Esempio n. 1
        public void TryGcDeleteSet(StructStore store, Predicate <Item> gcFilter)
            foreach (var kvp in Clients)
                var client      = kvp.Key;
                var deleteItems = kvp.Value;
                var structs     = store.Clients[client];

                for (int di = deleteItems.Count - 1; di >= 0; di--)
                    var deleteItem         = deleteItems[di];
                    var endDeleteItemClock = deleteItem.Clock + deleteItem.Length;

                    for (int si = StructStore.FindIndexSS(structs, deleteItem.Clock); si < structs.Count; si++)
                        var str = structs[si];
                        if (str.Id.Clock >= endDeleteItemClock)

                        if (str is Item strItem && strItem.Deleted && !strItem.Keep && gcFilter(strItem))
                            strItem.Gc(store, parentGCd: false);
Esempio n. 2
        public YDoc RestoreDocument(YDoc originDoc, YDocOptions opts = null)
            if (originDoc.Gc)
                // We should try to restore a GC-ed document, because some of the restored items might have their content deleted.
                throw new Exception("originDoc must not be garbage collected");

            using var encoder = new UpdateEncoderV2();
            originDoc.Transact(tr =>
                int size = StateVector.Count(kvp => kvp.Value /* clock */ > 0);

                // Splitting the structs before writing them to the encoder.
                foreach (var kvp in StateVector)
                    int client = kvp.Key;
                    int clock  = kvp.Value;

                    if (clock == 0)

                    if (clock < originDoc.Store.GetState(client))
                        tr.Doc.Store.GetItemCleanStart(tr, new ID(client, clock));

                    var structs         = originDoc.Store.Clients[client];
                    var lastStructIndex = StructStore.FindIndexSS(structs, clock - 1);

                    // Write # encoded structs.
                    encoder.RestWriter.WriteVarUint((uint)(lastStructIndex + 1));

                    // First clock written is 0.

                    for (int i = 0; i <= lastStructIndex; i++)
                        structs[i].Write(encoder, 0);


            var newDoc = new YDoc(opts ?? originDoc.CloneOptionsWithNewGuid());

            newDoc.ApplyUpdateV2(encoder.ToArray(), transactionOrigin: "snapshot");
Esempio n. 3
File: YDoc.cs Progetto: alex521/ycs
        /// <param name="gc">Disable garbage collection.</param>
        /// <param name="gcFilter">WIll be called before an Item is garbage collected. Return false to keep the item.</param>
        public YDoc(YDocOptions opts = null)
            _opts = opts ?? new YDocOptions();
            _transactionCleanups = new List <Transaction>();

            ClientId   = GenerateNewClientId();
            _share     = new Dictionary <string, AbstractType>();
            Store      = new StructStore();
            Subdocs    = new HashSet <YDoc>();
            ShouldLoad = _opts.AutoLoad;
Esempio n. 4
        internal void CompareStructStores(StructStore ss1, StructStore ss2)
            Assert.AreEqual(ss1.Clients.Count, ss2.Clients.Count);

            foreach (var kvp in ss1.Clients)
                var client   = kvp.Key;
                var structs1 = kvp.Value;

                Assert.IsTrue(ss2.Clients.TryGetValue(client, out var structs2));
                Assert.AreEqual(structs1.Count, structs2.Count);

                for (int i = 0; i < structs1.Count; i++)
                    var s1 = structs1[i];
                    var s2 = structs2[i];

                    // Checks for abstract struct.
                    if (!s1.GetType().IsAssignableFrom(s2.GetType()) ||
                        !ID.Equals(s1.Id, s2.Id) ||
                        s1.Deleted != s2.Deleted ||
                        s1.Length != s2.Length)
                        Assert.Fail("Structs don't match");

                    if (s1 is Item s1Item)
                        if (!(s2 is Item s2Item) ||
                            !((s1Item.Left == null && s2Item.Left == null) || (s1Item.Left != null && s2Item.Left != null && ID.Equals((s1Item.Left as Item)?.LastId, (s2Item.Left as Item)?.LastId))) ||
                            !CompareItemIds(s1Item.Right as Item, s2Item.Right as Item) ||
                            !ID.Equals(s1Item.LeftOrigin, s2Item.LeftOrigin) ||
                            !ID.Equals(s1Item.RightOrigin, s2Item.RightOrigin) ||
                            !string.Equals(s1Item.ParentSub, s2Item.ParentSub))
                            Assert.Fail("Items don't match");

                        // Make sure that items are connected correctly.
                        Assert.IsTrue(s1Item.Left == null || (s1Item.Left as Item)?.Right == s1Item);
                        Assert.IsTrue(s1Item.Right == null || (s1Item.Right as Item)?.Left == s1Item);
                        Assert.IsTrue((s2 as Item).Left == null || ((s2 as Item).Left as Item).Right == s2);
                        Assert.IsTrue((s2 as Item).Right == null || ((s2 as Item).Right as Item).Left == s2);
Esempio n. 5
        /// <param name="structs">All structs by 'client'.</param>
        /// <param name="clock">Write structs starting with 'ID(client,clock)'.</param>
        public static void WriteStructs(IUpdateEncoder encoder, IList <AbstractStruct> structs, int client, int clock)
            // Write first id.
            int startNewStructs = StructStore.FindIndexSS(structs, clock);

            // Write # encoded structs.
            encoder.RestWriter.WriteVarUint((uint)(structs.Count - startNewStructs));

            // Write first struct with offset.
            var firstStruct = structs[startNewStructs];

            firstStruct.Write(encoder, clock - firstStruct.Id.Clock);

            for (int i = startNewStructs + 1; i < structs.Count; i++)
                structs[i].Write(encoder, 0);
Esempio n. 6
        private void CreateDeleteSetFromStructStore(StructStore ss)
            foreach (var kvp in ss.Clients)
                var client  = kvp.Key;
                var structs = kvp.Value;
                var dsItems = new List <DeleteItem>();

                for (int i = 0; i < structs.Count; i++)
                    var str = structs[i];
                    if (str.Deleted)
                        int clock = str.Id.Clock;
                        int len   = str.Length;

                        while (i + 1 < structs.Count)
                            var next = structs[i + 1];
                            if ((next.Id.Clock == clock + len) && next.Deleted)
                                len += next.Length;

                        dsItems.Add(new DeleteItem(clock, len));

                if (dsItems.Count > 0)
                    Clients[client] = dsItems;
Esempio n. 7
        public static void WriteClientsStructs(IUpdateEncoder encoder, StructStore store, IDictionary <int, int> _sm)
            // We filter all valid _sm entries into sm.
            var sm = new Dictionary <int, int>();

            foreach (var kvp in _sm)
                var client = kvp.Key;
                var clock  = kvp.Value;

                // Only write if new structs are available.
                if (store.GetState(client) > clock)
                    sm[client] = clock;

            foreach (var kvp in store.GetStateVector())
                var client = kvp.Key;
                if (!sm.ContainsKey(client))
                    sm[client] = 0;

            // Write # states that were updated.

            // Write items with higher client ids first.
            // This heavily improves the conflict resolution algorithm.
            var sortedClients = sm.Keys.ToList();

            sortedClients.Sort((a, b) => b - a);

            foreach (var client in sortedClients)
                WriteStructs(encoder, store.Clients[client], client, sm[client]);
Esempio n. 8
        public void TryMergeDeleteSet(StructStore store)
            // Try to merge deleted / gc'd items.
            // Merge from right to left for better efficiency and so we don't miss any merge targets.
            foreach (var kvp in Clients)
                var client      = kvp.Key;
                var deleteItems = kvp.Value;
                var structs     = store.Clients[client];

                for (int di = deleteItems.Count - 1; di >= 0; di--)
                    var deleteItem = deleteItems[di];

                    // Start with merging the item next to the last deleted item.
                    var mostRightIndexToCheck = Math.Min(structs.Count - 1, 1 + StructStore.FindIndexSS(structs, deleteItem.Clock + deleteItem.Length - 1));
                    for (int si = mostRightIndexToCheck; si > 0 && structs[si].Id.Clock >= deleteItem.Clock; si--)
                        TryToMergeWithLeft(structs, si);
Esempio n. 9
        void IContentEx.Gc(StructStore store)
            var item = Type._start;

            while (item != null)
                item.Gc(store, parentGCd: true);
                item = item.Right as Item;

            Type._start = null;

            foreach (var kvp in Type._map)
                var valueItem = kvp.Value;
                while (valueItem != null)
                    valueItem.Gc(store, parentGCd: true);
                    valueItem = valueItem.Left as Item;

Esempio n. 10
 internal abstract int?GetMissing(Transaction transaction, StructStore store);
Esempio n. 11
        internal static void CleanupTransactions(IList <Transaction> transactionCleanups, int i)
            if (i < transactionCleanups.Count)
                var transaction  = transactionCleanups[i];
                var doc          = transaction.Doc;
                var store        = doc.Store;
                var ds           = transaction.DeleteSet;
                var mergeStructs = transaction._mergeStructs;
                var actions      = new List <Action>();

                    transaction.AfterState = store.GetStateVector();
                    doc._transaction       = null;

                    actions.Add(() =>

                    actions.Add(() =>
                        foreach (var kvp in transaction.Changed)
                            var itemType = kvp.Key;
                            var subs     = kvp.Value;

                            if (itemType._item == null || !itemType._item.Deleted)
                                itemType.CallObserver(transaction, subs);

                    actions.Add(() =>
                        // Deep observe events.
                        foreach (var kvp in transaction.ChangedParentTypes)
                            var type   = kvp.Key;
                            var events = kvp.Value;

                            // We need to think about the possibility that the user transforms the YDoc in the event.
                            if (type._item == null || !type._item.Deleted)
                                foreach (var evt in events)
                                    if (evt.Target._item == null || !evt.Target._item.Deleted)
                                        evt.CurrentTarget = type;

                                // Sort events by path length so that top-level events are fired first.
                                var sortedEvents = events.ToList();
                                sortedEvents.Sort((a, b) => a.Path.Count - b.Path.Count);
                                Debug.Assert(sortedEvents.Count > 0);

                                actions.Add(() =>
                                    type.CallDeepEventHandlerListeners(sortedEvents, transaction);

                    actions.Add(() =>

                    // Replace deleted items with ItemDeleted / GC.
                    // This is where content is actually removed from the Yjs Doc.
                    if (doc.Gc)
                        ds.TryGcDeleteSet(store, doc.GcFilter);


                    // On all affected store.clients props, try to merge.
                    foreach (var kvp in transaction.AfterState)
                        var client = kvp.Key;
                        var clock  = kvp.Value;

                        if (!transaction.BeforeState.TryGetValue(client, out int beforeClock))
                            beforeClock = 0;

                        if (beforeClock != clock)
                            var structs        = store.Clients[client];
                            var firstChangePos = Math.Max(StructStore.FindIndexSS(structs, beforeClock), 1);
                            for (int j = structs.Count - 1; j >= firstChangePos; j--)
                                DeleteSet.TryToMergeWithLeft(structs, j);

                    // Try to merge mergeStructs.
                    // TODO: It makes more sense to transform mergeStructs to a DS, sort it, and merge from right to left
                    //       but at the moment DS does not handle duplicates.
                    for (int j = 0; j < mergeStructs.Count; j++)
                        var client            = mergeStructs[j].Id.Client;
                        var clock             = mergeStructs[j].Id.Clock;
                        var structs           = store.Clients[client];
                        var replacedStructPos = StructStore.FindIndexSS(structs, clock);

                        if (replacedStructPos + 1 < structs.Count)
                            DeleteSet.TryToMergeWithLeft(structs, replacedStructPos + 1);

                        if (replacedStructPos > 0)
                            DeleteSet.TryToMergeWithLeft(structs, replacedStructPos);

                    if (!transaction.Local)
                        if (!transaction.AfterState.TryGetValue(doc.ClientId, out int afterClock))
                            afterClock = -1;

                        if (!transaction.BeforeState.TryGetValue(doc.ClientId, out int beforeClock))
                            beforeClock = -1;

                        if (afterClock != beforeClock)
                            doc.ClientId = YDoc.GenerateNewClientId();
                            // Debug.WriteLine($"{nameof(Transaction)}: Changed the client-id because another client seems to be using it.");

                    // @todo: Merge all the transactions into one and provide send the data as a single update message.


                    foreach (var subDoc in transaction.SubdocsAdded)

                    foreach (var subDoc in transaction.SubdocsRemoved)

                    doc.InvokeSubdocsChanged(transaction.SubdocsLoaded, transaction.SubdocsAdded, transaction.SubdocsRemoved);

                    foreach (var subDoc in transaction.SubdocsRemoved)

                    if (transactionCleanups.Count <= i + 1)
                        CleanupTransactions(transactionCleanups, i + 1);
Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Read the next Item in a Decoder and fill this Item with the read data.
        /// <br/>
        /// This is called when data is received from a remote peer.
        /// </summary>
        public static void ReadStructs(IUpdateDecoder decoder, Transaction transaction, StructStore store)
            var clientStructRefs = ReadClientStructRefs(decoder, transaction.Doc);

Esempio n. 13
        public void ReadAndApplyDeleteSet(IDSDecoder decoder, Transaction transaction)
            var unappliedDs = new DeleteSet();
            var numClients  = decoder.Reader.ReadVarUint();

            for (int i = 0; i < numClients; i++)

                var client          = (int)decoder.Reader.ReadVarUint();
                var numberOfDeletes = decoder.Reader.ReadVarUint();

                if (!Clients.TryGetValue(client, out var structs))
                    structs = new List <AbstractStruct>();
                    // NOTE: Clients map is not updated.

                var state = GetState(client);

                for (int deleteIndex = 0; deleteIndex < numberOfDeletes; deleteIndex++)
                    var clock    = decoder.ReadDsClock();
                    var clockEnd = clock + decoder.ReadDsLength();
                    if (clock < state)
                        if (state < clockEnd)
                            unappliedDs.Add(client, state, clockEnd - state);

                        var index = StructStore.FindIndexSS(structs, clock);

                        // We can ignore the case of GC and Delete structs, because we are going to skip them.
                        var str = structs[index];

                        // Split the first item if necessary.
                        if (!str.Deleted && str.Id.Clock < clock)
                            var splitItem = (str as Item).SplitItem(transaction, clock - str.Id.Clock);
                            structs.Insert(index + 1, splitItem);

                            // Increase, we now want to use the next struct.

                        while (index < structs.Count)
                            str = structs[index++];
                            if (str.Id.Clock < clockEnd)
                                if (!str.Deleted)
                                    if (clockEnd < str.Id.Clock + str.Length)
                                        var splitItem = (str as Item).SplitItem(transaction, clockEnd - str.Id.Clock);
                                        structs.Insert(index, splitItem);

                        unappliedDs.Add(client, clock, clockEnd - clock);

            if (unappliedDs.Clients.Count > 0)
                // @TODO: No need for encoding+decoding ds anymore.
                using var unappliedDsEncoder = new DSEncoderV2();
                _pendingDeleteReaders.Add(new DSDecoderV2(new MemoryStream(unappliedDsEncoder.ToArray())));
Esempio n. 14
 void IContentEx.Gc(StructStore store)
     // Do nothing.
Esempio n. 15
 public DeleteSet(StructStore ss)
     : this()
Esempio n. 16
 public void TryGc(StructStore store, Predicate <Item> gcFilter)
     TryGcDeleteSet(store, gcFilter);
Esempio n. 17
File: GC.cs Progetto: alex521/ycs
 internal override int?GetMissing(Transaction transaction, StructStore store)