         * Reference:
         * http://fisherlei.blogspot.ca/2013/01/leetcode-binary-tree-maximum-path-sum.html
         * Analysis from the above blog:
         * For each node like following, there should be four ways existing for max path:

            1. Node only
            2. L-sub + Node
            3. R-sub + Node
            4. L-sub + Node + R-sub

            Keep trace the four path and pick up the max one in the end.
           Julia's comment:
         * 1. Pass online judge:
         *  92 / 92 test cases passed.
            Status: Accepted
            Runtime: 188 ms
        public static int maxPathSum(TreeNode root)
            int maxAcrossRoot = Int16.MinValue;

              int maxEndByRoot = GetMax(root, ref maxAcrossRoot);

              return Math.Max(maxAcrossRoot, maxEndByRoot);
        public static int dfs(TreeNode root, ref int max)
            if (root == null) return 0;

            int l = dfs(root.left, ref max);
            int r = dfs(root.right, ref max);

            int m = root.val;

            if (l > 0) m += l;
            if (r > 0) m += r;

            if (m > max) max = m;

            return Math.Max(l, r) > 0 ? Math.Max(l, r) + root.val : root.val;
        private static int GetMax(TreeNode node, ref int maxAcrossRoot)
            if(node == null)
              return 0;

              int left = GetMax(node.left, ref maxAcrossRoot);
              int right = GetMax(node.right, ref maxAcrossRoot);

              int cMax = node.val;

              if(left > 0)
            cMax += left;

              if(right > 0)

              maxAcrossRoot = Math.Max(maxAcrossRoot, cMax);

              int val = node.val;
              int maxLR = Math.Max(node.val+left, node.val+right);

              return Math.Max( val, maxLR);
         * another version
         * 1.Julia's comment:
         *   pass online judge
         * Write down thought process, but I cannot recall anything on August 25, 2015, worked on the
         * problem more than a month ago:
         * 1. read a few of blogs, and try to figure out.
         * http://www.jiuzhang.com/solutions/binary-tree-maximum-path-sum/
         * use this blog's analysis, and see if I complete my thought process script.
         * http://www.cnblogs.com/zuoyuan/p/3745606.html

         * 解题思路:这道题是在树中寻找一条路径,这条路径上的节点的和为最大,起点和终点只要是树里面
         * 的节点就可以了。这里需要注意的一点是:节点值有可能为负值。解决这道二叉树的题目还是来使用递归。例如下面这棵树:


                     /     \

                   2        3

                /  \      /   \

                 4     5    6    7



          以及左子树中以root.left为起点的最大路径(需要大于零)+ 右子树中以root.right为起点的最大路径(需要大于零)+root.val),

         * Julia's work on the thought process:
         * Cannot complete in 10 minutes, leave it for future work.
        public static int MaxPathSum_B(TreeNode root)
            int max = Int32.MinValue;

            dfs(root, ref max);

            return max;