private IDirectiveParser CreateParser(string directive, DirectiveHolder current)
            switch (directive.ToLower())
            case "if": return(new IfParser(_metadataContainer));

            case "list": return(new ListDirective(_metadataContainer));

            case "elseif":
                return(new IfParser(_metadataContainer));
            throw new Exception($"Directive {directive} is not supported.");
        private void SetTemplate(string template)
            var matches =
                Regex.Matches(template, @"\$\{([^\}]*)\}").OfType <Match>()
                .Select(item => new { match = item, type = PlaceholderType.Field })
                    Regex.Matches(template, @"(?:&lt;|<)#([[a-zA-Z]*)[\s]([^>&]*)(:?>|&gt;)")
                    .OfType <Match>()
                    .Select(item => new { match = item, type = PlaceholderType.Directive }))
                    Regex.Matches(template, @"(?:&lt;|<)#([[a-zA-Z]*)(:?>|&gt;)")
                    .OfType <Match>()
                    .Select(item => new { match = item, type = PlaceholderType.InDirective }))
                    Regex.Matches(template, @"(?:&lt;|<)\/#([[a-zA-Z]*)(:?>|&gt;)")
                    .OfType <Match>()
                    .Select(item => new { match = item, type = PlaceholderType.DirectiveEnd }));

            _placeholders = new List <IPlaceholder>();

            var             templateIndex    = 0;
            var             position         = 0;
            var             directives       = new Stack <DirectiveHolder>();
            DirectiveHolder currentDirective = null;
            var             holders          = _placeholders;

            foreach (var match in matches.OrderBy(item => item.match.Index))
                var text = template.Substring(templateIndex, match.match.Index - templateIndex);
                holders.Add(new TextHolder(text, position++));

                templateIndex = match.match.Index + match.match.Length;

                switch (match.type)
                case PlaceholderType.Field:
                    var value = match.match.Value.Trim('$', '{', '}');
                                ? (IPlaceholder) new FunctionHolder(_metadataContainer, value, position++)
                                : new Placeholder(_metadataContainer, value, position++));

                case PlaceholderType.Directive:
                    var directive = match.match.Groups[1].Value;
                    var parser    = CreateParser(directive, currentDirective);
                    if (currentDirective != null)
                        holders = currentDirective.CurrentItems;
                    currentDirective = new DirectiveHolder(directive, match.match.Groups[2].Value, parser, position++);
                    holders = currentDirective.CurrentItems;

                case PlaceholderType.InDirective:
                    var indirective = match.match.Groups[1].Value;
                    if (currentDirective == null)
                        throw new Exception($"Incorrect In directive {indirective} outside of any other directives");
                    holders = currentDirective.ApplyInDirective(indirective);

                case PlaceholderType.DirectiveEnd:
                    if (currentDirective == null)
                        throw new Exception($"End of the directive {match.match.Value} don't fit any directive beginning");

                    while (currentDirective.Directive == "elseif")
                        currentDirective = directives.Pop();
                    if (!currentDirective.Directive.Equals(match.match.Groups[1].Value, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        throw new Exception($"End of the directive {match.match.Value} don't fit any directive beginning");

                    if (directives.Count > 0)
                        currentDirective = directives.Pop();
                        holders          = currentDirective.CurrentItems;
                        currentDirective = null;
                        holders          = _placeholders;
            if (directives.Count > 0)
                throw new Exception($"Not all directives ({directives.Count}) are closed");
            _placeholders.Add(new TextHolder(template.Substring(templateIndex), position));