public void SetAttributeMultiplier(int indexOf, float newValue) { AttributeStaz stat = attributes[indexOf]; stat.multiplier = newValue; attributes[indexOf] = stat; }
public void SetAttributeValue(int indexOf, float newValue) { AttributeStaz stat = attributes[indexOf]; stat.value = newValue; attributes[indexOf] = stat; }
public void InitializeAttributes(int count) { attributes = new BlitableArray <AttributeStaz>(count, Allocator.Persistent); for (int j = 0; j < attributes.Length; j++) { attributes[j] = new AttributeStaz { }; } }
public void Execute(ref Stats stats)// ref ZoxID zoxID) // Entity e, int index, { if (stats.attributesApplied == 0) { stats.attributesApplied = 1; // do this when leveling up and gained alot of stats // or did a big quest chain and got free stats as quest rewards //Debug.LogError("Applying Attributes"); // first set all stats back to original // now apply new stats for (int j = 0; j < stats.attributes.Length; j++) { AttributeStaz attribute = stats.attributes[j]; bool didFind = false; for (int i = 0; i < stats.states.Length; i++) { if (stats.states[i].id == attribute.targetID) { didFind = true; if (attribute.previousAdded != 0) { //Debug.LogError("Previous stat value was: " + attribute.previousAdded); float originalValue = stats.states[i].maxValue - attribute.previousAdded; stats.SetStateMaxValue(i, originalValue); } float bonusValue = attribute.value * attribute.multiplier; float newValue = stats.states[i].maxValue + bonusValue; stats.SetStateMaxValue(i, newValue); attribute.previousAdded = bonusValue; stats.attributes[j] = attribute; //Debug.LogError("Adding bonus value to stat: " + bonusValue); break; } } if (!didFind) { //Debug.LogError("Could not find attribute target stat."); } } } }
protected override void OnUpdate() { Entities.WithAll <UpdateAttributeCommand>().ForEach((Entity e, ref UpdateAttributeCommand command) => { //if (characterSpawnSystem.characters.ContainsKey(command.characterID)) if (World.EntityManager.Exists(command.character)) { //Entity character = characterSpawnSystem.characters[command.characterID]; Stats stats = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData <Stats>(command.character); int statIndex = (int)(command.statIndex); if ((StatType)command.statType == StatType.Attribute) { if (statIndex >= 0 && statIndex < stats.attributes.Length) { AttributeStaz attribute = stats.attributes[statIndex]; attribute.value += command.amount; stats.attributes[statIndex] = attribute; stats.attributesApplied = 0; World.EntityManager.SetComponentData(command.character, stats); StatsUISpawnSystem.OnUpdatedStat(World.EntityManager, command.character, (StatType)command.statType, command.statIndex); } } else if ((StatType)command.statType == StatType.Base) { if (statIndex >= 0 && statIndex < stats.stats.Length) { Staz stat = stats.stats[statIndex]; stat.value += command.amount; stats.stats[statIndex] = stat; World.EntityManager.SetComponentData(command.character, stats); StatsUISpawnSystem.OnUpdatedStat(World.EntityManager, command.character, (StatType)command.statType, command.statIndex); } } // StatUISystem.OnUpdated(command.characterIndex, attribute); } World.EntityManager.DestroyEntity(e); //SetText(characterID, originalArrayIndex, (int)improveStat.value); }); }
public void UpdateStatUI(UpdateStatUICommand command) { ZoxID zoxID = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData <ZoxID>(command.character); if (!uis.ContainsKey( { return; // character died } Stats stats = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData <Stats>(command.character); Entity ui = uis[]; Childrens children = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData <Childrens>(ui); int uiArrayIndex = command.statIndex; if (command.statType == (byte)StatType.Base) { Staz stat = stats.stats[command.statIndex]; Entity icon = children.children[uiArrayIndex]; Childrens texts = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData <Childrens>(icon); Entity textEntity = texts.children[0]; RenderText renderText = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData <RenderText>(textEntity); renderText.SetText(((int)stat.value).ToString()); World.EntityManager.SetComponentData(textEntity, renderText); } else { uiArrayIndex += stats.stats.Length; } if (command.statType == (byte)StatType.State) { StateStaz stat = stats.states[command.statIndex]; Entity icon = children.children[uiArrayIndex]; Childrens texts = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData <Childrens>(icon); Entity textEntity = texts.children[0]; RenderText renderText = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData <RenderText>(textEntity); renderText.SetText(((int)stat.value).ToString()); World.EntityManager.SetComponentData(textEntity, renderText); /*Entity textEntity2 = texts.children[0]; * RenderText renderText2 = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData<RenderText>(textEntity2); * renderText2.SetText(((int)stat.maxValue).ToString()); * World.EntityManager.SetComponentData(textEntity2, renderText2);*/ } else { uiArrayIndex += stats.states.Length; } if (command.statType == (byte)StatType.Regen) { RegenStaz stat = stats.regens[command.statIndex]; Entity icon = children.children[uiArrayIndex]; Childrens texts = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData <Childrens>(icon); Entity textEntity = texts.children[0]; RenderText renderText = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData <RenderText>(textEntity); renderText.SetText(((int)stat.value).ToString()); World.EntityManager.SetComponentData(textEntity, renderText); } else { uiArrayIndex += stats.regens.Length; } if (command.statType == (byte)StatType.Attribute) { AttributeStaz stat = stats.attributes[command.statIndex]; Entity icon = children.children[uiArrayIndex]; Childrens texts = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData <Childrens>(icon); Entity textEntity = texts.children[0]; RenderText renderText = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData <RenderText>(textEntity); renderText.SetText(((int)stat.value).ToString()); World.EntityManager.SetComponentData(textEntity, renderText); } else { uiArrayIndex += stats.attributes.Length; } if (command.statType == (byte)StatType.Level) { Level stat = stats.levels[command.statIndex]; Entity icon = children.children[uiArrayIndex]; Childrens texts = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData <Childrens>(icon); Entity textEntity = texts.children[0]; RenderText renderText = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData <RenderText>(textEntity); renderText.SetText(((int)stat.value).ToString()); World.EntityManager.SetComponentData(textEntity, renderText); // experience required /*Entity textEntity2 = texts.children[1]; * RenderText renderText2 = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData<RenderText>(textEntity2); * renderText2.SetText(((int)stat.experienceGained).ToString()); * World.EntityManager.SetComponentData(textEntity2, renderText2); * // experience gained * Entity textEntity3 = texts.children[2]; * RenderText renderText3 = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData<RenderText>(textEntity3); * renderText3.SetText(((int)stat.experienceRequired).ToString()); * World.EntityManager.SetComponentData(textEntity3, renderText3);*/ } }
public int AddStat(StatDatam statDatam) { int indexOf = -1; if (statDatam.type == StatType.Base) { Staz[] priorStates = stats.ToArray(); stats = new BlitableArray <Staz>(stats.Length + 1, Allocator.Persistent); for (int i = 0; i < priorStates.Length; i++) { stats[i] = priorStates[i]; } Staz newState = new Staz(); =; stats[priorStates.Length] = newState; indexOf = priorStates.Length; } else if (statDatam.type == StatType.State) { StateStaz[] priorStates = states.ToArray(); states = new BlitableArray <StateStaz>(states.Length + 1, Allocator.Persistent); for (int i = 0; i < priorStates.Length; i++) { states[i] = priorStates[i]; } StateStaz newState = new StateStaz(); =; states[priorStates.Length] = newState; indexOf = priorStates.Length; } else if (statDatam.type == StatType.Regen) { RegenStaz[] priorStates = regens.ToArray(); regens = new BlitableArray <RegenStaz>(regens.Length + 1, Allocator.Persistent); for (int i = 0; i < priorStates.Length; i++) { regens[i] = priorStates[i]; } RegenStaz newState = new RegenStaz(); =; newState.targetID = statDatam.targetStatID; regens[priorStates.Length] = newState; indexOf = priorStates.Length; } else if (statDatam.type == StatType.Attribute) { AttributeStaz[] priorStats = attributes.ToArray(); attributes = new BlitableArray <AttributeStaz>(attributes.Length + 1, Allocator.Persistent); for (int i = 0; i < priorStats.Length; i++) { attributes[i] = priorStats[i]; } AttributeStaz newStat = new AttributeStaz(); =; newStat.targetID = statDatam.targetStatID; attributes[priorStats.Length] = newStat; indexOf = priorStats.Length; } else if (statDatam.type == StatType.Level) { Level[] priorStats = levels.ToArray(); levels = new BlitableArray <Level>(levels.Length + 1, Allocator.Persistent); for (int i = 0; i < priorStats.Length; i++) { levels[i] = priorStats[i]; } Level newStat = new Level(); =; //newStat.targetID = statDatam.targetStatID; levels[priorStats.Length] = newStat; indexOf = priorStats.Length; } return(indexOf); }