Esempio n. 1
        public int createXRAY()
            //Process GUID. If in decimal form, convert to hex.
            if (Regex.IsMatch(guid, "/[a-zA-Z]/"))
                guid = guid.ToUpper();
                long guidDec;
                long.TryParse(guid, out guidDec);
                guid = guidDec.ToString("X");
            if (guid == "0")
                Console.WriteLine("Something bad happened while converting the GUID.");
                return 1;

            Console.WriteLine("Downloading Shelfari page... {0}", useSpoilers ? "SHOWING SPOILERS!" : "");
            //Download HTML of Shelfari URL, try 3 times just in case it fails the first time
            string shelfariHTML = "";
            int tries = 3;
                    //Enable cookies on extended webclient
                    CookieContainer jar = new CookieContainer();
                    using (WebClientEx client = new WebClientEx(jar))
                        //shelfariURL = "";
                        if (useSpoilers)
                            //Grab book ID from url (search for 5 digits between slashes) and create spoiler cookie
                            string bookID = Regex.Match(shelfariURL, @"\/\d{5}").Value.Substring(1, 5);
                            Cookie spoilers = new Cookie("ShelfariBookWikiSession", "", "/", "");
                            spoilers.Value = "{\"SpoilerShowAll\":true%2C\"SpoilerShowCharacters\":true%2C\"SpoilerBookId\":" + bookID + "%2C\"SpoilerShowPSS\":true%2C\"SpoilerShowQuotations\":true%2C\"SpoilerShowParents\":true%2C\"SpoilerShowThemes\":true}";
                        shelfariHTML = client.DownloadString(shelfariURL);
                    if (tries <= 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("Failed to connect to Shelfari URL.");
                        return 1;
            } while (tries-- > 0);

            /*** Constants for wiki processing ***/
            Dictionary<string, string> sections = new Dictionary<string, string>{
                {"WikiModule_Characters", "character"}, {"WikiModule_Organizations", "topic"}, {"WikiModule_Settings", "topic"},
                {"WikiModule_Glossary", "topic"} }; //, {"WikiModule_Themes", "topic"} };
            string[] patterns = { @"""" }; //, @"\[\d\]", @"\s*?\(.*\)\s*?" }; //Escape quotes, numbers in brackets, and anything within brackets at all
            string[] replacements = { @"\""" }; //, @"", @"" };

            //Parse elements from various headers listed in sections
            HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument shelfariDoc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();
            foreach (string header in sections.Keys)
                if (!shelfariHTML.Contains(header)) continue; //Skip section if not found on page
                //Select <li> nodes on page from within the <div id=header> tag, under <ul class=li_6>
                HtmlNodeCollection characterNodes = shelfariDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[@id='" + header + "']//ul[@class='li_6']/li");
                foreach (HtmlNode li in characterNodes)
                    string tmpString = li.InnerText;
                    Term newTerm = new Term(sections[header]); //Create term as either character/topic
                    if (tmpString.Contains(":"))
                        newTerm.termName = tmpString.Substring(0, tmpString.IndexOf(":"));
                        newTerm.desc = tmpString.Substring(tmpString.IndexOf(":") + 1).Trim();
                        newTerm.termName = tmpString;
                    newTerm.termName = newTerm.termName.PregReplace(patterns, replacements);
                    newTerm.desc = newTerm.desc.PregReplace(patterns, replacements);
                    newTerm.descSrc = "shelfari";
                    //Use either the associated shelfari URL of the term or if none exists, use the book's url
                    //Could use a wikipedia page instead as the xray plugin/site does but I decided not to
                    newTerm.descUrl = (li.InnerHtml.IndexOf("<a href") == 0 ? li.InnerHtml.Substring(9, li.InnerHtml.IndexOf("\"", 9) - 9) : shelfariURL);
                    if (header == "WikiModule_Glossary") newTerm.matchCase = false; //Default glossary terms to be case insensitive when searching through book

            //Export list of Shelfari characters to a file to make it easier to create aliases or import the modified aliases if they exist
            //Could potentially just attempt to automate the creation of aliases, but in some cases it is very subjective...
            //For example, Shelfari shows the character "Artemis Fowl II", but in the book he is either referred to as "Artemis Fowl", "Artemis", or even "Arty"
            //Other characters have one name on Shelfari but can have completely different names within the book
            string aliasFile;
            if (aliaspath == "")
                aliasFile = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\ext\\" + asin + ".aliases";
                aliasFile = aliaspath;
            if (!File.Exists(aliasFile))
                Console.WriteLine("Characters exported to {0} for adding aliases.", aliasFile);
                Console.WriteLine("Character aliases read from {0}.", aliasFile);

            Console.WriteLine("Terms found on Shelfari:");
            foreach (Term t in terms)
                Console.Write("{0}, ", t.termName);

            if (!unattended)
                Console.Write("\b\b  \nContinue building using these terms (cancel if you want to add aliases)? (Y/N) ");
                string input = Console.ReadLine();
                if (input.ToLower() != "y")
                    return 1;

            return 0;
Esempio n. 2
        public int createXRAY()
            //Process GUID. If in decimal form, convert to hex.
            if (Regex.IsMatch(guid, "/[a-zA-Z]/"))
                guid = guid.ToUpper();
                long guidDec;
                long.TryParse(guid, out guidDec);
                guid = guidDec.ToString("X");
            if (guid == "0")
                Console.WriteLine("Something bad happened while converting the GUID.");

            Console.WriteLine("Downloading Shelfari page... {0}", useSpoilers ? "SHOWING SPOILERS!" : "");
            //Download HTML of Shelfari URL, try 3 times just in case it fails the first time
            string shelfariHTML = "";
            int    tries        = 3;

                    //Enable cookies on extended webclient
                    CookieContainer jar = new CookieContainer();
                    using (WebClientEx client = new WebClientEx(jar))
                        //shelfariURL = "";
                        if (useSpoilers)
                            //Grab book ID from url (search for 5 digits between slashes) and create spoiler cookie
                            string bookID   = Regex.Match(shelfariURL, @"\/\d{5}").Value.Substring(1, 5);
                            Cookie spoilers = new Cookie("ShelfariBookWikiSession", "", "/", "");
                            spoilers.Value = "{\"SpoilerShowAll\":true%2C\"SpoilerShowCharacters\":true%2C\"SpoilerBookId\":" + bookID + "%2C\"SpoilerShowPSS\":true%2C\"SpoilerShowQuotations\":true%2C\"SpoilerShowParents\":true%2C\"SpoilerShowThemes\":true}";
                        shelfariHTML = client.DownloadString(shelfariURL);
                    if (tries <= 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("Failed to connect to Shelfari URL.");
            } while (tries-- > 0);

            /*** Constants for wiki processing ***/
            Dictionary <string, string> sections = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { "WikiModule_Characters", "character" }, { "WikiModule_Organizations", "topic" }, { "WikiModule_Settings", "topic" },
                { "WikiModule_Glossary", "topic" }
            };                                  //, {"WikiModule_Themes", "topic"} };

            string[] patterns     = { @"""" };  //, @"\[\d\]", @"\s*?\(.*\)\s*?" }; //Escape quotes, numbers in brackets, and anything within brackets at all
            string[] replacements = { @"\""" }; //, @"", @"" };

            //Parse elements from various headers listed in sections
            HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument shelfariDoc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();
            foreach (string header in sections.Keys)
                if (!shelfariHTML.Contains(header))
                    continue;                                 //Skip section if not found on page
                //Select <li> nodes on page from within the <div id=header> tag, under <ul class=li_6>
                HtmlNodeCollection characterNodes = shelfariDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[@id='" + header + "']//ul[@class='li_6']/li");
                foreach (HtmlNode li in characterNodes)
                    string tmpString = li.InnerText;
                    Term   newTerm   = new Term(sections[header]); //Create term as either character/topic
                    if (tmpString.Contains(":"))
                        newTerm.termName = tmpString.Substring(0, tmpString.IndexOf(":"));
                        newTerm.desc     = tmpString.Substring(tmpString.IndexOf(":") + 1).Trim();
                        newTerm.termName = tmpString;
                    newTerm.termName = newTerm.termName.PregReplace(patterns, replacements);
                    newTerm.desc     = newTerm.desc.PregReplace(patterns, replacements);
                    newTerm.descSrc  = "shelfari";
                    //Use either the associated shelfari URL of the term or if none exists, use the book's url
                    //Could use a wikipedia page instead as the xray plugin/site does but I decided not to
                    newTerm.descUrl = (li.InnerHtml.IndexOf("<a href") == 0 ? li.InnerHtml.Substring(9, li.InnerHtml.IndexOf("\"", 9) - 9) : shelfariURL);
                    if (header == "WikiModule_Glossary")
                        newTerm.matchCase = false;                                  //Default glossary terms to be case insensitive when searching through book

            //Export list of Shelfari characters to a file to make it easier to create aliases or import the modified aliases if they exist
            //Could potentially just attempt to automate the creation of aliases, but in some cases it is very subjective...
            //For example, Shelfari shows the character "Artemis Fowl II", but in the book he is either referred to as "Artemis Fowl", "Artemis", or even "Arty"
            //Other characters have one name on Shelfari but can have completely different names within the book
            string aliasFile;

            if (aliaspath == "")
                aliasFile = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\ext\\" + asin + ".aliases";
                aliasFile = aliaspath;
            if (!File.Exists(aliasFile))
                Console.WriteLine("Characters exported to {0} for adding aliases.", aliasFile);
                Console.WriteLine("Character aliases read from {0}.", aliasFile);

            Console.WriteLine("Terms found on Shelfari:");
            foreach (Term t in terms)
                Console.Write("{0}, ", t.termName);

            if (!unattended)
                Console.Write("\b\b  \nContinue building using these terms (cancel if you want to add aliases)? (Y/N) ");
                string input = Console.ReadLine();
                if (input.ToLower() != "y")
