Esempio n. 1
        public async Task CreateOrReplace(BranchState state, ILogger log)
            var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            var schema    = Sf.Cfg.Schema;
            var store     = Stores.Store(DataStoreType.DbStage);
            var container = store.Container;
            var sasUri    = container.GenerateSasUri(List | Read, DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddYears(100));
            var stageUrl  = $"azure://{sasUri.Host}{sasUri.AbsolutePath}";
            var sasToken  = sasUri.Query;

            using var conn = await Sf.Open(log, "", ""); // connection sans db & schema. If you specify ones that doesn't exist, all queries hang.

            var db = Sf.Cfg.DbName();
            IEnumerable <Script> scripts;
            var dbComment = new DbComment {
                Expires = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(2),
                Email   = EnvCfg.Email

            if (state.In(Clone, CloneDb))
                scripts = new[] {
                    new Script("db copy", @$ "create or replace database {db} clone {Sf.Cfg.Db} comment='{dbComment}'")
Esempio n. 2
        public async Task CreateOrReplace(BranchState state, ILogger log)
            var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            var schema    = Sf.Cfg.Schema;
            var store     = Stores.Store(DataStoreType.DbStage);
            var container = store.Container;
            var sasUri    = container.GenerateSasUri(List | Read, DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddYears(100));
            var stageUrl  = $"azure://{sasUri.Host}{sasUri.AbsolutePath}";
            var sasToken  = sasUri.Query;

            using var conn = await Sf.Open(log, "", ""); // connection sans db & schema. If you specify ones that doesn't exist, all queries hang.

            var db        = Sf.Cfg.DbName();
            var dbComment = new DbComment {
                Expires = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(2),
                Email   = EnvCfg.Email

            var scripts = (state.In(Clone, CloneDb)
        ? new[] { new Script("db copy", @$ "create or replace database {db} clone {Sf.Cfg.Db} comment='{dbComment}'") }
        : new[] {
                new Script("db create", @$ "create or replace database {db} comment='{dbComment}'"),
                new Script("schema", $"create schema if not exists {db}.{schema}"),
                          .Concat(new Script("stage",
                                             $"create or replace stage {db}.{schema}.yt_data url='{stageUrl}' credentials=(azure_sas_token='{sasToken}') file_format=(type=json compression=gzip)",
                                             $"create or replace file format {db}.{schema}.json type = 'json'",
                                             $"create or replace file format {db}.{schema}.json_zst type = 'json' compression = ZSTD",
                                             $"create or replace file format {db}.{schema}.tsv type = 'csv' field_delimiter = '\t' validate_UTF8 = false  NULL_IF=('')",
                                             $"create or replace file format {db}.{schema}.tsv_header type = 'csv' field_delimiter = '\t' validate_UTF8 = false  NULL_IF=('') skip_header=1 field_optionally_enclosed_by ='\"'",
                                             $"create or replace file format {db}.{schema}.tsv_header_no_enclose type = 'csv' field_delimiter = '\t' validate_UTF8 = false  NULL_IF=('') skip_header=1"
                WhCfg.AdminRoles.Select(r =>
                                        new Script($"init role {r}", ScriptMode.Parallel,
                                                   $"grant all on database {db} to role {r}",
                                                   $"grant all on schema {db}.{schema} to role {r}",
                                                   $"grant all on all tables in schema {db}.{schema} to role {r}",
                                                   $"grant all on future tables in schema {db}.{schema} to role {r}",
                                                   $"grant all on all views in schema {db}.{schema} to role {r}",
                                                   $"grant all on future views in schema {db}.{schema} to role {r}",
                                                   $"grant all on all stages in database {db} to role {r}",
                                                   $"grant all on all functions in database {db} to role {r}"
                          .Concat(WhCfg.ReadRoles.Select(r =>
                                                         new Script($"init role {r}", ScriptMode.Parallel,
                                                                    $"grant usage,monitor on database {db} to role {r}",
                                                                    $"grant usage, monitor on all schemas in database {db} to role {r}",
                                                                    $"grant select on future tables in database {db} to role {r}",
                                                                    $"grant select on future views in database {db} to role {r}",
                                                                    $"grant select on all tables in database {db} to role {r}",
                                                                    $"grant select on all views in database {db} to role {r}",
                                                                    $"grant usage on all stages in database {db} to role {r}",
                                                                    $"grant usage on all functions in database {db} to role {r}"

            foreach (var s in scripts)
                await s.Sqls.BlockAction(q => conn.Execute(s.Name, q), s.Mode == Sequential? 1 : WhCfg.MetadataParallel);

            log.Information("Create Warehouse - {Db} created/updated in {Duration}", db, sw.Elapsed.HumanizeShort());