Esempio n. 1
        static async Task RunAsync()
            Trains trains = await GetStations(GlobalVar.FROM, GlobalVar.TO, GlobalVar.DATE, GlobalVar.TIME);

            foreach (var train in trains.GetTrains())
                //var tasksPassages = new List<Task<bool>>();
                //for (var i = 0; i < train.Stations.Count - 1; i++)
                //	tasksPassages.Add(ContigentCheckPassage(train.Stations[i].Name, train.Stations[i + 1].Name,
                //		GlobalVar.DATE, train.Stations[i].DepartureTime, trains.JSFViewState, train.ID));
                //var listPassages = await Task.WhenAll(tasksPassages);

                //for (var i = 0; i < train.Stations.Count - 1; i++)
                //	train.AddPassage(new Passage(train.Stations[i].Name, train.Stations[i + 1].Name, listPassages[i]));

                for (var i = 0; i < train.Stations.Count - 1; i++)
                    var isFree = await ContigentCheckPassage(train.Stations[i].Name, train.Stations[i + 1].Name,
                                                             GlobalVar.DATE, train.Stations[i].DepartureTime, trains.JSFViewState, train.ID);

                    train.AddPassage(new Passage(train.Stations[i].Name, train.Stations[i + 1].Name, isFree));

            foreach (var train in trains.GetTrains())
                List <Passage> passages = new List <Passage>();
                int            i        = 0;
                while (i < train.Passages.Count)
                    int j = i + 1;
                    while ((train.Passages[j].IsFree == train.Passages[i].IsFree) && (j < train.Passages.Count - 1))
                    Passage passage = new Passage(train.Passages[i].From, train.Passages[j].To, train.Passages[i].IsFree);
                    i = j + 1;


                Console.WriteLine("Train {0} has following passages:", train.Name);
                foreach (var passage in passages)
                    Console.WriteLine("Passage from {0} to {1} is {2}", passage.From, passage.To, (passage.IsFree ? "free" : "paid"));
Esempio n. 2
        static async Task <Trains> GetStations(string from, string to, string date, string time)
            var response = await GetZSSKInfo(from, to, date, time);

            var htmlDoc = new HtmlDocument();


            var JSFViewState = htmlDoc.DocumentNode

            Trains trains = new Trains(JSFViewState);

            var trainsNodes = htmlDoc.DocumentNode
                              .SelectNodes("//tr[@class='tmp-item-line ']/td[@class='tmp-valign-top' and @colspan='3']");

            if (trainsNodes == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("No trains were fetched.");

            string patternForID = @"searchForm:inetConnection.*?:.*?:.*?'";

            // getting ready for scraping stations
            var nodesOfStations = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//*[@id='r0_train_R615']/table");             // loading all the tables where stations are preserved for each train

            HtmlNode stationNode = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < nodesOfStations.Count; i++)
                stationNode = nodesOfStations[i];
                if (stationNode.ParentNode.ParentNode.ParentNode.Attributes["class"].Value.Contains("ic"))

            // going to scrape the whole structure
            for (var k = 0; k < trainsNodes.Count; k++)
                var   node  = trainsNodes[k];
                Train train = new Train();

                train.Name = node.InnerText;                         // get the train name
                train.Name = Regex.Replace(train.Name, @"\s+", " "); // exclude spaces from train name

                if (!Regex.IsMatch(train.Name, @"R .*"))             // Checks if train is a fast train

                HtmlNodeCollection trainNodes = null;
                    trainNodes = node.ParentNode.SelectSingleNode("./td[3]/div").ChildNodes;                     // Getting all possible *a* href links (Like Listok a miestenka, Miestenka, Listok)
                    if (GlobalVar.LOGS)
                        Console.WriteLine("In train {0} href link for buying tickets couldn't be found", train.Name);
                HtmlNode trainNode = null;
                foreach (var nodeTrain in trainNodes)                 // getting the last *a* element in train nodes (Get the attribute value for "Listok")
                    if (nodeTrain.Name == "a" && nodeTrain.InnerText == "Lístok")
                        trainNode = nodeTrain;

                if (trainNode == null)                 // it means there was no button "Listok"

                train.ID = Regex.Match(trainNode.Attributes["onclick"].Value, patternForID).Value;
                train.ID = train.ID.Remove(train.ID.Length - 1);

                // Scraping stations from now on

                var nodeHelp = nodesOfStations[k];                  // same index as train If train is not a fast train it will not get here (because it skipped earlier)

                var stationNodes = nodeHelp.SelectNodes("./tbody"); // this can be minimized
                for (int i = 0; i < stationNodes.Count; i = i + 3)
                    string departureTime = stationNodes[i].SelectSingleNode("./tr[2]/td[4]/strong").InnerText;                     // scraping the first station
                    string name          = stationNodes[i].SelectSingleNode("./tr[2]/td[2]").InnerText;
                    departureTime = Regex.Replace(departureTime, @"\s+", "");
                    Station station = new Station(name, departureTime);
                    train.AddStation(station);                                   // end of scraping the first station

                    var otherStations = stationNodes[i + 1].SelectNodes("./tr"); // scraping stations between the first and the last stations
                    if (otherStations != null)
                        for (int j = 0; j < otherStations.Count; j++)
                            name          = otherStations[j].SelectSingleNode("./td[2]").InnerText;
                            departureTime = otherStations[j].SelectSingleNode("./td[4]/strong[2]").InnerText;
                            departureTime = Regex.Replace(departureTime, @"\s+", "");
                            station       = new Station(name, departureTime);
                        }                         // end of scraping stations between the first and the last stations

                    if (i + 3 == stationNodes.Count)                     // scraping the last station
                        name          = stationNodes[i + 2].SelectSingleNode("./tr[1]/td[2]").InnerText;
                        departureTime = stationNodes[i + 2].SelectSingleNode("./tr[1]/td[4]/strong").InnerText;
                        departureTime = Regex.Replace(departureTime, @"\s+", "");
                        station       = new Station(name, departureTime);

                    }                     // end of scraping the last station
                trains.AddTrain(train);   // adding final train to list of trains