void listBox1_SelectedValueChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            WrappedStyle ws = listBox1.SelectedItem as WrappedStyle;

            if (ws == null)
                log.Warn("SelectedValueChanged, but IsNullOrEmpty.  Deselction?");
                object pStyle;
                if (ws == selectedValue)
                    // Fired on something already selected, so deselect
                    listBox1.SelectedIndex = -1;                    // no selection

                    cc.set_DefaultTextStyle(ref styleDefaultPFont); // can't set to null?

                    selectedValue = null;

                Word.Style selectedStyle = ws.getStyle();
                pStyle = ws.getStyle();
                // Displayed the paragraph style; use the linked character style
                // (but setting the p style seems to work)
                log.Info("selected " + selectedStyle.NameLocal);
                //object newStyle = (Word.Style)selectedStyle.get_LinkStyle();
                cc.set_DefaultTextStyle(ref pStyle); // I wonder whether we can use the p style?

                selectedValue = ws;                  //for next time

                // Now, select cc, and apply p style, so user see visible result
                // (only need to do that if you set c style (as opposed to p)
                // But it only applies the style to the first paragraph, so:
                cc.Range.set_Style(ref pStyle);
        public FormStyleChooser()

            styleDefaultPFont = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveDocument.Styles[Word.WdBuiltinStyle.wdStyleDefaultParagraphFont];

            cc = ContentControlMaker.getActiveContentControl(Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveDocument, Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.Selection);
            if (cc == null)
                // Shouldn't happen
                log.Error("Which content control?");

            dynamic d = cc.get_DefaultTextStyle(); // actually returns the PARAGRAPH style!

            if (d == null)
                // Nothing selected
                log.Error("No current style!");
                // System.__ComObject

                //string typeName = ComHelper.GetTypeName(d);

                existingStyle = d as Word.Style;
                log.Debug(existingStyle.NameLocal); // eg Heading 6 ie the PARAGRAPH style!

            foreach (Word.Style s in Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveDocument.Styles)
                    if (s.Type.Equals(Word.WdStyleType.wdStyleTypeParagraph) && s.Linked)
                        //log.Debug(".. linked to " + linkedS.NameLocal);

                        WrappedStyle wrapped = new WrappedStyle(s);

                        if (existingStyle != null &&
                            //log.Debug(" found  " + existingStyle.NameLocal);

                            listBox1.SelectedItem = wrapped;
                catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException) { }

            // events click, doubleclick, mouseXXX
            //this.listBox1.SelectedIndexChanged += new System.EventHandler(listBox1_SelectedIndexChanged);
            this.listBox1.SelectedValueChanged += new System.EventHandler(listBox1_SelectedValueChanged);
        object styleDefaultPFont = null; //Word.Style

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public FormStyleChooser()

            styleDefaultPFont = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveDocument.Styles[Word.WdBuiltinStyle.wdStyleDefaultParagraphFont];

            cc = ContentControlMaker.getActiveContentControl(Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveDocument, Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.Selection);
            if (cc == null)
                // Shouldn't happen
                log.Error("Which content control?");

            dynamic d = cc.get_DefaultTextStyle(); // actually returns the PARAGRAPH style!
            if (d == null)
                // Nothing selected
                log.Error("No current style!");

                // System.__ComObject

                //string typeName = ComHelper.GetTypeName(d);

                existingStyle = d as Word.Style;
                log.Debug(existingStyle.NameLocal); // eg Heading 6 ie the PARAGRAPH style!


            foreach (Word.Style s in Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveDocument.Styles) {


                    if (s.Type.Equals(Word.WdStyleType.wdStyleTypeParagraph) && s.Linked)
                        //log.Debug(".. linked to " + linkedS.NameLocal);

                        WrappedStyle wrapped = new WrappedStyle(s);

                        if (existingStyle!=null
                            && wrapped.ToString().Equals(existingStyle.NameLocal))
                            //log.Debug(" found  " + existingStyle.NameLocal);

                            listBox1.SelectedItem = wrapped;

                catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException) { }


            // events click, doubleclick, mouseXXX
            //this.listBox1.SelectedIndexChanged += new System.EventHandler(listBox1_SelectedIndexChanged);
            this.listBox1.SelectedValueChanged += new System.EventHandler(listBox1_SelectedValueChanged);
        void listBox1_SelectedValueChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            WrappedStyle ws = listBox1.SelectedItem as WrappedStyle;

            if (ws == null)
                log.Warn("SelectedValueChanged, but IsNullOrEmpty.  Deselction?");
                object pStyle;
                if (ws == selectedValue)
                    // Fired on something already selected, so deselect
                    listBox1.SelectedIndex = -1; // no selection

                    cc.set_DefaultTextStyle(ref styleDefaultPFont); // can't set to null?

                    selectedValue = null;

                Word.Style selectedStyle = ws.getStyle();
                pStyle = ws.getStyle();
                // Displayed the paragraph style; use the linked character style
                // (but setting the p style seems to work)
                log.Info("selected " + selectedStyle.NameLocal);
                //object newStyle = (Word.Style)selectedStyle.get_LinkStyle();
                cc.set_DefaultTextStyle(ref pStyle);  // I wonder whether we can use the p style?

                selectedValue = ws; //for next time

                // Now, select cc, and apply p style, so user see visible result
                // (only need to do that if you set c style (as opposed to p)
                // But it only applies the style to the first paragraph, so:
                cc.Range.set_Style(ref pStyle);
