Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new CombinerParameterElement using the XmlReader instance provided.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reader">The XmlReader instance positioned at the CombinerParameterElement node.</param>
        /// <param name="nodeName">The name of the node for this combiner parameter item.</param>
        /// <param name="schemaVersion">The version of the schema that was used to validate.</param>
        protected CombinerParameterElement(XmlReader reader, string nodeName, XacmlVersion schemaVersion)
            : base(XacmlSchema.Policy, schemaVersion)
            if (reader == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("reader");
            if (reader.LocalName == nodeName &&
                ValidateSchema(reader, schemaVersion))
                // Read the attributes
                if (reader.HasAttributes)
                    // Load all the attributes
                    while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute())
                        if (reader.LocalName == PolicySchema2.CombinerParameterElement.ParameterName)
                            _parameterName = reader.GetAttribute(PolicySchema2.CombinerParameterElement.ParameterName);

                // Read the rule contents.
                while (reader.Read())
                    switch (reader.LocalName)
                    case PolicySchema2.CombinerParameterElement.AttributeValue:
                        _attributeValue = new AttributeValueElement(reader, schemaVersion);
                    if (reader.LocalName == PolicySchema2.CombinerParameterElement.CombinerParameter &&
                        reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement)
                throw new Exception(Resource.ResourceManager[Resource.MessageKey.exc_invalid_node_name, reader.LocalName]);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates the variable into a value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The contex of the evaluation.</param>
        /// <returns>The value of the function.</returns>
        public EvaluationValue Evaluate(EvaluationContext context)
            if (context == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("context");
            context.Trace("Evaluating variable");

                if (_variableDefinition.Expression is pol.ApplyElement)
                    context.Trace("Apply within condition.");

                    // There is a nested apply un this policy a new Apply will be created and also
                    // evaluated. It's return value will be used as the processed argument.
                    Apply _childApply = new Apply((pol.ApplyElement)_variableDefinition.Expression);

                    // Evaluate the Apply
                    _value = _childApply.Evaluate(context);

                else if (_variableDefinition.Expression is pol.FunctionElement)
                    throw new NotImplementedException("FunctionElement");                       //TODO:
                else if (_variableDefinition.Expression is pol.VariableReferenceElement)
                    pol.VariableReferenceElement variableRef = _variableDefinition.Expression as pol.VariableReferenceElement;
                    VariableDefinition           variableDef = context.CurrentPolicy.VariableDefinition[variableRef.VariableId] as VariableDefinition;


                    if (!variableDef.IsEvaluated)
                else if (_variableDefinition.Expression is pol.AttributeValueElementReadWrite)
                    // The AttributeValue does not need to be processed
                    context.Trace("Attribute value {0}", _variableDefinition.Expression.ToString());

                    pol.AttributeValueElementReadWrite att            = (pol.AttributeValueElementReadWrite)_variableDefinition.Expression;
                    pol.AttributeValueElement          attributeValue = new pol.AttributeValueElement(att.DataType, att.Contents, att.SchemaVersion);

                    _value = new EvaluationValue(
                        attributeValue.GetTypedValue(attributeValue.GetType(context), 0),
                else if (_variableDefinition.Expression is pol.AttributeDesignatorBase)
                    // Resolve the AttributeDesignator using the EvaluationEngine public methods.
                    context.Trace("Processing attribute designator: {0}", _variableDefinition.Expression.ToString());

                    pol.AttributeDesignatorBase attrDes = (pol.AttributeDesignatorBase)_variableDefinition.Expression;
                    BagValue bag = EvaluationEngine.Resolve(context, attrDes);

                    // If the attribute was not resolved by the EvaluationEngine search the
                    // attribute in the context document, also using the EvaluationEngine public
                    // methods.
                    if (bag.BagSize == 0)
                        if (_variableDefinition.Expression is pol.SubjectAttributeDesignatorElement)
                            ctx.AttributeElement attrib = EvaluationEngine.GetAttribute(context, attrDes);
                            if (attrib != null)
                                context.Trace("Adding subject attribute designator: {0}", attrib.ToString());
                        else if (_variableDefinition.Expression is pol.ResourceAttributeDesignatorElement)
                            ctx.AttributeElement attrib = EvaluationEngine.GetAttribute(context, attrDes);
                            if (attrib != null)
                                context.Trace("Adding resource attribute designator {0}", attrib.ToString());
                        else if (_variableDefinition.Expression is pol.ActionAttributeDesignatorElement)
                            ctx.AttributeElement attrib = EvaluationEngine.GetAttribute(context, attrDes);
                            if (attrib != null)
                                context.Trace("Adding action attribute designator {0}", attrib.ToString());
                        else if (_variableDefinition.Expression is pol.EnvironmentAttributeDesignatorElement)
                            ctx.AttributeElement attrib = EvaluationEngine.GetAttribute(context, attrDes);
                            if (attrib != null)
                                context.Trace("Adding environment attribute designator {0}", attrib.ToString());

                    // If the argument was not found and the attribute must be present this is
                    // a MissingAttribute situation so set the flag. Otherwise add the attribute
                    // to the processed arguments.
                    if (bag.BagSize == 0 && attrDes.MustBePresent)
                        context.Trace("Attribute is missing");
                        context.IsMissingAttribute = true;
                        _value = EvaluationValue.Indeterminate;
                        _value = new EvaluationValue(bag, bag.GetType(context));
                else if (_variableDefinition.Expression is pol.AttributeSelectorElement)
                    // Resolve the XPath query using the EvaluationEngine public methods.
                    context.Trace("Attribute selector");
                        pol.AttributeSelectorElement attributeSelector = (pol.AttributeSelectorElement)_variableDefinition.Expression;
                        BagValue bag = EvaluationEngine.Resolve(context, attributeSelector);
                        if (bag.Elements.Count == 0 && attributeSelector.MustBePresent)
                            context.Trace("Attribute is missing");
                            context.IsMissingAttribute = true;
                            _value = EvaluationValue.Indeterminate;
                            _value = new EvaluationValue(bag, bag.GetType(context));
                    catch (EvaluationException e)
                        context.Trace("ERR: {0}", e.Message);
                        context.ProcessingError = true;
                        _value = EvaluationValue.Indeterminate;
                throw new NotSupportedException("internal error");
                _isEvaluated = true;
Esempio n. 3
		/// <summary>
		/// Evaluates the variable into a value.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="context">The contex of the evaluation.</param>
		/// <returns>The value of the function.</returns>
		public EvaluationValue Evaluate( EvaluationContext context )
            if (context == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("context");
			context.Trace( "Evaluating variable" );

				if( _variableDefinition.Expression is pol.ApplyElement )
					context.Trace( "Apply within condition." );

					// There is a nested apply un this policy a new Apply will be created and also 
					// evaluated. It's return value will be used as the processed argument.
					Apply _childApply = new Apply( (pol.ApplyElement)_variableDefinition.Expression );

					// Evaluate the Apply
					_value = _childApply.Evaluate( context );

					return _value;
				else if( _variableDefinition.Expression is pol.FunctionElement )
					throw new NotImplementedException( "FunctionElement" ); //TODO:
				else if( _variableDefinition.Expression is pol.VariableReferenceElement )
					pol.VariableReferenceElement variableRef = _variableDefinition.Expression as pol.VariableReferenceElement;
					VariableDefinition variableDef = context.CurrentPolicy.VariableDefinition[ variableRef.VariableId ] as VariableDefinition;


					if( !variableDef.IsEvaluated )
						return variableDef.Evaluate( context );
						return variableDef.Value;
				else if( _variableDefinition.Expression is pol.AttributeValueElementReadWrite )
					// The AttributeValue does not need to be processed
					context.Trace( "Attribute value {0}", _variableDefinition.Expression.ToString() );

					pol.AttributeValueElementReadWrite att = (pol.AttributeValueElementReadWrite)_variableDefinition.Expression;
					pol.AttributeValueElement attributeValue = new pol.AttributeValueElement( att.DataType, att.Contents, att.SchemaVersion );

					_value = new EvaluationValue( 
						attributeValue.GetTypedValue( attributeValue.GetType( context ), 0 ), 
						attributeValue.GetType( context ) );
					return _value;
				else if( _variableDefinition.Expression is pol.AttributeDesignatorBase )
					// Resolve the AttributeDesignator using the EvaluationEngine public methods.
					context.Trace( "Processing attribute designator: {0}", _variableDefinition.Expression.ToString() );

					pol.AttributeDesignatorBase attrDes = (pol.AttributeDesignatorBase)_variableDefinition.Expression;
					BagValue bag = EvaluationEngine.Resolve( context, attrDes );

					// If the attribute was not resolved by the EvaluationEngine search the 
					// attribute in the context document, also using the EvaluationEngine public 
					// methods.
					if( bag.BagSize == 0 )
						if( _variableDefinition.Expression is pol.SubjectAttributeDesignatorElement )
							ctx.AttributeElement attrib = EvaluationEngine.GetAttribute( context, attrDes );
							if( attrib != null )
								context.Trace( "Adding subject attribute designator: {0}", attrib.ToString() );
								bag.Add( attrib );
						else if( _variableDefinition.Expression is pol.ResourceAttributeDesignatorElement )
							ctx.AttributeElement attrib = EvaluationEngine.GetAttribute( context, attrDes );
							if( attrib != null )
								context.Trace( "Adding resource attribute designator {0}", attrib.ToString() );
								bag.Add( attrib );
						else if( _variableDefinition.Expression is pol.ActionAttributeDesignatorElement )
							ctx.AttributeElement attrib = EvaluationEngine.GetAttribute( context, attrDes );
							if( attrib != null )
								context.Trace( "Adding action attribute designator {0}", attrib.ToString() );
								bag.Add( attrib );
						else if( _variableDefinition.Expression is pol.EnvironmentAttributeDesignatorElement )
							ctx.AttributeElement attrib = EvaluationEngine.GetAttribute( context, attrDes );
							if( attrib != null )
								context.Trace( "Adding environment attribute designator {0}", attrib.ToString() );
								bag.Add( attrib );

					// If the argument was not found and the attribute must be present this is 
					// a MissingAttribute situation so set the flag. Otherwise add the attribute 
					// to the processed arguments.
					if( bag.BagSize == 0 && attrDes.MustBePresent )
						context.Trace( "Attribute is missing" );
						context.IsMissingAttribute = true;
						context.AddMissingAttribute( attrDes );
						_value = EvaluationValue.Indeterminate;
						_value = new EvaluationValue( bag, bag.GetType( context ) );
					return _value;
				else if( _variableDefinition.Expression is pol.AttributeSelectorElement )
					// Resolve the XPath query using the EvaluationEngine public methods.
					context.Trace( "Attribute selector" );
						pol.AttributeSelectorElement attributeSelector = (pol.AttributeSelectorElement)_variableDefinition.Expression;
						BagValue bag = EvaluationEngine.Resolve( context, attributeSelector );
						if( bag.Elements.Count == 0 && attributeSelector.MustBePresent )
							context.Trace( "Attribute is missing" );
							context.IsMissingAttribute = true;
							context.AddMissingAttribute( attributeSelector );
							_value = EvaluationValue.Indeterminate;
							_value = new EvaluationValue( bag, bag.GetType( context ) );
					catch( EvaluationException e )
						context.Trace( "ERR: {0}", e.Message );
						context.ProcessingError = true;
						_value = EvaluationValue.Indeterminate;
					return _value;
				throw new NotSupportedException( "internal error" );
				_isEvaluated = true;
Esempio n. 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new PolicyCombinerParameter using the provided argument values.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="parameterName">The parameter name.</param>
 /// <param name="attributeValue">The attribute value.</param>
 /// <param name="policyIdRef">The policy Id reference.</param>
 /// <param name="version">The version of the schema that was used to validate.</param>
 public PolicyCombinerParameterElement(string parameterName, AttributeValueElement attributeValue, Uri policyIdRef, XacmlVersion version)
     : base(parameterName, attributeValue, version)
     _policyIdRef = policyIdRef;
Esempio n. 5
		/// <summary>
		/// Resolves the AttributeSelector in the context document using the XPath sentence.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="context">The evaluation context instance.</param>
		/// <param name="attributeSelector">The attribute selector.</param>
		/// <returns>A bag of values with the contents of the node.</returns>
		public static BagValue Resolve( EvaluationContext context, pol.AttributeSelectorElement attributeSelector )
			BagValue bagValue = new BagValue( GetDataType( attributeSelector.DataType ) );
			ctx.ResourceContentElement content = (ctx.ResourceContentElement)context.CurrentResource.ResourceContent;
			if( content != null )
				XmlDocument doc = context.ContextDocument.XmlDocument;
				if( context.ContextDocument.XmlNamespaceManager == null )
					context.ContextDocument.AddNamespaces( context.PolicyDocument.Namespaces );
					string xpath = attributeSelector.RequestContextPath;
					XmlNodeList nodeList = doc.DocumentElement.SelectNodes( xpath, context.ContextDocument.XmlNamespaceManager );
					if( nodeList != null )
						foreach( XmlNode node in nodeList )
							pol.AttributeValueElement ave = 
								new pol.AttributeValueElement( 
								attributeSelector.SchemaVersion );
							bagValue.Add( ave );
				catch( XPathException e )
					context.Trace( Resource.TRACE_ERROR, e.Message );
					bagValue = new BagValue( GetDataType( attributeSelector.DataType ) );
			return bagValue;
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new RuleCombinerParameter using the provided argument values.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="parameterName">The parameter name.</param>
 /// <param name="attributeValue">The attribute value.</param>
 /// <param name="ruleIdRef">The rule Id reference.</param>
 /// <param name="version">The version of the schema that was used to validate.</param>
 public RuleCombinerParameterElement(string parameterName, AttributeValueElement attributeValue, Uri ruleIdRef, XacmlVersion version)
     : base(parameterName, attributeValue, version)
     _ruleIdRef = ruleIdRef;
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// This method overrides the ApplyBase method in order to provide extra validations
        /// required in the condition evaluation, for example the final return value should be a
        /// boolean value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The evaluation context instance.</param>
        /// <returns>The EvaluationValue with the results of the condition evaluation.</returns>
        public override EvaluationValue Evaluate(EvaluationContext context)
            if (context == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("context");
            context.Trace("Evaluating condition");
                // Iterate through the arguments, the IExpressionType is a mark interface
                foreach (inf.IExpression arg in ApplyDefinition.Arguments)
                    if (arg is pol.ApplyElement)
                        context.Trace("Apply within condition.");

                        // There is a nested apply un this policy a new Apply will be created and also
                        // evaluated. It's return value will be used as the processed argument.
                        Apply _childApply = new Apply((pol.ApplyElement)arg);

                        // Evaluate the Apply
                        EvaluationValue retVal = _childApply.Evaluate(context);

                    else if (arg is pol.FunctionElementReadWrite)
                        throw new NotImplementedException("FunctionElement");                           //TODO:
                    else if (arg is pol.VariableReferenceElement)
                        pol.VariableReferenceElement variableRef = arg as pol.VariableReferenceElement;
                        VariableDefinition           variableDef = context.CurrentPolicy.VariableDefinition[variableRef.VariableId] as VariableDefinition;

                        if (!variableDef.IsEvaluated)
                    else if (arg is pol.AttributeValueElementReadWrite)
                        // The AttributeValue does not need to be processed
                        context.Trace("Attribute value {0}", arg.ToString());

                        pol.AttributeValueElement attributeValue = new pol.AttributeValueElement(((pol.AttributeValueElementReadWrite)arg).DataType, ((pol.AttributeValueElementReadWrite)arg).Contents, ((pol.AttributeValueElementReadWrite)arg).SchemaVersion);

                        return(new EvaluationValue(
                                   attributeValue.GetTypedValue(attributeValue.GetType(context), 0),
                    else if (arg is pol.AttributeDesignatorBase)
                        // Returning an empty bag, since the condition is not supposed to work with a bag
                        context.Trace("Processing attribute designator: {0}", arg.ToString());

                        pol.AttributeDesignatorBase attrDes = (pol.AttributeDesignatorBase)arg;
                        BagValue bag = new BagValue(EvaluationEngine.GetDataType(attrDes.DataType));
                        return(new EvaluationValue(bag, bag.GetType(context)));
                    else if (arg is pol.AttributeSelectorElement)
                        // Returning an empty bag, since the condition is not supposed to work with a bag
                        context.Trace("Attribute selector");

                        pol.AttributeSelectorElement attrSel = (pol.AttributeSelectorElement)arg;
                        BagValue bag = new BagValue(EvaluationEngine.GetDataType(attrSel.DataType));
                        return(new EvaluationValue(bag, bag.GetType(context)));
                throw new NotSupportedException("internal error");
Esempio n. 8
		/// <summary>
		/// This method overrides the ApplyBase method in order to provide extra validations 
		/// required in the condition evaluation, for example the final return value should be a
		/// boolean value.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="context">The evaluation context instance.</param>
		/// <returns>The EvaluationValue with the results of the condition evaluation.</returns>
		public override EvaluationValue Evaluate( EvaluationContext context )
            if (context == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("context");
			context.Trace( "Evaluating condition" );
				// Iterate through the arguments, the IExpressionType is a mark interface
				foreach( inf.IExpression arg in ApplyDefinition.Arguments )
					if( arg is pol.ApplyElement )
						context.Trace( "Apply within condition." );

						// There is a nested apply un this policy a new Apply will be created and also 
						// evaluated. It's return value will be used as the processed argument.
						Apply _childApply = new Apply( (pol.ApplyElement)arg );

						// Evaluate the Apply
						EvaluationValue retVal = _childApply.Evaluate( context );

						return retVal;
					else if( arg is pol.FunctionElementReadWrite )
						throw new NotImplementedException( "FunctionElement" ); //TODO:
					else if( arg is pol.VariableReferenceElement )
						pol.VariableReferenceElement variableRef = arg as pol.VariableReferenceElement;
						VariableDefinition variableDef = context.CurrentPolicy.VariableDefinition[ variableRef.VariableId ] as VariableDefinition;

						if( !variableDef.IsEvaluated )
							return variableDef.Evaluate( context );
							return variableDef.Value;
					else if( arg is pol.AttributeValueElementReadWrite )
						// The AttributeValue does not need to be processed
						context.Trace( "Attribute value {0}", arg.ToString() );
						pol.AttributeValueElement attributeValue = new pol.AttributeValueElement( ((pol.AttributeValueElementReadWrite)arg).DataType, ((pol.AttributeValueElementReadWrite)arg).Contents, ((pol.AttributeValueElementReadWrite)arg).SchemaVersion );

						return new EvaluationValue( 
							attributeValue.GetTypedValue( attributeValue.GetType( context ), 0 ), 
							attributeValue.GetType( context ) );
					else if( arg is pol.AttributeDesignatorBase )
						// Returning an empty bag, since the condition is not supposed to work with a bag
						context.Trace( "Processing attribute designator: {0}", arg.ToString() );

						pol.AttributeDesignatorBase attrDes = (pol.AttributeDesignatorBase)arg;
						BagValue bag = new BagValue( EvaluationEngine.GetDataType( attrDes.DataType ) );
						return new EvaluationValue( bag, bag.GetType( context ) );
					else if( arg is pol.AttributeSelectorElement )
						// Returning an empty bag, since the condition is not supposed to work with a bag
						context.Trace( "Attribute selector" );

						pol.AttributeSelectorElement attrSel = (pol.AttributeSelectorElement)arg;
						BagValue bag = new BagValue( EvaluationEngine.GetDataType( attrSel.DataType ) );
						return new EvaluationValue( bag, bag.GetType( context ) );
				throw new NotSupportedException( "internal error" );
Esempio n. 9
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new CombinerParameter using the provided argument values.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="parameterName">The parameter name.</param>
 /// <param name="attributeValue">The attribute value.</param>
 /// <param name="schemaVersion">The version of the schema that was used to validate.</param>
 public CombinerParameterElement(string parameterName, AttributeValueElement attributeValue, XacmlVersion schemaVersion)
     : base(XacmlSchema.Policy, schemaVersion)
     _parameterName  = parameterName;
     _attributeValue = attributeValue;