public override void OnGUI(MaterialEditor materialEditor, MaterialProperty[] props) { Material material = as Material; Shader shader = material.shader; isCutout = material.GetInt("_BlendMode") == 1; isDithered = material.GetInt("_BlendMode") == 2; isRefractive = material.GetInt("_UseRefraction") == 1; isOutlined ="Outline"); isPatreonShader ="Patreon"); isEyeTracking ="EyeTracking"); //Find all material properties listed in the script using reflection, and set them using a loop only if they're of type MaterialProperty. //This makes things a lot nicer to maintain and cleaner to look at. foreach (var property in GetType().GetFields(bindingFlags)) { if (property.FieldType == typeof(MaterialProperty)) { try { property.SetValue(this, FindProperty(property.Name, props)); } catch { /*Is it really a problem if it doesn't exist?*/ } } } EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); { XSStyles.ShurikenHeaderCentered("XSToon v" + XSStyles.ver); material.SetShaderPassEnabled("Always", isRefractive); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_AdvMode, new GUIContent("Shader Mode", "Setting this to 'Advanced' will give you access to things such as stenciling, and other expiremental/advanced features.")); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_Culling, new GUIContent("Culling Mode", "Changes the culling mode. 'Off' will result in a two sided material, while 'Front' and 'Back' will cull those sides respectively")); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_TilingMode, new GUIContent("Tiling Mode", "Setting this to Merged will tile and offset all textures based on the Main texture's Tiling/Offset.")); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_BlendMode, new GUIContent("Blend Mode", "Blend mode of the material. (Opaque, transparent, cutout, etc.)")); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_UseRefraction, new GUIContent("Refraction", "Should this material be refractive? (Warning, this can be expensive!)")); DoBlendModeSettings(material); DrawMainSettings(materialEditor); DrawDissolveSettings(materialEditor); DrawShadowSettings(materialEditor, material); DrawOutlineSettings(materialEditor); DrawNormalSettings(materialEditor); DrawSpecularSettings(materialEditor); DrawReflectionsSettings(materialEditor, material); DrawRefractionSettings(materialEditor); DrawEmissionSettings(materialEditor); DrawRimlightSettings(materialEditor); DrawHalfToneSettings(materialEditor); DrawTransmissionSettings(materialEditor); DrawAdvancedSettings(materialEditor); DrawPatreonSettings(materialEditor); XSStyles.DoFooter(); } }
public override void OnGUI(MaterialEditor materialEditor, MaterialProperty[] props) { Material material = as Material; Shader shader = material.shader; isDithered ="Dithered"); isCutout ="Cutout") && !"A2C"); isCutoutMasked ="A2C") &&"Masked"); isOutlined ="Outline"); isPatreonShader ="Patreon"); isEyeTracking ="EyeTracking"); //Find all material properties listed in the script using reflection, and set them using a loop only if they're of type MaterialProperty. //This makes things a lot nicer to maintain and cleaner to look at. foreach (var property in GetType().GetFields(bindingFlags)) { if (property.FieldType == typeof(MaterialProperty)) { try{ property.SetValue(this, FindProperty(property.Name, props)); } catch { /*Is it really a problem if it doesn't exist?*/ } } } EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); { if (!isCutout && !isCutoutMasked) // Do this to make sure that if you're using AlphaToCoverage that you fallback to cutout with 0.5 Cutoff if your shaders are blocked. { material.SetFloat("_Cutoff", 0.5f); } XSStyles.ShurikenHeaderCentered("XSToon v" + XSStyles.ver); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_AdvMode, new GUIContent("Shader Mode", "Setting this to 'Advanced' will give you access to things such as stenciling, and other expiremental/advanced features.")); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_Culling, new GUIContent("Culling Mode", "Changes the culling mode. 'Off' will result in a two sided material, while 'Front' and 'Back' will cull those sides respectively")); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_TilingMode, new GUIContent("Tiling Mode", "Setting this to Merged will tile and offset all textures based on the Main texture's Tiling/Offset.")); DrawMainSettings(materialEditor); DrawShadowSettings(materialEditor, material); DrawOutlineSettings(materialEditor); DrawNormalSettings(materialEditor); DrawSpecularSettings(materialEditor); DrawReflectionsSettings(materialEditor, material); DrawEmissionSettings(materialEditor); DrawRimlightSettings(materialEditor); DrawHalfToneSettings(materialEditor); DrawTransmissionSettings(materialEditor); DrawAdvancedSettings(materialEditor); DrawPatreonSettings(materialEditor); XSStyles.DoFooter(); } }