Esempio n. 1
        public void PurchaseTattooEvent(Client player, int tattooZone, int tattooIndex)
            int sex        = player.GetData(EntityData.PLAYER_SEX);
            int businessId = player.GetData(EntityData.PLAYER_BUSINESS_ENTERED);
            var business   = GetBusinessById(businessId);

            // Getting the tattoo and its price
            var businessTattoo = GetBusinessZoneTattoos(sex, tattooZone).ElementAt(tattooIndex);
            int playerMoney    = player.GetSharedData(EntityData.PLAYER_MONEY);
            var price          = (int)Math.Round(business.multiplier * businessTattoo.price);

            if (price <= playerMoney)
                var tattoo = new TattooModel();
                    tattoo.player  = player.GetData(EntityData.PLAYER_SQL_ID);
                    tattoo.slot    = tattooZone;
                    tattoo.library = businessTattoo.library;
                    tattoo.hash    = sex == Constants.SEX_MALE ? businessTattoo.maleHash : businessTattoo.femaleHash;

                Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
                    if (Database.AddTattoo(tattoo))
                        // We add the tattoo to the list

                        // Substract player money
                        player.SetSharedData(EntityData.PLAYER_MONEY, playerMoney - price);

                        // We substract the product and add funds to the business
                        if (business.owner != string.Empty)
                            business.funds    += price;
                            business.products -= businessTattoo.price;

                        // Confirmation message sent to the player
                        var playerMessage = string.Format(InfoRes.tattoo_purchased, price);
                        player.SendChatMessage(Constants.COLOR_INFO + playerMessage);

                        // Reload client tattoo list
                        player.TriggerEvent("addPurchasedTattoo", NAPI.Util.ToJson(tattoo));
                        // Player already had that tattoo
                        player.SendChatMessage(Constants.COLOR_ERROR + ErrRes.tattoo_duplicated);
                player.SendChatMessage(Constants.COLOR_ERROR + ErrRes.player_not_enough_money);
Esempio n. 2
        public void ChangeHairStyleEvent(Client player, string skinJson)
            int playerMoney = player.GetSharedData(EntityData.PLAYER_MONEY);
            int businessId  = player.GetData(EntityData.PLAYER_BUSINESS_ENTERED);
            var business    = GetBusinessById(businessId);
            var price       = (int)Math.Round(business.multiplier * Constants.PRICE_BARBER_SHOP);

            if (playerMoney >= price)
                int playerId = player.GetData(EntityData.PLAYER_SQL_ID);

                // Getting the new hairstyle from the JSON
                var skinModel = NAPI.Util.FromJson <SkinModel>(skinJson);

                // Saving new entity data
                player.SetData(EntityData.PLAYER_SKIN_MODEL, skinModel);

                // Substract money to the player
                player.SetSharedData(EntityData.PLAYER_MONEY, playerMoney - price);

                Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
                    // We update values in the database
                    Database.UpdateCharacterHair(playerId, skinModel);

                    // We substract the product and add funds to the business
                    if (business.owner != string.Empty)
                        business.funds    += price;
                        business.products -= Constants.PRICE_BARBER_SHOP;

                    // Delete the browser

                    // Confirmation message sent to the player
                    var playerMessage = string.Format(InfoRes.haircut_purchased, price);
                    player.SendChatMessage(Constants.COLOR_INFO + playerMessage);
                // The player has not the required money
                var message = string.Format(ErrRes.haircut_money, price);
                player.SendChatMessage(Constants.COLOR_ERROR + message);
Esempio n. 3
        public static void LoadDatabaseBusiness()
            businessList = DBBusinessCommands.LoadAllBusiness();
            foreach (var businessModel in businessList)
                // We create the entrance TextLabel for each business
                businessModel.businessLabel = NAPI.TextLabel.CreateTextLabel(, businessModel.position,
                                                                             30.0f, 0.75f, 4, new Color(255, 255, 255), false, businessModel.dimension);

                // We mark the blip in the map
                foreach (var blipModel in Constants.BUSINESS_BLIP_LIST)
                    if ( ==
                        var businessBlip = NAPI.Blip.CreateBlip(businessModel.position);
                        businessBlip.Name       =;
                        businessBlip.Sprite     = (uint)blipModel.blip;
                        businessBlip.ShortRange = true;
Esempio n. 4
        public void ClothesItemSelectedEvent(Client player, string clothesJson)
            var clothesModel = NAPI.Util.FromJson <BusinessClothesModel>(clothesJson);

            // Get the player's clothes
            int playerId     = player.GetData(EntityData.PLAYER_SQL_ID);
            var ownedClothes = Globals.GetPlayerClothes(playerId);

            if (ownedClothes.Any(c =>
                                 c.slot == clothesModel.bodyPart && c.type == clothesModel.type &&
                                 c.drawable == clothesModel.clothesId && c.texture == clothesModel.texture))
                // The player already has those clothes
                player.SendChatMessage(Constants.COLOR_ERROR + ErrRes.player_owns_clothes);

            // Store the data from the purchase
            var clothes = new ClothesModel();

                clothes.type     = clothesModel.type;
                clothes.slot     = clothesModel.bodyPart;
                clothes.drawable = clothesModel.clothesId;
                clothes.texture  = clothesModel.texture;
                clothes.player   = playerId;
                clothes.dressed  = true;

            int businessId = player.GetData(EntityData.PLAYER_BUSINESS_ENTERED);
            int sex        = player.GetData(EntityData.PLAYER_SEX);
            var products   =
                GetClothesProductsPrice(clothesModel.clothesId, sex, clothesModel.type, clothesModel.bodyPart);
            var business = GetBusinessById(businessId);
            var price    = (int)Math.Round(products * business.multiplier);

            // We check whether the player has enough money
            int playerMoney = player.GetSharedData(EntityData.PLAYER_MONEY);

            if (playerMoney >= price)
                // Substracting paid money
                player.SetSharedData(EntityData.PLAYER_MONEY, playerMoney - price);

                // We substract the product and add funds to the business
                if (business.owner != string.Empty)
                    business.funds    += price;
                    business.products -= products;

                    Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
                        // Update the business

                // Undress previous clothes
                Globals.UndressClothes(playerId, clothesModel.type, clothesModel.bodyPart);

                Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
                    // Storing the clothes into database
           = Database.AddClothes(clothes);

                    // Confirmation message sent to the player
                    var purchaseMessage = string.Format(InfoRes.business_item_purchased, price);
                    player.SendChatMessage(Constants.COLOR_INFO + purchaseMessage);
                player.SendChatMessage(Constants.COLOR_ERROR + ErrRes.player_not_enough_money);
Esempio n. 5
        public void BusinessPurchaseMadeEvent(Client player, string itemName, int amount)
            int businessId   = player.GetData(EntityData.PLAYER_BUSINESS_ENTERED);
            var business     = GetBusinessById(businessId);
            var businessItem = GetBusinessItemFromName(itemName);

            if (business.type == Constants.BUSINESS_TYPE_AMMUNATION &&
                businessItem.type == Constants.ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON &&
                player.GetData(EntityData.PLAYER_WEAPON_LICENSE) < Scheduler.GetTotalSeconds())
                player.SendChatMessage(Constants.COLOR_ERROR + ErrRes.weapon_license_expired);
                var hash  = 0;
                var price = (int)Math.Round(businessItem.products * business.multiplier) * amount;
                int money = player.GetSharedData(EntityData.PLAYER_MONEY);

                if (money < price)
                    player.SendChatMessage(Constants.COLOR_ERROR + ErrRes.player_not_enough_money);
                    var purchaseMessage = string.Format(InfoRes.business_item_purchased, price);
                    int playerId        = player.GetData(EntityData.PLAYER_SQL_ID);

                    Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
                        // We look for the item in the inventory
                        var itemModel = Globals.GetPlayerItemModelFromHash(playerId, businessItem.hash);
                        if (itemModel == null)
                            // We create the purchased item
                            itemModel = new ItemModel();
                                itemModel.hash            = businessItem.hash;
                                itemModel.ownerIdentifier = player.GetData(EntityData.PLAYER_SQL_ID);
                                itemModel.amount          = businessItem.uses * amount;
                                itemModel.position        = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                                itemModel.dimension       = 0;

                            if (businessItem.type == Constants.ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON)
                                itemModel.ownerEntity = Constants.ITEM_ENTITY_WHEEL;
                                itemModel.ownerEntity = int.TryParse(itemModel.hash, out hash)
                                    ? Constants.ITEM_ENTITY_RIGHT_HAND
                                    : Constants.ITEM_ENTITY_PLAYER;

                            // Adding the item to the list and database
                   = Database.AddNewItem(itemModel);
                            itemModel.amount += businessItem.uses * amount;

                            if (int.TryParse(itemModel.hash, out hash))
                                itemModel.ownerEntity = Constants.ITEM_ENTITY_RIGHT_HAND;

                            // Update the item's amount

                        // If the item has a valid hash, we give it in hand
                        if (itemModel.ownerEntity == Constants.ITEM_ENTITY_RIGHT_HAND)
                            // Remove the previous item if there was any
                            if (player.GetSharedData(EntityData.PLAYER_RIGHT_HAND) != null)

                            // Give the new item to the player
                            Globals.AttachItemToPlayer(player,, itemModel.hash, "IK_R_Hand",
                                                       businessItem.position, businessItem.rotation, EntityData.PLAYER_RIGHT_HAND);
                        else if (businessItem.type == Constants.ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON)
                            // Remove the previous item if there was any
                            if (player.GetSharedData(EntityData.PLAYER_RIGHT_HAND) != null)

                            // We give the weapon to the player
                            player.GiveWeapon(NAPI.Util.WeaponNameToModel(itemModel.hash), itemModel.amount);

                            // Add the attachment to the player
                            var attachment = new AttachmentModel(, "IK_R_Hand", itemModel.hash,
                                                                 businessItem.position, businessItem.rotation);
                            player.SetSharedData(EntityData.PLAYER_RIGHT_HAND, NAPI.Util.ToJson(attachment));

                            // Checking if it's been bought in the Ammu-Nation
                            if (business.type == Constants.BUSINESS_TYPE_AMMUNATION)
                                Database.AddLicensedWeapon(, player.Name);

                        // If it's a phone, we create a new number
                        if (itemModel.hash == Constants.ITEM_HASH_TELEPHONE)
                            if (player.GetData(EntityData.PLAYER_PHONE) == 0)
                                var random = new Random();
                                var phone  = random.Next(100000, 999999);
                                player.SetData(EntityData.PLAYER_PHONE, phone);

                                // Sending the message with the new number to the player
                                var message = string.Format(InfoRes.player_phone, phone);
                                player.SendChatMessage(Constants.COLOR_INFO + message);

                        // We substract the product and add funds to the business
                        if (business.owner != string.Empty)
                            business.funds    += price;
                            business.products -= businessItem.products;

                            // Update the business

                        player.SetSharedData(EntityData.PLAYER_MONEY, money - price);
                        player.SendChatMessage(Constants.COLOR_INFO + purchaseMessage);