private void pictureBox1_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (!s.IsPathsEmpty() && ! { if (p == null) { MessageBox.Show("Please select a class to label"); } else { if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { if (!s.isDrawing) { s.isDrawing = true; s.StartPos.SetCoords(e.Location.X, e.Location.Y); s.EndPos.SetCoords(e.Location.X, e.Location.Y); } else { s.isDrawing = false; s.EndPos.SetCoords(e.Location.X, e.Location.Y); MyRectangle rect = s.GetRectangle(); if (rect.Width > 0 && rect.Height > 0) { s.AddPair(rect, p.Color); } pictureBox1.Invalidate(); } } } } }
private void pictureBox1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) { if (!s.IsBBoxesEmpty() && s.ImageBoxes[s.currentPic].GetCount() > 0) { s.DrawAll(e.Graphics); } else if (!s.IsPathsEmpty()) { if (s.CrosshairsEnabled) { s.DrawLines(e.Graphics); } } if (s.isDrawing) { MyRectangle mr = s.GetRectangle(); Color c = Color.FromArgb(127, p.Color.R, p.Color.G, p.Color.B); Brush b = new SolidBrush(c); Rectangle r = new Rectangle(mr.X, mr.Y, mr.Width, mr.Height); e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(p, r); e.Graphics.FillRectangle(b, r); b.Dispose(); } if (!s.IsPathsEmpty()) { toolStripStatusLabel2.Text = string.Format("Name: {0}, Objects: {1} ", Path.GetFileName(s.PicturePaths[s.currentPic]), s.ImageBoxes[s.currentPic].GetCount()); } }
/// <summary> /// Returns the last Rectangle /// </summary> /// <returns>Serializable Rectangle</returns> public MyRectangle Pop() { MyRectangle mr = DrawnRectangles[DrawnRectangles.Count - 1]; DrawnRectangles.RemoveAt(DrawnRectangles.Count - 1); return(mr); }
/// <summary> /// Performs undo action for the given picture /// </summary> public void Undo() { if (UndoList[currentPic].DrawnRectangles.Count != 0) { MyRectangle r = UndoList[currentPic].Pop(); ImageBoxes[currentPic].Remove(r); } }
public MyRectangle GetRectangle() { int x = Math.Min(StartPos.X, EndPos.X); int y = Math.Min(StartPos.Y, EndPos.Y); int w = Math.Abs(StartPos.X - EndPos.X); int h = Math.Abs(StartPos.Y - EndPos.Y); MyRectangle rect = new MyRectangle(x, y, w, h); return(rect); }
public void AddPair(MyRectangle r, Color c) { ImageBoxes[currentPic].Add(r, c); UndoList[currentPic].Push(r); }
public void Remove(MyRectangle r) { BBoxes.Remove(r); }
public void Add(MyRectangle r, Color c) { BBoxes[r] = c.ToArgb(); }
/// <summary> /// Adds Rectangle on the stack /// </summary> /// <param name="r">Serializable Rectange</param> public void Push(MyRectangle r) { DrawnRectangles.Add(r); }