public static void Main() { // 1st test option: // You can run the Unit Tests from the Visual Studio menu: // BUILD -> Build Solution // TEST -> Windows -> Test Explorer (you will see in the Test Explorer window: Not Run Tests or Passed Tests // and above it: Run All // Please, click on Run All, and read the ClassPersonTests.cs file for more details // 2nd test option: input Console.Write("Please, enter a name: "); var name = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Please, enter a a value for age: "); var age = ReadAge(); // validates integer input Console.Write("Please, enter an email: "); var email = Console.ReadLine(); // try to create a person with the above input data // check for exceptions - in case of multipple exceptions, only the first one is displayed try { if (email != string.Empty) { var person1 = new Person(name, age); Console.WriteLine(person1); } var person2 = new Person(name, age, email); Console.WriteLine(person2); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}\n{1}", e.GetType(), e.Message); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Person pesho = new Person("Pesho", 20, "*****@*****.**"); Person gosho = new Person("Gosho", 18); Console.WriteLine(pesho); Console.WriteLine(gosho); }
static void Main() { Person mitko = new Person("Mitko", 26); Person sasho = new Person("Sasho", 30, "*****@*****.**"); Console.WriteLine(mitko); Console.WriteLine(sasho); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var pesho = new Person("Pesho",23); var stamat = new Person("Stamcho", 54, "*****@*****.**"); var joro = new Person("Joro Picha",14,""); Console.WriteLine(pesho); Console.WriteLine(stamat); Console.WriteLine(joro); }
static void Main() { var gosho = new Person("Gosho", 32); var pesho = new Person("Pesho", 24, "*****@*****.**"); var ivan = new Person("Ivan", 32, null); Console.WriteLine(gosho); Console.WriteLine(pesho); Console.WriteLine(ivan); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Person x = new Person("Bobko",25); Console.WriteLine(x); }
private static void Main() { Person stamat = new Person("Stamat", 86); Console.WriteLine(stamat); }
public void Person_PersonWithValidNameAndAge_ShouldPassTest() { var personWithValidNameAndAge = new Person("X", 1); }
public void Person_PersonWithValidNameAgeAndEmail_ShouldPassTest() { var personWithValidNameAgeAndEmail = new Person("X", 100, "*****@*****.**"); }
public void Name_WhenNameIsEmpty_ShouldThrowArgumentNullException() { var personWithEmptyName = new Person(string.Empty, 12); }
public void Email_InvalidEmailFormat_ShouldThrowArgumentException() { var personWithInvalidEmail = new Person("X", 100, "asdf"); }
public void Email_EmptyStringEmail_ShouldThrowArgumentException() { var personWithEmptyStringEmail = new Person("X", 100, string.Empty); }
public void Age_WhenAgeIsMoreThan100_ShouldThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException() { var personWithAgeMoreThan100 = new Person("H", 122); }