public AppData() { InfoCollection = new ObservableCollection <TestVM>(); TestVM building1 = new TestVM(); TestVM building2 = new TestVM(); TestVM building3 = new TestVM(); TestVM building4 = new TestVM(); building1.Title = "Building1"; building1.TimeTaken = DateTime.Now; building1.Detail = "Building4--beatiful"; building1.Image = ""; building2.Title = "Building2"; building2.TimeTaken = DateTime.Now; building2.Detail = "Building4--beatiful"; building2.Image = ""; building3.Title = "Building3"; building3.TimeTaken = DateTime.Now; building3.Detail = "Building3--beatiful"; building3.Image = ""; building4.Title = "Building4"; building4.TimeTaken = DateTime.Now; building4.Detail = "Building4--beatiful"; building4.Image = ""; InfoCollection.Add(building1); InfoCollection.Add(building2); InfoCollection.Add(building3); InfoCollection.Add(building4); }
public ImageDetailPage(TestVM info) { BindingContext = info; InitializeComponent(); }
public void DownCommand(TestVM curr) { if (InfoCollection.IndexOf(curr) < InfoCollection.Count) { InfoCollection.Move(InfoCollection.IndexOf(curr), InfoCollection.IndexOf(curr) + 1); } }
//public static TestVM building1 { set; get; } public void UpCommand(TestVM curr) { if (InfoCollection.IndexOf(curr) >= 1) { InfoCollection.Move(InfoCollection.IndexOf(curr), InfoCollection.IndexOf(curr) - 1); } }
//async void GoToInfoPage(TestVM info) async void GoToInfoPage(TestVM info, bool isNewItem) { // Get AppData object (set to BindingContext in XAML file). AppData appData = (AppData)BindingContext; // Set info item to CurrentInfo property of AppData. appData.CurrentInfo = info; // Navigate to the info page. await Navigation.PushModalAsync(new ImageDetailPage(info)); // Add new info item to the collection. if (isNewItem) { appData.InfoCollection.Add(info); } }
public void AddCommand(TestVM curr) { }
public void DeleteCommand(TestVM curr) { InfoCollection.Remove(curr); }