void Split(StaticBinaryTreePartition parent, ushort index)
                ushort left  = parent.GetNewNodeIndex(this.firstChild);
                ushort right = parent.GetNewNodeIndex(parent.GetNewChildArrayBaseIndex());

                parent.allNodes[index].left  = left;
                parent.allNodes[index].right = right;

                //parent.allNodes may be reallocated in GetNewNodeIndex...
                this = parent.allNodes[index];

            //add an item to this node
            public void Add(IDraw item, float[] itemMin, float[] itemMax, int axis, StaticBinaryTreePartition parent, ushort thisIndex)
                if (this.min == 0 && this.max == 0)
                    this.min = itemMin[axis];
                    this.max = itemMax[axis];
                    this.min = Math.Min(itemMin[axis], this.min);
                    this.max = Math.Max(itemMax[axis], this.max);

                if (left == 0)
                    if (childCount != ChildCount)
                        parent.allChildren[(((uint)firstChild) << ChildCountShift) + childCount] = item;
                    Split(parent, thisIndex);

                float itemCentre = itemMin[axis] + itemMax[axis];
                float nodeSplit  = this.min + this.max;

                ushort goToNode = itemCentre > nodeSplit ? left : right;

                //if itemCentre and nodeSplit are equal, then itemCentre > nodeSplit is always false, which
                //will mean goToNode == right, so the item will always be added to the right...
                //so... If there are more than 'ChildCount' items in the same place, then this can
                //cause a stack overflow, because right will keep expanding.
                //the solution isn't fast.. but is should keep things ballanced.
                if (itemCentre == nodeSplit)
                    //go to the node with fewer children
                    goToNode =
                        parent.allNodes[left].CountChildren(parent.allNodes) >
                        parent.allNodes[right].CountChildren(parent.allNodes) ?
                        right : left;

                parent.allNodes[goToNode].Add(item, itemMin, itemMax, axis == 2 ? 0 : axis + 1, parent, goToNode);