Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates every localization .CSV file associated with this
        /// .yarnproject file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method updates each localization file by performing the
        /// following operations:
        /// - Inserts new entries if they're present in the base
        /// localization and not in the translated localization
        /// - Removes entries if they're present in the translated
        /// localization and not in the base localization
        /// - Detects if a line in the base localization has changed its
        /// Lock value from when the translated localization was created,
        /// and update its Comment
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="serializedObject">A serialized object that
        /// represents a <see cref="YarnProjectImporter"/>.</param>
        internal static void UpdateLocalizationCSVs(YarnProjectImporter yarnProjectImporter)
            if (yarnProjectImporter.CanGenerateStringsTable == false)
                Debug.LogError($"Can't update localization CSVs for Yarn Project \"{}\" because not every line has a tag.");

            var baseLocalizationStrings = yarnProjectImporter.GenerateStringsTable();

            var localizations = yarnProjectImporter.languagesToSourceAssets;

            var modifiedFiles = new List <TextAsset>();


                foreach (var loc in localizations)
                    if (loc.stringsFile == null)
                        Debug.LogWarning($"Can't update localization for {loc.languageID} because it doesn't have a strings file.", yarnProjectImporter);

                    var fileWasChanged = UpdateLocalizationFile(baseLocalizationStrings, loc.languageID, loc.stringsFile);

                    if (fileWasChanged)

                if (modifiedFiles.Count > 0)
                    Debug.Log($"Updated the following files: {string.Join(", ", modifiedFiles.Select(f => AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(f)))}");
                    Debug.Log($"No files needed updating.");
Esempio n. 2
        internal static void UpdateAssetAddresses(YarnProjectImporter importer)
            var lineIDs = importer.GenerateStringsTable().Select(s => s.ID);

            // Get a map of language IDs to (lineID, asset path) pairs
            var languageToAssets = importer
                                   // Get the languages-to-source-assets map
                                   // Get the asset folder for them
                                   .Select(l => new { l.languageID, l.assetsFolder })
                                   // Only consider those that have an asset folder
                                   .Where(f => f.assetsFolder != null)
                                   // Get the path for the asset folder
                                   .Select(f => new { f.languageID, path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(f.assetsFolder) })
                                   // Use that to get the assets inside these folders
                                   .Select(f => new { f.languageID, assetPaths = FindAssetPathsForLineIDs(lineIDs, f.path) });

            var addressableAssetSettings = AddressableAssetSettingsDefaultObject.Settings;

            foreach (var languageToAsset in languageToAssets)
                var assets = languageToAsset.assetPaths
                             .Select(pair => new { LineID = pair.Key, GUID = AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID(pair.Value) });

                foreach (var asset in assets)
                    // Find the existing entry for this asset, if it has
                    // one.
                    AddressableAssetEntry entry = addressableAssetSettings.FindAssetEntry(asset.GUID);

                    if (entry == null)
                        // This asset didn't have an entry. Create one in
                        // the default group.
                        entry = addressableAssetSettings.CreateOrMoveEntry(asset.GUID, addressableAssetSettings.DefaultGroup);

                    // Update the entry's address.
                    entry.SetAddress(Localization.GetAddressForLine(asset.LineID, languageToAsset.languageID));
            throw new System.NotSupportedException($"A method that requires the Addressable Assets package was called, but USE_ADDRESSABLES was not defined. Please either install Addressable Assets, or if you have already, add it to this project's compiler definitions.");
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes a .csv file to disk at the path indicated by <paramref
        /// name="destination"/>, containing all of the lines found in the
        /// scripts referred to by <paramref name="yarnProjectImporter"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The file generated is in a format ready to be added to the <see
        /// cref="YarnProjectImporter.languagesToSourceAssets"/> list.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="yarnProjectImporter">The YarnProjectImporter to
        /// extract strings from.</param>
        /// <param name="destination">The path to write the file
        /// to.</param>
        /// <returns><see langword="true"/> if the file was written
        /// successfully, <see langword="false"/> otherwise.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="CsvHelper.CsvHelperException">Thrown when an
        /// error is encountered when generating the CSV data.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="IOException">Thrown when an error is
        /// encountered when writing the data to disk.</exception>
        internal static bool WriteStringsFile(string destination, YarnProjectImporter yarnProjectImporter)
            // Perform a strings-only compilation to get a full strings
            // table, and generate the CSV.
            var stringTable = yarnProjectImporter.GenerateStringsTable();

            // If there was an error, bail out here
            if (stringTable == null)

            // Convert the string tables to CSV...
            var outputCSV = StringTableEntry.CreateCSV(stringTable);

            // ...and write it to disk.
            File.WriteAllText(destination, outputCSV);
