static void Main()
            Disciplines[] subjectsArr = new Disciplines[]{
                new Disciplines("Sport", 1, 2),
                new Disciplines("Science", 4, 2),
                new Disciplines("Italian", 3, 3),

            Student[] arrStudents = new Student[]{
                new Student("Andy" , 1),
                new Student("Mike" , 3),
                new Student("William" , 7),
                new Student("Maria" , 16),
                new Student("Sofia" , 17),

            Teacher[] setOfteachers = new Teacher[]{
                new Teacher("Cassius Clay", new List<Disciplines>{subjectsArr[0], subjectsArr[1]}),
                new Teacher("Bar Rafaeli", new List<Disciplines>{subjectsArr[2], subjectsArr[1]}),

            // Creating a new class
            Classes wildlings = new Classes("Wildlings");

            // Adding students
            wildlings.AddManyStudentToClass(arrStudents[0], arrStudents[1], arrStudents[2]
                , arrStudents[3], arrStudents[4]);

            // Adding teachers

            // Adding disciplines

            // Adding Comments
            arrStudents[0].Comment = "Misses classes quite often";
            setOfteachers[1].Comment = "Best teacher in school";
            wildlings.Comment = "Very poor discipline and marks";

            // To string Method + Comments
            Console.WriteLine("ToString() student -> {0};\nComment: {1}\n"
                , arrStudents[0], arrStudents[0].Comment);
            Console.WriteLine("ToString() teacher -> {0};\nComment: {1}\n"
                , setOfteachers[1], setOfteachers[1].Comment);
            Console.WriteLine("ToString() class -> {0};\nComment: {1}\n"
                , wildlings, wildlings.Comment);