            ConcurrentBag<Tuple<double, Move>> scores = new ConcurrentBag<Tuple<double, Move>>();

            if (moves.Count == 0)
                // game over
                return bestMove;

            // create the resulting states before starting the threads
            List<State> resultingStates = new List<State>();
            foreach (Move move in moves)
                State resultingState = state.ApplyMove(move);

            // start a thread for each child
            Parallel.ForEach(resultingStates, resultingState =>
                double score = ExpectimaxAlgorithm(resultingState, depth - 1, weights).Score;
                scores.Add(new Tuple<double, Move>(score, resultingState.GeneratingMove));
            // find the best score
            double highestScore = Double.MinValue;
            foreach (Tuple<double, Move> score in scores)
                PlayerMove move = (PlayerMove)score.Item2;
                if (score.Item1 > highestScore)
                    highestScore = score.Item1;
                    bestMove = score.Item2;
            return bestMove;
Esempio n. 12
        // Recursive part of iterative deepening Expectimax
        private Tuple<Move, Boolean> IterativeDeepeningExpectimax(State state, int depth, double timeLimit, Stopwatch timer, WeightVector weights)
            Move bestMove;

            if (depth == 0 || state.IsGameOver())
                if (state.Player == GameEngine.PLAYER)
                    bestMove = new PlayerMove(); // dummy action, as there will be no valid move
                    bestMove.Score = AI.EvaluateWithWeights(state, weights);
                    return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, true);
                else if (state.Player == GameEngine.COMPUTER)
                    bestMove = new ComputerMove(); // dummy action, as there will be no valid move
                    bestMove.Score = AI.EvaluateWithWeights(state, weights);
                    return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, true);
                else throw new Exception();
            if (state.Player == GameEngine.PLAYER) // AI's turn
                bestMove = new PlayerMove();
                double highestScore = Double.MinValue, currentScore = Double.MinValue;

                List<Move> moves = state.GetMoves();
                foreach (Move move in moves)
                    State resultingState = state.ApplyMove(move);
                    currentScore = IterativeDeepeningExpectimax(resultingState, depth - 1, timeLimit, timer, weights).Item1.Score;

                    if (currentScore > highestScore)
                        highestScore = currentScore;
                        bestMove = move;
                    if (timer.ElapsedMilliseconds > timeLimit)
                        bestMove.Score = highestScore;
                        return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, false); // recursion not completed, return false
                bestMove.Score = highestScore;
                return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, true);
            else if (state.Player == GameEngine.COMPUTER) // computer's turn  (the random event node)
                bestMove = new ComputerMove();

                // return the weighted average of all the child nodes's scores
                double average = 0;
                List<Cell> availableCells = state.GetAvailableCells();
                List<Move> moves = state.GetAllComputerMoves(availableCells);
                int moveCheckedSoFar = 0;
                foreach (Move move in moves)
                    State resultingState = state.ApplyMove(move);

                    average += StateProbability(((ComputerMove)move).Tile) * IterativeDeepeningExpectimax(resultingState, depth - 1, timeLimit, timer, weights).Item1.Score;
                    if (timer.ElapsedMilliseconds > timeLimit)
                        bestMove.Score = average / moveCheckedSoFar;
                        return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, false); // recursion not completed, return false
                bestMove.Score = average / moves.Count;
                return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, true);
            else throw new Exception();
Esempio n. 13
        // Expectimax with Star2 pruning
        // NB: DO NOT USE - way too slow
        private Move Star2Expectimax(State state, double alpha, double beta, int depth, WeightVector weights)
            Move bestMove;

            if (depth == 0 || state.IsGameOver())
                if (state.Player == GameEngine.PLAYER)
                    bestMove = new PlayerMove(); // dummy action, as there will be no valid move
                    bestMove.Score = AI.Evaluate(state);
                    return bestMove;
                else if (state.Player == GameEngine.COMPUTER)
                    bestMove = new ComputerMove(); // dummy action, as there will be no valid move
                    bestMove.Score = AI.Evaluate(state);
                    return bestMove;
                else throw new Exception();
            if (state.Player == GameEngine.PLAYER)
                bestMove = new PlayerMove();
                double highestScore = Double.MinValue, currentScore = Double.MinValue;

                List<Move> moves = state.GetMoves();
                foreach (Move move in moves)
                    State resultingState = state.ApplyMove(move);
                    currentScore = Star2Expectimax(resultingState, alpha, beta, depth - 1, weights).Score;
                    if (currentScore > highestScore)
                        highestScore = currentScore;
                        bestMove = move;
                    alpha = Math.Max(alpha, highestScore);
                    if (beta <= alpha)
                    { // beta cut-off

                bestMove.Score = highestScore;
                return bestMove;
            else if (state.Player == GameEngine.COMPUTER) // computer's turn  (the random event node)
                bestMove = new ComputerMove();
                List<Cell> availableCells = state.GetAvailableCells();
                List<Move> moves = state.GetAllComputerMoves(availableCells);

                int numSuccessors = moves.Count;
                double upperBound = AI.GetUpperBound(weights);
                double lowerBound = AI.GetLowerBound(weights);

                double curAlpha = numSuccessors * (alpha - upperBound);
                double curBeta = numSuccessors * (beta - lowerBound);

                double sucAlpha = Math.Max(curAlpha, lowerBound);

                double[] probeValues = new double[numSuccessors];

                // probing phase
                double vsum = 0;
                int i = 1;
                foreach (Move move in moves)
                    curBeta += lowerBound;
                    double sucBeta = Math.Min(curBeta, upperBound);

                    State resultingState = state.ApplyMove(move);
                    probeValues[i - 1] = Probe(resultingState, sucAlpha, sucBeta, depth - 1, weights);
                    vsum += probeValues[i - 1];
                    if (probeValues[i - 1] >= curBeta)
                        vsum += lowerBound * (numSuccessors - i);
                        bestMove.Score = vsum / numSuccessors;
                        return bestMove; // pruning
                    curBeta -= probeValues[i - 1];

                // search phase
                vsum = 0;
                i = 1;
                foreach (Move move in moves)
                    curAlpha += upperBound;
                    curBeta += probeValues[i - 1];
                    sucAlpha = Math.Max(curAlpha, lowerBound);
                    double sucBeta = Math.Min(curBeta, upperBound);

                    State resultingState = state.ApplyMove(move);
                    double score = StateProbability(((ComputerMove)move).Tile) * Star2Expectimax(resultingState, sucAlpha, sucBeta, depth - 1, weights).Score;
                    vsum += score;

                    if (score <= curAlpha)
                        vsum += upperBound * (numSuccessors - i);
                        bestMove.Score = vsum / numSuccessors;
                        return bestMove; // pruning
                    if (score >= curBeta)
                        vsum += lowerBound * (numSuccessors - i);
                        bestMove.Score = vsum / numSuccessors;
                        return bestMove; // pruning

                    curAlpha -= score;
                    curBeta -= score;

                bestMove.Score = vsum / numSuccessors;
                return bestMove;
                throw new Exception();
Esempio n. 14
        // Expectimax search with Star1 pruning and forward pruning
        private Move Star1WithUnlikelyPruning(State state, double alpha, double beta, int depth, int lastSpawn, WeightVector weights)
            Move bestMove;

            if (depth == 0 || state.IsGameOver())
                if (state.Player == GameEngine.PLAYER)
                    bestMove = new PlayerMove(); // dummy action, as there will be no valid move
                    bestMove.Score = AI.EvaluateWithWeights(state, weights);
                    return bestMove;
                else if (state.Player == GameEngine.COMPUTER)
                    bestMove = new ComputerMove(); // dummy action, as there will be no valid move
                    bestMove.Score = AI.EvaluateWithWeights(state, weights);
                    return bestMove;
                else throw new Exception();
            if (state.Player == GameEngine.PLAYER)
                bestMove = new PlayerMove();
                double highestScore = Double.MinValue, currentScore = Double.MinValue;

                List<Move> moves = state.GetMoves();
                foreach (Move move in moves)
                    State resultingState = state.ApplyMove(move);
                    currentScore = Star1WithUnlikelyPruning(resultingState, alpha, beta, depth - 1, lastSpawn, weights).Score;
                    if (currentScore > highestScore)
                        highestScore = currentScore;
                        bestMove = move;
                    alpha = Math.Max(alpha, highestScore);
                    if (beta <= alpha)
                    { // beta cut-off

                bestMove.Score = highestScore;
                return bestMove;
            else if (state.Player == GameEngine.COMPUTER) // computer's turn  (the random event node)
                bestMove = new ComputerMove();

                List<Cell> availableCells = state.GetAvailableCells();
                List<Move> moves = state.GetAllComputerMoves(availableCells);

                int numSuccessors = moves.Count;
                double upperBound = AI.GetUpperBound(weights);
                double lowerBound = AI.GetLowerBound(weights);
                double curAlpha = numSuccessors * (alpha - upperBound) + upperBound;
                double curBeta = numSuccessors * (beta - lowerBound) + lowerBound;

                double scoreSum = 0;
                int i = 1;
                foreach (Move move in moves)
                    int value = ((ComputerMove)move).Tile;
                    if (value == 4 && lastSpawn == 4) continue; // unlikely event pruning (2 4-spawns in sequence only has 1% chance)

                    double sucAlpha = Math.Max(curAlpha, lowerBound);
                    double sucBeta = Math.Min(curBeta, upperBound);

                    State resultingState = state.ApplyMove(move);

                    double score = StateProbability(((ComputerMove)move).Tile) * Star1WithUnlikelyPruning(resultingState, sucAlpha, sucBeta, depth - 1, value, weights).Score;
                    scoreSum += score;
                    if (score <= curAlpha)
                        scoreSum += upperBound * (numSuccessors - i);
                        bestMove.Score = scoreSum / numSuccessors;
                        return bestMove; // pruning
                    if (score >= curBeta)
                        scoreSum += lowerBound * (numSuccessors - i);
                        bestMove.Score = scoreSum / numSuccessors;
                        return bestMove; // pruning
                    curAlpha += upperBound - score;
                    curBeta += lowerBound - score;


                bestMove.Score = scoreSum / numSuccessors;
                return bestMove;

            else throw new Exception();
Esempio n. 15
        // Recursive part of ^^ iterative deepening Expectimax with Star1, move ordering and transposition table
        private Tuple<Move, Boolean> RecursiveTTStar1(State state, double alpha, double beta, int depth, double timeLimit, Stopwatch timer, WeightVector weights)
            Move bestMove;

            if (depth == 0 || state.IsGameOver())
                if (state.Player == GameEngine.PLAYER)
                    bestMove = new PlayerMove(); // dummy action, as there will be no valid move
                    bestMove.Score = AI.EvaluateWithWeights(state, weights);
                    return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, true);
                else if (state.Player == GameEngine.COMPUTER)
                    bestMove = new ComputerMove(); // dummy action, as there will be no valid move
                    bestMove.Score = AI.EvaluateWithWeights(state, weights);
                    return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, true);
                else throw new Exception();
            if (state.Player == GameEngine.PLAYER) // AI's turn
                DIRECTION bestDirection = (DIRECTION)(-1);
                bestMove = new PlayerMove();
                double highestScore = Double.MinValue, currentScore = Double.MinValue;

                // transposition table look-up
                long zob_hash = GetHash(state);
                if (transposition_table.ContainsKey(zob_hash) && transposition_table[zob_hash].depth > depth)
                    Move move = new PlayerMove(transposition_table[zob_hash].direction);
                    move.Score = transposition_table[zob_hash].value;
                    return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(move, true);
                    // move ordering - make sure we first check the move we believe to be best based on earlier searches
                else if (transposition_table.ContainsKey(zob_hash))
                    bestDirection = transposition_table[zob_hash].direction;
                    State resultingState = state.ApplyMove(new PlayerMove(bestDirection));
                    currentScore = RecursiveTTStar1(resultingState, alpha, beta, depth - 1, timeLimit, timer, weights).Item1.Score;

                    if (currentScore > highestScore)
                        highestScore = currentScore;
                        bestMove = new PlayerMove(bestDirection);
                    if (timer.ElapsedMilliseconds > timeLimit)
                        bestMove.Score = highestScore;
                        return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, false); // recursion not completed, return false

                // now check the rest of moves
                List<Move> moves = state.GetMoves();
                foreach (Move move in moves)
                    if (((PlayerMove)move).Direction != bestDirection)
                        State resultingState = state.ApplyMove(move);
                        currentScore = RecursiveTTStar1(resultingState, alpha, beta, depth - 1, timeLimit, timer, weights).Item1.Score;

                        if (currentScore > highestScore)
                            highestScore = currentScore;
                            bestMove = move;
                        alpha = Math.Max(alpha, highestScore);
                        if (beta <= alpha)
                        { // beta cut-off
                        if (timer.ElapsedMilliseconds > timeLimit)
                            bestMove.Score = highestScore;
                            return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, false); // recursion not completed, return false

                bestMove.Score = highestScore;

                // add result to transposition table
                TableRow row = new TableRow((short)depth, ((PlayerMove)bestMove).Direction, bestMove.Score);
                transposition_table.AddOrUpdate(zob_hash, row, (key, oldValue) => row);
                return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, true);
            else if (state.Player == GameEngine.COMPUTER) // computer's turn  (the random event node)
                bestMove = new ComputerMove();
                int moveCheckedSoFar = 0;

                List<Cell> availableCells = state.GetAvailableCells();
                List<Move> moves = state.GetAllComputerMoves(availableCells);

                int numSuccessors = moves.Count;
                double upperBound = AI.GetUpperBound(weights);
                double lowerBound = AI.GetLowerBound(weights);
                double curAlpha = numSuccessors * (alpha - upperBound) + upperBound;
                double curBeta = numSuccessors * (beta - lowerBound) + lowerBound;

                double scoreSum = 0;
                int i = 1;
                foreach (Move move in moves)
                    double sucAlpha = Math.Max(curAlpha, lowerBound);
                    double sucBeta = Math.Min(curBeta, upperBound);

                    State resultingState = state.ApplyMove(move);

                    double score = StateProbability(((ComputerMove)move).Tile) * RecursiveTTStar1(resultingState, sucAlpha, sucBeta, depth - 1, timeLimit, timer, weights).Item1.Score;
                    scoreSum += score;
                    if (score <= curAlpha)
                        scoreSum += upperBound * (numSuccessors - i);
                        bestMove.Score = scoreSum / numSuccessors;
                        return new Tuple<Move,bool>(bestMove, true); // pruning
                    if (score >= curBeta)
                        scoreSum += lowerBound * (numSuccessors - i);
                        bestMove.Score = scoreSum / numSuccessors;
                        return new Tuple<Move, bool>(bestMove, true); // pruning
                    if (timer.ElapsedMilliseconds > timeLimit)
                        bestMove.Score = scoreSum / moveCheckedSoFar;
                        return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, false); // recursion not completed, return false
                    curAlpha += upperBound - score;
                    curBeta += lowerBound - score;


                bestMove.Score = scoreSum / numSuccessors;
                return new Tuple<Move, bool>(bestMove, true);
            else throw new Exception();
Esempio n. 16
        // Recursive part of iterative deepening Expectimax with transposition table
        private Tuple<Move, Boolean> RecursiveTTExpectimax(State state, int depth, double timeLimit, Stopwatch timer, WeightVector weights)
            Move bestMove;

            if (depth == 0 || state.IsGameOver())

                if (state.Player == GameEngine.PLAYER)
                    bestMove = new PlayerMove(); // dummy action, as there will be no valid move
                    bestMove.Score = AI.EvaluateWithWeights(state, weights);
                    return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, true);
                else if (state.Player == GameEngine.COMPUTER)
                    bestMove = new ComputerMove(); // dummy action, as there will be no valid move
                    bestMove.Score = AI.EvaluateWithWeights(state, weights);
                    return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, true);
                else throw new Exception();
            if (state.Player == GameEngine.PLAYER) // AI's turn
                // transposition table look-up
                long zob_hash = GetHash(state);
                if (transposition_table.ContainsKey(zob_hash) && transposition_table[zob_hash].depth > depth)
                    Move move = new PlayerMove(transposition_table[zob_hash].direction);
                    move.Score = transposition_table[zob_hash].value;
                    return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(move, true);

                bestMove = new PlayerMove();
                double highestScore = Double.MinValue, currentScore = Double.MinValue;

                List<Move> moves = state.GetMoves();
                foreach (Move move in moves)
                    State resultingState = state.ApplyMove(move);
                    currentScore = RecursiveTTExpectimax(resultingState, depth - 1, timeLimit, timer, weights).Item1.Score;

                    if (currentScore > highestScore)
                        highestScore = currentScore;
                        bestMove = move;
                    if (timer.ElapsedMilliseconds > timeLimit)
                        bestMove.Score = highestScore;
                        return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, false); // recursion not completed, return false
                bestMove.Score = highestScore;

                // add result to transposition table
                TableRow row = new TableRow((short)depth, ((PlayerMove)bestMove).Direction, bestMove.Score);
                transposition_table.AddOrUpdate(zob_hash, row, (key, oldValue) => row);
                return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, true);
            else if (state.Player == GameEngine.COMPUTER) // computer's turn  (the random event node)
                bestMove = new ComputerMove();

                // return the weighted average of all the child nodes's scores
                double average = 0;
                List<Cell> availableCells = state.GetAvailableCells();
                List<Move> moves = state.GetAllComputerMoves(availableCells);
                int moveCheckedSoFar = 0;
                foreach (Move move in moves)
                    State resultingState = state.ApplyMove(move);

                    average += StateProbability(((ComputerMove)move).Tile) * RecursiveTTExpectimax(resultingState, depth - 1, timeLimit, timer, weights).Item1.Score;
                    if (timer.ElapsedMilliseconds > timeLimit)
                        bestMove.Score = average / moveCheckedSoFar;
                        return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, false); // recursion not completed, return false
                bestMove.Score = average / moves.Count;
                return new Tuple<Move, Boolean>(bestMove, true);
            else throw new Exception();