public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); jeu = new Game(); GetPictureBoxes(); RefreshInterface(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Game game = new Game(4); game.DisplayBoard(); while (game.Running) { try { game.MakeMove(int.Parse(Console.ReadLine())); game.DisplayBoard(); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Nope.."); } } Console.WriteLine("Number of valid moves made: {0}", game.NumberOfMoves); Console.WriteLine("Final Score: {0}!", game.TotalScore); Console.WriteLine("Largest tile: {0}!", game.CurrentMax); Console.ReadLine(); }
private static void RunGameIteration(int testTypeNum, Storage storage) { Game game = new Game(4); int?[,] startingBoard = new int?[game.size, game.size]; for (int i = 0; i < game.size; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < game.size; j++) { startingBoard[i, j] = game.Board[i, j]; } } //game.DisplayBoard(); int move = 0; int temp = 0; // Means different things dependent on algorithm while (game.Running) { switch (testTypeNum) { case 0: // Random Simple move = Rand.Next(0, 4); break; case 1: // Random no doubles move = Rand.Next(0, 4); while (move == temp) { move = Rand.Next(0, 4); // Never do the same move twice in a row } temp = move; break; case 2: // Rotate Counter-Clockwise move = (move + 1) % 4; break; case 3: // Rotate Clockwise if (move == 0) move = 4; move = (move - 1) % 4; break; case 4: // Rotate both ways, switching at a constant interval if (temp >= 20) temp = 0; if (temp >= 10) move = (move - 1) % 4; else move = (move + 1) % 4; temp++; break; case 5: // Rotate both ways, switching at a random interval temp = Rand.Next(0, 20); if (temp >= 10) { if (move == 0) move = 4; move = (move - 1) % 4; } else { move = (move + 1) % 4; } break; } game.MakeMove(move); } //game.DisplayBoard(); if (game.Loss) { //Console.WriteLine("You lost!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Something else happened.."); } storage.AddScore(new Score { BestTile = game.CurrentMax, Moves = game.NumberOfMoves, TotalScore = game.TotalScore, Board = game.Board, StartingBoard = startingBoard }); }