public static void CreateRock()
            int xCoord = generator.Next(Console.WindowWidth);
            int Type = generator.Next(RocksType.Length);

            //Generates the size of the rock(1,2 or 3).
            int size = generator.Next(1,4);
            int color=generator.Next(1,16);

            //Creates rocks with count [size] and concatenates them(xCoord+i).
            for (int i = size-1; i >=0; i--)
                if (xCoord + i <= Console.WindowWidth-1 )

                    Rocks rock = new Rocks(new Point(xCoord+i, 0), RocksType[Type], (ConsoleColor)color);
 public static void DrawRock(Rocks rock)
     Console.SetCursorPosition(rock.location.X, rock.location.Y);
     Console.ForegroundColor = rock.color;